Royal Secrets (6 page)

Read Royal Secrets Online

Authors: Traci Hunter Abramson

Tags: #Royal Target, #lds, #LDS suspense, #hagardy, #deseret book, #mormon, #Betsy Brannon Green, #Fiction, #Romance, #secret, #covenant, #adventure, #clean, #Contemporary Romance, #Jennie Hansen, #Saint Squad

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“I’m sorry to disturb you, Your Highness, but I have several documents that require a signature, and I’m afraid your brother isn’t available.”

“I gather we have some social events coming up,” Stefano commented as he extended his good hand and took the file from Luigi.

“Yes, sir. Several dinners are coming up here at the chateau, and of course, I’m already looking forward to the Winter Ball in November.”

Stefano looked over the contractor bids for several local companies and then signed in the appropriate places. “Please make sure Martino is given copies of all these contracts.”

“Of course. Thank you for making time for me today.”

* * *

“Come on, Janessa. It’s time to go.” Garrett leaned on the doorjamb of his fiancée’s temporary office at the naval base in Bellamo.

Janessa pushed her hair behind her shoulders and looked up at him. “Go where? I really have to finish the security plans for next week. In case you’ve forgotten, construction for the new administration building is supposed to start next Thursday.”

“Bring it with you. You’ll have plenty of time to work on the plane.”

Both elegant eyebrows lifted. “On the plane?”

“Yes, on the plane.” Garrett smothered a grin and moved farther into the room. “We’re taking a little trip. Get whatever files you’ll need for the next few days and let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

She cocked her head to one side and looked at him skeptically. “Garrett, I have work to do. I don’t have time to take off right now. Besides, Alora and her boys are arriving sometime next week. I want to be here when they get here.”

“Patrice will help them get settled if they arrive before we get back.”

“Tell me where we’re going.”

“I told you. It’s a surprise.” He picked up her briefcase from the chair opposite her desk and handed it to her. “Last chance. You can get your files yourself or you can go without them. We’re leaving in ten minutes.”

“Are you trying to be difficult?”

Humor flashed in his eyes. “Absolutely.”

Janessa pressed her lips together, and Garrett could tell she was trying to fight the oncoming smile. With a shake of her head, she stood and shuffled the papers in front of her into a folder. She powered off her laptop and slid it into her briefcase, along with several files. Then she crossed to Garrett. “Okay, you win, but I really would like to know where we’re going. And we’ll need to swing by the chateau so I can pack.”

“Patrice already packed your things for you. Your bags are in the car,” Garrett told her.

“You thought of everything, didn’t you?”

“I hope so.” Garrett leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “Come on. We have a flight to catch.”

* * *

“Dr. Casale.” Stefano shifted in his chair and looked up inquisitively as his physician entered his sitting room at the chateau. “I didn’t expect to see you for a few more days. Please come in and sit down.”

“How are you feeling?” The doctor lowered himself into a chair and gripped his medical bag with both hands.

“I’m fine.” Stefano sensed the doctor’s tension. “What’s wrong? Is it my driver?”

“No. He’s improving steadily, as we had hoped.”

“Then what?”

“We ran some routine blood work on you when you were at the hospital.”

Stefano’s eyebrows went up, and an unsettled feeling pulsed through him. “And?”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. There’s no easy way to say this.” He took a steadying breath and kept his eyes on Stefano. “You have Merid’s syndrome.”

“Merid’s?” Stefano repeated. Shock came first, followed swiftly by denial. Only years of training allowed him to control the turmoil stirring inside him, to present a calm front. He knew of the stories, of the many family members who had supposedly been afflicted by the rare hereditary disease, but no one had been diagnosed with it in his family for several generations. Surely this couldn’t be happening, not to him. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and was surprised his voice sounded calm. “Are you sure?”

Dr. Casale nodded. “We ran the test multiple times. Since the blood test was developed to diagnose Merid’s several decades ago, we have made it a policy to screen every member of the royal family. The test is unreliable until adulthood, so we typically conduct it around the age of twenty-one.”

“I passed my twenty-first birthday some time ago.”

“Yes, sir. According to our records, you were screened once before. After your accident, my assistant noticed the results in your file couldn’t be yours. They were from someone with a different blood type. Realizing that an error had been made, we ran the test again.”

Stefano tried to absorb the news, all the while praying to whatever god might be listening that this was some kind of mistake. Merid’s syndrome was the reason the Fortier family had remained so small over the centuries, why there were currently only four male heirs to the throne despite the fact that his family had ruled Meridia for more than six hundred years. The effects of the disease were nearly undetectable, but the results were unmistakable: infertility.

“You’re telling me that I can’t have children? That I can’t produce an heir to the throne?”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, but yes, that is exactly what I’m telling you.”

Stefano picked up the water glass on the table beside him and sipped slowly as his mind turned the facts over and over. He couldn’t have children. Never would he know the joy of parenthood. Following that thought was the realization that his successor to the throne would not be his own child but would instead be Garrett’s. “What about my brother? Has he been tested?”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Dr. Casale nodded. “Prince Garrett is not affected by the disease.”

“I see.” Stefano pushed his emotions aside and tried to consider his country and the future of Meridia. One of his father’s greatest concerns when Garrett chose to become a member of the Mormon Church was the possible upheaval that could occur if Garrett or one of his descendants ever took the throne.

Stefano let out a sigh as the full reality punched through him. No longer was there a question of whether his country would ever have a king who did not belong to the Meridian Church. If he was really afflicted with Merid’s, it was now a matter of when. His grip tightened on his water glass before he set it down next to his bottle of pain medicine. “Who else knows about this?”

“Only the nurse who ran the tests. All of the documentation has been destroyed, and I have sworn her to secrecy,” Dr. Casale told him. “I felt it prudent to protect your privacy considering the circumstances.”

“I appreciate your efforts, Doctor,” Stefano managed, even though he felt numb inside. “I trust you will allow me to share this information with my family when I feel it appropriate.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” The doctor held up his bag. “I thought perhaps we should run the tests one more time, just to be sure.”

Stefano nodded, even though he already saw on the doctor’s face that the man didn’t expect different results. The doctor drew out the supplies he needed to take another blood sample. When he finished, he packed his bag, and Stefano asked, “How long will it take to get the new results?”

“I should have them for you by tomorrow.”

“I’ll look forward to hearing from you.” Despite the pain in his side, Stefano pushed himself to a stand. “Thank you for making the time to come see me today.”

The doctor’s eyes narrowed. “When was the last time you took your pain medicine?”

“Sometime this morning,” Stefano admitted.

“You need to take some. There’s no reason you should be in pain.” Dr. Casale picked up the prescription bottle on the end table. After dispensing a pill into his hand, he turned and handed it to Stefano along with his water glass.

In no mood to argue, Stefano popped the pill into his mouth and washed it down with the rest of his water.

The doctor walked to the door. “I’ll be stopping back in to check on you in a couple days. In the meantime, please call me if you need anything.”

“I will. Thank you.” Stefano watched him leave then pressed a hand against the door to make sure it was closed. He looked down to see the now empty glass still gripped in his hand. Frustration, disappointment, denial all bubbled up inside him as he heaved the glass across the room and watched it and his future shatter against the wall.

Chapter 7

Janessa startled awake when the plane touched down. She shifted in her seat, the soft leather giving beneath her as she stretched her arms above her head and tried to shake the sleep out of her brain. She glanced over at Garrett sitting beside her, a thick file open in his lap, and asked, “Are you going to tell me where we are now?”

“Andrews Air Force Base.”

“We’re in Maryland?” She turned toward the window and looked at the green rushing by them as King Eduard’s private jet slowed and then began taxiing off the runway. “Why didn’t you tell me we were coming to the DC area? If I had known we were going to be so close to CIA headquarters, I would have brought the paperwork with me that Director Palmer asked for yesterday.”

“We aren’t going to CIA headquarters,” Garrett told her. “I have some meetings at the White House today, and then tomorrow we’re going to escort your sister’s family back to your parents’ home in Iowa for the weekend.”

“What?” Janessa stared at him wide-eyed. “Does Mary know about this?”

“Of course. She’s the one who mentioned she wanted to bless her baby in Iowa so all your family could be there for it.”

“Yeah, but I doubt she mentioned that in the hope that we would pick her up in your father’s private plane and take her there.”

“She didn’t seem opposed to the idea.”

Janessa had to laugh. “This is a wonderful surprise. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Garrett smiled back at her. The plane came to a stop, and he motioned toward the restroom. “Did you need to freshen up before we go to the White House?”

“Actually, I think I’d prefer to go straight to my sister’s house,” Janessa said. “Although I probably should swing by CIA headquarters first.”

“You can’t go to CIA headquarters.”

“What? Why not?”

“First of all, someone might see you, and we definitely don’t want the press to get wind that my fiancée is a spy.”

“I’m not a spy.”

“Close enough.” Garrett waved away the triviality between
intelligence officers
. “Besides, Director Palmer will be at the White House to meet with you while I meet with your president.”

“You’re meeting with the president?” Janessa asked. “Why?”

“Just some final details that need to be ironed out before construction starts on the new naval base next week.”

“I thought the agreement was already signed.”

“It was. My father just wants a few of the legal points clarified. Besides, it was the perfect excuse to be able to bring you to the U.S.”

“Any idea how long our meetings are supposed to last?”

“Probably all afternoon,” Garrett told her. “After we finish with our meetings, we’ll have time to change for dinner with the president tonight. Then, tomorrow morning, your sister and her family will meet us at Andrews Air Force Base, and we’ll fly into Des Moines.”

“Aren’t we staying at Mary’s house tonight?”

Garrett shook his head. “We’re staying at the White House tonight.”

“What?” Janessa’s eyes widened. She considered for a minute what an honor it was to be invited to spend the night in the president’s home, but then reality set in. She didn’t know the president. She hadn’t even voted for him. Given the choice, she would definitely prefer to spend those precious few hours in her sister’s company. “Garrett, that’s very generous of the president to let us stay there, but I really would rather stay with my sister.”

Garrett looked at her, apparently surprised that she wasn’t excited about the prospect of sleeping at the White House. Then he let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, Janessa, but it isn’t an option. It isn’t safe.”

“Wait a minute.” She held up a hand. “You’re telling me that it isn’t safe for me to visit my own sister?”

“Not without a lot of advance planning.” He shook his head, his expression sympathetic. “I know that being in the spotlight is still pretty new to you, but the press alone would cause too big of a security concern for you to stay anywhere that isn’t secure. Besides, the police still haven’t finished their investigation into Stefano’s accident.”

She was silent for a moment as she considered Garrett’s words. “What about when we go to Iowa? We will be able to stay with my family there, won’t we?”

Garrett nodded. “Our visit to your family’s farm isn’t on our official itinerary. Besides, we won’t have as many security concerns out in the country as we would in DC.”

A sigh escaped her, and she nodded. “You know, I don’t think I like being the person being protected very much. I much prefer being the person doing the protecting.”

“I know. It’s an adjustment.” Garrett stood up. “Are you ready to go smile for the cameras?”

Janessa rolled her eyes. “Maybe I will take a minute to freshen up.”

* * *

He leaned back in his leather executive chair and read the single sheet of paper before looking up at his associate. “How reliable is this information?”

“Very.” The other man spoke in hushed tones. “I verified it myself.”

“A Mormon prince.” He shook his head, the hint of a smile forming.

“You realize this changes everything.”

“Perhaps.” He tapped a finger on the side of his chair, considering. He had waited patiently for his dues, for the position of responsibility he had trained for. For so long he had been denied that right. Now, finally, things were about to change.

“If we wait to release this until right before we follow through with our other plans, we might not need to eliminate Prince Garrett. It’s possible his choices will alienate him from his subjects at the same time everyone discovers Prince Stefano can’t do his duty,” he said. “One or two well-placed phone calls to the media will destroy the royal family, and no one will ever know who was behind it.”

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