Rosemary for the Holidays (Consulting Magic) (5 page)

Read Rosemary for the Holidays (Consulting Magic) Online

Authors: Amy Crook

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Gay Romance, #One Hour (33-43 Pages), #Genre Fiction, #Short Stories

BOOK: Rosemary for the Holidays (Consulting Magic)
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"Good lad," she said with a grin. "Let's start it on the window just in water before we hide it away in the soil, then?"

They managed a rather childish arrangement of toothpicks and a glass of water on the windowsill, looking like a mad experiment. Julian gave it a few last soothing bits of energy and encouragement, promising there would be sunshine in the morning and he'd give it more energy then as well. He turned back to find that Alys had already made short work of the remaining ginger, sparing Julian any further guilt as she dumped it into the mixing bowl in front of her.

"Ginger and molasses will be very good for you lot," she explained, stirring in the thick brown liquid. Another bowl sat next to her, which began to fill up with dry ingredients. The whole room smelled like holiday spices, which would give way to the fresh smells of pine and rosemary out in the living room and mixed well with the clove-and-orange pomanders hung about the house.

"Everything you've given us tonight has been good," said Julian, going back to sit in front of the cup of tea that had appeared on the table. "I don't know when I've been so well-fed."

"You're learning to pace yourself," teased Alex.

"I've had excellent role models," said Julian dryly. He gave himself a few moments to just enjoy the cup of tea and quiet of the other three working, but soon enough his good manners got the best of him and he got up and, after getting another kiss, took himself back out to play host once more. Conversation had mostly settled into two groups again: James and Geoff were telling Chudleigh funny stories about magic on one side of the room; and Thomas, Lapointe, and Jones were playing cards on the other side while Thomas talked enthusiastically about his latest game.

Julian settled in next to James and let their laughter swirl around him, feeling the pull of tiredness despite the strong tea. Chudleigh had taken up the thread of conversation when it lagged and was now telling the same story he'd told at Julian's Courtship, which put a soft, nostalgic smile on Julian's face for the way Alex had shown off as much to delight as impress.

That lasted until Alys came out with fresh tea and a plate of treats for everyone, and a ribbon-bound stack of cookie tins for each of them as well. "One last round before you go to your own homes so we can put our tired boys to bed," she said, looking very smug indeed.

Jacques emerged after her with Nat, and they re-formed the big conversational circle and talked while they ate, mostly nostalgia about previous solstices which turned to stories of terrible parties they'd all been subjected to in the past. They were all feeling very cheerful and much fortified as they gathered their coats, Nat restoring the furniture while Alys made sure everyone had their tins of treats and pot of rosemary. James and Jacques promised to return another day to put up Chudleigh's gift, and hugs and cheek-kisses down the line sent everyone out into the cold night.

Julian practically collapsed against Alex with a tired laugh as they locked the door. "Well, I think that was a success," he said with a yawn. "Next year, though, someone else can host."

Two cups floated over, camomile mint tea with just a touch of milk to send them off to bed. "It was a good celebration," said Alys. "You go to sleep, now, morning will be here before you know it."

"And then we get one day of rest before heading out to the estate for their big Solstice celebration," said Julian. "You two will be fine here without us?"

"Oh, aye, we have our own ways," said Nat, making shooing motions. "G'wan, to bed with you both."

"Aye, aye," teased Alex, but he dragged Julian back into the bedroom, which had also been restored to its previous state.

They closed the door after Horace flew in, and got him settled on his night perch and their tea safely on the bedside table.

Alex paused for a long kiss, snuggling Julian close. "Good?" he asked.

Julian grinned and pulled him down for another. "Very good, love, it was just what I wanted to celebrate our first year together." They'd had their actual anniversary dinner at Padma's several weeks ago, but this felt more like a celebration of home and hearth, and of the life they'd built.

"It really was, and we have to get Jacques something really good to thank him for all the cooking," said Alex, hands working on getting Julian out of his party clothes, an endeavour with which Julian was happy to cooperate.

Julian chuckled, "I've already got a plan, don't worry," he said, reciprocating the assistance with Alex's clothes. "I've been talking to Father Stephen about a magical herb garden in the Guardians' Temple."

"Sneaky," said Alex, pulling Julian into bed and snuggling up once they were naked. He handed Julian his cup of tea and took an obedient sip of his own with a little happy 'mm.'

Julian paused to have some of his own tea. "Not sneaky, just thinking ahead," said Julian. "Did you see how well Chudleigh got along with Geoff?"

Alex chuckled. "Oh, yes, that was clever of you," he said, kissing Julian's hair. "Lucas needs to visit us more, and vice versa, even if he doesn't end up nesting with our good doctor."

Julian yawned and drank his tea a little faster. "Whitby and Grover looked well, too," he said, letting the last of the day's energy drain away and leave him tiredly happy. "Everyone did."

"It's too bad Jones couldn't bring Jenny, but he was glad for the excuse for a night off. He's been driving Victor around nonstop to all those stupid social things," said Alex.

They sipped their tea and talked about their friends and family, and eventually settled under the covers and into sleep. It had been a wonderful party, but now it was over, and tomorrow would be a new day, leading to a new year, and to the rest of their lives.




Amy Crook has made her living for the past 15+ years with art and design. She lives in San Leandro, CA, with two cats, a roommate, and a pair of custom-made tentacle pillows. She's a dilettante geek and non-practicing goth. That means that she loves in-jokes and things with skulls on them, she tends not to go too deep into most geeky pursuits, and she rarely dresses up as a Goth (though she does use her purple tentacle parasol to ward off the sun). Strangers stop her on the street to tell her that her hair is long. She loves tea and gin, and she hates it when the trees try to have sex in her sinuses. She's a real geek girl, for certain values of “real,” “geek,” and “girl.”

Julian and Alex are from my two novels,
The Courtship of Julian St. Albans
and its sequel,
The Apprenticeship of Julian St. Albans.

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