Ronnie and Nancy (105 page)

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Authors: Bob Colacello

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50. Nofziger,
, p. 234.

51. Ibid., pp. 223–24.

52. Kelley,
Nancy Reagan
, pp. 249–50.

53. Lyn Nofziger, to author, April 19, 2000.

54. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 85.

55. Charles Wick and Mary Jane Wick, to author, November 3, 1997.

56. Ibid.

57. Clymer in
New York Times Magazine
, July 29, 1979.

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58. Ibid.;
New York Times
, January 23, 1979, “Reagan Backers Decide to Meet Issue of Age Early and Head On.”

59. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 75; Clymer in
New York Times
, July 29, 1979.

60. Evans and Novak,
The Reagan Revolution
, p. 74.

61. Nofziger,
, pp. 235–36.

62. Charles Wick, to author, October 14, 1999.

63. Mary Jane Wick, to author, October 14, 1999.

64. Charles Wick and Mary Jane Wick, to author, October 14, 1999.

New York Times
, November 14, 1979, “Reagan Entering Presidency Race, Calls for North American ‘Accord’ ”;
New York Times
, November 14, 1979, “The 1980 Model Reagan: Strident Campaign Tone Is Gone.”

66. Cannon,
Governor Reagan
, pp. 453–54.

67. Arthur Laffer, to author, April 4, 2000.

68. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 87.

New York Times
, December 4, 1979, “Shifts on Reagan Staff Strengthen Role of Campaign Chief.”

70. Nancy Reynolds, to author, April 2, 2003.

New York Times
, December 4, 1979, “Shifts on Reagan Staff Strengthen Role of Campaign Chief.”

72. Martin Anderson, to author, March 27, 2000.

New York Times
, January 27, 1980, “As Reagan Goes, So Goes John P. Sears 3d.”

74. Anderson,
, pp. 289–90.

75. Nancy Reagan, to author, October 27, 1997.

76. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 507, handwritten notes on Executive Advisory Committee, note dated December 5, 1979, on the subject “Morgan Mason.”

77. Arthur Laffer, to author, April 4, 2000.

78. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 507, notes dated February 5, 1980, under heading “Purpose and Function.”; ibid., page entitled “Consultants & Advisers.”

79. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 507, dated February 5, 1980, notes under heading “Com-position and Leadership”; ibid., page entitled “Exec. Adv. Comm., 2pm.”

80. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 503, memorandum from Ed Meese to William E. Simon on “Reagan for President” stationery, dated 14 January 1980, subject: Executive Advisory Committee.

81. Colacello in
Vanity Fair
, July 1998; Anderson,
, p. 328.

82. White,
America in Search of Itself
, p. 249; Anderson,
, p. 328; Persico,
p. 175.

83. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 507, letter from William J. Casey to Ronald Reagan, dated February 1, 1980.

New York Times
, January 23, 1980, “Reagan to Reconsider His Decision Not to Debate with G.O.P. Rivals.”


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New York Times
, January 27, 1980, “As Reagan Goes, So Goes John P. Sears 3d.”

86. Weymouth in
New York Times Magazine
, October 26, 1980.

87. William Clark, to author, March 14, 2000.

88. Weymouth in
New York Times Magazine
, October 26, 1980.

89. Nancy Reagan with Novak,
My Turn
, p. 206.

90. Weymouth in
New York Times Magazine
, October 26, 1980.

91. White,
America in Search of Itself
, p. 251.

92. Ibid.

New York Times
, February 29, 1980, “The Basic Speech: Ronald Reagan.”

94. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 919, cover page attached to Republican National Committee April 1980 Finance Committee Report, sent from William French Smith to Nancy Reagan, forwarded by Nancy Reagan to Ed Meese with handwritten note.

New York Times
, May 27, 1980, “Bush Says He’ll Quit Active Campaigning, Ending 2-Year Quest.”

New York Times
, May 28, 1980, “Campaign Report; Ford Endorses Reagan, Saying He Has Nomination.”

97. White,
America in Search of Itself
, p. 321;
New York Times
, July 14, 1980, “At Center Stage, Ronald Reagan Takes His Biggest Role.”

New York Times
, May 31, 1980, “Reagan’s Inner Circle of Self-Made Men.”

New York Times
, June 15, 1980, “Six Losing Candidates Vow Fealty to Reagan at G.O.P. Unity Fete.”

100. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 543, “Notes from the June 20th [1980] Reagan Executive Advisory Committee meeting held at the Palmer House in Chicago. (By Arthur B.


101. Bill Wilson, to author, October 30, 1999.

102. Ibid.

New York Times
, June 18, 1980, “Campaign Report; Reagan Aides Are Reported Concerned by Sinatra Move.”

104. Letter, Joe Moshay to Nancy Reagan, October 16, 1981, ID# 046371, GI002, WHORM: Subject File, Ronald Reagan Library.

New York Times
, July 14, 1980, “A State of Some Confusion: Reagan’s Search for Vice-Presidential Candidate Is Vital, Critical and Highly Important—Or Is It?”

106. Anthony and McCollister in
, February 1999.

107. Bill Wilson, to author, November 7, 1997.

108. Meese,
With Reagan
, p. 43.

New York Times
, July 15, 1980, “Reagan Is Promising a Crusade to Make Nation ‘Great Again.’ ”

110. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 543, “Reagan Advisory Committee: Minutes of April 4, 1980.”

New York Times
, October 31, 1980, “Departing Adviser to Reagan: Richard Vincent Allen.”

New York Times
, July 16, 1980, “Reagan Woos Ford as Top Republicans Denounce President.”

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113. White,
America in Search of Itself
, pp. 321–22.

114. Nofziger,
, p. 242.

115. Meese,
With Reagan
, p. 44.

116. White,
America in Search of Itself
, p. 323.

117. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, pp. 93–94.

118. Ibid.

119. Nancy Reynolds, to author, April 2, 2003.

120. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 194, “Nancy Reagan: Detailed Schedule” for July 14 and July 15, 1980.

New York Post
, July 14, 1980, “Around the Town with Eugenia Sheppard.”

122. Nancy Reagan with Novak,
My Turn
, p. 211.

New York Times
, July 17, 1980, “Reagan Says Bush Backs Platform; Ford Was Offered Major Authority”; White,
America in Search of Itself
, pp. 323–24.

124. Nancy Reagan with Novak,
My Turn
, p. 212.

125. Aileen Mehle, to author, March 28, 2004.

126. Nancy Reagan with Novak,
My Turn
, p. 212.

127. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 96; White,
America in Search of
, p. 325.

128. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 96.

New York Times
, July 17, 1976, “Reagan Wins Nomination and Chooses Bush as Running Mate After Talks with Ford Fail.”

130. Barbara Bush,
Barbara Bush
, p. 154.

131. Betty Adams, to author, October 12, 1999.

132. Laxalt,
Nevada’s Paul Laxalt
, p. 314.

133. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 97.

134. Nancy Reynolds, to author, April 2, 2003.

Los Angeles Times
, July 16, 1980, “Mrs. Bush Happy to Settle for Second.”

136. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 543, “Reagan Executive Advisory Committee Meeting; Friday, July 25, 1980, Boston Room, L.A. Hyatt.”

New York Times
, August 14, 1980, “A Confident Miss Lillian Marks Her 82nd Birthday.”

138. Nancy Reynolds, to author, April 2, 2003.

139. Cannon,
Governor Reagan
, p. 490; White,
America in Search of Itself
, p. 391.

New York Times
, September 3, 1980, “Carter Assails Reagan Remark About the Klan as an Insult to the South.”

141. Cannon,
Governor Reagan
, pp. 483–84.

142. Stuart Spencer, to author, November 5, 1997.

143. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 490, “Guest List for Private Wick Dinner; Friday, September 5, 1980.”

New York Times
, October 31, 1980, “Reagan Advisers Ponder Kissinger Foreign Policy Role; Mrs. Reagan as Guest of Honor.”

New York Times
, October 28, 1980, “Carter and Reagan to Meet Tonight in Debate That Could Decide Race.”

New York Times
, October 7, 1980, “Carter Presses Issue of ‘War and Peace’”;
York Times
, October 8, 1980, “Reagan Declares Carter Is at ‘a Point of Hysteria.’”


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New York Times
, October 11, 1980, “Carter Asserts Reagan Presidency Would Be ‘Bad Thing’ for Country.”

New York Times
, October 19, 1980, “Carter and Reagan Go on Attack in Ads.”

New York Times
, October 26, 1980, “Mrs. Reagan, in Campaign Ad, Assails Statements by Carter on Her Husband.”

150. Nancy Reagan, to author, October 27, 1997.

New York Times
, April 5, 1980, “Strong Wives Keeping Pace with Front-Runners.”

152. Peter McCoy, to author, October 31, 1997.

153. Weymouth in
New York Times Magazine
, October 26, 1980.

154. Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s personal papers, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, box 543, Mike Wallace interview with Patti Reagan, pp. 8–9.

155. Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 98.

156. Cannon,
Governor Reagan
, p. 504; Deaver with Herskowitz,
Behind the Scenes
, p. 98.

157. Jack Wrather, “On Friendship, Politics, and Government,” an oral history conducted 1982, Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley, 1984, p. 9. Courtesy, The Bancroft Library.

158. White,
America in Search of Itself
, pp. 407–8.

New York Times
, October 31, 1980, “Close Reagan Business Friends; They Seem to Personify His Values.”

160. From the personal papers of Marion Jorgensen, guest list for Tuesday, November 4, 1980, election night.

161. Neil Reagan oral history, p. 55.

162. Colacello in
Vanity Fair
, July 1998, p. 141.

163. White,
America in Search of Itself
, p. 411.

164. Nancy Reagan with Novak,
My Turn
, p. 221.

165. Colacello in
Vanity Fair
, July 1998, p. 141.

166. Ibid.



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Bloomingdale, Betsy, with Catherine Whitney.
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