ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (82 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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Chapter One

harlie stared
at the computer screen, the light glaring almost painfully at her blue eyes in the darkness. The picture on the screen did resemble a bear, but there were no bears in England. Well, there were some in zoos perhaps, but none in the wild. Perplexed, Charlie increased the size of the picture but it just increased the pixels too much, making the picture just a blurred mess of tiny squares. Interesting, she thought, as she went back to the email she’d received ten minutes ago.

As the creator of a website,, Charlie Jones and her team investigated reports of the paranormal, Big Foot sightings, and other strange and unexplained occurrences. Most of the time they found people playing silly buggers, or families that could hear the pipes knocking around at night as the temperatures cooled, but she hadn’t investigated a strange animal sighting in a while. Charlie was skeptical about it all but approached each assignment with an open mind. She was confident that science and reason could disprove every case she took on. So far she’d been correct. Maybe one day something would come along to prove her wrong but it hadn’t happened yet.

This reported sighting came in from a place near Whitby called Ursathorpe. She laughed ruefully to herself, a report of a bear in Ursathorpe. The place was so tiny it only showed as a blip on her mapping program, the circle bigger than the village itself. Settling back onto the pillows piled behind her in the bed and pushing her straight red hair out of her face, Charlie thought about what she’d just read and seen.

There wasn’t much in the message, just a sentence that said “Bet you haven’t seen one of these in England before”.

No she hadn’t seen a bear in England before, much less a bear in a place called bear-town. Not likely. Sitting back up she hovered her finger on the mousepad of her laptop, preparing to send the email to her “hoax” file, her version of a spam folder. She didn’t want to necessarily delete it, but she did want it out of her inbox. Before she could click the button to send the file somewhere else, she received a notification that she had another email. This one was from the same person.

“Oh, this one’s desperate for it”, she said to herself. Living alone, there was nobody else around to hear her.

Curious as to what sort of evidence would be produced next, she clicked open the email and opened the attached file. When the attachment finally opened she was surprised to see it was a video file. Clicking the play button she sat back to watch. At first, all she could see was a black screen. Then the camera panned out and she could see a road sign that said Ursathorpe on it. The video then moved along, as if the person were in a car, and drove into a field.

The people got out of the car and walked out into the field. Bantering between the two of them revealed male voices but that was all, the video never showed the males. As they walked along, they stopped behind some trees and settled down. A few minutes passed and Charlie was going to turn the video off but she started to hear a strange noise from the video, a strange snuffling sound. Then a roar followed.

“Oh this is going to be good”, she thought to herself, expecting a face to pop out of the darkness and scare her. It had to be kids playing around.

Leaning into the laptop to have a closer look Charlie, jumped back and screamed as a giant bear charged at the camera, roaring its head off. The boys got up and ran, the video finally cutting off as they locked themselves safely in the car.

Charlie had to catch her breath before she could go back to the email to read the message within.

“Meet us at the Farmer’s Plough on Saturday, 3:30 pm. We’ll come to you.”

That was all it said. This was a curious development indeed. Reaching for her mobile, Charlie flicked through screens until she reached a name, then pressed the call button. A female voice answered the line.

“Hello? Charlie, what time is it?”

“It’s 1:30 am Samantha, wake up. Get the gear ready and pack a bag, we’re heading to Ursathorpe.”

“What’s in Ursathorpe, Charlie? Where is Ursathorpe?”

“A bear, Samantha. A living, breathing bear and we’re going to find it. Be here bright and early in the morning and bring all of our gear. You might want to pack some clothes as well. We may be there a while.

Too excited to sleep, Charlie replied to the email, telling them she’d have her team there two days early to do some preliminary investigations. Looking up the pub she found it was actually an inn and had rooms to let. It had online reservations available, so she booked two rooms. After she packed everything, she did some research on Ursathorpe.

Charlie didn’t find much, but she did find a local message board where rumours about the bear were starting to pop up. Someone had also posted something about an old legend about something they called a werebear. Some kind of shapeshifting bear. Apparently there had been whispers about such a creature in the area since the early 15th century but nobody really paid any attention to them anymore.

She giggled when she saw that and dismissed it out of hand. The only type of creature she’d heard of like that was a werewolf. She’d yet to find any kind of proof of such things and highly doubted there were really werebears out there. No, this had to be a real bear, maybe escaped from a zoo. She was going to go find it, hand it over to the authorities, and squash these rumours before they started. Werebears indeed.

Charlie harrumphed to herself, settled back in her bed and promptly fell asleep, knowing her alarm would wake her in four hours.

Chapter Two

harlie gazed
through her window as the countryside rolled past. Sheep and cows dotted the hillsides. The land looked rocky and barren but the view of the rolling hills and towns dotted between made it beautiful to look at. A short while, later they passed the sign for Ursathorpe and she perked up in her seat, wanting to digest everything she could on the way in.

A small village, Ursathorpe ran in a straight line with houses on both sides of the road. A few houses sat alone but inviting; lights shining through their windows. Samantha, knowing how her boss operated, drove straight through the town, noting the placement of the Farmer’s Plough and carried on for a few miles before coming to a stop at a garage.

“Not much to see really, is there Charlie?” Samantha said as she looked over at the other woman.

“Seems not. Why don’t we go back to the corner shop and have a look? Then we can head to the inn. We may learn more at the inn, but hear a rumour or two at the corner shop.” As Charlie spoke, Samantha turned them around, concentrating as she pulled into a parking spot in front of the shop.

“It doesn’t look like we’ll hear much in there today, Charlie.

“Not a thing” she told Samantha.

“Well, let’s see what we find out at the inn then.” Samantha moved out of the parking spot and headed towards the inn.

Taking their bags out of the car, Samantha and Charlie stared up at the old inn, noticing that two rooms at the top were lit up. Walking into the front entrance, the women went still as all conversations stopped. A dozen or so people inside stopped talking and turned to stare at them. Charlie thought that only ever happened in movies but apparently it happened in real life too. There were mainly older folk, with a few young ones towards the back of the place. Walking up to the lady behind the bar, Charlie smiled and asked for Mary, the lady who sent her a confirmation email.

“I’ll be Mary, what can I help you with?” The words were curt but came with a smile. The lady was tall, white-haired and seemed to be a no-nonsense kind of person, albeit with a warm, lovely smile.

“I’m Charlie Jones. I’ve booked two rooms. Are they ready by any chance?”

“They are indeed. If you’ll follow me, we’ll get you sorted and settled in.” The woman called out for somebody named John to come to the front, as she walked them to the back of the inn, where stairs led to the upper level. Charlie and Samantha went to their rooms, dropped off their cases, freshened up and went back downstairs. Charlie was longing for the very comfortable looking bed provided but her tummy telling her she needed food.

Charlie got a couple of pints for her and Samantha, put in their food order and was walking back to their table, when a very tall man bumped into her. Charlie dropped one of the glasses; lager and glass splattering over them both, as he grabbed her to steady her.

“Oh, I am so sorry! I didn’t realise you were there. It’s so crowded in here tonight. May I buy you another drink?” the man asked.

Charlie stared up at him, her mouth hanging open. “Fuck me” she thought, then “yes, please do.” She knew she was blushing, the thoughts coming unbidden but making her cheeks flame. He was gorgeous. Brown hair and eyes, he must have stood well over six feet tall, nearer to six and half she thought! His face mimicked the lean but muscular shape of his body. Gorgeous!

A policeman too, if she was to guess from the uniform he had on. Trying to bring her brain under control, Charlie smiled at him and bent down to pick up the pieces of glass.

“No worries, but if you could get some towels we can clean this up” she said as she bent down. As she did she blushed deeper as she realized she was staring directly at his crotch. Gulping, she looked back up at him. Was it just her imagination or did there seem to be a teasing gleam in his eyes, as if he was thinking the same thing she was? He grinned at her, the smile stretching across his face but mercifully, he walked away before she could allow something stupid to come out of her mouth.

Quickly looking back down at the mess on the floor, she tried to gather up what she could with her free hand but couldn’t really pick up much. She noticed him coming back and went to lift the pint of lager up, to ask him to hold it. Instead, her hand brushed up his thigh and stopped at his zip. Jerking the glass back down, all she managed to do was spill more of it over her, her breasts now wet.

Looking around for some kind of escape, her eyes fell on Samantha. Charlie sent her a pleading look, Samantha obviously trying to hide her laughter, but she did get up and come over to Charlie. “I’ll dock her pay if she laughs”, Charlie thought. “I’ll dock it so hard!”

“Here Charlie, you go up and change your top. I’ll clean this up. I’m sure Officer Friendly here will help me. Go on, go get changed.” Pushing Charlie towards the stairs, Samantha took her place, using the bar towel Officer Friendly brought back with him to dry the liquid from the floor.

Charlie ran up the stairs, wanting to hurry back down, in case the tall policeman left before she could find out who he was. Rushing, she just pulled a shirt out without thinking about it. This one was black, low cut and not one she normally wore, but had brought anyway. Well, she thought looking at herself in the mirror. He got an eyeful anyway.

Almost running back down, Charlie was surprised to see the man standing at the bottom of the steps.

“I thought I’d wait on you, make sure I made a proper apology.” He said.

“Oh, don’t worry” she said as she walked up to him. She wasn’t sure what was happening. She wasn’t a prude, but she never moved this fast or this wantonly. She couldn’t help herself, when she pulled his head down to kiss her.

He apparently wasn’t shocked because he let her continue; pulling her up against him so he didn’t have to lean down so far. She reached her arms up, and he pulled her closer, moulding her to his body. His tongue was sweet and tasted of cinnamon, like he’d been sucking on a boiled sweet. She wanted more. He ran his fingers up her chin, over her cheek and into her hair, pulling her head away to look into her eyes.

Breathing hard they both looked at each other. Then he spoke. “I don’t normally do this sort of thing but I just couldn’t help it. I had to know what you tasted like.”

She’d almost had her breathing under control until he said that. “I don’t normally do this either. Wow, may I kiss you once more?” He moved his mouth onto hers, holding her face as she leaned up to reach him. “I think I’d better go back in to Samantha, would you care to join me?”

“You go in first,” he said, “I’ll come in a minute. Let you get settled in.”

Walking back to the bar Charlie saw that Samantha was sitting at their table, fresh drinks and their food waiting. She walked over to the table, sliding next to the window seat that Samantha was occupying, waiting on the man that had her in pieces. Looking around, she saw the pub wasn’t as full as it was when she’d first come down and some of the noise had settled.

“You’re back, took you long enough! You left your book sitting in the seat, so I moved it when I took this side. I put it in my bag if you want it back.” Samantha spoke quietly to her, her grey eyes twinkling at Charlie as her black hair swung around to hide part of her face, as she whispered to Charlie.

“Such a naughty book to leave lying around Charlie!”

“What book? What are you on about Samantha? I didn’t come down with a book.” Charlie asked, confused.

“There was a book sitting here when I moved to this side. Nicholas and I cleaned up the mess, but then he excused himself. He said he’d be back, so I thought I’d switch seats and come back here with you.” Taking the book out of her handbag, she passed it to Charlie, who only grew more confused.

Examining the book under the table Charlie noted it was an old book, but couldn’t tell an exact age yet. Looking at the front, she saw there was no paper cover. A picture had been etched and lined in black onto the front. It was crudely drawn, but got the idea across: a woman was engaged in intercourse with a creature that looked like a man and bear mix, the male creature behind her and holding her in place. Charlie couldn’t decide if the woman was trying to get away or if she looked like she was enjoying it.

Looking around Charlie wondered if someone had left it for her. Going back to the book, she opened to the first page and saw that it was a hand written book. A diary. Quickly looking through it, Charlie saw words like bear and Bernhard. Looking around again, Charlie saw that nobody was looking at her and stuck the book in her bag. Maybe the people that had emailed her snuck it into the seat while they were distracted earlier. She’d look at it more when she went to bed. Weirder things had happened than someone mysteriously leaving her a book but she was intrigued. Something was definitely being set up here.

Charlie saw her policeman coming back into the room and blushed as his gaze zeroed in on her. She decided to just pretend they hadn’t had that interlude, at least in front of Samantha anyway.

“So Offi…erm, I’m Charlie Jones, I’m guessing Samantha has introduced herself. I’m sorry to have caused such a scene earlier, but it’s nice to meet you.” Smiling she held her hand out to the man.

“It’s not a problem, I’m Constable Nicholas Bernard. I bumped into you so don’t apologize. But it means I get to sit here with you and get to know you, so it’s not all bad, is it?”

“No, I suppose not at all.” Noticing her food was going cold Charlie started to pick at the lasagna she’d ordered. Taking a bite she looked up at the constable, giving him a speculative stare.

“So what brings you to these parts, Miss Jones? On holiday are you?”

“Oh no, we’re here to do some investigating ourselves Constable Bernard.” Charlie stopped when she said his name. Bernard, wasn’t that name in the book? Maybe it was a popular name here. She dismissed her thoughts and went back to Nicholas Bernard.

“Please, Nicholas. What kind of investigating, perhaps I can help you?” he asked.

“Well, I’m a paranormal investigator. Stop laughing! We aren’t the kind looking to prove ghosties exist; we’re trying to prove there’s a reasonable explanation for most of the things people report to us. I got a report last night that a bear had been spotted in the area. Obviously there can be no bears here, but the video I received is pretty convincing. Here we are now. Have there been any reports of bear sightings in the area at all?” Charlie asked.

Nicholas grew more tense as Charlie spoke, but he visibly made himself relax. Charlie observed all of this quietly but noted that the tenseness did not leave from around his eyes. Her interest piqued, she suspected he knew something. Would he tell, however?

“We all know there are no bears around here. I’ve had no reports about it, but others at the station might have. I’ll ask around for you.” he told her. So he wasn’t going to confide in her then. Interesting.

“Well,” he continued, “I must be off. Early morning and all that. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked as he stood up.

“That would be great. Maybe we can have dinner or lunch if you get time off?” She asked, curious to find out more about the man.

Flipping his hat around in his hand Nicholas looked down at Charlie, thinking she really was a beautiful woman. “I’d love to. Good night Charlie, good night Samantha.” He said, then took his leave.

“Whoa! Charlie! Score!” Samantha whispered loudly. Charlie pushed her plate away, the contents only half eaten.

“He is rather handsome, isn’t he?” Charlie said, watching as he walked out of the door. “What did you think about him?” she asked Samantha, wondering if the woman had noticed the signs of someone not quite telling all they knew.

“He’s not telling us something, I know that. I can’t put my finger on what it could be though. I guess it’s something to do with this bear, but why would he hide information like that?” Samantha mused.

Charlie gathered her plates up, then grabbed her bag, and stood up. “I don’t know but we’ll find out, one way or another. I’m going to settle our bill then head up to bed, see what’s in this book. Thanks for keeping it safe. You coming up or staying down here?” she asked Samantha.

“I’ll be up in a bit. I’m waiting on Andy to call me then I’ll be up. Let me know if you find anything good, okay?” Andy was Samantha’s current boyfriend, who was keeping Samantha’s dog Annie until the ladies got back from their investigation.

Charlie bid Samantha a good evening then went to bed. Cuddling under the covers she was settled in for the night, a bedside lamp on to read by. Flipping through the book, Charlie guessed it was 19th century by the dates written and the look of the thing. She’d have to have it tested to declare it authentic, but so far it was full of interesting things.

It told the tale of the Bernhard family, a group of werebears and other shapeshifters such as werewolves that had lived in the area. Some tales went all the way back to the 10th century. The author even claimed that one person could turn into a horse! Charlie was doing her best not to howl with laughter and finally put the book down. Thinking the author must have been writing a book of fairy tales for a child, she dismissed its contents. As she settled into her pillows she concluded that the similarity in names with Nicholas must only be coincidence. It was likely a popular name in the town, she told herself again. He’s definitely hiding something, she thought. Still, she couldn’t help remembering the feel of his mouth, or how his fingers felt on her face as she fell asleep.

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