Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch (22 page)

Read Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch Online

Authors: Mallory Monroe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch
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Gemma’s heart began to
“Revenge on. . . you?”

Sal nodded.

“But why?
What did you do to him?”

“Not to him,” Sal
“To his brother.”

“His brother?”

“My father.”
Then he looked at Tommy.
“Our father.”

Gemma shook her
“I don’t understand.”

“He got Patty out of
prison as a way to loop me in.
Will and
Chazz, you see, used to work for Patty back in the day.
They were loyal to him.
When he went away, I kept them around,
throwing odd jobs their way every now and then.
When Patty got out, he claimed he wanted money, so he could get lost.”

“And you gave it to him?”
Gemma asked.

Sal wasn’t going to lie
to her.
“Yes,” he said.

Gemma stared at him.
She was taken aback.
She was an attorney, yet her boyfriend was just
admitting to her that he had aided and abetted a fugitive from justice.
A fugitive that had the FBI on his trail!

“I never dreamed he was
hooking up with the enemy,” Sal went on.

“Which means,” Tommy
said, “Will and Chazz were probably working for Fab Menza too.”

“And Fab undoubtedly set
up that ambush to see how you would react to one,” Reno added.

What ambush
, Gemma wanted to ask, but she didn’t.
It was already too much.

“They were trying to
claim Danny Bronco sat it up,” Sal said, “but that was just shiny object they
threw my way to distract me.”

“But I still don’t
understand, Sal,” she said instead.
would your uncle want revenge on you?”

“He’s avenging my
father’s death.
That’s the only thing it
can be.
That’s the only way he would be involved
in this.”

Now it was even more
confusing to Gemma.
And she hated being
so confused like this.
“But I thought
your father was the victim of a random act of violence.
At least that’s what you told me.”

Sal glanced at Tommy.

“That’s the official version,”
Tommy said.

“But not the true
version?” Gemma asked.

Sal nodded.
“Not the true version,” he said.

Gemma knew this was going
to be bad.
She could feel it in her
“What’s the true version?”

Tommy stood up and walked
toward the window.
He remembered it as
if it happened an hour ago.
Grace, his
wife, a woman he did everything in his power to shield from the dark side of
his life, witnessed it too.

Gemma saw Tommy get up,
and he saw the concern on Reno’s face.
This was bad.
“What’s the true
version, Sal?” she asked him.

“Truth is,” Sal said, “I
had to ice my father.”

Gemma’s heart
Her entire countenance

?” she asked, completely dumbstruck.

“I had to kill him,
And I couldn’t tell you about it
because it wasn’t just about me.”

“It was our old man,”
Tommy said, turning toward her, “or me.
That was the deal and there were no two ways about it.
Sal either had to kill our father, or let our
father kill me.
That’s what it came down

“And I’d ice that
motherfucker again,” Sal said boldly, “if I had to.”

But that bold
pronouncement only made Tommy feel worse.
Sal bore so many burdens.
Now he
had to bear that one too.
Tommy turned
back to the window.

“He did what he had to
do,” Reno said to Gemma.
“We Gabrinis,
the three of us here, we aren’t cold blooded killers, Gemma.
That ain’t us.
But we’ll kill with the best of them if they
force us.
Uncle Benny forced Sal.
He had to do it.
Like Tommy said, there’s no two ways about
He had to do it.”

“But why?” Gemma asked,
looking at Sal now.
“What did your
father do that would cause you to have to go there?”

“He pulled a gun on
Tommy,” Sal said, “when Tommy told on him.”

Gemma hesitated.
“Told what on him?”

Sal looked at Tommy,
which caused Gemma to look too.
didn’t turn around.

“About his love for me,”
Tommy said and then turned around.
was actually trying to smile it off.
it was a smile filled with pain.

Tommy continued.
“I told Sal all about our father’s great, wonderful,
inappropriate, wrong, hateful, evil love for me.”

Gemma stared at
At first, she only heard the word
But then she realized the other
Wrong, hateful, evil love
And tears suddenly appeared in her eyes.
She could see little Tommy back then.
He was so beautiful now, she could only imagine how beautiful he looked
back then.
She could see that beautiful
blonde boy with the sometimes green, sometimes blue, always beautiful
She could see all kinds of
predators preying on him.
But his own

“And our father couldn’t
bear it,” Tommy continued.
“So he tried
to silence me.
Just as he had silenced
me my entire life.
But Sal,” Tommy said,
looking at his brother with an undying love, “saved my voice.
He wouldn’t allow our father to get the last

Gemma looked at Sal.
Oh the burden of that, she thought.
And she went to him, got on his lap, and held
She knew he should have told her
when it first happened.
It was Tommy’s
story, she knew, but it was Sal’s too.
Sal had to do the dirty work.

Tommy turned back toward
the window.
Reno headed for the bar,
wiping away a tear as he did.

And that was the last
they said about that.

And then two hours later,
they got the call from Patty Pacheco.




can’t see why I have to go back to Vegas, Sal,” Gemma said to him as they stood
on Reno’s plane.
Reno was also on the
plane, making phone calls.
Tommy was
waiting at the car.
He and Sal were
remaining in Seattle, to await the call back from Patty.

had her in his arms.
“I have to know
you’re safe,” he said, holding her tightly.
“With Reno, at the PaLargio, you’ll be safe.”

why does Patty Pacheco want to meet with you?”

says he knows who iced Will and Chazz.”

I thought Zoo said Patty killed them.”

almost smiled at how easily she was adjusting to his other life.
She was even remembering the names.
“I know that,” he said.
“But Patty don’t know I know it.
I have to keep it that way.”

still felt uneasy.
“But what if Zoo is
working for Patty too, just like he’s claiming Will and Chazz worked for him?”

don’t work for Patty.
For Fab Menza

how do you know that, Sal?
He could be
double-crossing you like Will and Chazz did.
How do you know he’s not?”

I know it.
Zoo’s the slime of the earth
to guys like them, and Zoo feels likewise about them.”

would they think he’s the slime of the earth?”

He’s different.”


Maybe one day you’ll meet him.
But right now, I want you to forget about all
of that, go back to Vegas, and wait until I come to get you.”

Get her
, Gemma wondered.
And take her where?
She lived in Vegas.

kissed her.
“Behave yourself,” he said.

“I’m going to have three men,
waiting on me hand and foot, if you take too long.”

slapped her on the behind.
Reno smiled, but didn’t look
“They’d better not let me see them,”
he said.
Then his look turned
“I love you, Gemma Jones,” he

love you, too, Sal Gabrini,” she said.

words, for both of them.

then Sal left the plane and made his way to Tommy’s waiting Corvette.

he got in, Tommy began pulling off.
“She’s okay?” he asked as he left.

be okay.”
Sal, however, was looking
toward the plane as it continued to warm up on the runway.

take it there’s no word from Patty,” Tommy said as he drove.


Tommy looked at his brother.
“What do
you think he’s up to?”

fronting for Fabio.
They’re cooking up
some scheme.” Then Sal’s phone began to ring.
He put it on Speaker as he quickly answered.
“This is Sal,” he said.

want three million,” Patty said.

and Sal looked at each other.
“Then go
get it,” Sal replied.

want it from you, asshole.
You have one
day to get it together.
I’ll call you

you out of your fucking mind?” Sal asked.
“On what planet would I give you that kind of dough?
I already gave you all I’m giving you,
I’m not giving you a dime

you are,” Patty said confidently.
“And I
have two reasons why.”

And what would those two reasons

was a long pause.

Sal asked.

Jones, and Cassie Jones.”

heart dropped through his shoe.
frowned. Who the hell were Rodney Jones and Cassie Jones?

Patty said, laughter in his voice.
bet that got your attention.”

held the phone with two hands.
“What are
you saying, Patty?”

saying I have your woman’s parents, Sal.”

heart pounded against his chest.
immediately motioned for Tommy to turn the car around.
Tommy slammed on brakes and turned his
Corvette so fast that they swerved before course correction.

expect me to believe something like that?” Sal was asking, to stall Patty.

asked me a question,” Patty said.
gave you an answer.”

pulled out his cell phone and began to call Reno.

took his own cell phone off of Speaker.
“But what kind of answer is that?” Sal said to Patty.
“You expect to tell me you have the Joneses
and you just expect me to believe it?
How do I even know they’re with you?”

grounded?” Tommy asked Reno when he came on the line.


We need Gemma.”

that, Patty,” Sal was saying as Tommy killed his call.
“How do I know you have them?”

I told you so!” Patty responded.
would I lie about a thing like that?”

you’re a liar and you lie about everything!”

you’re right.
I lied for your ass,
didn’t I?”

of life, Patty.
I gotta have proof that
they’re with you and are alive and well.
Proof of life, or you get nothing from me.”

was a long pause on Patty’s end.
was turning into the airstrip like a bat out of hell.
Reno and Gemma were already off of the plane
and were hurrying across the tarmac.

came back on the line.
“I’ll call you
back in two minutes.”

proof of life?”

bitch, damn!
Give me two minutes!”
And Patty’s line went dead.

and Tommy got out of the car just as Gemma and Reno ran up to them.
“What is it?” Gemma was asking.
“What happened?”

heart was still pounding.
He hated with
all that was within him to tell her this.
Even Reno was looking concerned.
He looked at Tommy.
Tommy shook
his head in distress.

what is it?” Gemma asked.
“Just tell

have your folks, Gem,” he said, with agony in his voice.

nearly fainted where she stood.
Sal and
Reno both reached for her.
But she was
able to stand.
“My parents?” she asked.
“What are you talking about?
Who has my parents?”

And Fab Menza no doubt.”

she was looking around, searching for the reasons.

wants three million dollars.
He claims
to have your parents in his custody, as his bargaining chip.”

“But that’s
not true.
That can’t be true!”

spoke to them?” Tommy asked, hopeful.

realized she hadn’t spoken to them since she and Sal left Indiana.
She quickly pulled out her cell phone and
called them.
Father first.
His phone went to Voice Mail.
Sal’s heart was still pounding as she phoned
her mother next.
Her phone too, went to
Voice Mail.
Then Sal’s phone rang.

he said, answering it quickly.
It was
Sal put the phone on

hello to Rodney and Cassie Jones,” Patty said.

was holding onto Sal so tightly that she was squeezing the life out of him.

is Rodney Jones,” a voice said.
three Gabrini men looked at Gemma.
reaction alone made it absolutely clear that that was indeed her father’s

she said, her face crushed with pain.

have me and your mother, sweetheart,” Rodney Jones said.
“They broke into the house and forced us to
come with them.”
Gemma covered her

you or your wife been harmed, Mr. Jones?” Sal asked.

Is this Salvatore?”

heart was breaking.
“Yes, sir,” he said.

of yours?”

nearly buckled.
Rodney was concerned
about his associations when they spoke in Indiana.
Now it was obvious that he knew what he was
talking about.
He had every right to be
“Yes, sir,” Sal said.

keep my daughter safe,” Rodney ordered, but the phone was apparently snatched
from his hand.

asshole?” Patty asked.
“Have the money
ready by tomorrow morning.
I’ll call you
back with the particulars.
And it goes
without saying: No cops.
No Feds. No
Then Patty killed the call.

Gemma, drained as if life itself had just seeped out of her, slumped against
her man.


got in bed with Gemma and held her in his arms.
She had been in tears ever since they returned to the penthouse, but she
finally, after nearly three long hours, fell asleep.
Now Sal was making sure she was in her deepest
sleep, before he got up.

stared at her as she slept.
What he
loved so much about her was the way she didn’t ask him any questions.
He knew she had many.
From how in the world was he going to get her
parents out of such a jam, to where would the three million dollars come
But she didn’t ask any of
She was relying on him now.
This was too big now, too terrifying to even
think about.
She had to rely on

they made it back to the penthouse, she only had five words to say to him.
let them die, Sal
, was all she said.

Don’t let them die, Sal.

And if
it took his last breath, he was going to do exactly what she told him to
Her parents were not going to
Not on his watch.
Not because of his associations.

eased out of bed as she continued to sleep.
She was in a deep sleep now.
didn’t hurt that he had slipped a micky, a sleeping pill, in her drink, but he
couldn’t bear to let her experience all of that pain in total
Now she was sleep. Now he
was downstairs, getting ready to go.

getting strapped in, with guns on the back of either calf, guns on either side,
guns in either pocket, then he opened the briefcase.
The money was there, delivered to him by
Tommy himself, just in case they had misread Patty’s reasoning and the money, not
revenge, was, in fact, what this was about.
They couldn’t come up short.
suspected it was a little of both, but he was willing to guarantee it was
revenge that was driving Fabio.

to Patty’s call-back,” Reno said, “he’s supposed to send a car for you tomorrow
morning at eight a.m.
Although there’s a
tracker in the lining of this briefcase, and in the lining of your suit, your
pants, and even your fucking underwear, we still aren’t taking any
We’ll have our men position on
every block near the Wingate by six a.m.”

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