ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance) (26 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)
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Chapter 8

Monday was there and waiting before she could get anything resolved in her head. She had thought of Ash the night before, remembering how good he felt in her mouth and the wonder of how something so large would feel stretching her out as he slammed into her. Would he take her like he had taken her mouth?

That was her hope, but he wanted more than just her body, he wanted her will. It would be so much easier if he would just take it. To say the words though, she did not think were possible.

The job was close enough that she could walk, so she decided a walk may get some of her tension out. It was only a few minutes, but she felt a little stronger as she made it to her desk. She had not seen Ash and she didn’t go looking for him. He was one of the most distracting people that she had ever met in her whole life.

“Good morning Kristy. It is good to see you at work. I’ve missed you just down the hall.”

“Yes Sir, good morning.”

“Still mad about last night?”

“Why would I be mad?”

He was surprised a bit by her reaction. She was acting blasé and it bothered him. Ash could barely sleep the night before and he felt like he was on the edge.

“I seem to come on strong around you.”

“That’s okay. I started it, so your mind should be at ease Ash.”

He should have liked the answer, but he didn’t like the calm in her. “Good, I need your help with something. You mind?”

“No, of course not.”

She followed him into his office and her eyes went to the chair that he sat in and the desk that she had been bent over. Her body flooded and her eyes slit in need. Did he know that seeing the place they were together would give her that sort of reaction?


“Yeah, sorry.”

“You okay?”

She swallowed hard and her face had turned the same color of her hair again. Her breath came in irregular gasps as she tried to slow her heart rate. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just got warm all of a sudden.”

Kristy pulled her eyes from the desk and moved to where he was standing. There were a slew of spreadsheets lined up and it pulled her attention away for a minute.”

“Those are the numbers for all of the upgrades you suggested in the report. But that is not why you are here.”

“Oh? Well why am I here?”

“Because I need you and your office doesn’t have a blind.”

His words were simple, but paired with his actions she was left with widened eyed. Ash’s hands already had his cock free and it sprang forward into his hands. Stroking himself, she wanted to touch him. “Get on your knees and open your mouth.”

She gasped with the tone of his voice and the words themselves. “No. Are you going to fire me again?”

Kristy wanted to taste him, but it wasn’t enough and she didn’t want just a taste. Ash moved closer, her eyes moving to the long hardness in front of her. “Now.”

“No.” She moved away and sat down on the white suede couch. Kristy wasn’t worried about work, but her own need that always seemed to be put on the back burner. There was no way that she was going to let him feel ecstasy while she was left throbbing again.

“I want you to fuck me like you should have the first time you had your cock out.”

He watched her raise her skirt up enough to hook onto her lace panties, pulling them down and leaving them puddled in the floor. “Is that not good enough?” Her hands pulled her shirt off, the bra matching the panties on the floor. “Or would you like me to ask nicer?” The bra was unclasped and joined the match set on the carpet.

Ash did not think there could have been a better way to ask. Her body was bare. Her skirt the only thing left, but it was pushed high up to her waist, baring everything beneath it to his gaze. She was wet, she always was and the very information was enough. He knew more about the couch than she did and he couldn’t have picked a better place.

He sat next to her, but his lips were quickly on hers, hands touching skin that he had been dying to touch for many years. She felt as good as he thought, her full form still firm in all the right places. His body overpowered hers and laid her down, pinned underneath his body. “Put your arms over your head.”

She moved them as he asked, her breasts lifting for a touch that he could not refuse her. His teeth nipped after a moment of sucking on the turgid tip. He hands pulled the black nylon cord from under the couch frame, wrapping and then tying them securely together to the metal. Kristy didn’t even realize what he was doing until she went to wrap her arms around his neck and was unable too.

Ash stood up above her, pulling his pants and shirt the rest of the way off. He did not want one inch of him to be unable to slide against her hot skin. The mere scene looking back, his redheaded dream tied up underneath him, naked. He had to focus on her eyes, but even the dewy depth pushed him back between her legs. His gaze faltered as he pushed inside of her hot honey hole. She was so wet, but the resistance started as her tightness tried to accommodate his girth.

All Kristy could do was clench her thighs together, but his thrust was sudden and he was inside of her full hilt. She cried out and he hushed her, reminding her where they were. He threatened to stop if she didn’t quiet down, but she wasn’t sure if she could. “Please don’t stop Ash.” He pulled out slowly and watched himself reappear out of her heat. Her hips rose to meet the cockhead that escaped and he pushed back in a rush.

Her tightness suffocated him and Ash had no shred of control left. He went back to his knees and pulled her with him, the binding stretching her out to reach. The new position gave him leave to go deeper and he was plunging forward again and again. Kristy was biting her lip, but the moans and whimpers reached his ears and urged him to move faster. He wanted to last, but as she shook and then convulsed around him with the first wave of pleasure, Ash knew that he was fighting a losing battle.

“Fuck Kristy. I’m coming.”

But she did not hear him, wrapped up in her own feelings of utter bliss. She was frustrated that she could not hold him, but he took it as her wanting more and started to move inside, getting harder with each stroke. Her eyes closed as her body tensed. She started to worry that he did mean the bit about her not being able to walk afterwards.


Ash finally untied her, though a couple of hours had passed. Kristy mewled against him and curled around his panting body. Her eyes were closed and her body was still racked with lasting effects. She had never come so much in her life and a lot of it had to do with having no choice in it. Just letting it happen was the biggest turn on of all.

He was speechless and just as moved. Her submission had not been what he had saw happening in his mind, but the reality had been so much better. Her attitude would take work and may need some more punishment soon, but Ash realized that there was no need to break her. He didn’t want to, even if he was able to. It would be akin to clipping a butterfly’s wings and Ash couldn’t bare the idea. She was his now.

Pulling her closer, she snuggled harder. “I think that girl may feel the same way as you do Ash.”

Takes her in her house, comes to pick her up as her car broke down. Takes her on the

She quits.

He blacklist her so no one will hire her.

She comes back and he makes her submit after work in the breakroom. – she is sitting at a table when he comes in from behind. Forced oral- kind of. Ties her arms together with his belt- over head and then takes her. She loops her arms around his ask and wants it harder




A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Sports Romance






By: Carly White







Chapter 1

Ashlea watched the footage and grimaced. She usually wasn’t used to such violence, but with a new client that she had just been given, she was apparently going to have to with Jesse ‘Badboy’ Ronald on her docket. He was the best at what he did, but out of the hexagon, Jesse apparently didn’t know how to act. She saw the young man get more and more angry at the paparazzi camera being pushed into his face. It looked like he was going to leave it be and get in his car and then the cameraman said something that changed the trajectory of that night.

“Hey Jesse, how does it feel to lose custody of your kid to the stripper?”

The dark eyes narrowed and then he turned around with a round house. The next thing on the video was the feet of Jesse coming towards the camera and then blackness as he stomped it out. What the video didn’t show was the multiple times he stomped the cameraman and the screams that on-lookers heard. There was of course supplemental videos from the many smart phones that captured the moment.

Ashlea sighed and looked back at her boss. “So what exactly do you want me to do Neil? He is being sued and most likely will lose if he lets it go to court. These videos are everywhere, they went viral. I don’t think I can sweep this one under the rug.”

Neil nodded. “I agree. It is too big to sweep, so we have to take it on head first. Spin it. I know you can.”

Ashlea was the queen of doing just that, but even that may be out of her league. She was the best at the firm and even she couldn’t readily see a spin. “I mean, the only angle I can see is the kid. Is he willing to push it? He will still have to pay, but he could get some sympathy from the fans. If he gets that, the league will let him come back.”

“See I knew you would be the one for this. So you need to go out there and uh, keep an eye on him for a bit, just until we get the settlement done. The worse the fallout, the higher the negotiation number is going to go. It wouldn’t hurt him to go kiss some babies or something. Just keep him out of trouble for a few weeks.”

“I am not a babysitter Neil.”

“With this commission you are. The lower the better and in a few weeks, we will all get a bonus. He is a little abrasive, but so are you, so perfect fit. He likes his reps pretty too, so doll it up a bit.”

Ashlea shot him daggers. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

“What? A little makeup and a short skirt goes a long way with men like him.”

Ashlea looked down at her tailored suit. She went to a more streamline style that apparently was not meeting approval. That was kind of the point though. “Well fine Neil, but I am going to remember this and one day you are going to have to do something for me for it.”

The older man blushed and then looked away. He nodded and Ashlea got up. The man was a hopeless perv and she went to his assistant to get the man’s information. She would take another day to learn about him, researching his style and then of course, the darker personal life that she was trying to gloss over. Even the best athletes can be taken down with bad behavior. Jesse was no different and she wondered if he was truly as cocky as he appeared on all the videos. The consistency made it so and she let out a deep sigh as she packed up for the weeks she would be in California. The weather was hot and the people were crazy.

Ashlea took her boss’ advice and went and picked up a few pieces to add to her wardrobe. She got her hair cut and layered at the salon. While she didn’t like the idea of primping, it felt rather nice and she was pretty relaxed by the end of her day. She was ready to go meet the angry man in the tape and convince him to stop acting like a three year old. PR Rep didn’t quite incorporate all of that into the title when she had chosen the job, but she had learned quickly it was a lot like raising kids.

When she finally got on the plane later that evening, she tried to get a hold of him to let him know she was coming, but he never responded and she got a few hours of sleep while she was in the air. It was such a stark difference when she got out of the airport. The air was thick and warm, nothing like the cool breeze she had left in New York. Out there, her no-nonsense suits made her feels like she was going to melt. Ashlea was suddenly happy she had brought more with her than her usual navy skirt and blouses.

There was supposed to be a car waiting for her and she saw her name on the back of a

placard that a man was holding. She waved to the man and dragged the carryon bag behind her. He helped her, taking it from her hands and opened the door for her to enter the dark town car. She was thankful for the small bar in the back and took a glass of wine to unwind from the long trip. It was only three in the morning and she should have gone to the hotel, but Neil had strongly suggested that she stay in the house with Jesse. “You need to be close and besides, there is twenty plus rooms in his estate.”

The driver already had the address and within ten minutes and two glasses later, he was pushing in a code at the gate. Jesse had finally text her back, not returning the call, but it was his driver that was sent. He told her to stay in the rose room if he wasn’t back. She wished he would have called, but at least he wasn’t being a jerk about her being there. Undoubtedly the last thing he wanted was for some noisy lady in his business, judging everything he did.

But she had to and Jesse had heard about her. She had kept a few people in the game and he was hoping she could do the same for him. So rather reluctantly, Jesse had agreed to her terms.

The driver walked her up to the house and then showed her to her room. The man didn’t say much and the silence in the house was unnerving. She had half-expected Jesse to have a party going on. She expected music, nude people, not the quiet estate she was in. Looking around as they walked up the stairs, she thought she saw someone in the bedroom she passed with the door cracked open, but she passed so quickly she couldn’t be sure.

“Is uh, Jesse in?”

“He is, but he has requested you join him for breakfast at ten.”

“At ten?” Ashlea couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Okay thank you.”

He left her then and she turned around to the ‘Rose Room’ and it was clear how it got the name. It was girly and pink. There were roses everywhere and it was almost so much that is was comical. She had never seen such a room and it looked like it belonged to a small child. Upon further inspection of the closet, there was clothing hung that justified her suspicions and made her wonder about the accuracy of her information. She didn’t remember reading about him having a daughter and she certainly didn’t hear about one living with him. And why was she put in there? Were all the other rooms full as well?

The only thing she was happy to see was the large tub in the bathroom that seemed to be shared with the room next door. It was the one she had seen the person in and when she got her things together, she made sure to lock the other door. The claw tub looked old, but beautiful with a slight patina over the outside and metalwork. It was large and she was quickly submerged completely in a hot, frothy mix of bubbles. After the long day and long flight, it felt like heaven and she dozed off in the quickly cooling water.

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