Rose's Bear: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance (2 page)

Read Rose's Bear: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance Online

Authors: Ellen Dominick

Tags: #shapeshifter, #paranormal, #curves, #sex, #fairy tales, #paranormal erotic shifter romance, #rubenesque, #size, #curvy, #Monster, #snow white, #moon, #romance, #virgin, #tail, #fairy tale, #bbw, #lycan, #full, #dwarf, #bear, #bareback, #creampie, #adult, #shifter, #alpha, #figured, #feral, #werewolf, #fairytale, #werebear, #moonlight, #first time, #plus, #tale, #fairy, #rose red

BOOK: Rose's Bear: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance
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She stayed still as Khole pressed his claws against her flesh. Rose felt the scrape as he moved just gently enough not to cut her. But just one movement…

Khole sniffed at her. She heard him snort and hot air blew against her neck. Then he stopped. The bear moved backward, regarding her with a different look.

But only for tonight.

The relief was so strong that Rose fell to her knees. She laughed and smiled.

"Welcome to our humble abode," she said.

That night, the bare barely squeezed itself into the space before their fireplace. Rose and her mother had to push all of the furniture to the corners of the room. Even then, it was just barely enough space to hold Khole.

Before they went to their rooms, Rose's mother pulled her aside.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing here?" she asked.

"Yes," Rose said. Or at least, she

Normally, Rose went to sleep and woke up without anything in between. She never had problems falling asleep, and she never dreamed. She simply woke up the next morning as if she had just closed her eyes. But this night was different.

Rose saw herself running through the forest. It seemed darker than she remembered, and tree branches clawed at her skin. The sky echoed with the sound of her mother's voice.

"Don't go into the forest," the voices said. "Stay in the glen. It's safe there."

The voices overlapped each other and soon they were so loud that Rose had to cover her ears. All the while, she couldn't stop herself from running.

"Leave me alone!" she screamed.

Soon, Rose ran up to a cliff. She looked over, and the ground was so far below that she couldn't even see it. It felt like the abyss wanted to pull her in.

"Look at you, always causing trouble!" Gwen's voice shouted.

Rose felt a push, and she fell forward. She braced herself for the fall, but found herself on her back instead. The little man was on top of her. He smiled and his sharp teeth glinted, shining even in the dim light. He ripped Rose's dress in two.

"You really should have listened to your mother," he said.

With the same knife he used to stab Khole, the dwarf split Rose's shift and pushed it off her skin. She tried to cover herself, put he pinned her down.

"Now look what a pickle you're in."

The little man's face came close to Rose's and she closed her eyes. She expected his lips to touch hers, his hands to do things they shouldn't, but nothing happened.

Rose opened her eyes. Instead of the little man, there was someone else. A man. He held himself up over her, his muscular arms on either side of Rose's head. The man's blonde curly hair fell down from his face and just barely tickled Rose's skin.

you?" Rose asked.

The man didn't answer. He lowered himself onto Rose and she felt the weight of his body. Even though she didn't know who he was, she wasn't scared. She wasn't sure why. Her body warmed under his touch.

When he pressed his lips to hers, she opened herself to him. Rose sucked on his bottom lip. She let her hands wrap around his head and thread through his hair.

The man's tongue pressed into Rose's mouth and slipped over her own. It was..surprisingly nice. She hadn't expected to enjoy this. Why should she want someone else's saliva in her mouth? But now the taste of it, the feel of his hot body against hers, that was all she wanted. Rose couldn't get enough.

He broke their kiss and Rose whined. When his mouth found her breast and sucked her hard little nipple between his lips, she stopped complaining. One of the man's hands squeezed her other nipple between his finger and thumb, making Rose jump. The other sunk below her stomach.

As his fingers moved between her legs, Rose's heart throbbed in her chest. What is she doing? Is this right? Didn't her mother tell her not to trust men? She said they only wanted to get between her legs. Is this what she meant?

When Rose felt the man's fingers rub her down there, she didn't care if that's all he wanted. That was all she wanted too. His fingers slid against her, covered in slippery wetness. The man spread her open and pressed a finger inside, but he couldn't enter too far. A jab of pain came from between Rose's legs and she whimpered.

Instead of pressing forward, the blond man started to rub Rose again. She found herself squirming underneath him. She made sounds she had never heard before, long low moans of pleasure.

The heat built up between Rose's legs and she pulled the man close to her. She pressed him against her breasts and held on to him tight. It felt like her body was going to explode.

Then just before she couldn't take it anymore, the man spoke.

"Thank you, Rose."

Rose stared into the man's eyes. She searched them for a moment and then the feeling overtook her. Her whole body was flushed with warmth and every muscle tensed. Something in her clenched. Rose's body broke out in a sweat, covering her in a wet sheen.

When she woke up, Rose was screaming in her own bed. She sat straight up and her eyes were open wide. Rose panted as she looked into the darkness of her room.

Her mother ran into the room.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

Rose's mother's head peeked in the doorway and was illuminated by a small candle. Her brows knitted together. The wrinkles in her face seemed even deeper in the middle of the night.

"Yes, mother," Rose said. "I'm fine. It was just a bad dream. "

Rose's mother almost turned to leave, but she couldn't. She rushed over to her daughter. Just like she had ever since she was little, she pulled Rose's head to her breast.

"You've always been one to make me worry," she said. Her hands were cool against Rose's hot skin. "Snow was always such a good girl. I thought you two would be two peas in a pod. Snow White and Rose Red."

"Well, sorry I'm not like Gwen," Rose said. She pulled away from her mother's hand.

"No, I didn't mean…" Rose's mother paused. "Be careful, okay?"

When the door closed, Rose was alone in the darkness again. Her heart was still pounding, and she could still feel the throbbing between her legs. Carefully, she led her fingers down there and only barely touched herself. She couldn't believe it. Still wet. Still warm.

What kind of dream

Even though she couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, Rose decided not to tell anyone what happened. In the morning, they all had breakfast together as usual. Well, not as usual because they were sharing porridge with a large bear.

When they were done eating, Khole moved towards the door.

Thank you, Rose.

Something clenched Rose's heart tightly as she watched him move towards the edge of the glen. Would she ever see him again? Would the dwarf try to kill him? She ran after him.

"Khole! You have to come back!" she yelled. "You have to come back because… Because your wound isn't healed yet!"

The big bear turned around. He looked at her in the eyes and slowly raised up on his hind legs. Khole was easily twice her height and his shadow swallowed hers in its size. Rose suddenly thought that her could eat her, kill her and her whole family if he wanted to. What kind of being was she playing with?

Aren't you scared of me?

Rose shook her head.

Khole took her in his giant paws. He lifted her off the ground and held her tightly in the air. His claws scraped against Rose's skin, just a bit more pressure and she would bleed.

Do you know what I could do to you right now?

Rose took a deep breath and stared straight back at Khole.

"Yes," she said. "But you wouldn't."

Khole's eye glinted and he squeezed Rose tighter. It was hard for her to even take a breath.

Wouldn't I?

"No, you wouldn't."

He looked at her a little bit longer, watching Rose struggle in his grip. Then he let her go. Khole went back on all fours and turned to the forest again. He walked without looking back and disappeared into the darkness.

Rose's lip trembled as tears clouded her vision. She buried her face in her hands and tried to stop herself from sobbing. That wasn't what he was supposed to do, was it?

Then she heard him.

Fine. I will come back. But only until my wound is healed.

Rose laughed, wiping away her tears. Stupid bear, making her cry!

She spent most of today waiting, hoping that Khole was telling the truth. Every little noise she heard in the forest seemed like it could have been him. Every large shadow took on the shape of a bear.

Finally, just before dinner, Khole appeared. Just like before, Rose tended his wound. He slept in the same spot in front of the fireplace. And just like before Rose had strange dreams that woke her covered in sweat and with a wild desire burning between her legs.

After a week, the wound healed. There was only a small scar where the knife had been. Rose was worried that this would be the end, she had no more excuses for the bear to stay. But still, he arrived that night as if it were the most natural thing. Rose greeted him with a large hug, burying her face deep into Khole's dark fur.

Soon, Khole became part of the family. He blended into their lives as if he had always been there, and things had always come out of the forest. Every day, Rose explored a little bit more of the area beyond her glen. And every day she returned safe. What was there to worry about?

But sometimes, Rose did have a strange feeling about her new life. Once, before leaving for the day, Khole gave her a long look. He walked up close and rubbed his large face against the side of her cheek. She was scared at first, but then she dug her fingers into his fur and pressed herself against him. There was something familiar there. Was it his touch? His scent. Before Rose could figure it out, Khole was gone.

Another time Khole was laying by the fireplace. A spark flew up and landed on him. Khole didn't notice, but Rose was sure she had seen something before the small ember burnt out. But that couldn't be right. Why would there be gold glinting from beneath Khole's skin?

But there were a million other questions. Rose's mother said that bears didn't speak. So why could Rose hear Khole's voice in her mind? And why did his shadow sometimes flicker in the moonlight, changing into something that didn't look quite like a bear at all?Rose tried to put these thoughts in the back of her mind.

She had the forest. She had Khole. What was there to worry about?

One day, Rose was exploring the forest when she heard a strange noise. A tree branch fell in front of her. She just barely avoided being crushed by the bulk of it.

"Nice to see you again."

The next time Rose looked, the little man was standing on top of the fallen branch.

"Don't look so surprised," he said. He smiled, bearing those stained sharp teeth. "I know you missed me."

Rose turned to run, but the dwarf appeared in front of her. He wagged his finger and shook his head.

"I'm not letting go so easily, dearie. I have something to tell you," he said.

The dwarf disappeared again and appeared so close to Rose that he could whisper in her ear. His breath was foul. The dwarf dragged his fingers over the skin of Rose's neck as he spoke, and she shivered at his touch.

"Your bear and I, we go
back," he said. "There's something about your bear that you don't know."

The dwarf opened his mouth and slid his tongue along Rose's ear. It left behind a trail of cold saliva.

"He's not quite what he seems," he said.

"What do you m…"

Before Rose could even finish speaking, the little man was gone. She was alone again, and there wasn't a sound to be heard. Rose crouched down and held her knees to her chest. Her stomach churned.

It took a while before Rose managed to make her way home. For the first time since she could remember, Rose spent the rest of the day inside. She jumped every time the door to the cottage opened, wondering if it was Khole.

Finally, it was. She went out to join the family for dinner, and tried to act normal. She looked at him, the same bear that she had begged to stay in her home, but something was different.
was from the forest too. Was he like the dwarf? Was he a

That night, Rose tossed and turned in her bed. It seemed like hours before sleep finally came for her.

There was the man again. They were in a clearing in the forest and the sun shone brightly. It was warm on her skin and so strong that Rose was almost blinded. Neither of them were wearing a thing. Between the man's legs a long, thick thing pointed straight at her. Some kind of liquid spilled out of the tip, shining in the sunlight.

"Rose," the man said and walked to her. This was the only thing he

He picked Rose up, wrapping her legs around his hips so that he could grab onto her bottom. She felt the hardness of the thing between his legs poking at her thighs. The man swung Rose around and she laughed, holding on tightly. It took a while for the same fears to creep back into her mind.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The man smiled and crushed his lips against hers. Rose's heart raced as he bit her lip, tugging on it a little with his teeth. Then he pressed harder, slipping his tongue between her lips.

Rose pulled back, gasping.

"Where do you come from? Are you from the forest? What is your

The questions spilled out of her, one after another. But the man said nothing. He lay her on the ground and took her nipple into his mouth. Rose arched her back underneath him as his hand slid between her legs. Her mouth opened wide in a moan, her little pink tongue peeking between her lips.

It took a moment before she caught herself.

"Why won't you answer me?" Rose said.

She pushed against him.

!" she yelled.

A vine burst out of the ground and wrapped around Rose's wrists and waist. It pinned her there so that she couldn't move. Now that Rose was stuck, the man moved further down her body.

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