Rub Me The Wrong Way (Erotic Shorts Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Rub Me The Wrong Way (Erotic Shorts Book 2)
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“Open the box, Astin.”


Placing the flower down, I pull the silver ribbon and free the lid. Inside I shuffle around tissue paper to see three small silver balls attached to a string.


“Given your line of work, I assume you know what those are.”


I lift the Kegel balls carefully. “I do.”


“Good. You'll have those ready for me to remove at your appointment. Understand, love?”


The small balls roll around in my hand. In a defiant tone, I question, “And if I don't?”


“You know the answer to that.”


On a scoff I drop them back in the box.


“I'll see you this evening, Miss Anderson.”


Politely I sigh, “Enjoy your day, Mr. Klein.”


After hanging up the phone, I move to put the lid back on when a small slip of paper inside the box catches my eye. Quickly I snatch the folded white rectangle.




As you're reading this, your beautiful face is in that defiant scowl. The one I enjoy erasing. Correcting. Reminding you there is a reason to smile. Continue to let me do so and you'll never regret it.


Now be a good girl and slip these in before you leave the office, love.




With a wide smile I bite my bottom lip. I'm not sure what I hate more. Feeling like I have no control in this situation with him or actually enjoying it.




After hours of paperwork, emails, and successfully hiring the girl Hope suggested, I'm finally given a moment to have a breath. On a heavy sigh I drop into my chair and lean back.


“Um...boss,” Hope calls to me from the doorway. “You ready?”


“Just...give me a couple.”


“Yeah. Do you want me to go ahead and bring the car around?”


I nod and she offers me a sympathetic smile. Hope disappears the way she came shutting my door behind her. With a moment back to myself, I shut my eyes and let the stress of the day settle on my shoulders. The pressure is a quick reminder the best way to erase it is just a few minutes away, waiting to erase all thoughts that aren't him. How fucking sexy is that?


Biting my bottom lip at the thought of Klous' hands roaming my body like it's his personal territory for marking, I feel wetness begin to leak into my thong. Almost immediately I open my eyes and my bottom drawer where the box is waiting for me. Am I really gonna do this? Am I really gonna give him everything he demands, how and when he demands it? Who died and made him king of the fucking castle? God, I want him to fuck me in a castle.


Before I can second guess my choice, I push the lid off, grab the contents and stand. In slight disbelief, I remove my underwear. Very un-ladylike, I spread my legs and slowly push the small beads inside, my pussy easily absorbing all but the string that's supposed to be left dangling like a weird sex tampon. This would've been so much harder if I wasn't already wet. As soon as the balls are in place, I look back down at the box which is when an idea thumps me. I reach down for it when the balls shift causing a light moan to escape me. Holy fuck. Really? I barely moved. How the fuck am I supposed to make it all the way to the massage without collapsing? Squeezing them tight, I grab the box quickly, place my underwear inside, and tie it back up. In one swift motion, I grab my work bag and stroll out of the office, with the box in hand, the entire time saying a silent prayer that I can keep these things in until I get to my fucking massage.


Once I'm in the car, I do my best to find a position that doesn't make me feel like I'm gonna come or lose one of the balls from simply breathing the wrong way.


“You okay?” Hope questions sweetly. “I know it was a long Monday.”


“All days are long.”


“They are when you're the boss.”


I smile at her comment before she makes an abrupt stop at a light. Biting my tongue trying to contain the whines that are desperate to leak out of me.


“Hey, now that we have a minute,” she starts slowly. “The phone call.”


“Which one?”


“The flower.”




“The package.”


“What about them?”


Casually she whispers, “You wanna talk about him?”


Klous' face pops into my head and I feel the balls inside of me shift around all on their own. What is that? Mind control? They know to respond to just the idea of him? Ugh. “No.”


“Okay.” Hope surrenders a hand. There's a brief moment of silence before she tries again, “Can I say something?”


My head tilts at her.


“I don't know where he came from. I didn't even know you went anywhere that wasn't work related, massage aside. But as long as he's not inflatable I say give it a chance.”




She chortles at her joke. “Okay, but seriously. I saw the look on your face when I announced the call. is...whatever he is...just...try it. You deserve a little happiness. And these massages seem to help some, but you really need more, ya know?”


Uncomfortable with the topic and the balls that have now started whispering to an orgasm to come out and play, I merely mumble, “Noted.”


The remainder of the drive, Hope reviews scheduling for the next couple of days, reminding me of numerous meetings I've got for the week including one with an author we just signed. By the time we arrive at Le Mur, I have a new stack of business problems to accompany the old ones.


“Want me to pick you up?”


“I'll grab a cab. Go home to your husband.”


“Not that I'm complaining,” she sweetly begins. “But you keep taking a cab home from this place. Is my driving getting worse?”


I lightly giggle and the balls shift again rubbing against my inner walls in a way that has me gripping the door handle hard enough to snap it off. “No. I'm just trying to be a better boss.”


“You mean friend.”


“You're awfully lippy today.” Grabbing my bag, I open the door and carefully get out. “Don't forget since tomorrow is an early meeting-”


“Grab you a toasted bagel and orange juice. It's almost like I've done this before.”


“I could fire you.”


“No you couldn't.”


She's fucking right. I couldn't. It'd be like trying to fire myself. I'd rehire me immediately. I shut the door and head into the facility.


During the process of completing my routine drop of items I state, “I brought this little...thank you gift, if you will for Klous. Is it alright if I bring it back to him?”


Snow White whose name I still have yet to learn nods skeptically. “That's fine as long as you can assure us you aren't trying to sneak electronic devices into your appointment.”


No. Just trying to sneak this set of Kegels in. “No electronics.”


She motions her hand. “Go ahead then. Enjoy your massage.”


Right away, I'm lead back to Klous' room where I waste no time stripping out of my clothes the minute the door shuts. While this process is usually instant, I have to be more careful with the sensation shifting inside of me. Sitting on the table instead of lying down, I wrap the sheet around me and position the box beside me.


There's a firm knock on the door. My pussy clenches in anticipation forcing a moan successfully out of me.


Klous opens the door and greets me. “Miss Anderson.”


“Mr. Klein.”


He smirks as he shuts the door. “How are you feeling this evening?”


The urge to play his game but on my terms gnaws at me. “How do you expect me to feel?”


His large arms fold across his chest. “Unsatisfied.”


Surprised by his answer I lift my eyebrows. “Is that so?”


Now standing directly in front of me, he plants his hands on both sides of me. “If it's not my cock inside of you, I don't want you feeling satisfied.”


Well fuck me. I do my best to counter but struggle. “Because you're the only one who can do that?”


He licks his lips slowly and the balls push their way forward as if being beckoned. Klous leans his lips next to my ear. “Because I'm the only one who should do that.”


The words hitch my breath causing my muscles to tighten, the balls to rock forward again, nudging a whimper out of me.


Pleased by my response he pulls back and smiles. “You alright, love?”


“Fine,” I quickly answer. Grabbing the box I lift it up with a similar smirk. Smug bastard. “Here. Thought you might want this.”


The amused expression disappears at the sight. Good. I like when my plan works like I wanted. He takes the box and tosses the lid beside me. With a cold expression he looks down at the contents, which instantly brings back a cocky look. At least this time it was on my terms.


He tilts the box at me. “My trophy?”


“I thought that was me.”


Klous nods. “Time to lay down on the table, Astin.”


Once he grabs the lid and strolls away towards the area where the oils are kept, I stretch my body out across the table, the entire time the process is something almost too much to handle. I'm not a quitter though. And he can't win everything. Well, he can't immediately win everything.


On a deep breath, I try to relax. Seconds later Klous' hands are massaging away the stress of the long weekend and even longer work day.


As his hands dig deeper into my flesh he questions, “How's the pressure?”


Building. Building in my pussy so steadily if you graze it with a finger I'm going to come. “Perfect.”


He doesn't reply but moves his hands lower. The action forces me to squeeze my pussy tighter. The balls slamming back inside, wetness sliding down my thighs. “Relax, love.”


“That's...not gonna happen with these inside of me.”


“You want them out?”


What a stupid fucking question. “I don't want them in.”


Suddenly the blanket is ripped off of me and a hard swat is given to my ass cheek. The sting is intriguing but the rocking motion moves the balls inside. “Try again.”


Unsure I enjoyed being spanked, I snap, “Are you deaf now?”


Another hard swat lands on the other cheek. The balls brushing my walls cause me to buck and bite my bottom lip. Yes. Yes to all of the above.


“Try. Again.”


“No.” I'm rewarded with another slap. My eyes drift closed at the way pleasure meets the cusp of pain, the orgasm I've been fighting this evening, about to take me down for the count. God, I don't wanna come before he's inside of me.

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