Roping His Heart

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Authors: Angela Fattig

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Single Authors, #Romance

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Roping His Heart






Claiming my Cowboy Collection

Standalone Short Story

VOL. 1

Angela Fattig

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.



This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. Copyright @ 2014


Published by Kingsnake Publishing

Cover art by Angela Fattig

Copyright 2014 © Kingsnake Publishing & Angela Fattig

Language: English


Claiming my Cowboy Collection will be a collection of short standalone stories. I am optimistic of writing a full-length novel around the first of the year (2015). Up to this point I have only read cowboy romances, now I will try my hand at it.

As I said above, each book will be a standalone and can be read in any order. I will release a new story in between my other books.

This collection will
be available in paperback and will
be sold through Amazon.

Some of the stories will be hot and heavy due to strong language and sexual situations.

I now want to thank my Beta Readers, my Street Team, and Cheryl Keene my editor. If it weren’t for them I would be lost.


~~ Angela


Seven Years Ago

hat in the hell am I doing?
I thought. I am eighteen years old of course I know what I want. What I want is her kissing me as if it was what she wanted. She was still a kid, too young. She needed more time to grow up and figure out where she wanted to be. I had to stop this now.

, I couldn’t. I wanted her too much. The way her sweet arms wound around my neck pulling me closer. The way her fingers pulled my hair. The way her sweet tasting tongue danced with mine
. My God!
The moan that vibrated in her throat made me shiver. Gripping her hair, I pulled her closer to position her mouth where I wanted it.

I really needed to stop this. I needed to pull away and send her sweet ass home. With all the strength I could muster, I pulled back and leaned my forehead on hers.

Stroking her cheek I whispered, “Katy baby, we need to stop.”

“Why Dean?” she asked trying to pull me back to her lips.

“Baby, I’m leaving tomorrow,” I answered. “I need you to grow up before we go any further.”

Her body stiffened and I knew I had said the wrong thing. She pulled her body away from me and I fisted my hands at my side fighting to not pull her back.

Her face reddened and she crossed her arms. “What the hell Dean,” she screamed. “What do you mean grow up? I may be five years younger than you but I know what I’m doing. I also know what I want.”

I ran a shaky hand through my hair. I really don’t want to hurt her. Secretly I loved her with all that I am. I shook my head. “Katy I need you to be sure,” I said. “I wouldn’t be able to handle it if you decided that having me away at school wasn’t for you. What if you met someone else?” I looked deep into her eyes and saw her tears. “I really want to be with you,” I said. “I need you to grow up first.” I tried reaching for her but she stepped back and I dropped my hand.

She no longer held her tears back. “I have loved you for years,” she whispered. “I would never walk away when things got tough or would I want someone else. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.” She looked away.

I felt like shit and stepped closer. “Katy I…” She cut me off.

Shaking her head, she turned to look at me. “I won’t beg,” she said. “One day Dean you will be the one begging and maybe I will be free.” She turned and ran out of the barn.

I stood there watching my future running away from me.
‘Would I ever have a chance with her again?’
I wondered as I walked back to the house to finish packing.


Chapter One

Back off Dean


ean Adam Michaels,” Katy yelled as she placed her hands on her hips. “What in the hell are you doing?”

I ran my hand through my hair as I stared down at Katy. I hadn’t seen her since I had left for college seven years ago. Well I had seen her around town when I had come home on breaks. Then I would see her when she visited her parents while she had attended college.

She was just as beautiful as that night in the barn. I never forgot how she made me feel or how she felt beneath my hands and lips.

I shook my head trying to clear it. “Katy,” I began, “Those guys were pawing all over you.” I took my cowboy hat off ready for a fight.

I was shocked when she laughed. God how I missed hearing that sweet sound. “Oh Dean,” she said shaking her head, “They weren’t pawing all over me. They were showing me paperwork about the ranch. We were standing close enough to hear each other over the music playing.”

I frowned. “What in the hell are you doing in a bar doing business?” I demanded to know. “Why with them? I’m the one you should be talking to.”

Her parents and mine were partners with the ranch. I had moved back after college to help run it, when dad retired, I would take over. That’s why I went to college, to get my business degree.

Katy came back with her business degree for the same reason. When her father retired, she would run the office part while I ran the cattle and horses. That had always been the plan.

Shaking her head again, she stepped closer. So close I could smell her; a mix of vanilla and her own sweet scent. I always knew she was around by her smell. I had been with plenty of women and knew none of them had smelled like her.

I had only been with those women because I had heard she was seen with plenty of men while I was away. I need a distraction. Something that would help me move on from her and I failed.

“I was going to call you Dean,” she said, “The men you
off wanted to sell us some more land, land that is connected to what we already own. My father told me they had talked of expanding but because of the accident they had to postpone it.”

The accident. Her parents and mine had driven into town a couple weeks ago to celebrate a big sale. On the way home, a drunk driver hit them. No one was killed, but all had been hurt. They were hurt bad enough to require home nurses. My father and hers weren’t able to work the land. I had to hire more help and recruit my younger brothers and her older brothers.

I slowly nodded. “Ok,” I said, “Fair enough. But why not call me so I could sit in on the meeting?” I was hurt she hadn’t included me.

“Dean,” she huffed, “Quit acting like a baby. Hell you’re thirty years old, act your age.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Here she was five years younger and I was the one acting like a baby.

“Katy you amaze me,” I said shaking my head.

“What are you doing here Dean?” she questioned.

“I was sent to fetch you,” I answered, “The parents want you home for dinner.” She nodded as she collected her things. I waited and watched.

Years ago, the parents as we like to call them decided that it would save money to share the larger house. They built on, adding more room to house four adults and six kids. My parents had my two younger brothers and me. Katy’s parents had her and two older sons.

It seemed like a good idea until I realized that Katy would stay there when she came back. I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle living under the same roof and not touch her. To my surprise, when she came back she moved into her own place.

A few days ago, the parents convinced her to move back in. They argued that it would be so much easier to run the ranch if she lived there. She agreed. I became sick when I found out that she would be sleeping in the room next to mine.

“Ok rodeo man,” she said smiling, “Are you ready?” I nodded and led her through the bar.

She liked teasing me about being a rodeo man. Since I was a kid, I loved riding a bull. When I graduated and came home, I entered each year the fair was in town. Over the last four years I have won three. I found out she had come back and would watch me ride. She never admitted to it, but mom and dad confirmed it.

I placed my hand on her lower back and she stiffened a bit. I smiled behind her knowing that I was still able to affect her.

“Did you drive?” I asked. She shook her head. So I led her to my truck and opened the door for her.

She stepped up and her foot slipped. I reached out and grabbed her holding her close. She muttered a
‘thank you’
as I lifted her into the cab and shut the door. Smiling as I rounded the truck, I knew that I was going to have fun with her. I slipped behind the wheel and started the engine.

The drive was quiet as I was lost in thought. Katy sure had grown up just as I thought she would. She was always beautiful but now she wasn’t just beautiful, she was fucking sexy. Her brown wavy hair was longer, just past her shoulder blades. Her eyes were still as brown as chocolate. Her lips, breast, and hips were fuller, lusher.
‘Yes, Katy had turned into a sex goddess,’
I thought.

My thoughts turned serious. I just hoped she still loved me. I knew the stories. I knew she had been with other men and it made me jealous as hell. However, I was the one who pushed her away. What did I expect? I had hurt her.

The parents never stopped trying to push us together. They always had. I hated it at the time. Right now, I really could use their help. How I loved this woman sitting next to me.

Chapter Two

I Still Loved Him


still loved him

I thought as I sat here next to him, every six foot three inch of him. The years had been good to him. In school, he looked like any average guy, tall and skinny. Today he was rugged with a wide solid chest, powerful arms, tanned and lean. Beautiful
get lost in me
brown eyes and he keep his brown hair just long enough for the back to touch his collar. He was every woman’s wet dream on powerful legs. Yes, the ranch had been good to him.

I got wet just sitting here next to him. He’s been doing this to me since I was eight. Not getting me wet, but making my insides twist. I shifted, trying to rid myself of the feeling between my legs. I may still be a virgin, but I knew what arousal was. Yes I am a twenty year old virgin. I was raised to believe you waited until you found the one to spend your life with. I stole a glance at Dean. I had found my forever in a six foot three cowboy.

I shifted again thinking about his hands on my body. I vowed the night he sent me packing that I would bring him to his knees and make him beg. Obviously, my tight jeans weren’t doing it. I will have to increase my efforts. I needed to show more skin.

I felt him touch my leg just above my knee and my heart stopped. “Hey you ok over there?” he asked.

I stole a side look. It was dark in the cab of the truck, but I could just make out in the dim dash lights a smirk on his beautiful face. He knew what he still did to me and he was enjoying it. Two can play this game.

I clamped my legs together trapping his fingers between my legs. His finger bit into my flesh as his breath caught in his throat.

“I am now,” I whispered.

The truck swerved. He swore as he used his other hand to bring it back on the road. “Damn Katy,” he groaned, “You can’t do things like that to a man while he’s driving. We are only so strong.”

I laughed and opened my legs but he didn’t move his hand. ‘
What the fuck
,’ I thought. Instead, he began to make small circles with his thumb. I closed my eyes fighting the feels that were invading my body. “Dean,” I whispered breathlessly, “Please.” My brain wouldn’t function.

His hand inched higher as his fingers bit more into my skin. “What Katy,” he asked, “What is it you want?”

‘Don’t stop,’
I thought. I couldn’t say it. He needed to be the one asking. I’m not that foolish girl anymore. I won’t beg. I bit my lip and turned to look out the window ignoring his question.

Dean never removed his hand as he turned into the long driveway or when he parked in front of the house. He put the truck in park one handed and turned to look at me.

“Katy,” he started. I stopped him by shaking my head.

“Please Dean,” I whispered, “Not now.” He nodded, removed his hand, and stepped from the truck.

He ran a hand through his hair as he rounded the truck and opened my door. I was five foot five and still had trouble getting in and out of his huge truck.

He reached in gripping my hips, and pulled me out and against his body. He held me there longer than necessary. I gripped his broad shoulders as he slowly slid me down his body never looking away from my eyes.

When my feet finally touched the ground, he closed his eyes and leaned his head against mine. “Damn baby,” he groaned, “You have me in knots.”

I wanted his lips on mine. My body burned for him. No matter how much I wanted him, he needed to come to me. He needed to make the first move. Once I had thrown myself at him and was rejected. There won’t be a second time.

I pushed out of his arms, turned, and walked to the house. I stopped on the porch trying to fight the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I chanced a look back and saw Dean facing his truck. He was leaning down with his head resting on his arms. Now he knew what rejection felt like.

For years, I lusted after him. Dreaming of the day he would take me into his arms telling me he loved me, only me. He would kiss me, then drop to one knee, and ask me to spend my life with him.

I could see he was trying to fight what he was feeling. I knew he cared; I just needed him to say it. I needed to see and feel in my bones that he accepted it. I needed him to admit it. Until then, I would wait. I’ve waited his long and I would wait forever.

I’m not stupid. I knew about the other girls. It hurt, I’m not saying it didn’t, but I can move on from it. He is a man after all and men had needs. There had been times I had felt so alone that I almost caved.

It would have been meaningless, just as I knew it had been for him. I had heard from a friend that all the girls he had hooked up with looked like me. They were distractions for him. Nothing more. So I knew I could move past it and not hold it against him. I knew where his heart belonged. Now if only the man would admit it.
‘Dean you are so stubborn,’
I thought.

The parents had been trying for years to push us together. I just hoped they keep trying. I really needed the extra help.

Turning back to the door, I placed a fake smile on my face and walked in leaving Dean to follow. I loved that man standing behind me with my heart and soul.

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