Roofie (MMA Bad Boys Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Roofie (MMA Bad Boys Book 2)
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“Busted,” I manage to get out between the giggling. My poor stomach is aching and I have to take a deep breath to calm down. Damn, I’m funny as fuck.

“Where’s Roofie at?” Beast asks as he glances around before eyeing us.

“He went to the bar to get us drinks about ten minutes ago and never returned.” I shrug in indifference. Not really giving a fuck but at the same time wondering if he has his tongue shoved down someone’s throat.

“Oh shit,” Jase whispers from behind me. I follow his line of site and my eyes land on Roofie, hanging at the bar, beer in hand and his tongue shoved so far down her throat that I’m wondering when it will come out of her arse.

My heart deflates and any hope I had for us two vanishes. A sick feeling takes a hold of my stomach and tears prick the corners of my eyes. Why the hell am I getting so messed up over someone that’s made me the biggest bitch ever after that night? Who the fuck am I to get enraged over a man going at some slut like she’s his next meal? He’s not mine and never will be.

“I need the loo. I’ll be back,” I grumble as I grab my clutch and manoeuvre myself around everyone to leave the table.

I pass Roofie just as he’s coming up for air and he looks at me and his face turns pale and his eyes become wide like saucers. I don’t bother acknowledging him and practically run to the girls’ bathroom.

I lock myself in an empty stall and slump down on top of the toilet seat. I don’t need to piss; I just need to be alone. I place my head in my hands and scream into them.
Idiot, idiot, idiot,
I chant to myself. I was stupid to think I felt a connection with him when he embraced me outside the shop this morning. I’m stupid for giving myself false hope of happiness.

A sob escapes my throat and I clamp a hand over my mouth to quieten it. Fuck, I don’t cry over anything. Why the shitting hell am I crying over a dude that’s never ever wanted me.

Grabbing some toilet tissue from the dispenser on the wall, I wipe under my eyes to clear the tears that I never wanted to fall. Tears that no man deserves.

“Gem?” Carlotta calls from somewhere in the restroom. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? Can’t a girl piss in peace?” I snap, regretting it instantly. Carlotta has been there since I arrived in London, she doesn’t deserve my moody bitch mode I have going on. “Shit, I’m sorry, Car.”

“Babe, please just tell me what’s wrong. You don’t get upset over nothing.” She has a fucking good point which is why I’m sat here fucking arguing with myself in my head.

I sigh, unlock the door and meet Carlotta at the sinks. I do a quick mascara check and then face the bestest friend any women would be lucky to have. “I have issues.”

“Well, I already knew that.” She winks at me before she carries on, “Is it Roofie?”

I hang my head but nod at the same time. “Yeah. I have a serious crush on him yet I still hate him for what he did. I don’t get my feelings at all.” I keep my eyes trained on my feet as I shuffle them together.

“It’s not a damn shame to like someone, Gemma. For fuck sake. Pull your head out of your arse and make a move!” she exclaims throwing her hands in there.

“How!” I shout back. “He has his tongue down some slut’s throat, yet I should make a move? He clearly doesn’t see me in the same way. Am I fuck going to make a damn move on him,” I shout, startling the woman who’s just walked in. She swivels on her heels and walks straight back out and I don’t even blame her. The murderous look on my face could probably kill a herd of cows.

“Calm your shit, Gem. You don’t want to go back out there and embarrass yourself with this jealousy shit you’ve got going on.” Carlotta stares at me, drilling holes into me as I stare back.

“And me making a sudden move on him isn’t going to be embarrassing? Listen to yourself, Car!” I’m so enraged that I don’t even watch my tone with her until it’s too late and I see the hurt written across her face. “Look, I don’t want to be a bitch to you because I love you. I’m just going to head home, okay?” I wrap her in my arms and sigh. One hug from my best friend has me almost dead calm in an instant.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Carlotta mumbles into my shoulder.

“I want to be alone right now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I pull away, give her a smile and a small salute before leaving the toilets.

I bypass the table we were sat at and where the boys sit. I feel eyes on me but I don’t bother to look over and see whose eyes are burning a hole into the back of my head. I feel the threat of more tears stinging my eyes but I refuse to let them fall.
I am not weak, I am not weak
, I silently chant to myself. I need to get out of this damn pub before I make a complete fool out of myself.

“Gemma?” I look up to a see a bloke leaning out of a black taxi cab, looking straight at me.

“Yeah?” I give him a quizzical look. I didn’t call a taxi.

“A woman name Carlotta ordered a taxi for you, love.” I smile to myself because that girl thinks of everything.

I open the rear door and clamber in, groaning as the throb in my feet grows to painful levels. Unstrapping my shoes, I remove them and put them in my lap. Better. I lean my head back on the headrest and shut my eyes and let the rumble of the engine soothe me. But all I can see behind my closed lids is Roofie snogging that brunette in the bar. Fuck. My eyes spring open and instead, I stare out the window at the buildings passing buy.

Pulling up outside my apartment, I go to give the cabby the fare but he just stares at it and says, “Carlotta already paid, Love. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” I shake my head, mutter my thanks and exit the vehicle as gracefully as I can without flashing my knickers to the neighbours.

Once inside the apartment, I toss my keys into the bowl by the door, chuck my shoes on the floor and head to kitchen for a shot of tequila. Maybe that will help me erase the images of the night. I neck three shots before the alcohol takes effect and my mind feels blissfully empty. Thank fuck.

I don’t bother with a shower, instead, I just remove my dress and clamber under the cold duvet naked. I swear quietly at the coldness but I’m soon used to it and not long after I’ve warmed up, darkness takes over and I’m thrown into the world of sleep.




Fuck. Why the hell did I just do that? Even knowing that Gemma was sat right there in plain view. But to my defence, she’s never shown an interest and I’m desperate for a bit of arse to warm my dick. I can tell she was pissed though when she left the pub. She didn’t even say bye and kept her eyes to the ground.

“You’re a fucking arsehole, do you know that?” Carlotta points a finger at me, anger swirling in her eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you she’s interested and just go for it, huh?”

To be fair, she has said that to me quite a few times over the months but I just never believed her. Call me a pussy, but I’ve never liked a girl as much as I do Gemma and if I’m honest with myself, I didn’t want to make a prat out of myself by making a move. She isn’t the sort of girl I usually go for, not just because she means more to me than the usual hook-ups, but because she’s an MMA fighter. I’ve never bothered with them before.

“You’re a prick. She does deserve better.” Carlotta shakes her head at me before downing the rest of her drink. “She shouldn’t have had to see that, and if you were thinking with the head on your shoulders instead of the one between your legs, Gemma wouldn’t have left after sobbing her damn heart out in the toilets.”

I can see Beast trying not to laugh in the corner of my eye and I contemplate decking him in the face with my fist, but I’m not stupid. He’d put my arse on the ground without a second thought. “Something funny, Beast?”

“Yeah, kinda. Carlotta is pretty fucking hot when she’s pissed and it’s about time someone put you in your place. You’ve been pining after Gemma since that night you hooked up with her.” He takes a swig of his beer, his eyes never leaving mine.”

“Have not.” Or have I? I frown as I debate that in my head.

“Don’t play stupid, bro. We’ve noticed how your eyes glass over every time she walks into the same room,” Jase says raising a brow at me. “It’s one thing to deny it to us but don’t deny it to yourself.”

Fuck. He’s right. I’ve been telling myself that she doesn’t want me because I’m too scared to go for it. I’ve never had a proper relationship and I don’t want to screw it up. Not only that, I don’t want to fucking hurt her. “She deserves someone that knows what they’re doing. I have no fucking clue how to be in a relationship. I have too much baggage.”

“Don’t you think she should decide what’s good for her or not?” Carlotta asks me, a deep frown marring her forehead.

“I’m heading out.” I don’t want to hear their shit anymore, even if they do have a point. 

“You’re running,” Carlotta observes, crossing her arms over her chest. “Doing what you do best.”

There’s no love lost between me and Carlotta, we’ve never really gotten on since the night I screwed up with Gemma and I can’t say I blame her. I was a complete cunt. Shaking my head, I turn and push through the crowds of people to the front entrance. I’m not in the mood for company and I’m sure a shit not in the mood for them throwing crap at me.

Tomorrow, I’ll go see Gemma. I’ll tell her everything I’m feeling and hope that she doesn’t just slam the door in my face even though I know I deserve it.

I groan as I hear the incessant banging in my head. Fuck, I drank way too much last night. Tequila probably wasn’t the best idea before going to bed. But fuck it, you only live once, right? Blowing out a breath, I scrub the sleep from my eyes and jump when another round of banging occurs. Okay, that time definitely wasn’t my head.

Groaning, I roll out of bed and grab my robe from the back of the bedroom door. The knocking continues and I shout out, “Hang the fuck on a minute!” The banging stops, thank God. My brain’s already rolling around in my head and smashing against my skull.

Opening the door with a scowl on my face, I see Roofie standing there with his hands on either side of the door. Fuck my life. He looks hot yet he doesn’t look like he’s had a lick of sleep. His muscles are twitching on his arms as he holds himself there, his bloodshot eyes staring intently on mine and his jaw is tensed. I swallow because Roofie has never looked more dangerous or badass or this fucking hot.

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