Rose's Bear: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance (3 page)

Read Rose's Bear: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance Online

Authors: Ellen Dominick

Tags: #shapeshifter, #paranormal, #curves, #sex, #fairy tales, #paranormal erotic shifter romance, #rubenesque, #size, #curvy, #Monster, #snow white, #moon, #romance, #virgin, #tail, #fairy tale, #bbw, #lycan, #full, #dwarf, #bear, #bareback, #creampie, #adult, #shifter, #alpha, #figured, #feral, #werewolf, #fairytale, #werebear, #moonlight, #first time, #plus, #tale, #fairy, #rose red

BOOK: Rose's Bear: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance
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His head sunk down her to her stomach and he scattered soft kisses across her thighs. The man dug his fingers into the soft flesh at her hips, and for once Rose was happy it was there. He made his way to Rose's inner thighs, just outside of where her wisps of hair began.

Finally, he touched
. His face was close enough that Rose could feel his warm breath on her. He spread her wide open.

Rose clamped her legs together. He wasn't supposed to see
. No one was. It was enough that he put his
there, but to put his
so close? Even under the vines, Rose struggled to keep the man from going back between her legs.

She had never felt the man's strength in this way before. He pushed her legs apart, pinning them to the ground. Under his grip, she couldn't move. For a moment, Rose was almost certain she heard something she couldn't.

Looking up at him, the muscles in his shoulders clear under the bright light, Rose heard it again. A

Before she could question it further, Rose was unable to think. The man's head went between her legs, she felt something warm and wet, and then waves of pleasure flooded her body. She couldn't explain it. His hand rubbing her had felt so good, but now what was he doing?

Her hips undulated with the feeling. Whatever it was, she wanted more of it. Rose's breathing became shallow. Her body moved in ways she couldn't control, clenching and jerking under the man's spell.
? Yes, that must be it.

Rose grabbed the grass around her. She wanted to grab the man's hair and pull on it. She wanted to dig her nails into his flesh and bite him. Taste him. Pull him close so that their sweaty bodies slid against one another.

But she couldn't. She was helpless.

The feeling continued to grow. It mounted, building inside of Rose until she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Please, please," she begged the man.

? Rose wasn't sure. There was something she needed. Something the man could give her.

Then the world went black. Rose was frozen. Everything went silent. All she could feel was the warmth between her legs. It exploded throughout her body.

Rose screamed, shuddering under the man's grip. Normally this is where the dream would end. She would wake up, covered in sweat and out of breath. But this dream kept going.

The man raised up. He supported himself on his arm so that Rose could see his face, and brought himself closer to her. Thats when she felt it. The long thing between the man's legs was poking at her, pressing at that warm place. Rose's heart rate quickened. Was he really going to do

It slid up and down, pressing exactly where Rose was most sensitive. She let out a yelp. She was scared, but soon she found herself trying to wriggle, trying to force the thing inside of herself.

Then the man drew back.

"No," he said. "Not yet."

When she woke, Rose found herself alone again. The sun was just starting to rise and the stars were disappearing into the day.

Days went by, but Rose just couldn't bring herself to ask Khole about what the dwarf said. She would get close to it, but then give up. The dwarf was a liar, right? There wasn't anything strange about Khole. He was just a bear.

It wasn't long before Rose completely forgot about what the little man said. They slid back into their old routines, and everything was as it had always been.

The days started to become shorter. Rose and Gwen wore coats around their shoulders and snuggled next to Khole in front of the fireplace. The forest became quiet as animals got ready for what they knew was coming.

The very first snowflake landed in Rose's hand. She held it and watched as it melted from the heat of her body. Khole turned to her.

I have to leave you.

"What, why?" Rose asked. "Don't you like it here?"

That's not it. I'm a
Rose. I have to hibernate.

When he saw Rose's downturned face, he paused. Then he added.

I'll be back in the spring time.

"Promise?" she asked.


Tears ran down Rose's cheeks as she watched her friend disappear into the forest. It had been so long since that day when she forced him to follow her home. Now, she wasn't sure what she would do without him.

As soon as Khole left, the snow began. It blanketed the glen and the forest around it in soft white powder. The snow piled so high that it was difficult to open the cottage door, and sometimes the sisters were forced to stay inside for weeks at a time.

Each day, Rose looked out the window. She waited for the sun to come out, melt the snow, and bring Khole back again. He wasn't the only one she missed, though.

Rose's dreams had stopped too. The man didn't come to her at night any more. She found herself using her own hand, rubbing and trying to achieve the same feeling. She wasn't sure what it was, but something was missing. She wanted

It seemed like Rose's winter was nothing but waiting. When the days became warmer again, and the snow finally melted, Rose bounded outside. She looked around, expecting Khole to come out of the forest any second. It wasn't until the third day she spent waiting for him that she realized he wasn't coming.

Maybe it just wasn't spring yet. She just needed to wait a little longer. So Rose waited again. Then, when the trees were in full bloom and the sun warmed the earth, she was sure that it
be spring.

But she waited. And waited. And waited. Khole did not appear.

Maybe he died during the winter. Maybe he lied, and he was never coming back. Then, with a pang of pain, Rose remembered the little man's words. Maybe he wasn't who he said he was at all.

As tears puddled in her eyes, Rose slowly and quietly walked to her room. She sat on her bed and curled into a ball, letting her tears flow freely. The sobs came next, pouring out of Rose and making her shake all over. Khole was never coming back, was he ?


The door creaked as her mother pushed it open.

"Rose, are you okay?"

The only answer she got was the sound of more tears. Rose's mother sat on the bed next to her daughter. She pulled her into her lap, patting her head and rubbing her fingers over Rose's skin.

"What is wrong, little one?" she asked. Her voice was warm and soft.


"What about Khole?"

"He's gone!"

"Yes, he said he would be hibernating, " Rose's mother said.

"Yeah, but it's spring now, and I looked for him every day, and the dwarf said..."

Rose's mother put her finger to her lips.

"If he won't come to you, you need to go to him," she said.

Rose sat up. She looked at her mother with wide eyes as she dried her cheeks.


Her mother smiled.


Rose ran out of the cottage. She even forgot to put shoes on as she rushed out of the door and into the dark trees. She went to every spot they had ever been together, looking in every cave and behind every large rock. The cold wind bit at Rose's skin as she searched.

A voice came from deep in the forest. It was too far to tell who it was, but who else could it be but Khole? Rose ran in that direction. She didn't care that the tree branches scratched her as she ran, or that dirt covered her from the waist down. She was going to Khole. That's all that mattered.

As Rose got closer, the voice got louder. It led her to a large, swift flowing river. She looked around, but couldn't see her bear anywhere.

"You're pretty slow, aren't you?"

Rose spun to the voice. In the middle of the river there was the little man. His beard was stuck in a log and he seemed like he was about to drown.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Save me!"

Rose hesitated. Why should she save him? It would be better if he died. All that stupid little man had ever given her was trouble.

But her heart ached. If the dwarf died, if would be her fault. She would have killed him. And what kind of person would that make her?

Rose dove into the water. It was so cold that she almost froze, shocked by the temperature. Still, she continued. Rose reached the dwarf and pulled his beard out of the log so that he was free. But instead of thanking her, Rose felt his hand grab her hair.

"Really, dearie, it is dangerous to be such a goody two shoes. "

The dwarf plunged Rose's head underwater. It spilled into her lungs and she sputtered, clawing at the little man.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll make it slow. I want to enjoy this. "

Each time the dwarf dunked her, it was harder for Rose to breathe. Her limbs lost their stretch and she stopped fighting. It was as if her body was impossibly heavy. She was sure this was the end.

The next time Rose came up for air there was a loud splash and a scream. She was barely aware, but she imagined she heard a growl. Rose chuckled to herself. Yes, of course the last thing she would think of would be Khole as her knight in shining armor.

The next thing Rose felt was warm fur. It felt like something was picking her up and taking her out of the river. With her eyes closed, she enjoyed the feeling. Finally, everything went dark.

When Rose woke up, she was on the riverbank. A fire burned nearby, big enough for her to feel its warmth on her skin. At first, Rose was too tired to think of anything except resting. But then her memory flooded back to her.

Rose jumped up. She looked around, trying to see if the little man was still there. She didn't see him, but there was a blonde haired man picking up sticks for the fire.

"You!" Rose yelled.

The man turned around and smiled. He walked towards Rose.

"You're up. I'm so glad…"

Rose picked up a stick and pointed it at the man.

"You, you're the man from my dreams! What are you doing here? Who are you!"

"Now Rose, calm down…"

"No. I will not calm down! What happened just now? Huh?" Rose said. She swung the stick in his direction. "I bet you're just that dwarf trying to trick me again."

The man held up his hands and stood before Rose.

"Rose, it's me," he said. "It's Khole. I killed the dwarf, he's dead."

The words hit her like bricks.
Khole? She looked at him, trying to see through this lie. That's when she noticed that he was still wet, his hair plastered to his skin by the river water. And he was wrapped up in what looked like a bear fur coat lined with gold. Underneath, he was rather distractingly naked.

"You lied to me," Rose said. "The dwarf was right, you lied to me!"

"I didn't lie," Khole said. "I just didn't tell you that I was a prince cursed by a dwarf to live my life as a bear. Would you have believed

"But what were you doing in my
then?" Rose couldn't stop yelling. "The things you made me do in my dreams! It's just like mother said, everything in the forest is evil!"

Rose fell to the ground and started to sob.

"I didn't mean to do that, Rose, but I couldn't help it," Khole said. "I wanted you so badly."

He took rose in his arms and made her look at him.

"I had been a bear for so long that I had even forgotten how to be human," he said. "Until you. Until I met you."

"Why should I believe you?" Rose said. She tried to turn away from him, but Khole held her fast.

"Because I fell in love with you. That's what lifted the curse," Khole said. "And if you don't believe that, maybe I can convince you."

Khole laid Rose down on the ground. The spring grass was a soft bed, and the blades curled around her. The dress she wore was still wet from the river, and clung to her body.

When the first button opened, Rose shivered. The whole dress was buttoned together, all the way down to her ankles. The first button on revealed her collarbones, but a blush crept into Rose's face.

She'd been with Khole so many times before in her dreams. But this was,
. It was real.

Rose shivered as the air blew over her exposed skin. Her eyes locked on Khole's. His green eyes shimmered and he popped another button.

It seemed like it would take forever. Slowly, Khole moved down Rose's chest, then her stomach, and finally her legs. She held her breath, and each time his fingers brushed against her skin it felt like fire.

At the last button, Khole looked up at Rose and smiled. He slipped the fabric off of her body, and all at once she was exposed. Khole's eyes seemed to rake over Rose's skin. It was as if he could see every little part of her.

"You're even more beautiful outside of your dreams," he said.

Khole's finger traced down Rose's collarbone to her nipple. He pinched it between his fingers until she yelped.

"Oh, I love that noise," he said.

Khole's mouth replaced his fingers, and he sucked at Rose's nipple. He teased it with his tongue until she was squirming beneath him and it was hard to touch.

His other hand slipped between Rose's legs. His fingers felt for her wetness, and rubbed against her when they found their goal. When liquid poured out of her, he was sure she was ready.

Khole readjusted himself. Rose felt something hard poking at her, spreading her open.

"I've wanted to do this for such a long time," Khole said. He interlaced his fingers with hers, holding her tight.

"Are you ready?"

Rose nodded her head.

Khole started to slide into her. Slowly, inch by inch, Rose felt him stretch her wide. A jolt of pain stabbed through her and tears jumped to her eyes. Khole covered her mouth with his and pressed all the way though.

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