ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance) (28 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)
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Chapter 4

Jesse knocked on her door early. They had to leave in a few moments and like her, he had slept in. If it hadn’t been something he really had to do, he would have just ignored it. She didn’t answer and because her door was unlocked, he just pushed it in. He was saddened to see her covered, but he knocked louder on the inside of the door. Ashlea moaned and went to her side.

He moved forward and shook her gently. “Come on we got places to go today. Get up sleepy head. I thought I was the one that needed to be watched. You are turning out to be a lush.”

Her eyes narrowed as she opened them. “You are not what I want to wake up to is all.”

“Oh really? So who is then?”

“My boyfriend Rick.”

“Oh.” Jesse didn’t have a comeback and he was uncharacteristically quiet for a moment. He had imagined her single and more importantly, available. For what, he still wasn’t sure, but he did like having her around, even though she looked at him in that judgmental way.

“Mind getting out so I can get dressed?”

“Why? You have seen everything I have. Only seems fair.”

“I didn’t see everything and what I did see was mediocre at best, but whatever. I need coffee.”

She pushed the sheets back and she was still in her bikini from the night before. His eyes took her in as he hissed and Ashlea couldn’t be bothered. He wasn’t the first one that had tried to seduce her. She poised a challenge to men like Jesse, the ones that had never been told no in their lives. Ashlea had no intention on playing games with him, though if she was honest, he was the only one of her clients that she had ever considered it with.

Ashlea didn’t change her bottoms until she had a dress on and he was only privy to a few flashes of her thigh. She shocked him by taking off her top and not putting anything else on top. He never got to see anything, but her hard nipples pressed against the dress, slightly jiggling as she moved. She waited at the door, “You coming?”


The place that had her up far too early, turned out to be some kind of charity work. He failed to mention that they would be helping to construct a house and when she got to the site and seen all the men, she groaned inwardly. Her defiance had seemed to backfire and her skin was hot most of the day from the looks. Grumbling to herself, she blamed her boss Neil for putting it in her head that she needed to get out of her comfort zone. Reminding herself of the bonus at the end, she sucked it up.

When Jesse took his shirt off, she grabbed it and pulled it on. There were less looks, but that action also backfired because then she was surrounded by his manly scent and her eyes took in his muscular torso. The added clothing made her hot and by the time the day was done, she was too. Not only did her muscles ache, but she felt needy again. It was becoming a pattern with him and though she wanted to hide in her room for a while, he had her get ready to go out. His life was too fast-paced for the woman, but she knew that she had to stay with him, to keep him out of trouble. They had meetings tomorrow with the man in the video getting stomped and she was curious to see how it all would turn out. The faster the lawsuit was settled and over, the quicker he could get back to work and she could get back to her much quieter life in New York.

“Come on, we are already late.”

Ashlea sighed and met him in the hallway outside of her room. He looked dashing in his sports coat and though she knew he was a mess, he cleaned up well. His hands were gentle as he helped her into the car and she realized quickly that he had seduction in mind. The way he looked at her and asked how her day was, was out of character. He wanted more and the look in his eyes told her what it was he was wanting.

“So, do you think tomorrow we will get a settlement?”

“You were supposed to do a couple interviews, remember?”

“I just don’t want to. Why do I have to tell my personal life to appease people?”

“Because you can’t get physical with people out of the ring. You are huge and people see you as a weapon out of the ring. Cameras are going to be on you the rest of your life. You knew what you were signing up for.”

“No love from the ice queen I see.”

His tone changed and so did his eyes. She sighed and tried not to rile him up anymore. He seemed in a dark mood and after a few drinks, Jesse’s dark side started to seep out. It was pointed towards her and when she got up to dance, she hoped that he would simmer down. She tried to think of what set him off, but it was probably the interview suggestion. He didn’t want to talk about his personal life and though she knew most of it, she couldn’t understand what enraged him so much.

Her thoughts left her sidetracked and before she knew it, she was dancing with a man. He was kind of cute, but kind of young for her. Ashlea smiled at him and he held her closer. It was a long song and by the end of it, she was breathless from the man’s advances. Sitting back down, Jesse’s look was even darker and she tried to lighten the mood.

“So were we meeting someone here?”

“No I was hoping to get you drunk, but you’ve only had a couple.”

She laughed for a moment. He was being serious, but it was the way he had said it. “I am not here to have sex with you Jesse. As hard as that may be for you to understand, there are plenty of girls that will fit the bill.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?”

She nodded. “No, why should it?”

He didn’t answer, his eyes meeting her clear blue ones. Jesse was not immune to her body and she had been turned on more than once by him. He still remembered vividly the way she had watched him fuck the blonde at the party. Did she even realize that the girl was as close to her as he could find?

“You need to leave and I will be back in a bit.”

Ashlea started to protest and argue with him, but by the set of his jaw, she figured she wouldn’t. Something was going on in that head of his and being away from it would be refreshing after days of his moodiness. “Fine. Stay out of trouble please. The deposition is set for nine, so make sure you are available then.”

She stood up and walked away. He was infuriating and though she was supposed to stay with him, she needed some space. Ashlea hailed a cab and went back to his house. It was empty when she got there and there were flower petals in the hall. The petals went to his room and she pushed it open to see lit candles and low music playing.

Ashlea closed it up quickly and wondered what it was all about. Had that been his plan all along? She moved to her room and locked the door. She didn’t even want to think about what a night with him would be like. She had wished more than once that she had been the girl at the party, accepting every slam of his hips. But she wasn’t. She was there to complete a job, not the client.

Chapter 5

Ashlea woke up with her phone’s alarm at eight. She laid there for a time, trying to see if she could hear the man in the other room. After making a phone call to Rick, she had gone to sleep. Getting up and getting dressed, Ashlea went to knock on his door and it came open with the pressure. The bed was empty and the candles had burned out. Grabbing her phone, she realized she had several missed calls. Not recognizing the number, she dialed it and waited.

“Tri-County Jail.”

“Oh hi, I am um, looking for Jesse Ronald?”

“Yes we have someone here with that name.” Ashlea groaned and listened to the bail details. She didn’t even ask what he had done. She didn’t even care. Kicking herself for leaving him to his own devices, she called Neil. He was pissed that she had left him alone and she had nothing to say in her own defense. She had let Jesse get to her and now it could all be going down the hill. She called the opposing lawyer and Jesse’s to let them know they would be late. They refused to reschedule, so she raced out to get him out and then get him where he needed to be.

In the end, they were late, but it seemed that the news had not gotten ahold of the information yet. She still had time to play fix-it. He got picked up for public intoxication and nudity. It wasn’t hard for Ashlea to figure out what had happened. Jesse was mad that it took her so long, but it couldn’t be helped. She tried to get him in a better mood as they walked into the deposition room, but she could tell he was soured.

“I’m so sorry we were late. We thank you for waiting.”

“Well if your client doesn’t want to play, we can just see how this criminal side turns out.”

She caught Jesse gritting his teeth and she shot him a look. “Yes, well we all want to make this beneficial for all involved.”

Ashlea sat down and urged Jesse down. He was still hung over from the night before and he looked like he had been scraped off of some bar floor. The older gentleman representing the plaintiff, slid her a piece of paper with a very large figure written on it. “Okay I see we are starting high.”

“This is our one and only offer.”

Jesse tried to see and she shut it. She knew what would happen if he saw it and she didn’t need him to blow a gasket right then. The man across from them was in a neck brace and eyed Jesse as if he was a rabid dog. “Surely your client can appreciate what happened. While I will admit Mr. Reynolds lost his cool, your client was baiting him. Some may think that he wanted the subsequent beating to happen so that we would be sitting here now.”

Ashlea slapped Jesse’s hand away as he tried to get the paper. She wrote something and slid it back to the other lawyer. “This was more in line with what we thought, considering the circumstances leaving your client’s hands unclean. I can make sure the civil case takes years. You will no longer be able to wear that brace and walk funny for sympathy. They will hear what you said and by then, everyone will know the story and you will walk away with nothing. So I strongly suggest you take this.”

The older man opened and closed it. His mind worked out his cut and though it was something, he was looking for that last case so he could retire. He showed the injured man and he too, was not as happy with the figure. She was able to double the number, but it was still 8 times less than they wanted. It wasn’t a low ball, but it was definitely seen as one. The lawyer wrote something underneath it and she refused it. “I will double the offer no more. If not, we can go to court and see what happens. Your client will be picked apart in the news and he has a past like Jesse here. The only difference is that Jesse is the champion and has been for many years. He does charity and does not cheat on a wife he doesn’t have. Do I make myself clear?”

Her blue eyes were centered on the quiet victim. She had looked into his, letting him know that she would destroy him and his family if necessary. The fact that he was cheating on his wife with one on his film crew was just the tip of the iceberg. There was more, there always was.  She saw the moment that he realized her game and his lips tightened. Jesse just sat there, still trying to see the paper. It was his money after all. The third grab for it, she handed it to him and sent him a look that expected him not to speak.

“We will have to confer.”

“Whatever works for you. Forty-eight hours or we will start our own campaign. I suggest your client stop taking interviews at this time as well. It may not end well if we have to take similar tactics.” Ashlea stood up and bid them a good day. Jesse followed behind after a moment.

“What the hell was that Ashlea?”

“Me getting this taken care of. What the hell happened last night?”

“Just got caught banging some chick behind the bar. They made a big deal about it and then I was in jail.”

“Yes I figured as much. You need to get your needs under control. They are getting you in trouble. The next 2 days you are on house arrest. You will not leave.”

His dark eyes turned black and she ignored him. “You can’t…”

“I am trying to save your ass, which you don’t seem to care about. I need that guy at the construction site, not this one.”

The two drove in silence. Ashlea took a call from Neil. He wanted to know how the meeting went and she told him that she was optimistic. “Just make sure you get more dirt. I am not above blackmail.”

She nodded and then hung up. Jesse was dozing in the seat next to her and she didn’t wake him until they were back at his place. Nudging him, his eyes came open and for a second, she thought he was going to kiss her. She finally backed away and said they were there.

“C’mon. You need some rest.”

She opened the door for him and he stood up above her. Ashlea moved back, not wanting to touch him. She still didn’t trust herself around him, though she was better at hiding it then he was. “And you might not want to leave candles burning all night. You’ll burn your pretty house down.”

Mentioning it seemed to piss him off. He glowered down at her. “They were for you.”

“Ah, well I am your rep dear. We can always order you some girls if you need that.”

He took a step towards her and she stood her ground. She couldn’t show how he affected her or he would continue until he got what he wanted. “I don’t want another girl. I want you.”

She nodded, ignoring the pounding in her chest. “You need some sleep and a shower. You will feel right as rain in no time.”

Ashlea turned to walk towards the front door when his hand stopped her. He jerked her back to him and then his lips were on her before she could stop them. She was unprepared for the touch and the kiss. It wasn’t what she had expected him to do and she was unable to stop the slow moan as he pulled her to his hard length. His lips were soft and his tongue was insistent in her mouth. It was too much and when he pressed against her with his hard length, she finally got the wherewithal to push back.

“Are you done?”

Her eyes didn’t show the throbbing between her legs and she was thankful she had worn a light jacket to cover the response in her chest. Her voice didn’t hold the same tremble she felt inside and she turned around to walk away. He didn’t try to stop her, his ego wounded by her lack of reaction. How could she not feel as he did when they touched?

Ashlea moved quickly to the room she was given. It was not until she was behind the door that she let out the ragged breath that she had been holding. Her heart leapt in her chest and there was nothing she could do about it. His lips were still felt on her own and she touched them gently. She tried to remind herself that he was a client. She tried to remember the boyfriend that she didn’t feel that way for. His touch did not elicit the same response and that made her pause. She tried to ignore the needs that she felt and eventually went back downstairs.

Jesse was in the kitchen and she took over so he could take a shower. Jail did not suit him and he smelled like dirt and booze. He never met her eyes, but came back down several minutes later cleaned up and in some running shorts. She set the plate of food in front of him and he ate with a soft thank you. “Well since you want to stay close, I guess we can go for a run. I was thinking along the coast a ways.”

Ashlea nodded, dreading it the whole time. Her eyes took in his hard chest and she wished she could find a reason not to go. She would never admit that she hadn’t run in years, so she nodded and finished her coffee. She was going to need as much caffeine as she could possibly get.

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