ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (13 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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Angel spent the next few days convincing herself she had not actually seen the neighbor go from bear to super-stud. It was a trick of the moonlight that was all, just a trick of the light. She kept telling herself that but still avoided him when she saw he was outside. She almost managed to convince herself of that until three days later when she bumped into him as she was running out of her door to go to the store before it closed.

Angel ran straight into his chest and was shocked when she suddenly came to a complete stop. Looking up, she wasn’t sure whether to laugh, faint, or run back into the safety of her apartment as the man grinned down at her and growled, opening his eyes wide playfully.

“Don’t eat me,” was all she managed to get out before she actually, really truly fainted. Like some sappy heroine from an old movie, she just sagged against the man as her mind simply refused to take any more in. Luckily he caught her before she fell.

Chapter Two

ngel’s eyes
fluttered as she became aware of a voice singing sweetly not far away from her. The song came from a male voice, deep and stirring, the sweet mournful sound made her want to comfort the singer, to take away the sadness in that voice. Opening her eyes, Angel looked up to see her neighbor was the singer, singing an old song about a man losing the love of his life and desperately wanting her back. She smiled at the man, but the smile turned into a flush as she realized she’d fainted and he’d caught her. Her cheeks flamed deeper as she remembered why she’d fainted. Shifting quickly, she pulled her legs under her, preparing to run out of the place at the first sign of danger.

Looking around she realized she must be in his home, dark masculine colors and dark leather furniture dominated the room, which was shaped exactly as her own was. Angel had decorated her side with pastel, light colors that inspired a coolness that was necessary in the heat out here. She liked his place though, but that didn’t stop her from being terrified of him. She met his eyes again, unasked questions obvious in her dark eyes.

“I’m not going to hurt you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m sorry I frightened you. I guess my attempt at being funny fell flat. Would you like a drink?” Oh he did have a beautiful voice, Angel thought.

“Um, no. I’m fine, what time is it? I was rushing out to meet the train, I need more art supplies. I guess I’ve missed it for the day now. I’ll just try tomorrow I guess, um, please excuse me; I’ll get out of your place now. Thank you very much.” Angel stood, preparing to leave when the man held his hand out, hoping to stop her.

“If you need to get somewhere maybe I can take you? I have a vehicle, it wouldn’t be a problem, and I’m not doing anything today. I’d be glad to get out actually.”

“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to be a bother, I’ll just go tomorrow. It’s really no big deal.” Angel said, trying to walk away again, as her resolve began to dissolve. She steeled herself, however, he was male after all.

“Aw, it wouldn’t be no problem, ma’am, it’d be a break for me, really. Also, I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Felix Waters. As I said, I wouldn’t mind getting out of here for a little while and maybe you can show me around a little bit?”

Her knees practically melted as his southern accent somehow increased. She wanted to listen to him read books, newspapers, cereal boxes, anything just to keep him talking. Down girl, she told herself, you’ve been alone a long time but still, think of your safety. Although going to town in a car would take a lot less time than taking the train, going in, then coming back on the train.

“Well then, Felix, I’m Angel. Nice to meet you. If you’re sure it’s no problem?”

“Not a problem at all. Shall we head out now? Are you feeling better?” He asked with concern.

“Oh sure, I’m fine. Just got a little worked up I guess. I do apologize for that. You must think I’m an idiot!”

“Not at all,” Felix said as they walked towards his truck. “It was thoughtless of me and I do apologize again. My mother would beat me silly if she knew I’d done that.”

“Oh, I’m sure that smile of yours would get you out of it!” Angel said with a laugh, then blushed as she realized what she’d said. She looked away, rolling her eyes at herself. Sheesh Angel, dork much?

“It would if she hadn’t passed away recently. Her and my father are both gone now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Mine are both gone too. I miss them dearly.”

“We have something in common then. We’re both orphans.” Felix smiled at her reassuringly with sympathy.

“There is that.” Angel said back, looking away as she wondered if he really had turned into a bear or not. Surely she’d just dreamed it, or hallucinated, maybe Michael had damaged her brain? He didn’t seem to have any bear qualities, he didn’t even have hair on the back of his hands, or long teeth, or anything. Just a normal, if rather tall, man who also happened to be very fit.

Felix drove Angel to the shop for her art supplies, asking about her line of work, and she told him about her painting. She wasn’t really selling any of it right now but she hoped to one day. Felix told her about his information technology career, a job where he could pick up freelance work online and still travel as he chose. Angel went on to show him other shops he may be interested in and then they stopped at a café for some coffee and a light dinner.

Over the next few weeks, Angel didn’t learn anything about how old Felix was, but she guessed in his 30s, but she did learn that he was 6 foot 5 inches tall. Practically a foot and a half taller than she was! It made walking around awkward sometimes, people would stare at them, but she enjoyed his company. They spent their days by the pool, relaxing and talking about their work, and during the nights; one would cook or they’d go out together to one of the local eateries. Sometimes one of them would be working on something and they’d stay in their homes but the other one would always go in to check on the other.

Angel felt like she was really building a friendship with Felix, one built on mutual respect, caring, and kindness. Felix had never tried to kiss her or take their relationship in another direction, and she was grateful for that but at the same time, she was starting to have feelings for him. She had nobody but him to talk to; she’d lost contact with all of her friends over the years because of Michael, and any family she might have left was lost to the winds.

After her life with Michael, Angel wasn’t sure how to approach Felix, or if she even should. Michael had made her feel useless, as though she’d been a terrible housewife, an even worse person, and unworthy of love. So many times Michael wouldn’t be able to perform in the bedroom and he’d tell her it was her fault, she wasn’t exciting enough or sexy enough but if she tried to dress in a provocative way he just called her a whore. Michael also hit her more when he couldn’t perform and that combined with how perfunctory he was at it, giving her no pleasure at all, it made Angel cringe at the idea of changing her relationship with Felix.

She now knew most of the problem had actually been with Michael, not anything she’d ever done wrong, but still, there were little niggling doubts that she couldn’t get rid of. Angel wished she could because Felix was a wonderful man; generous, sweet, funny, and he was just generally a really great guy. He helped clean up and never complained about anything, he’d even stopped to help a family stuck on the side of the road when their car broke down, ferrying them all into town in his truck with them. She was just too frightened to open up that much again.

Michael had been sweet and funny when they first got together and he’d learned that she came from a family with money. He’d take her out, buy her things, and ply her with wine and roses. He completely changed on their wedding night and it had just grown worse over time, until she was completely isolated and alone. Angel didn’t think she could get through that again. At the same time, she was starting to see that not all men were like Michael. Not all relationships were the same, so maybe in time she could thaw out a little and take a chance. For now she was happy having a friend.

Angel had even opened up a little bit to Felix about Michael, not going into detail about it but she let him know it hadn’t been a happy marriage and that it was part of the reason she was in Mexico now. Felix told her he’d never been married, too consumed in his work to even date most of the time. He’d miss dates, special events, and women just didn’t like that. He’d come to Mexico to have some time to himself, he’d made enough money to live comfortably off of now, after selling some kind of software and he just wanted to work on projects that needed help such as nonprofits that were building webpages and such. Peace and quiet, they decided, was what they were both after, even though they were rarely quiet when together. That lack of quiet suited them just fine though as the days passed and their friendship grew.

Angel smiled as she saw Felix heading to her place with the post as she looked up from the dishes she was doing, to look out of the window. Her smile slipped as he stared at one of the envelopes. For some reason Felix looked upset, and she wondered if he’d received some bad news. She hoped not, and dried her hands as she left the dishes in the sink.

She heard him calling for her as he came in her front door, not even bothering to knock anymore, which brought the smile back, but it quickly disappeared again as he found her in the hallway walking into the living room. Concern etched lines into her face as she walked up to him, a question forming on her lips.

“What’s wrong Felix? Have you had bad news?” She asked.

“No, it seems you have. I debated giving this to you but I can’t keep it from you. It’s your business,” he said after taking a deep breath.

Angel’s heart rate increased as he spoke, wondering, almost knowing who the letter was from before she saw it. Taking the envelope with trembling hands, Angel looked up at Felix, her fear evident. She didn’t want to take the envelope from him. She could almost feel the evil it contained and she didn’t have to look long to know it was from Michael. Felix said it all with his expression; with his words. Her slice of heaven had been discovered.

Angel finally dragged her eyes down, looking at the return address. She stumbled back; actually falling but Felix was there to catch her. He pulled her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom, sitting her down, and disappeared for a moment as he went for a glass of water. He knelt in front of her once she took the glass and spoke to her gently.

“Angel, whatever it says, whatever that jackass has to say to you, I am here for you and I will protect you. Do you understand me? This changes nothing. You’re still my little buddy and Michael will never hurt you again. I know I don’t know exactly what happened with him but I saw the pain when you spoke about him, I noticed the unspoken words, and the way your voice shook when you talked about him, and he will never, ever hurt you again, do you hear me? I swear that to you!”

Angel could only look at Felix. She didn’t want to open the envelope but knowing she had a friend that cared, that promised to be there with her gave her courage. She tore the seal, pulled out the one piece of paper inside of it, and let the letter flutter open onto her bed. As soon as Felix saw the words he snatched the paper off of the bed and crumpled it up, but Angel had already seen what it said.

In large block letters Michael had typed the words: “I know where you are. Payback time.”

Chapter Three

’ll be here
, Angel.”

Angel remembered the words as she watched her door shatter, as Michael kicked it down two nights later. She’d spent those two days preparing a bag in case she needed to run, getting everything ready in case she needed to leave, and had her passports and other papers in a pouch under her shirt. The words Felix had spoken replayed through her mind as Angel ran to her bedroom, hoping to climb through her bedroom window if she could just get the door shut in time and locked. It seemed she was alone again, running from Michael’s violence.

He’d shown up finally; banging on the door, and screaming insults at her. Words like whore, die, and words that were just too ugly to think about but were far too familiar the rage was too familiar and instead of waiting on anyone to save her, she ran. She made it to the bedroom but Michael came raging through it. He pulled her under him then threw her on the bed.

“Oh you are going to pay, bitch. A year locked up, a year of my life gone for your pitiful trifling ass. You think the last time was bad; you may not make it out of here alive this time. You weren’t supposed to the last time either, but oh no, always fucking up my plans aren’t you, Angel. You don’t live up to your name very well. I’ve watched you now, with your boyfriend across the way there. Already whoring it up aren’t you? I knew you couldn’t keep those legs of yours closed. Now, where do I st…” Michael’s stream of vicious words were cut off as he seemed to magically fly backwards through the air, and a terrible roar filled the air.

Angel sat up, eyes going wide as she saw Felix kick Michael across the room. She huddled on the bed as fists met flesh, as Michael screamed in pain, and she hid her eyes in a pillow, not wanting to see any more violence. She heard the grunts, the growls Felix released with each connection his fists made, and tried to block even that out. The aggression and the violence were horrifying and she just wanted to be away from it all.

Finally, the noises stopped and she heard Felix telling Michael to get out and not to come back because Felix wouldn’t let him live the next time he came near Angel. Words so similar to Michael’s, it made Angel tremble even more. She heard Michael pick himself up and stumble out of the door.

Lifting her head, Angel looked at Felix with miserable eyes. He was breathing heavily and stumbled a bit as he walked to Angel, a question in his eyes. Her face was red and puffy from crying, her breath hitching in her throat as she sobbed. She couldn’t answer; she only hid her face in the pillows again, trying not to scream.

Felix picked her up and carried her to his apartment, laying her on his bed as he went into rinse his hands off. His knuckles were bloody and bruised, but he just gritted his teeth and cleaned the wounds, his ears constantly perked for any sign of Michael’s return. When he went back into his bedroom he found Angel asleep, curled up into the tiniest ball, so small he almost didn’t see her under the covers. He changed into sleep pants and got in with her, pulling her to him so that she could sleep, safe in his arms.

Angel woke up hours later, confused about where she was but she smelled Felix’s scent, felt his skin beneath her face, and knew where she was. She’d turned her brain off hours earlier, falling asleep as a form of escape. She wasn’t thinking, only feeling and right now she needed to know she was alive. She smoothed her hands down the hard muscles of Felix’s chest, around his nipples, which made his hips twitch in his sleep and a sigh escaped his sleeping lips as her hand moved down, over his flat taught stomach.

Angel refused to think as she let her hand wander further, under the waistband of his pants, through the thicket of hair that met her fingers, to the hard flesh that protruded from it. Angel sighed as she felt him pulsing in her hand, the movement affirming life, strength she could not understand but needed. As her fingers moved over him, teasing him, Angel felt pleasure herself from the friction of her legs moving together.

She slid away momentarily, sliding her clothes off before moving over him, pulling his pants down around his hips. Angel took him into her mouth, her ministrations finally waking Felix up. He placed his hands on her head, wanting to stop her but her tongue danced on his cock as she sucked her way up and Felix forgot what he was going to say. He let his head fall back onto the pillow, concentrating on watching her mouth as she went down on him again; swallowing all of the hard flesh he had to give her.

Angel’s pleasure grew as she made love to Felix with her mouth, not even touching herself but somehow becoming more aroused as his dick grew harder and harder in her mouth, as his groans increased. She realized the sexual power she had for the first time as Felix’s hips thrust up to meet her face. The power was a drug; an aphrodisiac she’d never known existed. She could feel her own moisture for the first time and wondered what the sex was going to be like, when they finally got there.

Felix stopped moving suddenly, his hand gently forcing Angel’s movements to stop. She’d been enjoying the feel of him in her mouth, the strange texture of a man’s cock sliding safely between her teeth a new experience. Angel would not let other thoughts intrude, only focusing on Felix and the slide of his flesh between her lips, the sound of his breaths, the feel of his body moving beneath hers as her full breasts pressed into his legs.

He was very large, his cock size matching the size of his body and she wondered how she was going to fit all of him inside of her body. Eying the beast that was his dick as she let him slide out of her mouth, knowing that his movements must mean he was close, she knew that she could take him inside of her, especially if she could swallow him down her throat. She moved, maintaining control; Felix somehow knowing she needed to do this her way, straddling his hips between her legs as she positioned herself to let him slide in between her moist folds.

Angel let herself slide down his length slowly, taking him in inch by inch. She opened for him with each of her own breaths, the urge to moan too strong to ignore as he went deeper into her body. Her eyes were closed as she rode his body but she opened them as his hands came up to cup her breasts. She looked down at him, not saying a word, just moving her hips. He pulled her down, his lips sighing over her neck as he thrust up into her, until his lips reached her ear.

“You are so beautiful, Angel.” She turned her head, looking into the mirror beside his bed. The moonlight was enough to allow her to see her body moving on him and she was astonished at how lovely she actually was, her reflection revealing her serpentine movements, and the loveliness of her body in motion. Her inner muscles started to tighten, a sensation she’d never felt before; building, growing, and spreading throughout her body as his fingers found the sensitive spot she knew was there but had never really explored.

Her head fell forward as tension exploded inside of her and her movements became involuntary. Angel’s head flew back as the explosion increased and a shout strangled its way out of her throat. Her eyes opened wide but she could not see, she could only feel the most joyous sensations she’d ever felt in her life as her body spasmed around Felix’s cock. The muscles inside of her body grasping, trying to pull him deeper inside, almost swallowing him and Felix’s cries joined her own as his pace increased, his thrusts quicker and shorter as she felt him pulsing inside of her.

She slumped there, against his chest, her legs still pinning him to the bed. Her mind was totally, blissfully blank, and she fell asleep again, contentment flowing through every part of her body.

Angel woke again as the sun started to peak through the bedroom window. Survival would not release her brain and escape was all she could think of. She gathered her clothes, and quietly left Felix there sleeping, unaware that she was leaving.

She ran to her own apartment, gathered her things, scribbled a note for Felix and taped it to the remnants of her door as she stole away. The need to escape Michael, the violence she’d seen Felix display, finally overtaking her need to hide from the world, and she ran towards the train station, hoping she would make it there before Felix woke up and came after her.

As the plane ascended, Angel stared out the window, trying to distract herself from the trembling that overtook her body now that she was finally fleeing Mexico. It had taken a week of travelling to get to the airport, and then a few more days before she could get a flight out and she’d been terrified Michael would find her again in that time. She did not want him back, did not want to be anywhere near him, and was fleeing him far more than she was fleeing Felix.

Felix had frightened her, however, with his display of violence. He’d shown up finally, he’d protected her, she couldn’t fault him there, but the raw power, the roaring sounds that reminded her of the bear she’d once imagined he’d become terrified her. Sure, he’d used that power and that violence to protect her but it still frightened her, she thought as she wiped away a tear that had escaped her eye. She turned away from the window as the air hostess came through and gave her the glass of wine she requested. Settling in, Angel let her mind go blank again as she sipped the beverage, knowing a battle would ensue once she landed and that she would have to face whatever Maine had to dump into her lap.

Over the next few weeks Angel spoke with Michael’s probation officer and had him re-arrested for stalking. He was taken, ranting and screaming profanities, when he crossed back into America from Mexico, where he was not supposed to be. This time his charges were even more extensive. He was not going to be getting out of jail so easily this time.

Angel had also hired a lawyer to successfully get her divorce from Michael finalized. The longer prison sentence he was facing didn’t help him as he fought the divorce and he finally caved and signed the papers five months after she left Mexico. She was a free woman now, even though she hadn’t felt like she’d been married to Michael for a long time. The legal acknowledgement of that feeling was powerful, however, and she now carried the papers with her wherever she went, just to keep them safe.

Angel was also avoiding Felix. She’d shut down her email accounts he knew about and turned off her mobile phone from Mexico so she didn’t have to ignore his phone calls anymore. She regretted that when she visited the doctor three months after fleeing Mexico, and her doctor came back into the exam room to explain to her why she was feeling so tired, why she was gaining weight, and sick all the time. She wasn’t sick or dying of some cancer, she was just pregnant.

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