Rowena Through the Wall: Expanded Edition (4 page)

BOOK: Rowena Through the Wall: Expanded Edition
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Ivan was sitting in a chair by the door. A strip
ed orange tabby lay curled on his lap.

I sat up in surprise, holding the bed linens closely to me.

"We're taking turns guarding you," he said. "I have tonight." He calmly stroked the cat.

Ivan seemed to be the most stable of the three boys who would be my suitors. The middle brother, he was built like a chariot and I didn't doubt that he could protect me very well. His arms were knotted with bulky muscles and I could see scars running down both forearms. He had a clever wit, and in the great hall, I had con
cluded that he seemed very in control of himself―which only goes to show how wrong a girl can be.

Richard, the youngest, had looked barely eighteen. But people aged early in this primitive world. He was probably at least twenty.

He had seemed wiry, on edge
, as if anxious to prove himself among men.

Cedric hadn't yet made an appearance, but from everything I'd heard, that was a good thing.

Ivan shifted the cat carefully off his lap and stood up. I could see beads of sweat on his forehead. He focused on my eyes and held them. A strange, calming warmth seeped through my mind.

How odd, I thought. How did he do that?

"I want to protect you, and I can only think of one way to do that," Ivan said, his eyes drifting over the sheets that covered my nakedness.

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"If we wait until tomorrow, Cedric will find a way to disarm me."

I didn't doubt him. Even the name
gave me the creeps.

"Rowena, will you let me?"

My mouth shot open. Protection, my size seven foot. I didn't pretend not to know what he meant, but I hardly knew what to say or even think.

"I don't even know you!"

"You know I'm your grandfather's kin." His warm brown eyes never left my face. "You know I would never hurt you."

I was caving under his gaze. "Is this customary here? I'm not exactly a prude, but isn't this rushing things a bit?"

"I am thinking of your own protection."

My cheeks were flaming hot. Protection from what? Other randy males like the one in front of me?

Time was ticking. What to do?

was a dream and I was over twenty-one. I wasn't usually promiscuous―like
― but I wouldn't have to live with it in the morning, metaphorically speaking, since this
a dream.

Still, I hesitated, because who wants to bring on a nightmare?

I glanced a
t Ivan and shuddered. Then to both of our surprise, I nodded. "Okay. For my protection."

Ivan's eyes widened. He took off his hefty leather belt and scabbard. He hesitated a minute. The next thing I knew he was on the bed, pushing me back against the pillow and dragging the sheet away. His eyes lingered on my breasts, as if trying to decide where to start.

He kissed me quickly, once on the mouth. "I need to tie your hands in case we're interrupted," he said, working quickly. "This is so they know you didn't agree to this. I have a soft cord. See this? I'm going to wrap it around both your wrists like so and tie it lightly to the iron rail at the top of the bed here."

I watched, spellbound. I had never done anything like this before, never even considered it. But this was a dream, right? A safe place to try all the things you had always wondered about, but never wanted to chance in real life.

"Are you comfortable, Rowena?"

I nodded slowly. The rope wasn't tight. I could bend my elbows easily.

"Forgive my speed. I don't know how long we have." He shot to the foot of the bed. "Rowena, look at me." He pulled up his tunic. "I'll try not to hurt you."

He spread my legs apart and raised my hips with both hands. He positioned himself and pushed forward slowly. I gasped. It was all I could do. I swear I could feel everything as though it were real and not some crazy sex dream.

He pulled back a bit and I made a small noise. He began to move. The dream didn't save me from any of the physical sensations. He moved over me, holding his weight on his hands. He picked up the pace.

Oh. My. God.

I moved with him as much as I could with my arms held captive. Overwhelmed by a fierce heat, I tried to focus on Ivan's face. It seemed he was gone and a beast with fiery eyes and black body hair was moving over me instead. I struggled to cry out. I'm sure I did. But the beast continued to rage inside me. I felt smothered, captive. There was no escape from his relentless pounding. And God help me, I loved it.

Ivan shifted slightly and the room burst into streams of light, flying through my mind, lifting me out of the bed and into the night sky. He called out in an ancient language, but I was floating, helpless, as his movements became less frenetic and finally slowed.

My panting subsided and I opened my eyes.

Grandfather stood in the doorway.

"Ivan," he said coldly. "What have you done?"

Ivan was off me in a flash. He instinctively reached for his sword. It wasn't at his side. It was somewhere on the floor.

"I've impregnated her." Ivan's voice was wild.

"I can see that, you idiot." Grandfather's rage was tangible.

"I was protecting her from Cedric," Ivan said with a shrug. "You know it had to be done."

Grandfather was furious. He glanced at my tied hands, at my naked upper body. Clenching his hands, he spat, "Cover her, boy! And for God's sake, untie her."

Ivan obeyed.

It felt good to have my wrists free, but I dreaded the rage to come. Was there any way we could fast forward through this scene?

"Is this the way we treat our valued guests?" Grandfather seethed. "Our own blood? We ravish them against their will on the first night they stay with us?" His voice rose to a crescendo.

"I had to. You know it's best." Ivan stood firm, his face composed.

"You had no right! It is not up to you. She is
granddaughter and
kin. You have disgraced me and the memory of your mother. God help you."

Grandfather gave me a tortured look. "Rowena, I am in despair at how we have treated you. But there is no other way to fix this. You will be married at noon. Forgive us all."

Looking a hundred years old, he strode out the door. All the air seemed to whoosh out of the room with him.

I was so embarrassed, I wanted to die. Or at least wake up.

"That went rather well," Ivan said with satisfaction.

I stared at him in disbelief. "You wanted us to be found?"

Fastening his belt and looking too darn pleased with himself, he said, "It's better this way, with him as witness. There can be no doubting the word of the Earl of Huel. And best that it wasn't Cedric, because then there would have been a fight. Although I wouldn't mind having a good go at him."

He leapt onto the bed and drew me to him. "Rowena, we are so good together, even better than I could imagine. You are beautiful, too beautiful to be real, and I worship you. We will be married at noon. I will protect you forever." He kissed me, a deep languorous kiss that reached right down into my womb.

"Dawn is breaking," he said, pulling away. "Get dressed, my love, and I shall see you downstairs in one hour. There is something I must do." He blew me a kiss from the doorway and then he was gone.

I sat up, clutching the sheets to my neck. How did that man have so much energy after all we had been through? Honestly, I could've slept for days. I looked around for the cat and found her pawing at the drapes beside the window. Below the drapes, the toes of two dirty boots moved slightly.

Great. There had been another witness to the night's activities.

I sighed. "You can come out now."

The boots stopped moving.

"Any time now," I said dryly.

The drapes parted, revealing a red-faced Richard.

"How long have you been hiding there?"

He looked away. "Before Ivan arrived to

"Damn," I said, recalling that faint breeze earlier. "Well, I hope you got an eyeful."

"Yes, Ma'am."

chard, I―" To my horror, tears rolled down my face.

"Please don't cry, Rowena. I didn't mean you any harm. I only wanted to make sure you were safe. I didn't mean to watch, but …" His voice trailed off. "The men talk all the time about being with a woman,
and I have never…"

To my despair, the tears continued to fall.

"Ivan's a good man," Richard said. "The best. I know it was wrong of him, but he loves you, I'm certain. He'll make you a good husband."

I wiped my nose on the sheet. "I'm so embarrassed. What must you think of me?"

Wanton hussy
was the phrase that came to mind.

"I think you're wonderful. I only wish I were five years older, like Ivan."

My heart gave a tug. "That's sweet."

"Please don't tell anyone I was here. Ivan would kill me."

"I won't. But don't you ever do that again."

He nodded, his face still red. "You look like her, you know."

"My mother?"

"Yes, according to the painting in the Earl's bedroom. Except your hair is redder. Hers was more bronze."

"And I'm a little bigger," I said in a flat tone.

Richard blushed again. "Maybe, but in a good way."

"Turn around while I get up. I need to get dressed."

He did so, and I climbed out of bed. I'd already set out my mother's emerald dress the night before. It seemed fitting for today. I slipped it over my head. It barely fit. I sure wouldn't need a pushup bra.

"Here, can you do me a favor and lace up the back?"

I could feel Richard's warm fingers pulling, drawing the two laces together at the top.

"It won't quite close," he said.

"That's okay. My hair will cover it."

I turned to look at my reflection in the long mirror. The dress fit snugly under my breasts and flared out in a flattering circle to the ground. The arms were long, bell shaped, and the neckline was a deep U, almost too deep. I couldn't bend over without spilling out.

"I'm glad we're friends, Richard."

God knows, I needed a friend.

As I reached up to pat his shoulder, I heard a small


Moving toward to the door, I bit my lip, nervous. "What will Cedric say about all this?"

Richard winced. "I don't know what he'll say. But I can imagine a whole lot of things he might do."

The hallway blurred as we headed to the stairs.


This time it was harder to pull out of the dream. As the hallway dimmed, I fought against it, struggling to keep the images from fading. It was a dream, I reminded myself. Life is real.

Something licked my face and I blinked. Piper stared at me, then jumped up and down with happiness.

"Animals are better than men," I assured him.

I took Piper to the clinic with me that morning and he played with the boarding animals, while I worked at trying to forget the steamy dream. And my night with Ivan.

On the way home, we picked up take-out chicken―Piper's favorite. Then we settled in to watch
Dog Whisperer.

After dark, Dad phoned.

"How's Rome?" I asked.

"Noisy. Can't wait to get back to the desert."

Dad is an airline pilot on the international circuit.

"Dad, can you remember much about Mom's parents?"

A pause. "She wouldn't talk about them. They lived in England somewhere and there was some sort of estrangement."

"How did she manage to pay for vet school?"

He sighed. "She worked part time at an animal clinic through school. And I remember her saying she sold some old jewelry." Another pause. "Are you okay about Steven, sweetheart? I worry about you."

"I did the right thing, Dad. You don't need to worry about me."

Except that I might be going crazy. Frankly, Steve was the least of my worries.

"I love you, Dad."

"Love you too, Red. And don't forget, one day you'll meet the man of your dreams."

If Dad only knew.

Chapter 5


The wedding took place in a small stone chapel attached to Huel Castle. Grandfather wanted my arrival kept secret until after the ceremony, so the only attendees were Grandfather, Richard, the priest, and of course Ivan.

At least eighty years old, the priest wasn't happy. He frowned at me as if he'd seen a ghost. Maybe he hadn't liked my mother. Or perhaps he didn't approve of the amount of cleavage I was showing.

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