Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch (18 page)

Read Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch Online

Authors: Mallory Monroe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch
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looked at Shannon.
“Excuse me,” she said
to her, “but did you let Mr. Gabrini know that I was here?”

told him,” Shannon said, looking Gemma up and down.

telling me what he said?”

really busy.
He says you’ll have to come
back later.”

stared at Shannon.
Once upon a time,
Shannon and Sal were lovers.
always felt concerned about that, but she didn’t interfere.
But that very fact alone always made her
suspicious of Shannon.
And that was why
she wasn’t about to believe that heifer.
Not in a million years would Sal have asked her to come back later.
Even if he was still angry with her, he would
not have said that.
But Gemma was
responding to text messages anyway.
kept responding.

it was Shannon’s time to stare.
“Did you
hear me?” she asked when Gemma didn’t leave.
“He said you’ll need to come back later.”

didn’t even bother to look up.

ignoring you, Shan,” Melody said.

the office door opened and Sal peered out.
“Shan, where did I put those Brightman papers?
I thought,” he started, but then he saw

He was stunned.
He began walking out of
his office, staring at her.
What in the world are you doing

“I thought I’d surprise you.”

heart began to soar.
But it still was
strange to him.
“But what are you
sitting out here for?”

was going to enjoy this.
“Shannon said
you were extremely busy and told me to come back later.”

looked at Shannon. His blue eyes were immediately on fire with rage.
“I know better than that.”

busy,” Shannon tried to explain. “I was just---”

do you think she is?” Sal blared.
the fuck do you think you are?”

your senior assistant.”

looked at Gemma.
“Come here,” he
Gemma didn’t hesitate.
She got up and stood beside him.
He placed his arm around her waist.

listen and listen good.”
They all
“This woman right here is Gemma
Miss Jones to every one of you.
She’s my one and only lady.
When she walks into this building, you’d
better treat her as if the Queen of fucking England just walked through that
Do I make myself clear?”

sir,” they all said in various octaves and tones.

Sal looked at Shannon.
“You knew who she
You know what she means to me.
But you pulled that shit anyway.
So now it’s my time to pull the shit.
You’re fired.
Get the fuck out of my building and get the fuck out now!


Tell them to escort her ass
out, and I mean within the next ten minutes.”

didn’t hesitate.
She wanted no parts of
any firing.
“Yes, sir,” Melody replied
as if her old mentor Shannon was already dead to her.

Shannon pleaded, stunned that he would do such a thing to her.

Sal wasn’t thinking about her any longer.
Firing her was overdue, as far as he was concerned.
She was an ex-lover.
As soon as he became serious about Gemma, he
should have gotten rid of her then.
at least moved her away from his personal staff.
But she was good at her job.
It wasn’t her fault that he had fallen in
love with Gem.
But today made him see
how bad an idea keeping her was going to be.
She wasn’t above sabotaging their relationship to gain some perceived
upper hand she might have thought she had.
He had to stop this now.
stopped it.

Security,” Melody said on the telephone as Shannon started cussing him out.

she started with the profanity, Sal wanted to respond in kind, and personally
escort her ass out, but Gemma touched him on the arm.
The woman had just been fired.
That was enough retribution, Gemma felt.

realized it too.
He was learning how to
control that sometimes out of control temper of his since he hooked up with a
woman like Gem.
And he wasn’t going to
allow the likes of Shannon Dorn to set him back now.
“Come on, babe,” he said to Gem, and they
went into his office.

kept cursing, vowing revenge, even as Security arrived to walk her off of the
But the people she most wanted
to hear her, Sal and Gemma, weren’t listening anymore.




soon as Sal’s office door closed, he backed Gemma against it and kissed her
mercilessly. Long and hard.
Then he
started tracing kisses all around her entire face, and her neck, and then he
was kissing her lips again.

don’t know what it means,” he said, between kisses, “for you to come to me like

began rubbing his lips along the side of her smooth face, causing her to close
her eyes as his kisses alone was making her feel so sensual.
Then he lifted her blouse and bra above her
chest, causing her bare breasts to pop out as if they were two ripe, juicy
She was aroused already.

wasn’t sure,” she managed to reply to him, as he began kissing and sucking her
breasts in such a way that she poked them out further, for his full access, “if
you wanted me to come.”

when she said those words, he stopped kissing her.
He looked at her, his blue eyes overcome with
“Whatta you talking?” he
asked her.
“Why wouldn’t I want you to

way we argued last night,” Gemma explained.
“You were very upset with me.”

course I was upset with you!
I wanted to
ring your little neck.
But what does
that have to do with me wanting to see you again?”

suddenly felt foolish.
Had she just
exposed her vulnerability?
“It’s just
that I wasn’t sure,” she said.

closed his eyes and exhaled.
It was
obvious to her that he was trying to control his temper.
Then he opened his eyes again, revealing his
own vulnerability, and placed his hands beneath her chin.
“Listen to me, you, and you listen good,” he
said to Gemma.
“A simple argument is
never going to be enough to get rid of me.
You understand that?
What, are
you kidding me?
We’re going to argue all
the time, Gemma.
That’s the nature of
our personalities!
You’re going to
constantly do something stupid or say something wrong and I’m going to
constantly have to correct you.”

He was smiling now too.
“But the love will still be there,” he
He squeezed her chin.
“From me, it’ll always be there.
I’ve gotta take it slow, I know all of
But that doesn’t diminish my love
for you.
My love for you,” he shook his
head, “is on overdrive.
slowing my love for you down.”

stared at Sal.
She knew how much it took
for him to speak so candidly that way.
She wrapped her hands around his neck, her breasts still exposed and
jutting against his chest.
“Well now,
you listen to me, Sal Gabrini.
never been in love, this deeply, with anybody else before in my life.
This is all new to me too.
And I’m making mistakes.
Plenty of them,” she admitted.
“But don’t you ever doubt my love for you
Because it’s strong.”
Then she frowned.
“That’s kind of what scares me.”

“Oh, sweetie,” he said, and
pulled her into his big arms.
“Don’t you
worry about a thing.
Big Sal isn’t going
to let anything happen to you, are you nuts?
I’ll lay down and die for your scared ass.”
Gemma smiled.
“When you’re with me, you have nothing to fear.”

regular Mister Modesty, Gemma thought smilingly.

looked at her.
“Got it?” he asked.

“Got it,” she said.

then they stared.
She could see every
twinkle in his eyes, and he could see every twinkle in hers.
He looked down, at her breasts, and started
fondling them.
When he looked back up,
her big bright eyes were already hooded.
And then he started kissing her again.

this kiss was just as passionate as the previous kisses, there was more of an
urgency to this one.
And Gemma knew,
although they were standing against the door inside his office, and an entire
staff of his assistants were working on the other side of that door, he was
going to do a whole lot more to her this time than just a kiss.

was right.
Sal slung her blouse and bra
over her head and tossed them onto a chair.
Then he lifted her enough to put her breasts in his mouth, this time
without bending.
And he sucked long and
She wrapped her hands around his
head as he did her.
They’d only been
apart for two nights, but it felt so much longer!

he wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her on the lips again.
He pressed in further, as he kissed her, and
she could feel his member expanding.

can’t do this here,” she was saying, as he pressed harder against her.

yeah?” he replied.
“Unzip me,” he said,
and continued to kiss her.

unzipped his pants.

it out,” he said, anxious to feel her hands on his dick again.
When she pulled it out, and he felt her hand
encircle him, he sucked her breast so hard that she cried out in elation.
He had to put his hand over her mouth to keep
the noise down.

it out?” he asked her, although he already knew that answer.

out,” she replied breathlessly, as she began to rub it.

pulled her panties down, with one side of her panties pulled completely off of
her leg, and then he wrapped her legs around him.
But instead of entering her, he carried her
to the window seat behind his desk, sat her down, and opened her legs
When he knelt down, and started
licking her, she inhaled.

didn’t know if they could be seen outside from that window seat, but she
trusted that Sal wouldn’t put her in that position.
But the more he licked her, especially with
those long licks she loved, the less she thought about the position she was
Her hands squeezed his thick hair as
he slid his tongue inside her folds and started eating her.
Her legs were lifted up now, and she was
leaned back, and she felt as if she was riding his face as he licked her.
Her vaginal juices flowed, and she was nearly

he stopped, stood up, put his hand under her chin, and stared at her.
He gave her a chance for her throbbing to
slow down before he entered her and took her over.
He never wanted her sexual experience to
begin and end with foreplay.
appreciated the interruption.

he unbuckled his pants, dropped them down to his shoes, and entered her.
Only he didn’t ease in, but thrust in,
causing her to cry out again.
But this
time he didn’t cover her mouth.
It was too intense for him
He held her, and plunged into her,
stroking her in a steady shove in and pull out stream of pleasure.
He fought cumming for nearly half an hour.

fought it too, as Sal’s penis felt hyper-good inside of her.
She didn’t want that feeling to end.
He didn’t want it to end, either.
He fucked her fast, he fucked her slow.
He did everything to keep them on that
beautiful verge of cum, without tipping over.

were in a rhythm now, and they rocked with it.
Stroke after stroke after stroke.
He was gyrating her to a tune inside their heads.
They were in sync.
Until Gemma couldn’t help it, and clamped

,” Sal said with a rush of arousal
when she clamped down around his penis, her tightness too much for him to
Not just because of the
But because he thought about
how it was Gemma he was fucking, and how it was Gemma’s taste that was still in
his mouth, and how much he loved Gemma.
And he couldn’t hold back any longer.


grabbed hold of his hips as he fucked her hard this time, his thrashings
elevating her sensations so intensely that they caused her to cum, and to cum
with a hard orgasm.
She was jerking as
she came.
But he kept thrashing
She was nearly bouncing in her
seat, as he thrashed.

he came.
He leaned forward as she leaned
back, and he poured into her.

held on, as he kept pounding her as he poured, until she was so full that it
was streaming out.
And he could stroke
no longer.
He was poured out, she was
throbbed out, and their bodies slowly returned back down to earth.

held onto each other, then looked at each other, then smiled.

was smiling especially grand.
“Now that
I’ve got what I wanted,” he said, “you can take your ass back to Vegas.”

laughed heartily.
She loved Sal’s sense
of humor.
“But I’m not finished with you
yet,” she said, playing along.
“I didn’t
come here for one fuck.
Are you kidding

He loved the way he could joke
with her and she wasn’t sensitive and defensive and couldn’t get the joke.
She was comfortable in her own skin.
Completely self-possessed.
He loved that about her.

she was also a woman who didn’t waste time.
She looked down, at their puddle of wetness.
“We’d better clean up this mess,” she said.

leave it,” Sal said, finally pulling out of her.
“Give my nosy assistants something to talk

no,” Gemma said, standing up.
Shannon’s tirade?
No, sir.
They won’t be talking about this.”


this,” Gemma made clear.


cleaning up, Sal and Gemma eventually walked out of the office and made their
way toward the elevators.
Shannon was
gone by this time, but Melody and the rest of the staff couldn’t take their
eyes off of the couple.
They’d never
known Sal to be so passionate about any woman, especially a non-blonde
But he was serious now.
He even had his hand in the small of her
back, more than a few of them noticed, as they watched them walk across the
And when they stood at the
elevator, waiting for it to open, Sal leaned over and kissed Gemma on the
That move alone cranked the
whispers into high gear.

you see that?” one assistant was asking another one.

saw it.
I’m shocked.
I thought he was---”

was what?”

didn’t think he cared for minorities.”

he cares for that one.
Big time.”

The elevator
door opened, and Sal and Gemma, unaware of the whispers, got onto the elevator
and headed downstairs.
Sal kept his arm
around her waist when they stepped off, walked across the lobby, and outside to
the waiting limo.
The chauffeur was
standing at the opened back door.

pulled Gemma into his arms again, before she got in.
“I’ll try to wrap it up here as soon as I
can,” he said.

rush,” she replied.
“I’m going to take a
long bath and relax.”

kissed again, and she got in.

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