Ruining Me (19 page)

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Authors: Nicole Reed

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Ruining Me
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I hear
the roar of a motorcycle outside the window and kn
ow instantly who it i
s.  “Well I guess you are going to meet him
.”  In that instant
how red and swollen Molly’s
eyes were and knew mine matched
“I’m guessing my face looks
as red as yours,
” I ask her


She laughs
“Best friends always tell each other the truth and girl you look a hot mess.”  I actually giggle with her.  The doorbell chimed and our laughter grew louder. 


She followed me to the front door.  I heard her gasp behind me when she finally saw him
through the door


“Holy hell Jay.  That is one fine man.”


I could only nod in agreement.  When I opened the door
I noticed first off he must have come straight from the gym.  He had on a ragged t-shirt and baggy gym shorts with black tennis shoes.  His eyes went from mad to
when he
my face.


“Did something happen Jay?”  He grab
me through the door and pull
me toward him.  Crushing me in a hug
, I feel
his body tighten and realize he finally see
Molly behind me.  I pull away and introduc


“Kane this is my best friend Molly.”  I looked at Molly and she
s at
She looked at him and br
her hand up in a little wave.


“Nice to meet you Kane.
  Sorry to run, but I
’ve got to get home.”  She steps around us and turns
back to me.  “I will meet you at your car i
n the morning.  Okay?”  I nod
okay and then she
said what we always used to say
when leaving each other.  “Great.  Love you. Bye.”


“Love you. Bye.”  I say


ane pull
me through the door and shut
He looks
at the dark foyer and house.  He narrow
s h
is eyes at me. 
your parents ever home with you?”  I had already told him my parents
with their jobs. 


“Not really.”  I was normally glad to be alone.


“You stood me up tonight.  Is this going to be a continuing thing with us? 
You know m
wondering if
going to show up or not


“I am so sorry, Molly came over to talk and to be honest it’s been awhile for us.  Before I knew it
time had flown and I just forgot.”


He looked at me
and said,
“Next time just text me.  I couldn’t concentrate tonight and all my sparring partners kicked my ass.  Then instead of riding home, I drove straight here.  Sweaty as shit and all.”  He looked great to me.  I step up to kiss him and at the same time my stomach let
t a loud growl.  We both laugh


“Hungry?” He asked.  I nod
and smile up at him.
  “So am I.  I was hoping to take you out for a late dinner after the gym.” 


I look at him and ask, “Why don’t I fix us something
to eat
  How does an omelet sound?”


“Sounds great to me.  Do you care if I grab my stuff and take a shower first?”


liked the
him using my shower.  “Sure.  Grab your stuff and I’ll start cooking.”


He went outside to grab his bag and then follow
d me to my room.  I notice him looking around, but he never said a
nything.  My room was very girly
with a pink and white shabby chic theme. 
Grabbing him a towe
the r
oom.  He didn’t try to stop me, but part of me really wished he would have ask
me to join him.


By the time he came back down stairs I had already fixed our
and had them ready at the bar.  He had changed into a soft pair of blue jeans and plain blue shirt and was now bare foot.  He sat down and I couldn’t stop staring at him.  He cocked his eye at me and smiled.

“Like what you see?”  He smile
s at me and I hand him
bottle of water
as I nod my head


“Yeah, I guess I do.”  He grab
his fork
and begins


“This is really good Jay.”


“Thanks.  My dad used to make the best
so I guess I learned from him.”


We talked more about my parents and then more about his Mom. He really wanted to move her down here with him and Cole, but he wanted to start building her a house first.  God, I really love a man who loves his mother. 


“So when are your parents coming home?”  I was just sitting there trying not to think about how yummy he looked when he ask that question.  Was he asking so he could stay with me tonight


“A couple
”  I swallow hard.  He didn’t say anything for a minute and we both finished our food.  He stood and grabbed our plates
, rinsing them and loading
into the dishwasher.  I didn’t say anything and just continued to stare at him.  He turned towards me and came
to stand
right in front of me. 


“I’m really tired Jay.  Really tired, but not tired enough for you.
”  He lean
down and gently kisse
my lips.  “Something tells me that this is not the right time for us yet, but I really want to hold you.  I’ve got to get a decent night of sleep and I haven’t done that since I met you.”  I brought my hand up and ran
it over his buzzed hair.  It tickled
my hand and he closed his eyes. 


“Okay, if you can be super-man
from touching me
I can be your super-woman.”  He laughed
at my choice of words


“Girl, I think you are
my glowing green rock, but I’m going to try.  Let’s go to bed.  I really am dead tired.”  I reach for his hand and le
lead me
back upstairs to my room.


“I’m going to take a quick shower and I’ll meet you in bed.”   I noticed him swallow hard and grin.  This wasn’t
going to be
as easy as he thought it would be.


“Sure,” he said, “but h
urry up becau
se I like to snuggle.”  I groan
and walk into my bathroom and shut the door.  This was going to be a long night.


I think I broke the record for the fastest shower ever.  One part of me worried that he would come and join me
and the other worried when he

I d
id want to sleep with him, but now I
wanted more. 
I brushed my wet hair out and rubbed my coconut lotion all over my body.  We would just have to see how he acted when I joined him in my bed.


When I step back into my room
I hear the soft sound of snoring and laugh.  He really was tired and had fallen asleep sitting up against the headboard.  His chest was bare and the cover was pulled to his waist.  I wonder if he had on boxers
or briefs
   I tip
toed to my side of the bed and pulled the covers back and climbed in.


God he was so beautiful and I just wanted to stare at him. 
I wanted to rub my hands
over his chest and kiss e
very little scar I could see.  Pulling the covers back
I did
glance underneath.  Darn, he
wears briefs

gently wa
ke him.  “
ay down with me.”  He never opened his eyes
as he
turned toward me and s
cooted down in the bed.  I turn
my back to his chest and he pull
me closer spooning his body to mine.  I didn’t think I could fall asleep like this, but before I knew it I was out.


I was in the school gym in one of the back closets.  We kept paint
here for the cheerleaders to make spirit signs for school. 
Everyone had left after practice, but I was meeting Molly and Reed for dinner so I needed to waste some time.  I thought I would make some posters for the upcoming first game.  We were just
and JT was going to be starting
quarterback and I was so proud of him.  The closet was actually large enough that I could sit down and paint the


I heard a knock at the door and looked up and he was standing there.  “Hey.”  I smiled up at him.  Molly was right
he did have the prettiest eyes.  “What are you still doing here?”  I
he walked into the closet and closed the door and locked it.  Later I would realize that I didn’t even question him locking the door.  He squatted down next to me and raised his hand and brushed the hair out of my eyes.  I jerked back.  He had touched me before.  Brief grazes against my arm in the hallways.   Nothing improper just little brushes here and there, but didn’t he do that with everyone?


“James, you don’t have to pretend with me anymore baby.  I know what you want and we don’t have to tell J
T”   What was he talking about?
  His eyes didn’t look friendly anymore.  In fact they looked hard and something gleamed in them. 
?  Need?
  Hate?  I jump up and in a second he lunged and had my arms pinned above my body in one hand and I was flat against the floor.  His other covered my mouth and his body lay heavy on top of mine.


“Shut up James, nobody is going to hear you.  It’s just you in me in the gym. 
The entire fo
otball team
is on
the field practicing and everyone else is gone.  You knew this was coming.  I’m just going to get a little taste of what you give
all the time.  Just a little taste.” 


His breathing was becoming heavy
. “I’m going to move my hand and if you scream I’m going to hit you.  If someone was to find us
, they’re
going to believe you Jay.  They’re
g to believe me.  Everyone can see how
you flaunt your shit all around school.  You are such a fucking cock tease.”  He moved his hand away from my mouth and I was too paralyzed with fear to say anything or move.  He flipped my t-shirt above my chest and covered my face leaving it there.  He und
my bra clasp and
bit down on m
y nipple roughly.  I cried out in pain.


“Shut the fuck up and d
on’t make a sound.”  He did the same to the o
ther and I bit my lip to hold the cry back.  He pulled my shorts and panties down.  “Sweet Jesus Jay.  I bet you make
want to come
every time
he looks at your naked little body.”  He moved my arms down to either side of me. 

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