ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance) (50 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)
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Chapter 7

Cassie watched the clock through her class. Her mind alternated from the kiss from Chris and Bryan, who was hopefully going to take her mind off of the former. She had already heard rumors about Karen and her new ‘hot’ boyfriend, so her mind was settling more on Bryan by the end of the class. Hoping that he wouldn’t be there, she groaned inwardly when he was waiting patiently for her.

“I can’t believe you are really going to do this. Isn’t it enough that you are staying at my house? How about you go get some gang-whatever stuff done and you let me go to that party?”

He shook his head no again and she glared at him, but that didn’t seem to faze him either. Taking a deep breath as they got into her car, she asked him again nicer. She wanted to go bad and Cassie wanted to see Bryan. They had never been intimate, but with the way her body was feeling, it was all she could think about.

“I wish I could, but I can’t. I have a duty to you and I gave your brother my word that nothing would happen to you.”

“Nothing will. It’s just a party. Come on Chris. I am sure you are sick of babysitting me already.”

“It hasn’t been so bad Cassie. Besides I just talked to James and some stuff has went down so he was calling to make sure you were alright and to keep you in my sight.”

“Why do you even listen to him? I never got it.”

“Your dad saved me years ago and I have loyalty. You guys are like family.”

Cassie didn’t like the sound of that. She had been having less sisterly feelings and thoughts about him. She wondered if that was what he thought of her. Did he look at her like his sister? “Well I have never kissed family like that before.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, well on the loyalty part of it, you guys are like family.”

“And the other part?”

He looked towards her, his dark eyes held something not brotherly at all for a moment before he looked back at the road. “You are hot as shit Cassie, you know that, but you are still off-limits to me. If I could, I would .”

“Wow, well thanks.” Cass’s face started to get red. She had not been expecting such an answer, though at second thought she should have. Chris was many things, but he never lied to her. If anything, he was always to blunt with all things. He just told it as it was and then left her to deal with it. He had lied about Karen though. Not for long, but he had withheld that information at first.

“You seem surprised.”

“I am.”

“You know how I feel about blondes. When I first came home, I spotted you in the crowd. I would have never thought it was you.”

“So you like the blonde hair huh? You should see the roots. I just wanted a change. Everyone knew me as James’ redheaded sister. So when I came up here, I dyed it and no one knew who I was. If you guys start slinging up here, that is going to change.”

Chris hadn’t thought about that and he could see her need to distance herself from it all. She wanted to get into social work and having that kind of background, could make it hard. “No one will know who we are. I didn’t bring my bike and jacket for that reason. That is why I am driving a four-door sedan with you.”

“Yeah, but they know you were my boyfriend.”

“You shouldn’t have said that.”

“Don’t I know that now. If I would have known you were going to bang my roommate, I wouldn’t have.”

“You act like you don’t know me at all.”

Cass sighed and looked out the window. “Maybe I had hoped you would have changed by now.”

He looked over at her for a moment. She had the most wistful sigh to her voice and it made Chris wonder if she wanted what he wanted. It could never happen though.

“Men like me never change Cass, sorry.”


Cassie waited until Chris was asleep. She gave him back the bed with the excuse that she felt bad how uncomfortable he had looked that morning. Chris was tired and he was asleep before nine thirty. Getting up slowly from the couch, she heard it groan under her weight and she looked back at the bed with apprehension. “Where are you going?”

“To go take a shower. Try not to fall into someone else’s bed while I am gone.”

“Ha ha.”

She grabbed her towel and a change of clothes like she was going where she said. Chris turned over and she stopped to take in the bare expanse of his back and hip. The sheet was pulled down to his waist and she had the urge to pull it down and see what he was wearing underneath. Shaking her head of the thoughts, she left the room. Cass couldn’t have him, but she could have Bryan. Chris had just gotten her hot and bothered for him.

Walking passed the bathroom she stuck her stuff inside and kept going down the hall to the stairs. She passed Karen on the way out and wanted to slap the smug look off of her face. “Don’t you dare go in there Karen. I won’t let it go again.”

Karen looked at her surprised that she knew. Cass had a reputation of losing her cool and the woman backed up slightly without thinking. “Yeah I know. Don’t think you are special. He told me all about it.”

Her eyes were big and Cassie just smiled back at her before she left. She didn’t have any misgivings about Karen, she never had liked her. It was Chris she trusted not to do it again before her. Women were far less loyal than their male counterparts.

Calling Bryan as she was leaving, he told her he was still at the party and that she should come down. It wasn’t the first time the two had went out, but it was going to be the first time they were to get intimate. Cassie’s body needed something more and since she couldn’t have what she wanted, she was going to have to make due.

Bryan wasn’t so bad. He had been all she could think of until a day ago when Chris came back into town and once again turned her life upside down. Bryan was the opposite of Chris. He talked softly and always said the right thing. Cass couldn’t see him saying or doing the things that she knew Chris did. It was different in a way that Bryan seemed to be more of a man. He wasn’t as muscular as Chris, but she was sure that he would be enough under his button down shirt.

When she got to the frat party, it didn’t take much to spot the teacher in the mix, even though he was trying to blend in. She smiled at him from across the room and he started towards her.

“I was starting to think that you were not going to make it.”

He moved in to kiss her, his lips soft and Cass couldn’t help but notice the difference. The kiss was sweet and there was no hard pull to his hard body. “Why don’t we go somewhere where we will have a little privacy?”

“Yes, that sounds good.”

“First let’s get you a drink though.”

Cassie smiled and watched him go to the kitchen to get them some drinks. She waved to a couple girls she knew from school and waited for him to get back. It was loud and she was more than happy to go upstairs to one of the bedrooms when he came back with some kind of mixed drink. It tasted funny and she asked him what it was. Bryan looked almost offended, so she drank some more to appease him. Her body just needed release, to take her needs out on someone.

She followed him up the stairs and walked in on two couples before they found a bedroom that was empty. He immediately pulled her to the bed. Cassie kissed him again, but when his kisses became more forceful, she pushed him back. “Wait Bryan. Can we just slow down for a minute?”

A moment of irritation ran through him before he smiled and told her to drink up. “I don’t mind going slow if you need a little time. I am sure you will be more relaxed after a drink.”

Chapter 8

Karen stepped into the room and slowly closed the door behind her. She shouldn’t be there, knew better, but her mind was still on the way the man had slammed into her from behind. Karen had already forgotten that he had moaned out Cassie’s name when he had finally come. It made sense since it was his girlfriend, but she wanted it to be her name that he groaned the next time around.

She walked slowly up to the bed and started to take her clothes off. Down to just her panties, Karen sat on the bed next to him, pulling the sheet down to reveal a semi-hardness that she was sure could be perked up quickly. Touching him gently, the man was soon moaning in his sleep, his hips rising as the rubbing became harder. Karen grew bolder, moving to nip softly at the shaft, dragging her teeth across the covered length.

“Mmm Cassie.”

“Not this time.”

The hand in her hair pulled free and she felt him jerk underneath her. “Karen? What the hell are you doing?”

“Pleasing you while your girlfriend is away.”

“I thought you guys were friends?” Chris was sitting up as he started to wake up further. He covered himself and then tossed a pillow at her to do the same. “You need to go before Cassie gets back and freaks out.”

“She’s gone. I am not so worried about her.”

“Just go. You women are vicious.”

Karen looked at him like she wanted to kill him. “I don’t know why you are so worried about Cassie. She is going to meet a professor and I don’t think they are studying at this hour.”

She had enough on to get out the door, leaving Chris to get up and put his own clothes on. When he saw that the shower gel and shampoo were still on the shelf, it only to a quick look in the bathroom to see that she was gone. Cursing himself and Cassie, he made his way down to the row of frat houses on the far side of the school. It didn’t take much to figure out which one was having the party, several goers outside in different states of intoxication.

Pulling in with her car, he slammed the door and stalked up to the loud sprawling old house. There were people everywhere and his eyes looked around for Cassie. He didn’t see her, but he did see one of the girls he had met the first night he was there. Walking up to her, he asked where Cassie was and she pointed up to the stairs and the bedrooms above.

A part of him knew what she was doing, but he didn’t want to believe it. He couldn’t have her, but Chris didn’t want anyone else to either. The very idea of some old man professor touching Cassie made his blood boil, pushing him to climb the stairs quickly.

Chris had the same trouble when he started looking in each room. Several times he had to stop and wait for the woman’s face or hair to be seen so he would know if it was her or not. When he finally did find Cassie, she was almost passed out and looked drugged. Chris beat the man who was touching her with his fist, wishing he had something more.


Looking over to Cassie, he went to her, fixing her clothes and pulling her out of the room. She didn’t fight him much, but after Cassie stumbled several times, he picked her up and took her down the stairs and out of the frat house. He ignored the looks and didn’t realize he had blood on his hands until he was pulling the seatbelt around her.

Wiping his hands on his pants, he tried not to panic. The last thing he needed was to go back to jail over a small incident like that. He couldn’t help himself and admonished himself for losing control. He had seen red and now he was sure he was going to have to pay for it.

“Thanks for picking me up Chris.”

He didn’t say anything, just nodding, unable to speak in his own anger and self-loathing. He drove her home, making sure that he stayed in the speed limit, waiting for cops and sirens to come, but they never did. Chris finally relaxed when they got back to her house and he was thankful that there were very few lights on as they walked up. Chris saw the state of his shirt and it was best to not have more witnesses seeing him with blood on his shirt. He hadn’t stopped to see how bad the professor was hurt and beyond his own freedom, he didn’t care.

It was obvious the man had given her something. She was going in and out of consciousness with a strange smile on her face. It wasn’t anything he was familiar with and he wondered if it was some new drug going around.

Cassie had to be carried once he got the door shut. She was having trouble walking and he didn’t want her to fall. It was bad enough that he had let her get away. Chris didn’t want to hear it from James. His phone had rung while he was taking her home, but he hadn’t answered it. Chris was sure it was James calling to let him know what was going on there.


He laid her in the bed, but she wouldn’t let go of his neck. Cassie pulled him in for another kiss like the one from before. Her moan was quicker and his body crushed hers as Chris forgot himself for a moment. Breaking away from her hold, he got up and covered her still in her clothes. “You need to sleep it off Cassie.”

“But I need you Chris.”

“If you still want me in the morning, then. Not now. Just get some rest.”

Leaving the room was hard to do. He wasn’t sure if she was sober enough though and in truth, she was still off-limits. He had seen too much and the way she had moaned his name was hard to forget. Chris knew he had to and went out to the hallway to return the missed calls from Cassie’s brother.

Chapter 9

A week went by since the incident and Cassie was mortified with what had happened. She remembered the kiss and her trying to push Chris. Cassie also remembered that he had turned her down. The next morning, she had thought about going to him. He was still passed out when she woke up, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

As for her professor, he wasn’t hurt too badly. There were no cops called because his hands weren’t clean and Cassie was thankful that Chris hadn’t gotten in trouble for it. She didn’t know if she would be able to forgive herself if she had been the reason that he went back to jail.

It was awkward between the two of them. Cassie tried to avoid him as much as she could and Chris in turn spent more time getting things ready to add the small college town onto their delivery maps. She didn’t say anything more about what had happened and neither one of them said anything to James. He wouldn’t understand and Cassie was thankful for that small mercy. James would have insisted she come home and that was the very last thing that Cassie wanted.

Cassie walked out of class and was looking around for Chris. He was always there when she got out, never going back in any of her classes since the first day. He was talking to someone when she walked up and she had a few moments to admire him without haven’t to hide it. She still remembered the way he had felt when she had pulled him down on top of her or the time when he had pinned her to the wall. Just the thought made her shiver and she touched his arm gently. “Are you ready?”

He nodded and walked with her down the hallway. “You are not going to bitch at me for selling anymore?”

She shrugged. “Why?  It’s how you make your living, it pays for my tuition. Why pretend that it doesn’t?”

“Change of heart?”

“No just clarity. James called me earlier and said that everything was handled back home. I didn’t get the details, but I am sure you did. Does that mean you are going back to the city?”

“Yeah, later this evening. I like to drive when there is less traffic on the road. I will get a rental though.”

“So soon?” She got into the car and looked over at him. “Can’t you stay a little longer?”

“You’ve made it clear that you hate me here and have ignored me for a week.”

She laughed a little. “Yeah. I was embarrassed about what happened, but now that you are leaving, I don’t know.”

“Don’t be embarrassed. He shouldn’t have put something in your drink, but you really need to be more careful.”

“I don’t need the lecture Chris. I know I messed up.”

“Then what is it you want me to stay for?”

She shrugged and looked away. His brown eyes were just too intense and they sapped her courage. They were almost to her house and Cassie hoped that there weren’t many people around. There were six girls that lived there, but everyone seemed to have someone staying with them and the house was pretty full when they got there. Cassie still hadn’t answered his question, unable to put it into words.

Chris followed her upstairs and starting packing up his things. He went to the bathroom to take a shower before he took off and Cassie was not sure how to get him to stay, but she wanted one night, one time with him to get Chris out of her system. She hoped once would be enough to stave off the craving that she had for him, sure that it was just a novelty that would wear off when it didn’t live up to what she had in her head.

Waiting for him to come back in, her eyes kept going to the packed duffel bag by the door. She made a decision then, to say what her mouth couldn’t. It was something that would just have to be shown.


Chris walked back into the bedroom half-dressed and bared chested. He stopped short when he saw Cassie on the bed. She was wearing only a pair of short-shorts that showed off the bare underside of her round ass that he couldn’t get enough of. Cassie was wearing nothing above the waist but a smile and he swallowed hard.

“Are you going to shut the door?”

He looked behind him, not realizing that he hadn’t. He did quickly so no one else got to see what he was seeing. She was reading a magazine on her stomach, her feet in the air, moving as it moved the rest of her body as well. Chris looked away. “What are you doing?”

She sat up and he hissed when he turned back around. Her breasts were out, bare and drawing his gaze. “Waiting for you.”

He finally looked her in the eyes for a moment and he looked like he was in near pain. “You need to cover up.”

“You told me that if I wanted you when I was sober…”

“That was to get you to go sleep.”

Cassie made a pouty face and walked towards him, “Are you sure that is how you want to play it?”

Chris started to shake his head yes, but he couldn’t. He wanted what was in front of him. Cassie wasn’t touching him, but if he leaned in just a little bit, they would be. “We can’t.”

She leaned in, her lips stopping just in front of his. “Why can’t we?”

“You know why.”

Chris was tempted. It would have taken just an inch to kiss her again. “I wish we could.”

“No one has to know.”

Cassie was playing into what he already wanted. He wanted to hear that it would be okay, give him an excuse to go against the loyalty. She just needed one night, one hour, one kiss to assuage her desires.

She pressed her lips against him. It was not persuasive, but questioning, testing the water to see if he would kiss her back. She almost pulled away, taking so long for him to decide. Chris finally pressed his body down on her. He didn’t care if he wasn’t supposed to have her. He had to have her and when he heard the small mewl out of her mouth, he was lost to his own needs.

Chris could feel her soft mounds smashed underneath his hard chest and he was thankful to not have on his shirt. Instead he was able to feel her nipples harden to sharp tips as his tongue plundered into her mouth. Cassie’s legs wrapped around his waist, as his hips ground against her center. Each pass eliciting a soft gasp from her lips as his mouth moved down to her neck.

He was everything that she had been waiting for and more. As he made his descent to her wiggling tits, Cassie’s hands gripped his tattooed arms and closed her eyes as his mouth closed in around the hard center. Her fingers threaded into his hair, holding his mouth closer as he sucked on the tip. Like magic, the touch transferred to her core, dampening her walls in preparation for the hardness that sporadically pressed down against her.

His mouth moved from one to the other, swirling with his tongue, then suckling with his lips. “Mmm that feels so good.”

Chris lifted his head and looked down at her closed eyes and pursed lips. He kissed her quickly before moving to the valley in between her large mounds. As he made his route clear, going down her quivering stomach, Cassie’s grip on his tightened. Clamping her legs shut, she shook her head. “I can’t wait any longer. I am wet enough.”

He sat back on his knees and watched her push the shorts off her hips, revealing a rug that did not match the drapes. Her flaming red hair was neatly trimmed and as she reopened her legs, his own hands finally went into motion to give her what she wanted, what they both wanted. Chris had to push aside all of the guilt and enjoy the moment. Chris would have given anything to have her right in that moment.

Massaging her opening with his thick head, she lifted her hips up to push herself in, no longer willing to wait another second. Cassie whimpered with the slight penetration, while Chris hissed above her from the suffocation.

Chris moved so slow, trying hard not to hurt her as he stretched her slickened walls. He could feel her clenching him with each movement with an internal death grip. “Relax Cassie. I am not going to hurt you.”

It seemed to help, her body more receptive to his member as he continued his pursuit of her complete depths. Cassie was breathing harder, squeezing less often, but harder when she did. Chris could feel himself shaking with the desire to slam into her how he wanted to. He kept reminding himself, her tight insides reminding him that he had to be gentle.

When he reached bottom he just stilled inside of her, throbbing and listening to her soft murmurs. When her hips squirmed and she started pushing back on him, Chris slowly moved out and then back in. Her wetness made it to so easy.

Cassie whimpered, wanting him to go faster as she found herself closer to release. He was just slowly pumping into her like he was going to break her, not giving her what she wanted. Cassie wanted the man that she had seen before, unbridled.

“Fuck me like you do the other girls Chris.”

Her words made him stop and look down at her. “How would you know what I do with the other girls?” His hips pressed him deep quickly and made her gasp loudly.

“I saw you the night of the party, with the blonde.”

“That’s what you want?”


Chris gave her what she asked for and almost immediately Cassie was crying out below him. She came around his member, her cries making him push deeper. He ignored her pleas to slow down, needing his own release just as badly. When his hot seed finally mingled with hers, they were both breathing hard.

Cassie’s small hands pushed him back and he pulled out slowly, growling as his wet heat hit the coolness of the room.

“Oh my God Chris. Wow. I don’t even know what to say.”

He turned to her and pushed a strand of her hair back. “You say nothing about this.”

“What is this?”

“I don’t know, but I think I am going to be coming upstate more to find out.”


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