Roping His Heart (2 page)

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Authors: Angela Fattig

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Single Authors, #Romance

BOOK: Roping His Heart
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Chapter Three

The Parents are up to something


hen I entered the house several minutes later, the parents pulled apart and all talk stopped. I didn’t see Katy anywhere. It had taken me longer than I thought to get my body and heart back under control. That woman had one hell of a hold on me.

“Ah son,” Mom said smiling, “It’s about time. Katy set the table and we were waiting for you.”

I nodded. I knew something was up with them. I think Katy saw it too. After the accident they were slow getting around. As the days passed, I would catch one of them walking around as they had before. I had a feeling this was another ploy at getting Katy and I together. I wasn’t going to complain. Not one bit.

“Where’s the boys,” I asked. Dinner was always a mad house. Including Katy and I there were eight kids. The boys were rowdy and dinner was noisy. Tonight all was quiet.

Mom gave me that
it’s Friday what do you think
look. “They went out,” she answered. “There’s a dance at the town hall. We thought that after dinner maybe you could take Katy.”

“We already told her,” Katy’s mother said, “She’s upstairs getting ready. So go get cleaned and then we’ll eat.”

I nodded and headed for the stairs. A night of dancing with Katy. Damn my body was going to die. I was about to pass her room when her door swung open and I stopped.

Looking anywhere but at her I said, “I will understand if you don’t want me to take you. I can just drop you off and come back to pick you up.” I held my breath waiting for her to speak. After a few seconds when she hadn’t I looked up.

Her eyes were large and I could see she was hurt. She reached out and touched my face. I leaned into her touch. She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it quickly and dropped her hand. I felt the loss deep in my stomach.

As she stood there just looking at me, I took in her appearance. She had changed into a spaghetti strapped sundress. It reached just above her beautiful knees and I felt mine go weak. She was also wearing her favorite boots. As my gaze reached her face again she stepped out and around me walking toward the stairs.

As she reached them, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. “I want to dance,” she said, “And you’re my partner, so hurry and change.” Then she turned back and walked down the stairs leaving me to stare after her.

I showered and dressed in my best. I had made my mind up that tonight, I would take Katy to bed. I wanted to show her how much I love her. She was my forever and it was time she knew it. Tonight she would dance, but
with me.

I heard her heart-stopping laugh as I rounded the corner to the dining room. He eyes darkened and sparkled when she saw me. I could see it was difficult for her to breathe. I smiled and winked at her as I came around and took my seat next to her.

“It’s about time son,” dad laughed. “Let’s eat so you two kids can leave.”

I didn’t taste the food. All I could think about was the beautiful woman next to me. I inhaled her sweet scent and couldn’t wait to get her in my arms.

We were quite while the parents chatted around us. I chanced a glance at Katy. She was pushing her food around on her plate, not really eating either. I took my left hand off my lap, laid it on her bare knee, and squeezed. She jumped with a gasp. “Katy dear,” her mom said smiling, “Are you alright?” She nodded. I guess she didn’t trust her voice.

The parents went back to their conversation. I leaned into her, brushing my lips on her ear. “The rodeo is next weekend,” I breathed against her skin and she shivered. “I would like it very much if you came and watched me. Will you?” For good measure, I squeezed and moved my hand slightly higher, pushing her dress a little higher.

She grasped my hand and I quickly entwined our fingers. Her head snapped to mine and I begged her for an answer with my eyes. She licked her lips and nodded. Feeling like I had accomplished the impossible, I turned and joined the conversation around us.

She tried pulling her hand back and I tightened my hold. “I can’t eat without my hand Dean,” she whispered in my ear.

I turned to look at her smiling. “I’m not letting go,” I whispered, “So use your other hand baby.” Without giving her a chance to respond I turned back to the parents and found them staring with smiles on their faces.

I smiled back and started talking about the rodeo next weekend. I knew it was a dangerous hobby but hell, it was only once a year. I would never consider risking my hide living the rodeo circuit. I was too smart to do that. My family needed me, and I would like to think that Katy did too.

With dinner over, I began to help Katy clear the table when her dad stopped us. “We’ll have the nurse do that,” he said with a big smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. “You two kids get on out of here and have fun.”

I nodded and led Katy from the room. I collected my hat as we left the house. Tonight she was in for a treat. We would dance and then when it is time to return home I will bypass the house and head for the cabin by the lake. Tonight, I will show her what I wanted to show her all those years ago.

Chapter Four

Losing My Heart Again


he drive to the fairgrounds was silent. The only movement in the truck was when Dean entwined our fingers and traced circles on my skin with his thumb.

I had wanted to pull away but thought better about it. Maybe this was Dean leading up to what my heart wanted to believe would happen. He showed me with action that he loved me and that was great. Well that was better than great. I just needed to hear it as well. I couldn’t totally surrender until I knew without doubt that he loved me. That he was mine.
‘Was that too much to ask?’
I wondered.
‘Was I being unreasonable?’

We pulled into the parking lot and Dean parked. Lifting my hand, he placed a kiss on my knuckles and my breath caught. He winked and got out of the truck.

He put his hat on as he came around to open my door. “Ma’am,” he said offering me his hand. I took it, turned, and slid to the edge of the seat.

“Dean,” I began, “You know I can’t get out on my own.” I was wearing my boots and I knew I could have just jumped but I wanted to feel his hands on me.

His brows creased as he looked at my boots. He knew I could, as I have done it thousands of times. Then as if it dawned on him, his eyes twinkled and he smiled.

“Of course not ma’am,” he joked, “I wouldn’t want a beautiful woman to break her neck jumping.”

He reached up, placing his big warm hands on my hips, and lifted me to his hard body. He brought me eye level, leaned his head against mine, and closed his eyes. His breath was ragged and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

He inhaled and whispered in a broken voice, “Baby you smell so damn good. If I have any hope of being a gentleman I need to put you down now.”

He pulled me closer as my body slid down his. My sensitive nipples grazed his chest and I shivered in response. I felt the wetness between my legs.
‘I had to have him inside me soon or I will explode,’
I thought.

I licked my lips and took his hand in mine. “Come on Dean,” I said. “I want to dance with you.” He opened his eyes and nodded. I pulled him behind me as I walked thought the door.

When we entered, the DJ was playing
by Jana Kramer. Then I saw his brothers and mine setting up on the stage, the live music would be starting soon.

“Katy,” Dean said, “You do remember that I really can’t dance?”

I turned to look at him and smiled when I saw the terrified look on his face. “Dean I know everything there is to know about you,” I said. “I will be happy with whatever you are willing to give me.”

He nodded as his expression slowly relaxed. “Wanna drink?” he asked. I nodded and he squeezed my hand, pulling me behind him to the bar. “The beautiful lady will have a strawberry daiquiri,” he said to the bartender.
‘He knew my favorite drink.’
I thought. “And I’ll have whatever you have on tap.” The bartender nodded and moved away. Dean turned back, still not releasing my hand, and smiled.

“You remembered,” I said shocked.

He looked at me, confusion on his face. “Of course Katy,” he explained, “I know everything about you.”

“But how,” I asked. I wasn’t around when I turned twenty-one and I have never gone out drinking with him.

He tilted his head and gave me his breathtaking smile. “I have my ways sweetheart,” he said. The bartender came back with our drinks.

Dean still didn’t release my hand. He handed me my drink and turned back to get his. I still didn’t understand, but I would let it go for now. “Wanna find a table,” I asked. He nodded and pulled me though the crowd.

He found us a table next to the dance floor; we also had a clear view of the stage. Pulling my chair out he nodded. I sat down and thanked him. He took the chair next to mine, pulled it close and sat down. He placed his free arm around the back of my chair.

I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer that this wasn’t a game. That he knew what he was doing. That he wanted me as much as I wanted him. “Katy,” he breathed next to my ear, “Are you ok sweetheart?”

My eyes snapped open and I nodded. “Just enjoying the music,” I lied. He leaned back. Stretching his long legs out under the table, he began drawing circles on my shoulder with his fingers.

The track changed to
One More Day
by Diamond Rio. “Wanna dance?” he leaned over and asked. I smiled and nodded. I knew the faster music was where Dean had problems.

He took my hand and led me to the already crowed floor. He stopped and slid his hands down my arms clasping my hands, pulling my arms up and around his neck. Then he slid his hands back down my arms, my sides, and around my waist. All while looking in my eyes.

  He pulled me against his body and began to sway to the music. I tightened my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest. He hummed to the music in my ear and I felt my body relax more into him.
‘How did I ever live without this?’
I wondered.

As the song ended, it went into a faster one and Dean smiled down at me. I nodded, knowing what he was asking. He wanted me to take pity on him and sit this one out. We walked back to our table and resumed our spots. Dean placed his arm back around me and laid his hand on my shoulder.

The song ended and my brother Will stepped in front of the mic. “Wow,” he said, “Look at the crowd tonight. Welcome everyone. Are you ready to party?” Everyone screamed and cheered. “Awesome! I see one of my boys out there with his girl.” Dean smiled and squeezed my shoulder. “It’s about damn time you claimed her.” The crowd laughed looking over at us. “Anyway I know a secret about Dean. He loves to sing in the shower. I must say he has one damn fine voice. Maybe with all ya’lls help we can get him up here.”

Everyone looked over, cheering Dean on. I didn’t know he could sing. This I have to see. He smiled and looked at me. His face was red from embracement. I motioned for him to go. “I didn’t know you could sing,” I admitted.

He leaned forward. “Then I guess you don’t know everything about me then,” he said. Then he turned, nodded at Will and stood. Walking around the table, he placed a kiss on my head and went on stage.

He whispered to the boys and then walked to the mic. They began to play and I immediately recognized the song,
To Make You Feel My Love
by Garth Brooks. Garth Brooks was his favorite but I didn’t think he would sing this song.

Without looking away from me, he began to sing of love.
‘Was he just singing or was he telling me he loved me?’
I wondered.
‘Was this the moment I had dreamed of?’
His voice was so deep and so steady. I never thought that hearing him sing could make me wet.

As he sang out the last line, I swear I heard my name at the end. I know he did. He chose that song because that was his way of telling me he loved me. The room erupted in cheer. Dean smiled, thanked them, and made his way back to me.

I stood as he approached. He stopped in front of me and shoved his hands into his pockets. “You sounded great,” I said.

He smiled and leaned forward. “Wanna get out of here?” he asked. My mind had stopped working while he was on stage. I nodded and he threw some bills on the table, took me hand, and I followed him out.

Chapter Five

Only in my Dreams


pulled Katy out the door and to my truck. My impatience’s was showing but I didn’t care. I needed to be inside my girl now.

I pulled the door open at the same time as I picked her up claiming her mouth. I fastened on to her hair to angle her mouth where I need her. She moaned into my mouth wrapping her arms around my neck.

I tore my mouth away before I took her here in the parking lot. “Cabin,” I asked breathlessly. She nodded as I placed her in the truck shutting the door. I rounded the truck and jumped in.

I reached over unsnapping the seatbelt and pulled her next to me. She gasped. I claimed her mouth once more as I fastened the middle belt. I had to have her next to me. Pulling back, I started the truck and pulled out on the road. I shifted in my seat trying to adjust my throbbing cock.

I entwined my fingers over hers and kissed her hand. She let a breath out and laid her head on my shoulder. I rested our hands on her lap rubbing circles on her soft skin.

“Faster Dean,” she whispered, “Please.” I press down on the gas, praying a cop didn’t stop us.

I had picked that song in hopes she would know I was talking to her. I have always loved her and I never hid it. I never set out to hurt her; I only wanted to protect her and my heart. Tonight I will give her what she asked me for all those years ago, my heart.

I pulled into the drive and passed the house. There will be no interruptions, as I love her heart, soul, and body. I stopped in front of the cabin killing the engine and then turned to her.

“Katy are you sure?” I asked. “Say so now. I’ve wanted you for so long I fear that once I start I won’t be able to stop.”

She reached over, pushed the steering wheel up and straddled my lap. Cupping my face she whispered, “I wanted you all those years ago,” she said, “And that has never changed.” This time she claimed my mouth, her tongue seeking entrance.

I growled opening my mouth as my arms went around her. Our mouths spoke of our unspoken love. I blindly reached to open the door and slid out with her in my arms. The second my feet hit the ground her legs went around my waist and she deepened the kiss.

I pulled back as she trailed kisses across my neck. I didn’t want to but I had to see where I was walking. Stopping in front of the door, I chuckled. “Sweetheart,” I said, “Stop moving so much. I need to open the door.”

She stopped and buried her face in my neck. “Sorry,” she whispered.

“Baby don’t be sorry,” I said opening the door, “I want you just as much I just didn’t want to drop you.” As soon as we were inside and the door closed, she devoured my mouth again.

I poured everything into that kiss as I stumbled to the bedroom. My fingers dug into her ass as she moaned and ground her wet heat on my cock. I tumbled us to the bed catching myself on my arms as to not crush her.

She fisted my hair, pulling hard as I placed hot, wet kisses across her face down to her neck. “Damn Katy,” I panted, “You taste as sweet as I remember.” She moaned tilting her head back to give me better access. “Your scent is intoxicating. I could eat you up.”

“Dean,” she moaned, “Stop talking and just do it already.”

I chuckled, rising up to pull her top off. I followed suit, pulling mine off in the process. Her eyes widened as she gazed up and ran her fingers over my heated skin. “Beautiful,” she whispered.

I came down on her. My lips hovered over hers. “No baby,” I breathed, “You’re the one who is beautiful.” Then I took her mouth.

Our tongues dance to some unheard music as our hands searched and learn each other’s bodies. I reached around her, unhooking her bra. I rose up breaking the kiss and my breath caught. “I was wrong,” I gasped, “You’re not just beautiful, you fuckin’ sexy. You have me so damn hard I’m about to burst.” She smiled shyly as I lowered my head and took a nipple into my mouth.

She bucked beneath me as I sucked more of her into my mouth. My free hand found her other breast. I massaged and caressed it, showing it the same attention as the one in my mouth.

Her hands in my hair urged me lower. “Dean more,” she whimpered, “I’m on fire.”

I moved down her body trailing my lips as my hands branded her body to memory. “Patience baby,” I breathed against her skin, “We have all night and I want this to be special for you.”

I slipped my hands down to the waistband of her jeans slipping the button through the hole. I dipped my hand inside feeling her moist curls. “This what you wanted baby,” I asked pushing a finger inside her and running my tongue across her stomach.

“Dean,” she cried. I rose up stripping her jeans and panties off in one move. Then my jeans were gone.

She clamped her knees together. I placed my hands on her thighs, stroking her. “Open for me Katy,” I said breathlessly, “Let me see you.”

In the moon light, I saw her eyes masked with desire as she nibbled her lower lip. Slowly she let her legs fall apart, showing her moist heat. I slid my hands down her legs and stroked her heat before I slipped a finger back into her.

I closed my eyes savoring her. “So wet,” I whispered, “So tight.” I lowered myself down until my face was inches from her and breathed deeply. “You smell of vanilla and your own sweet scent.” Then my mouth was on her clit.

She bucked, gripped my hair, and screamed, “Dean!” Her hips came off the bed. I pinned her hips down with my hands as I licked and sucked her sweet juices.

I was losing my mind. Katy was filling my senses. Her taste was driving me crazy with want—need. She screamed again as her orgasm ripped through her. I stayed with her as she came down.

I slowly kissed my way back up her body. She gripped my head bringing my lips to hers. I positioned my cock at her entrance.

Breaking the kiss I whispered, “I need to be in you now.” She opened her legs wider inviting me into her wet heat. I pushed in, slowly at first. “Damn baby,” I groaned, “You are so tight.” She lifted her hips, trying to push me deeper. I took it as giving me permission to go deeper. I slammed into her. There was some hesitation and she stilled. Then I was through. I froze.

I looked down at her. With eyes wide and pain on her face, I knew. I laid my head on hers looking deep into her eyes. “Katy,” I struggled to breathe, “How? Why didn’t you tell me?”

She wrapped her legs around my waist pulling me tight to her. She cupped my face bringing it closer to hers. “Later,” she whispered, “I need you now, please.” Then she kissed me and I was lost.

I slowly began to move inside her. My heart swelled with pride—I don’t know. She gave me something very special.
‘Did she wait—save herself for me?’
I wondered. I had been told she was seen with several guys. Maybe they were mistaken.

Her hands left my face to claw at my back. Her lips broke apart from mine. I kissed down her neck as I wrapped my arms around her back pulling her body to mine.

When I felt her walls started squeezing me and I knew she was close. “Dean faster,” she begged.

Placing kisses across her face, I whispered how beautiful she was—how precious she was. I rose up on my hands and gave her what she wanted.

My cock swelled and her walls gripped me more as I slammed in and out of her, driving us on further.

“Let go for me Katy,” I moaned, “Come for me.” Her back arched as her walls closed on me. I picked up speed as I pumped one last time and spilled my seed inside her.
‘I was home
,’ I thought.
‘Katy was always my home.’

I collapsed on top of her as we tried to breathe. After a few seconds, I rolled off her for fear of crushing her and pulled her into my arms. I reached down to remove the condom and froze.
‘Fuck I forgot to put one on,’
I cursed myself.

“Katy,” I struggled for the right words, “I forgot a condom. I’m sorry baby.”

She stiffened a bit and then relaxed as she placed a kiss on my chest. “I’m not worried,” she whispered.
‘She must be on birth control,’
I thought.

“I don’t want to kill the mood,” I said, “But I have to know. My brothers said you had been with a few men. They lied to me, why?”

She took a breath and cuddled closer to me. “Because I asked them to,” she replied.

This I had to hear so I rolled to my side and propped myself up on my arm facing her. I smiled. “Mind explaining,” I asked.

She tucked her arms under the pillow and looked at me. “Remember what I told you in the barn years ago,” she asked and I nodded. It was a night I would never forget. “Our brothers knew how I felt about you. They said I needed to kick you in the ass to get you to stake your claim on me. I thought that if you got jealous you would come running back to me.” She shrugged. “You never did. You thought I was a baby.”

I closed my eyes feeling like such a piece of shit. When I opened them, I could see the pain in hers. I stroked her face. “Katy I never thought of you as a baby,” I whispered, “If I had, I never would have kissed you. I wanted you so bad it hurt, but I was scared. Yes, you were young and I needed to be sure it was me you really wanted. I wanted you in the forever kind of way. I never set out to hurt you. I cared about you and I still care. More than you’ll ever know.”

She smiled weakly. “But you had other women,” she whispered.

I nodded. “When I was told you had moved on I was hurt,” I admitted, “I was also angry. I’m not proud of what I did, but they meant nothing to me. They were a distraction. I was using them to try and forget you.” I smiled again. “You waited for me?” She bit her lip and nodded. I gripped her waist, pulling her close and I kissed her lips. Pulling back, I searched her eyes. “Are you sore?”

She shifted a bit. “A little,” she admitted, “But in a good way. Why?”

I smiled as I moved over her settling between her legs. “Because I want you again,” I answered. She moaned and I claimed her mouth.

I loved her clear into the early morning hours before we drifted off to sleep. I loved this woman lying next to me and I planned to marry her.

When I work the next morning, she was gone. I sat up calling out for her and was met with silence. I didn’t understand why she would leave. I thought we were fine. I guess I was wrong.

I was hurt and pissed when I pulled up in front of the house. She was going to talk to me and tell me why she left. However, when I entered the house I found that she was not there.

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