Royal Secrets (5 page)

Read Royal Secrets Online

Authors: Traci Hunter Abramson

Tags: #Royal Target, #lds, #LDS suspense, #hagardy, #deseret book, #mormon, #Betsy Brannon Green, #Fiction, #Romance, #secret, #covenant, #adventure, #clean, #Contemporary Romance, #Jennie Hansen, #Saint Squad

BOOK: Royal Secrets
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* * *

The walls were closing in. Stefano recognized the frustrating sensation of feeling trapped. He had felt it often throughout his life, especially since reaching adulthood. Now, with the prospect of staying within the walls of the chateau for the next few days, he struggled against those familiar bonds. The file in his lap was little more than a blur as he tried to ignore the pain from his shoulder and ribs. He shifted to try to get more comfortable, only to have another sharp pain shoot through him.

Gritting his teeth, he focused on the French doors that were open wide to let in the scent of the sea and the gardens below. On the balcony, exotic flowers with vibrant colors spilled out of a huge pottery urn. Beyond the stone balcony, the magnificent blue of the Mediterranean contrasted against pristine white sand.

He wanted to be out on the water right now, working the sails of his boat, a glass of wine in his hand. Of course, sailing would be out of the question for the next several weeks, and he wouldn’t be able to drink as long as he was dependant on the pain medicine the doctor had prescribed. Not that he drank often, but he certainly preferred to make his own decisions when it came to his social life rather than have his doctor dictate them for him.

His attention shifted when a knock sounded at the door. Before he had a chance to respond, Garrett pushed it open and walked into the sitting room. “How are you feeling?”

Stefano looked up at him and winced again as he closed the file in his lap and set it on the end table beside him. “Sore.”

“That isn’t surprising.” Garrett dropped into the seat across from his brother. “Patrice said to tell you she was making you some chicken cordon bleu for dinner.”

“Chicken cordon bleu is your favorite dinner, not mine.”

“Yeah, I know.” Garrett grinned. “What can I say? I can’t help it if Patrice loves me best.”

Stefano narrowed his eyes. “I’d tell you that you’re a selfish brat, but you’d probably take it as a compliment.”

“Probably,” Garrett agreed with a chuckle. “Would it make you feel any better if I told you Janessa convinced Patrice to make that raspberry cheesecake you like so much?”

“Maybe,” Stefano said, slightly mollified. He tapped a finger impatiently on the file in his lap. “I don’t know how Mother and Father can expect me to just sit around for the next few days.”

“From what I heard, it’s going to be more like a few weeks,” Garrett said with a touch of sympathy. “Apparently the police chief wants some more time to look into your accident, especially since you thought you saw another car right before it happened.”

Stefano’s heart sank. “As I told Father, I’m not sure I really saw another car. I was working in the backseat when my driver slammed on the brakes.”

“But the fact remains that something caused him to hit the brakes,” Garrett reminded him, his tone now serious. “Besides, it will be easier for you to work on the environmental studies if you don’t have to keep commuting back and forth between here and the palace.”

“I suppose,” Stefano conceded, “but I don’t know how I can look into those financial matters Father’s worried about.”

“I know you won’t have access to the church’s books or the ones at the winter palace, but the records for the gala would be here. I’m sure Martino can help you track them down.” Garrett shrugged. “A little work will help you keep your mind off the pain.”

“Easy for you to say.” Stefano grimaced as he shifted in his seat. “Any news about my driver?”

Garrett shook his head sympathetically. “Last I heard, he had come out of surgery okay, but he still hasn’t regained consciousness. I’ll ask Martino to keep you up to date. I’m heading out of town today.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m taking Janessa on a little trip.” Garrett’s lips curved up. “It’s a surprise.”

Stefano considered his future sister-in-law’s profession and looked at his brother skeptically. “Do you really think you can surprise her?”

“I’m sure going to try.”

* * *

“Archbishop Leone.” Janessa extended her hand to the older man and wondered if he ever went anywhere without wearing his religious robes and heavy metal crucifix. “Please come in and sit down.” She motioned to the parlor and added, “Thank you so much for coming here to Bellamo. I appreciate you going out of your way like this.”

“It is my pleasure.” His normally serious expression warmed when he smiled. He waited for her to sit down before choosing the chair beside her. “How is Prince Stefano? I heard of his accident.”

“He’s recovering,” Janessa stated simply. Her training kept her from elaborating even though she knew the royal family trusted this man, that he had been in their confidence for more than twenty years.

“I know everyone hopes to see him up and around again soon,” he said, apparently content with her answer. “Now, I understand you and Prince Garrett are ready to set a date for your wedding.”

Janessa nodded. She couldn’t tell him, of course, that the driving factor was the estimated completion date of the new LDS temple in Meridia. Garrett’s conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was still being treated like top secret material, and the royal family didn’t seem to think that would change anytime soon.

The information would get out eventually, but this man across from her wasn’t likely to welcome the news no matter how mild-mannered he might seem. “We were thinking about the second Friday in June.”

“A summer wedding.” The archbishop smiled his approval. “I’m sure it will be absolutely perfect.”

Janessa thought of the new temple that would overlook the Mediterranean. She granted the older man a smile. “I’m sure it will.”

* * *

Dr. Casale stared down at the single sheet of paper he held, rereading the lab results for the third time. The numbers couldn’t be right. They just couldn’t. If they were, life in his country would be forever altered.

He looked up at the lab technician who had run the test and saw by her pale face that she believed the report to be accurate.

“I want you to redo the test. Let’s make sure this is right.”

Belinda Parnelli spoke slowly, cautiously. “I already ran them three times. I even used the backup blood sample to make sure. I’m sorry, sir, but the results are accurate.”

“Who else knows about this?”

“No one,” she said, anxiety humming through her voice.

“Let’s make sure it stays that way.”

“What are you going to tell the prince?”

“The truth.”

She shook her head sympathetically. “This is going to be a nightmare for him when the public finds out.”

Dr. Casale looked up at her once more, and his voice was stern. “The public isn’t going to find out about this. Ever. Do I make myself clear?”

Belinda took an automatic step back and swallowed hard. “Yes, sir.”

“Good.” He waved toward the hallway. “Now, I want you to go back to the lab and destroy all of the files on this and dispose of the blood samples. I don’t want any records that can link these results back to the royal family.”

She stared at him for a moment and then reluctantly nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”

* * *

Janessa opened the door to the chateau’s security office with a sense of anticipation. Her talk with Patrice that morning had helped ease some of her logistical concerns about bringing Alora to Bellamo. Now she hoped to dispense with some concerns of a more emotional nature.

As she expected, fellow CIA agent Levi Marin was sitting at his desk in the corner of the room while two guards watched the various television monitors on the wall. Levi glanced up, his dark eyes curious. He looked completely professional and almost aloof, wearing an expression she had seen him adopt frequently over the past few years as they had worked various undercover operations together.

“Levi, could I see you for a minute?” Janessa asked from just inside the threshold.

“Of course.” Levi pushed back from his desk and turned to the two security guards across the room. “I’ll be right back.”

Levi stepped out into the hall with her and closed the door behind him. Automatically, he lowered his voice. “Is everything okay?”

“I just wanted you to know I’ve asked Alora DeSanto to move in here and be my assistant.”

“DeSanto?” Levi’s eyes widened. Even though he had never met the woman, he was well aware of the tragedy that had resulted several years earlier when her husband’s cover had been leaked. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Yes, I am.” Janessa nodded. “The queen insists that I need an assistant to help me manage my schedule and the wedding plans, but with my work at the base, I need someone who has both a security clearance and the right language skills.”

“She hasn’t worked for us since the bombing,” Levi pointed out. “Her clearances won’t be valid anymore.”

“I know, but it will be easier to get them reinstated than to start from scratch with someone else.” Janessa’s eyes met Levi’s. “Besides that, she’s a friend.”

Levi nodded in understanding. “Is that the only reason you wanted to talk to me, or is there something else?”

“Actually, yes.” Janessa nodded. “I know you were planning to transfer out of here in a few weeks, but I was wondering if you would be willing to stay on awhile longer if Director Palmer will approve it.”

The corners of his lips lifted. “You must have read my mind. I spoke with personnel this morning and asked if my position here could be extended.”

“What did they say?”

Levi glanced down the hall to make sure they were still really alone. “The Agency is still concerned about possible security issues at the base, so I’ve been approved for at least a six-month extension.”

“That’s great. I don’t think I’m quite ready to be without backup,” Janessa told him with a wry smile. “Are you going to keep working from here, or will you transfer over to the base offices?”

“As long as the royal family will allow it, I’ll work from here. My cover working in security is already intact, and there’s no reason I need to be onsite, especially since the base is only a five-minute drive from here,” Levi told her. “Also, I got the report from Langley just this morning on those listening devices we found.”

“Any luck in tracing the origin?”

Levi nodded. “It’s a newer version of KGB technology that was used in the eighties. The analysts said the bugs had definitely been here for approximately two to three years.”

“Were they still operational?”

“Yes, all but one.”

“Any idea who might have planted them?”

“We’re still combing through the paperwork for all of the contractors who worked here at the time. It’s possible that the people behind the queen’s kidnapping last month were responsible, but there’s no way of knowing without a confession, and I doubt we’re going to get that,” Levi said.

“Is there any way we can identify who was receiving the transmissions?”

“Maybe if we can find the transmitter, but so far we haven’t had any luck,” Levi told her. “One of the main reasons the technology is so popular is the standard security sweeps don’t usually pick them up.”

“Why not?”

“Something about the type of metal alloy they’re made of.” Levi shrugged. “We’re still looking, but with the size of this place, it’s going to take some time.”

“Let me know if you find anything.”

“You know I will,” Levi said, his eyes narrowing. “What has you so worried, Janessa? Prince Stefano’s accident or the listening devices we found here?”


Levi gave her a look of understanding. “Me too.”

Chapter 6

“What do you mean the transmissions stopped?”

“Someone in the chateau did a complete security sweep and found all of the bugs that had been planted.”

“All of them?” His voice was filled with disbelief. “I thought they weren’t detectable.”

“They weren’t before now. The new guy, Levi, used some new equipment and wiped all of them out.”

“I can’t believe this. They’ve been in place for almost three years, and now, when we need them the most, they’re discovered.” He shook his head. “What are the chances that the listening devices can be traced back to our supporters?”

“None, as long as they don’t find the transmitter, but our latest intelligence indicates that the security team at the chateau is searching for it. If the transmitter is found, we are definitely vulnerable.”

“You need to get someone in there. We need to make sure that equipment isn’t discovered, and we have to find a way to know what’s going on with the royal family. Everything depends on having perfect timing. If we don’t know exactly where everyone is going to be on the day we strike, we can’t guarantee complete success.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

* * *

“Here you are, sir.” Martino set a six-inch stack of files on the table in Stefano’s sitting room.

“It looks like this should keep me occupied for a few days.” Stefano lifted a file and glanced at the first page. Then he shook his head. “Make that a few weeks.”

“Is there anything I can help you with, Your Highness?” Martino asked. “The auditors looked through all our financial files only three weeks ago. If there is something specific you need that isn’t in their report, I’d be happy to call them for you.”

“I appreciate the offer, but this is little more than my father hoping to keep me occupied for a while.” Stefano granted Martino a small smile.

The phone rang, and Stefano nodded for Martino to answer it.

“Hello?” Martino listened for a moment before hitting a button to put the caller on hold. He turned to face Stefano and said, “Luigi Ovalle asked to see you. I’m sorry, sir, but he doesn’t have an appointment.”

“That’s okay, Martino.” Stefano suppressed a sigh. Luigi had been working for his family for decades, most recently as the events coordinator for both the summer chateau and the winter palace. While he was meticulous with detail, he could be relentless when he wasn’t granted the attention he felt he deserved. “Please tell him I’ll meet him in the parlor in five minutes.”

“Yes, sir.”

Stefano made his way downstairs to find the wiry man waiting for him, a file folder in his hand.

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