Read Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) (24 page)

BOOK: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)
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Optimistic. Right. The man was just plain cocky. Channing flipped the cap open on the lube. Instead of warming the gel in her hand first, she squirted a cold line of it straight down his dick.

“Jesus Christ!” He shot up and froze at the sudden pain the movement caused before he flopped back down. “Shit. That’s cold.”

“You’ll get used to it,” she murmured and began to work him methodically with the slippery friction of her palm.

“I deserved that, didn’t I?”

“Yep. But you deserve this, too.” Channing kissed the blunt end of his cock, opened her lips wide and slid that glorious smooth male skin past her teeth, over her tongue until his shaft was buried as deep as possible in her mouth.

With one hand she feathered her fingers over his balls as her hungry mouth pumped him faster and faster, letting the lube and saliva mix together until he was sopping wet everywhere, as she knew he liked it. She liked it, too. God. She loved going down on him, as evidenced by her own thighs, sticky from arousal.

Colby began to pant and grind his hips into her face, whispering, “Please, please, yes, God, don’t stop, yes, ah, like that, more, oh, baby. I fucking love this. Goddamn you’re good at that. YES.”

The second his balls lifted, she swirled her middle finger around the wetness between his legs and slid it into his anus.

“Fuck!” He sat up, grabbed her hair and held her in place as he started to come.

She kept her lips wrapped around his cock as he pulsed and exploded in her mouth. She hollowed her cheeks and sucked, swallowing every hot spurt, losing herself in his taste. In the power of making this strong man relinquish control. To her.

“Channing, my God what are you doin’…”

She lovingly lapped the tip of his semi-erect cock and wiggled and thrust that digit harder, deeper inside his tight back channel. Colby went utterly still, then he clenched his muscles, bore down hard, grinding his ass into her hand and he came again around her pumping finger.

Colby grunted but stayed upright as she pulled back completely. “You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me. That was so goddamn good that if I died tomorrow, I’d die a happy man.”

It hit her then. Colby really could die tomorrow. Something could go wrong with the broncs or the bulls or even his horse and he could be dead in a matter of less than eight seconds.

Oh God. The thought of this resilient man being a bag of broken bones. The thought of not seeing him ever again. The thought of him cold, dead and buried. She remembered the sad look in Gemma’s eyes when she talked about losing the love of her life. And the fact that Channing felt exactly the same way meant…

She was in love with Colby McKay.

She scrambled back on her knees.

Of course Colby sensed her distress. “Chan? Darlin’, what’s wrong?”

“Um nothing. You should lie down and rest.”

“Not until you tell me why the sudden change from red hot to icy cold.” He paused. “You aren’t ashamed of anything we’ve done, are you?”

“God, no. It’s just…you’re hurting and you should be resting not wasting time screwing around with me.”

Colby snagged her by the shirt and hauled her up until they were nose to nose. “That’s about the dumbest goddamn thing I’ve ever heard you say. Nothin’ we do when we’re alone together is a waste of time.”

“Let go.”


Channing jerked away, and Colby winced, but he gritted his teeth and held on to her.

“See? You’re hurt and you’re in pain and I can’t stand it. And what’s worse is I can’t stand the thought that this will keep happening to you. Next time maybe something even worse—” Her voice broke.

“Ssh. Take a deep breath.” He brought her forehead to his lips. “That’s what this is about? Me getting hurt?”

She nodded, too much of a chicken to tell him the rest of her revelation. Who’d believe a person could fall in love in four days anyway? Romantic nonsense.

Yet it didn’t feel like only four days. It didn’t feel like nonsense. It felt…right.

“Nothin’ I say will convince you that I’m fine, will it?”

“Probably not.”

“Channing. Look at me.”

She angled back. He kissed her with tenderness. She melted into the kiss, letting him think he’d reassured her when she wondered if anything would ever soothe her again.

Colby smoothed his hand over her scalp, intertwining his fingers in her hair. “Better?”


He eased onto his back and sighed. “Now then. Why don’t you strip off them britches and come up here and sit on my face?”


“You heard me. I can’t use my hands but I’m better with my tongue anyway.” He grinned and his teeth shone brightly in the dimness. A little wolf-like, she thought.

“I-I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

“Yes, you do. I can smell that sweet cream gathered between your thighs and I’ve got a mind to taste you, darlin’. Long and slow and deep. You’ll be in total control. You seemed to really like it. Hell, I’m a modern guy. I don’t mind you bein’ in control once in a while.”

Channing felt the warmth between her legs begin to pulse with renewed interest. She stripped. “How’s this gonna work?”

“Throw your leg over my chest like you were mountin’ a horse. Then stay on all fours with your knees by my ears and back that pussy right into my face.” He smacked his lips like she was offering him a gourmet meal.

The old Channing would’ve been mortified exposing so much of her less-than-perfect body to a man, her private parts especially, in such an intimate manner. But Colby wasn’t just any man. He was her man, her lover. He found her sexy and hot and he wanted her as she was; flaws, fat ass and all.

“Hang on, cowboy, I’m mounting up.” She kissed his belly and chest and she reversed into him, finding herself even more aroused as she dangled above him upside down.

“Oh yeah. Gimme some of this sweetness. Scoot back, shug. Just like that.” Colby buried his face in her cunt.

“Omigod.” At this angle the sensations were completely different. Cooler, as her hot tingly parts were riding high in the air. Wetter, as his cheeks and tongue spread the moisture from his mouth and her sex up the inside of her thighs and higher, through her muff and back to her ass. Sharper. Or it could’ve just been the nip of Colby’s teeth. Or the constant hard flicker of his tongue.

“Like that, do you?”

“Yes.” The inside of her legs began to vibrate. Every bit of her skin pulsed. Channing rocked into him, whimpering as her orgasm hovered on the edges. “I’m gonna be pretty quick on the trigger this time.”

“Good. Let’s see if this won’t spur you along.” He licked and sucked and bit her clit, making little
noises in between slurping her juices, jamming his tongue deeply inside her pussy, fucking her with his mouth until she ground her wet sex down and came all over his face.

Afterward she fell beside him in a quivering heap, breathing hard, stunned yet again by how in tune this man was with her every unspoken need.

“Damn. I was gonna put some ice up that pretty snatch and suck it out to see how you liked that, but I plumb forgot.”

“That’s okay. You might’ve killed me.”

“Come up here and give me that mouth.”

“You sure wanna play kissy-face with me a lot today, Colby.”

“Nuh-uh. Not just today. Every day.”

As Channing teasingly brushed her lips over his, the trailer door banged open. They both froze, mid-kiss.

Trevor laughed. “It smells like sex in here. What’s a guy got to do to get an invite to the fun and games? Or am I excluded these days?”

Colby’s hand stroked her face. He whispered, “Your call.”

“You don’t care?”

“I know part of the reason you’re travelin’ with us is to fulfill your fantasies of fucking two guys at the same time. We’re both here. We’re both willin’. You have to do whatever makes you happy, Chan.”

That wasn’t the answer she wanted, but maybe it was the one she needed to put things back in perspective. This was a sexual adventure. A temporary sexual adventure, nothing more. In the heat of the moment she’d just confused lust and love. She smiled and pushed back on her heels. “We’re up here, Trev.”



“Hot damn. Give me a second to catch up.”

Colby’s face was unreadable in the dark. Was he turned on by the idea of a threesome? She knew this situation wasn’t anything new for him and Trevor.

But it surprised her that even with all she’d done and seen today, the idea of being fucked by Colby and Trevor at the same time kicked her lust back into high gear.

The mattress shifted as Trevor scrambled up. “Colby, you feelin’ better, buddy?”

“Yeah. My girl Channing kissed it and made it all better, didn’t you, darlin’?”

“Yep.” She faced Trevor and crawled to him like a slinky cat. “Since Colby is flat on his back, looks like he’s a bottom. We know what I am. So guess what that makes you?”

“Very lucky.” Trevor snagged her around the waist, tugged her to his naked chest and crushed his mouth to hers. His kiss was a show of aggression.

Channing gave him that aggression right back. Raking her nails over his smooth chest, digging her fingers into his slim hipbones. Wrapping her hand around his cock and jacking up and down vigorously, remembering how much he’d loved it hard and fast when Edgard had done it.

Trevor plumped her breasts and lowered his head, sucking her nipples, his teeth nipping to that point of pain and backing off when she whimpered. Using the moisture from his mouth, his middle finger drew a straight line down her belly to her clit.

The air grew heavy with the sounds of labored breathing, and the dark, heady scent of sex.

Colby said, “Channing. Come here. Now.”

His voice dripped authority and…jealousy? She laid her hand on Trevor’s face as he flicked his tongue over her nipple in time to his finger working her clit. She didn’t want him to stop. She arched into him for more. “God. That’s so good.”

“You heat up in a hurry, don’t you?”

“Channing.” Colby’s voice was sharper.

“In a minute.”

“No. Now.”

Trevor released her nipple with a loud pop, looked up and smiled. “Sounds like someone’s ready. Are you?”

“Mmm-hmm. Do you have condoms?”

“Right here.”

Channing turned and scuttled back to Colby.

He’d grabbed his cock with his left hand and was idly stroking himself. His eyes glittered challenge. “You prepared to get fucked? By both of us? My cock in your pussy and Trevor’s dick rammin’ into your ass?”

For a second she froze. She looked over her shoulder at Trevor. “I know it might seem a little late to ask this, but should we be chatting about STDs? Especially since…”

“Edgard is the only man I’ve ever been with, Channing. I don’t have AIDS or anything else. Neither does Edgard, okay? We always use condoms. You’re safe. We’re safe. I swear. I wouldn’t be doin’ this otherwise.”

She nodded.

Colby said, “Put the condom on me. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when we’re both inside you.”

Her heart seemed to be pounding a mile a minute as she rolled on the condom. Excitement, fear, curiosity—all danced in her head and fired her blood. She straddled Colby’s pelvis, planting her palms flat on the mattress next to his shoulders. “Are you sure this isn’t going to hurt you?”

“Go ahead and hurt me. It’s the kind of hurt I like.” Colby kissed her with a warm deluge of passion.

Trevor traced the crack of her ass to the rosette hidden between her cheeks. A cool gel brushed over the tight spot before a thick finger worked up inside her.

Colby said, “While he’s doin’ that, slide my cock in that wet pussy. Take it all in one stroke.”

She lifted her hips and reached back for him to guide it in. It was unbearably erotic, the way their hands touched and twined around his rigid sex together as they stared into each other’s eyes and their ragged breath mingled. One downward push and all that male hardness glided right in, eased by the liquid excitement leaking from her drenched cunt.

“Bend over,” Trevor urged. “I know you don’t want to crush his ribs, so balance on your knees. Oh yeah. Like that. Come on. Give me this ass. It’s gonna feel so fucking good.”

“Be careful,” Colby warned Trevor. “She’s new to this. Go slow and don’t hurt her or I’ll kick your ass.”

Touched by Colby’s concern, she smashed her lips to his as Trevor pressed the head of his cock into her ass and then drove straight in.

She whimpered in Colby’s mouth. “Oh God. That hurts.”

Colby moved his lips to her ear. “Ssh. Come on. It’s okay. We’ve done this before. We don’t have to go fast. Let your body adjust to us, darlin’. You set the pace. We can go as slowly as you want.”

For a second, she wanted to stop.

“When you’re ready, push down on me and Trev will pull out.”

Trevor’s rough fingertips scraped down her spine. “Chan? You okay?”

. “Yeah.”

A second later Trevor’s cock slipped out until only the head remained inside her back channel.

Channing hadn’t moved on Colby’s cock at all. She was afraid to. The fullness…burned. She held her breath until she was light-headed.

“Trev. This ain’t workin’. She’s completely tensed up.”

“You want me to stop?”

“For a second.” He murmured, “Shug? What do you need?”

Someone to distract me
. “Someone to touch my clit.”

Colby said to Trevor, “Can you reach her?”

“Yeah. If I slide back in all the way.”

“Do it.”

She shuddered when Trevor’s hips were once again plastered to her backside.

Trevor reached around and traced circles around her slippery clit, seeming careful not to accidentally touch Colby’s cock embedded inside her. “Tell me what’ll do it for you.”

“Up and down. Not your thumb. Your finger. Press right
.” Ooh. That felt good. She relaxed a tiny bit.

Colby said, “Put your hands by my head and dangle them luscious tits closer to my mouth, darlin’.”

Channing shifted and Colby’s mouth latched onto her nipple. He focused on her aching breasts, switching back and forth, gently licking, then sucking forcefully, blowing across the tips, dragging openmouthed kisses across the tops and nuzzling the ultra-sensitive bottom curves, whispering nonsensical lover’s words, which calmed her.

BOOK: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)
5.81Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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