ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (80 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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Chapter Four

iam abandoned
the bottle and disappeared out the door. The desire to be alone overpowered his pack instinct. Straddling his motorcycle, he took off, heading back up the highway.

Enjoying the feeling of the wind on his bare arms, Liam realized he left his jacket with Meagan when he helped her. He smiled thinking of her shy behaviour with him. Closing his eyes, he allowed the memory of her scent to wash over him. She was the first woman since Jules to pique his interest on more than a physical level.

He stopped his bike where he helped her change the tire and looked around. Part of him hoped she discarded the jacket, but another part, the part not willing just to let it go, hoped she kept it. Liam turned to take in the air around him. Smiling, he picked up a faint hint of her.

He headed back to his bike, continuing down the highway, he pulled into the grocery store, glad to see it still open. She mentioned a cabin; Liam figured this was her supply stop. Parking the bike in the shadows, he headed inside.

Liam stopped as soon as he entered the shop. He picked up a mix of scents, Gerard’s was one of them, but another was fear. Liam moved quietly through the aisles, toward the strongest scent – fear.

Stopping at the counter, he found a man, a deep cut to his chest, on the floor bleeding out. Liam dropped to his knees. “I’m not here to hurt you.” He kept his voice calm, watching the man’s eyes widen with his fear. Liam checked the wound. “This is bad, but I can help you. Will you let me?”

Tom nodded his head. Liam tore Tom’s shirt. Wadding it in a bundle, he placed it over the cut. “Hold this here.” Once he was sure Tom was holding it as instructed, he stood, and headed to the first aid supplies. Grabbing what he needed, he headed back to his patient.

“There is no way to deaden the pain, but I need to stitch this up.” He offered Tom a thick rubber dog bone. “I’m sorry it’s not more, but it’ll help.” Tom took it, a weak, but grateful smile. Placing it between his teeth, Tom bit down while Liam stitched up the wound.

Liam worked as quickly as possible, both to stop the bleeding, but also to limit the pain of the needle. Wrapping the wound in a bandage, he helped Tom sit up, his back resting against the counter. “Who did this?” The scent on the air, now fading, told him his answer.

“Some biker who was in here earlier. He wanted to know where Meagan’s cabin was.” His eyes widened, “I didn’t tell him, but he went through the accounts and found it.”

Liam stood up, “Where?”

Tom hesitated, but sighed and gave him the directions.

Liam was gone before Tom could say anything further. He knew what Gerard was capable of. He manoeuvred his motorcycle back up the highway, and down the side road that Tom had told him. It led past two driveways, marked only by reflective markers. The end of the road curved. Liam rode his bike off the civilized road and into the trees, hiding it within a stand of thick brushes.

A low growl escaped, picking up Gerard’s scent.

erard moved silently
around the cabin, stopping at the back door. He thought about simply knocking and forcing his way in, but he enjoyed the hunt too much. He planned to make her his mate, what better way than to claim her after the hunt?

He smiled, catching her scent. Turning the handle on the door, the lock snapped easily in his hand. Gerard moved into the kitchen, listening for movement in the lower part of the house. Hearing nothing, he made his way to the stairs.

Footsteps on the second floor drove him up the stairs. He followed the draw of her scent. Stopping on the landing, Gerard smiled at the light from the end of the hall. The sound of gently splashing water suggested she was bathing. He moved against the wall, to stand just outside the half-closed door. A quick glance inside confirmed his quarry was relaxing in the bath, her head back, and eyes closed. The room illuminated by several candles bathed her in a soft light.

Gerard shifted, leaning against the door; he watched her soaking in the water oblivious to her audience. Gerard smiled as the water cascaded over her full breasts with each deep breath. Imagining his mouth on them brought his cock to attention.

A low growl of arousal passed his lips. Meagan’s eyes snapped open, fear seeping from her. The new scent was powerful; pulling at Gerard in a way no scent could. He enjoyed the scent of fear above all others.

“What are you doing?” Her hands moved up attempting modesty.

“Don’t you remember me?” Gerard shifted more out of the shadows so she could see his face. “We had such a first meeting.”

Meagan’s eyes widened further, “Th…the store.”

Gerard chuckled, “See, you do remember. Now, come with me.” He stretched his hand out to her. Meagan shook her head, grabbing her towel to cover herself more.

Gerard growled again, his teeth bared, “It wasn’t a request.”

“Get out!” The soaked towel wrapped around her in the water.

Gerard closed the distance in a flash, his strong hand closed roughly around Meagan’s upper arm pulling her up and out of the water.

Meagan let out a surprised cry, in fear or pain, made no difference to Gerard. He dragged her out of the bathroom, her small fists swinging, hitting his upper arm and shoulder. He liked that she had spirit; he would enjoy breaking it from her.

Gerard threw her against the wall, wrapping his fingers around her throat. “You will enjoy tonight, it will be the first of many.” He leaned forward, running his tongue along her jaw. So filled with the enjoyment of her fear, Gerard almost missed the stronger scent that now filled his nostrils.

Turning, he discarded Meagan behind him; she hit the floor with a thud. Gerard growled as Liam attacked him. Liam grabbed him, tossing him down the hall, away from Meagan. Liam lunged; Gerard rolled to get out of his way, but didn’t fully make it. He felt Liam’s teeth sink into his shoulder. Pushing off, he rolled Liam away. Once free, Gerard jumped to his feet, lunging at Liam before he could establish his footing. The force of the attack sent both men over the railing to the floor below.

Chapter Five

eagan held
the soaked towel against her. She watched the two men as they flew over the railing. Now she was at a loss of what to do. The sound of fighting ended with the deafening sound of them hitting the wooden floor below. She needed to call the police, but the cabin didn’t have a phone. Leaning back against her bedroom door, she remembered her cell phone was downstairs on the desk.

Meagan discarded the towel and donned a thick robe. Listening at the door, the house seemed quiet.
Maybe he left.
She cracked the door and looked as far down the now empty hall as she could. Seeing nothing, Meagan swallowed a deep breath and slipped through the doorway. She crept slowly down the hall, glad to have the plush carpet under her bare feet.

Meagan reached the top of the stairs. Other than the over turned table at the foot of the staircase, she couldn’t see either man. Meagan moved cautiously down the carpeted stairs to the bottom. Her phone was on the desk across the room. Looking around the room, she was alone. Meagan wasn’t taking any chances, she sprinted to the desk and grabbed her phone. That’s when she heard the low moan.

He lay near the open door. Meagan opened her phone as she moved closer. 9-1-1 on the display, her thumb ready to tap the call button, but she stilled. The man, lying on the floor, bleeding from what looked like a wound to his side, wasn’t the man from the store. Liam.

eagan sat
, dressed in a hoodie from her university and a pair of sweats, on the coffee table staring at the half-naked man on her sofa. His shirt gone so she could look at the wound offered her a view of what she only imagined hid under the t-shirt.

She wasn’t a doctor, but it looked like he was the one who landed on the table, taking a cut to his side. It was an odd wound. There was a lot of blood on the floor, but as she tugged and strained to pull him to the sofa, it had almost stopped on its own.

Meagan used the first aid kit to bandage it properly and now just sat and watched him sleep. She didn’t understand why he was there. Were they in it together?

Sighing, she thought back to her bath. She was lost in a fantasy about a stranger on a large motorcycle riding up to her, sweeping her off her feet, and making wild passionate love to her. Meagan shook her head to clear that memory from resurfacing. Her fingers started to move over her body when she heard the sound bringing her back to reality. That’s when she saw the man in the doorway. The one from Tom’s store.

Meagan’s heart froze in her chest at the memory. He told her what he wanted to do and seemed to enjoy her fear, though she tried not to show any. He had said “I,” so were the two men working together?

Her hand went up to her upper arm reflexively. The pain from his grasp shot through her body as he forced her out of the bath. In the hall, yes, that’s where things changed. Meagan remembered hearing a low, menacing growl, like a wolf’s, and then being thrown, like a ragdoll down the hall. She wasn’t sure what she saw next was real. For a brief second, she would have sworn she saw claws, but then one, standing at the top of the stairs, attacked the first.

Shaking her head of the ridiculous thoughts, she discarded them as fear igniting her imagination. A quiet moan brought her attention back to Liam. Meagan froze, not sure what to do now that he was waking up. Slowly his eyes opened, beautiful green eyes looked at her, as if trying to puzzle out where he was.

Without warning, he bolted upright. His hand instinctively lowered to his side. He looked around, a low growl escaped. Meagan’s eyes widened hearing it. Maybe she wasn’t imagining things. “Wait, you’re hurt.” Meagan reached out, but didn’t touch him. She wasn’t sure how he would react, especially given the anger she could see in his eyes.

“Where is he?” Liam shifted to stand. Meagan put her hands on his bare shoulders. His head snapped to look at her when she touched him. Meagan watched his menacing expression soften when he looked at her. “He’s gone.” His expression relaxed further.

“Did he hurt you?” His tone soft, the growl gone. The question and tone surprised Meagan. “Just a bruise from where he grabbed my arm, but nothing else.” She didn’t understand why this man, who she only met once, cared. Worse, why was he there? Yes, he saved her life, but why did he break into the cabin?

Liam must have sensed her questions. He turned, sitting up fully. “I should go. Thank you for taking care of my wound.”

“No, please.” The elevation in Meagan’s voice surprised her. She didn’t know this man, but wanted to. “Here. It’s only water, but…” She offered the glass of water; smiling when he took it. “Are you hungry?”
Really? You’re asking a man who broke into your house if he’s hungry.

Liam looked just as surprised. “No, thank you.” Placing the glass back on the wooden table, “I should go. You’ve been bothered enough.” Liam shifted to stand, Meagan stood with him. “I wish you’d stay.”

iam knew she was nearby
, but he wasn’t sure about Gerard; his scent still there, but growing faint. A surge of pain from his side brought out a deep growl. Liam knew the next time he saw Gerard would be their last. Slowly his eyes cleared, taking in the beautiful worry filled smile before him.

He needed to get away. To stay not only put her at risk, his heart was at risk as well. Liam wanted to reach out and take her in his arms to protect her while another part of him wanted to claim her as his mate. Did that make him any better than Gerard? He would never force her. He never had to force a woman into bed. If this one was to become his mate, it would be her choice. His desire would have to be held in check. Watching her, fingers trembling as she handed him the glass, Liam knew it would be easier said than done.

Placing the glass back on the table, Liam stood. He looked at her, confused, when she asked him to stay. “Haven’t you had enough of bikers for one night?” She touched his hand, Liam’s entire body responded. Having no choice, Liam took a step to one side to break the contact. Just being this close to her was difficult enough. Liam didn’t trust his willpower with her touch; besides, Gerard was still out there. Now, more than ever, Liam had to end things permanently. He refused to lose another mate to him.

“Please, don’t go.” Liam expected to hear fear in her voice to match the tremble in her hand, but he didn’t. His eyes locked with hers, confusion and strength blended with desire shone back at him. “I need to make sure he won’t be back.” Liam broke the hold her eyes had on him as he turned and walked to the door.

His hand froze on the handle feeling her fingers cover his. “Stay.”

Chapter Six

erard pressed
the torn shirt to his shoulder, cursing Liam the entire time. “That is the last time he gets to walk away from me.” Tucking the end, he sat back on his bike. He stared back, through the trees toward the cabin. Gerard couldn’t see it, but he didn’t need to. Liam was there, with her, and that was unacceptable.

Gerard’s thoughts opened his memories of his mate. Liam was only a young wolf then, when he joined the pack, but Gerard didn’t trust him. Sasha convinced him to allow Liam to ride with them. She was too giving and it got her killed. Gerard was going to make sure Liam suffered as much as she did. The sound of a snapping twig grabbed his attention. Turning he was greeted by Duncan.

“You get lost?”

Gerard snorted. “Busy,”

“The others are gathering. We need to go.” Duncan placed a firm hand lightly on Gerard’s shoulder. Gerard looked from the hand to Duncan, his expression threatening. “I’ll be there when I’m done.” He growled. Duncan’s hand remained, “Brother, it’s been a long time. It’s time to let it go.” Gerard shrugged the hand off, stepping away from Duncan. “That bastard killed
sister! And you tell me to let it go?”

“I know who Sasha was. I also know that you and I remember things differently.” Duncan barely had the words out before Gerard attacked. His growl filled the night air, his hand on Duncan’s throat. Straddling him, Gerard looked down at him, his eyes shifting taking his control away. “She was raped by him. He will die.”

Duncan’s voice strained against the dangerous grasp. “She seduced him.” Gerard’s eyes shifted completely, his hand closed and yanked back, ripping Duncan’s throat out. Falling back, looking at his blood soaked hand, his control returned. He looked at Duncan’s body as blood coughed out from the tear in his throat. Gerard moved over to him, lifted his head. “Liam will pay for this. This is his fault.”

Duncan shook his head, unable to speak. Gerard held him until his raspy breathing stopped and his body went limp. “He will understand pain. He will die before the sun comes up.”

eagan sat looking at Liam
. “Tell me the truth. What happened tonight? Why were you in my home?” The questions burning through her mind gushed out; each buried the other before Liam could answer. After a few moments, “Well?” Her voice jumped in volume as the turmoil inside spilled out.

Liam sighed. “I found the store owner injured. He told me Gerard had been there and where your cabin was. I wasn’t going to let him hurt you so, I came after him.” Meagan knew there was more to it. Liam kept looking away, avoiding eye contact. “Please, tell me the truth. Who was he?”

“His name is Gerard O’Connell.” Meagan could tell Liam was wrestling with the decision to tell her or not. She sat on the coffee table and waited. Meagan wanted to know, but forced herself not to push. Something hidden within her wanted him to stay. Yearned for it. The feeling was foreign to her.

“I met him… a long time ago. I had just come from Ireland. He welcomed me into his clan and I thought I found home. A woman in the clan expressed interest in me.” By now, Liam had walked away to stare out the window. “I thought she meant getting used to being here in America, but in a short time that changed. One night she kissed me. I pulled back; I didn’t realize what she was suggesting at the time.” Liam snorted. “I was young and naïve. I didn’t return any feelings she may have had and even if I did, she was Gerard’s mate and untouchable.”

Meagan listened; a twinge of unexpected jealousy pinched her heart. “I see”, she said. “Gerard found out and is coming after you out of jealousy.” Liam railed on her, “No! You don’t see. After that kiss, I left, got on my bike and rode as fast and as far as I could and never looked back. Eventually I met someone, Jules.” The change in his tone had the jealous twinge biting at her again, but she continued to listen.

Liam turned back to look out the window. “I was gone over her in a way I never knew possible. She loved the open road and accepted me for me. Less than a year after we met, the clans were gathering. We joined them; I never gave Sasha another thought after I left.” Liam sighed, “I never considered what she would think or do.”

“I ended up alone at one point; Sasha came to me and demanded to know why I brought “that bitch” to the gathering. I told her she was my mate and we’d come to make it known.” Liam glanced at Meagan’s reflection in the window. “She tried to seduce me. I wouldn’t betray Gerard or Jules. I pushed her off, she came at me, and we ended up on the ground. Gerard found us; he exploded with rage and in his attempt to get to me, killed Sasha. He blamed me then, and now, for her death.”

Liam ran his hand through his shoulder-length hair. Meagan could feel the turmoil raging in him. “I took Jules to Europe. I never thought Gerard would come after me there, but he did. We were riding the Cul de Turini in France. It’s an amazing mountain road of dangerous turns and gorgeous views.” Liam smiled over his shoulder at her, as if he wanted her to see it too. “That’s where it happened. Gerard forced us off the road. Jules died in my arms. He’s hunted me ever since.”

The air was thick between them. “That doesn’t explain why he broke into my home and attacked me.”

Liam’s back straightened, “He came to claim you.” Meagan’s eyes widened. “Claim me? I don’t want him. I never gave him the impression that I did.” Liam shook his head, “It doesn’t matter what
did or didn’t do. He saw you and decided to have you” Meagan stood, “What about what I want?” She closed the distance between them.

“I don’t want to be claimed by him.” Meagan shifted to stand between Liam and the window. She reached up and caressed his cheek. “I don’t want to be claimed by him or anyone else… just by you.” Meagan was surprised at her own boldness. She didn’t consider whether Liam even wanted her. He looked down at her, his eyes telling her that he did.

Liam bent down, cupping her face, he kissed her softly. She covered his hand with her smaller one, returning the kiss as she felt it tingle through her body. Liam’s soft kiss, not demanding of more, awakened her desire. Meagan parted her lips, inviting him to demand more. Liam responded, his tongue explored her mouth gently. Meagan’s arms slid around his neck as Liam’s arms snaked around her waist, pulling her against him.

The soft kiss intensified. Meagan could hear her parents’ voices chiding her for kissing a man she barely knows. Her desire drowned out the continued scolding. Meagan’s tongue glided against Liam’s, sending growing warmth through her, ending at her centre. She let go to embrace the danger and excitement Liam embodied.

Liam lifted her against him; her bare feet hung just off the floor. His arms were strong and held her tightly, but they didn’t hurt. She felt his arm muscles contract, her soft breasts crushed against Liam’s solid chest. Meagan loved the feeling of being in his arms. Her imagination paled in comparison.

An unexpected whimper escaped when Liam pulled his mouth from hers. It turned to a groan when Liam shifted, claiming her neck with soft kisses. One hand moved up to stroke Meagan’s hair, pulling the tie holding it back so it fell over her shoulders. His fingers played with the now freed locks. “Where?” Liam’s voice raw and demanding in her ear contrasted the gentle touches.

Meagan had to catch her breath to answer. “Up…upstairs.” Liam swung her around, catching her legs. He carried her easily up the stairs cradled against his chest. Meagan pointed to the bedroom; Liam stepped inside, kicking the door closed with his boot.

Once safely inside, Liam placed Meagan on the edge of the bed. She could feel wetness trickling inside, making the cotton panties she wore damp. Glancing at Liam, standing in front of her, her eyes fell on his crotch. Meagan could see the outline of his hard cock straining against the material. Liam cupped her face, “This is your choice.” Meagan heard the words, but the way Liam made her feel silenced any sense of logic. He spoke to a deeper part of her; a part mute before she met him.

Meagan responded by kissing the palm of his hand, her other hand reached over, and traced the outline of his cock. Liam let out a soft growl. She had never been with a man before; she only knew her own fingers. Pulling her eyes away, Meagan looked up at Liam, “Show me how to please you.” She watched his expression shift from what she took as desire to something deeper. Liam captured the hand teasing his cock, kissed the palm, and then her wrist. His tongue dipped out teasing her pulse point.

Liam placed a knee on the bed beside Meagan, bent down, and kissed her deeply. Meagan went limp in his arms, as a shudder rippled through her. Liam pressed her back onto the bed, continuing to kiss her, one hand caressing her breast over the warm sweatshirt material. Meagan’s nipple hardened under his touch, her back arched looking for more contact. Liam obliged, slipping the same hand under the hoodie, to tease and caress her bare breast. After the craziness of earlier, she didn’t think of propriety and pulled the hoodie on without a bra.

She felt Liam smile into her neck, easing the hoodie up to expose her breasts to his mouth. Pulling her up to sit, Liam removed it, tossing it to the far corner. The first blush of exposure hit her. Meagan’s arms moved to cover her breast, but she forced them to stop, instead she tugged at Liam’s shirt. He smiled, slipping it up and over his head. Meagan’s eyes widened, seeing what only she earlier imagined. Emboldened, Meagan leaned up, kissing his firm stomach and up to the nipple she could reach. She played her tongue over it, feeling it harden.

The fingers playing in her hair tugged a little. Meagan smiled, realizing Liam liked it. She discovered she liked the tug. Meagan was learning a lot about herself tonight and wanted to learn more. Liam gently pushed her back onto the bed; he shifted as his fingers hooked the waistband of her sweats. He pulled them off in a single motion. His tongue, hot and demanding, caressed up her now bare thighs. Meagan’s hips arched of their own volition, wanting to feel his mouth on her, drinking in her wetness. Liam didn’t rush.

Meagan found her hands playing in his hair, this time it was her turn to tug on the long brown locks as her arousal grew. In a quick pull, he freed the last barrier between his mouth and Meagan’s wet lips. The first stroke of his tongue brought a moan of pleasure from her. Meagan pressed on his head, urging him to do anything he wanted. He licked and sucked her clit and swollen lips, until her body writhed under him. Meagan cried out with her first strong climax, holding him against her.

As her body settled, Liam stood up, and removed his pants. Meagan reached out to him, wanting to give herself to him completely. Liam took her hand, laid back on the bed, settled between her thighs. Wrapping his fingers around his hard cock, Liam teased her opening with the head, coating himself with her.

Liam entered her slowly, she gasped when he pressed against the final barrier. He looked at her; Meagan nodded. “Please, make me yours.” Liam lowered his mouth to hers, rocked his hips building up her arousal more. Just as Meagan felt another climax start, Liam pushed through the barrier. He didn’t stop thrusting, as her climax exploded coating his thick shaft. The exquisite feeling had her mind reeling. Liam thrust again, filling her with his seed.

The shroud of the past fell away as Meagan embraced her desire. Her hips continued to move taking in every drop. A tear streaked down her cheek. Liam pulled back and kissed the tear. “No tears.” Meagan smiled, still catching her breath. Liam rolled off her, pulling her against him. Meagan snuggled against him, head resting on his chest, listening to his heart pound. Liam’s arms remained wrapped around her. Meagan never felt this free.

She listened as his heart slowed with his breathing as Liam drifted off to sleep. Meagan followed quickly after.

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