Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1)
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Chapter One





Never did I imagine that when I turned twenty-two, I’d be divorced and working for my father in a position I have no desire to be in. I haven’t graduated from college yet, but I was so close. I guess life happens sometimes, but I wish I could go back to simpler times, wish I could be eighteen again.

My life was planned out for me. I lived on my father’s dime and went to college on a full-ride softball scholarship. All I had to worry about was whose house I was partying at that weekend. High school life was good, but college life was amazing. All I did was attend classes, play softball, and party. The summer of my junior year at Indiana University, everything changed. I met “the one,” Chet Boston. And he was truly the one for me—the completely wrong one.

Chet. I should have known, with a name like that, he would be a piece of shit. He was amazing the first year: amazing sex, gifts, dinners, and surprises. He’s a few years older than me and he had a degree in marketing. When I met him, he was working for the top marketing firm in Indianapolis. He’s easy on the eyes, six foot three, and one hundred eighty-five pounds of defined, tanned yumminess with dark chocolate eyes and short brownish-blond hair. Mmm. The things he could do with his…body.

I decided to leave school after a night of carelessness led to me getting pregnant. We married quickly—a small wedding chapel in the middle of nowhere—and I moved to Indianapolis with him. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage six weeks after we were married. I thought we would make it through our loss. We were a strong couple. I honestly believed life would be perfect. Ha. The joke was on me.

We decided to wait for a while before trying to conceive again. I went to work full-time, and Chet dove back into work, amongst other things that I didn’t know about at the time. We maintained our work hard, play even harder pace for a while, treating ourselves to indulgences often. Surprise trips here, flowers just because, jewelry, shopping.

Slowly, I started observing changes. First, it was notices for late bills, then money missing from our accounts, and Chet traveling for work on a more frequent basis. Finally, we went from having sex multiple times a week to maybe once a month. I love sex and I thought he did too, so I spoke with Chet about all the things I noticed and he explained that he’d forgotten the bills, but wasn’t so keen on explaining the bedroom situation. He told me he was exhausted from working all the time. I felt bad, so I let it go.

Months later, none of that had prepared me for what would be the last day I wrote his last name as my own. My life as I knew it, gone. He cleaned out the house but left a few things that screamed “these are Jesse’s” as well as divorce papers and a foreclosure notice. I immediately called our bank, thinking there had been a mistake, but not only had he
been paying the mortgage, he had cleaned out all of our accounts—including the account my father had started for our future children.

I called the police and, since he was legally my husband, I couldn’t do anything about it. So there I was with nothing but a shirt on my back and my car, and thank God he couldn’t take my car because it was still in my father’s name. I was completely numb to everything that I was going through and feeling.

I knew I didn’t want to call my father, that I would get the I-told-you-so lecture, so I did what any girl would do; I called my bestie. Twenty minutes later, Laney Spears was beating on my front door and yelling at me to let her in. Thirty minutes later, we put everything of mine that Chet left behind in our cars and I said good-bye to being Mrs. Chet Boston.

Our divorce was final months later. My life was spiraling out of control, and my ex-husband was able to continue living a dream life with his many girlfriends by using the money that was supposed to be for our future. Chet left me holding the bag on everything.

Emotionally and financially, I was a mess. I wondered how I could’ve been so stupid. I tried to make the divorce and embarrassment work, but I eventually lost my shit and broke down, leaving me with only one option…calling my father. Begrudgingly, he hired me as his assistant at McCoy Investments since his assistant was getting married and moving out of state.

The deal, in the form of a contract, is that he will pay me enough so I can pay my bills and clean up my mess with Chet, with the stress on
my mess
. He will not give me the extra allowance I was used to before I chose marriage over college.

Appropriately, I had to move what I had left of my nonexistent life all the way back to Denver. Home. In addition to working full-time, I would have to return to a college or university and graduate. As for dating, anyone associated with McCoy Investments would be unacceptable. If I break any part of the contract that my father and I agreed on, I will be without income, a job, and the support that I need to survive.

I applied and was accepted at Colorado University Denver to finish my bachelor’s degree in business. Most of my courses will be online so that I can work, study, and hopefully find some kind of distraction from my life.

So here I am, at One McCoy Square, a large, fifty-story limestone building owned by my father. I want to be here, but not under these conditions. Instead, I should be taking over the company. At least that was the plan when I went away to college. Now I’m a meager basic assistant because I couldn’t keep my lady bits under wraps. Yes, the whole Chet situation has screwed me in many ways. I guess I’ll live and learn, but this has been a hell of a lesson.

Life had bitch slapped me back into the real world, the world I really didn’t think existed. I wonder what my father will have me doing on my first day here. He went from being my daddy to my father when I had to call him to bail my ass out of this situation. I wish I could have my daddy back, but I guess it’s too late for that.

When I arrive at the office, my father’s assistant, Dianna, is waiting for me by the security desk. She is getting me a new badge and preparing me for my first day. Luckily, I don’t have to fill out any of the paperwork because they’re already on file from when I worked here in the summers when I was younger.

Finally, we are on our way to the fiftieth floor. I dreamed of being the CEO when I came back, not an assistant. Right now I have no other choice but to proceed with this job because who would hire a business major that couldn’t take care of their own personal finances to manage their business’s finances? Not a damn person.

Is it the weekend yet?
I’ve already stressed myself out and I haven’t even been here a full day.






In the four and half years I’ve been at McCoy Investments, I’ve moved from being a personal driver to being part of the security detail for McCoy and his family. Now my current position is head of security. The countless trips between Denver and Indiana for Jesse’s security came to an end and traveling around the world with McCoy began. The promotion bettered my life financially and I’ve been able to experience the world.

With the change in positions, my life revolves around McCoy Investments, personal security, and the rest a mix of sleep, my family, and dating. I don’t have much time for the latter. Every time I go out with a woman, I instantly know if it’s going to work out or not during the small talk. Work is my main priority, and I can’t be with someone who is clingy or needy.

The last couple of dates I went on, instead of having a good time or relaxing, my mind drifted to work and to Jesse. The crush-like feelings I had for her when I first laid eyes on her all those years ago went away, but when I noticed Jesse’s eyes were missing their normal vibrancy when I saw her in the office, the feelings resurfaced.

I’ve always thought Jesse was beautiful, but after all these years, she’s even more beautiful. I want to protect her; I want to kill the son of a bitch who made her carefree personality vanish. Now that she’s back in Denver for good, I can protect the McCoy family and their business with a more hands-on approach.

After several security meetings, her father and I agreed that Jesse should move in with his mother, Jesse’s grandmother. Her house would be the perfect place for Jesse. She needs to be around someone who loves her and will comfort her. He also informed me that she would be working as his assistant, which is even better because that means I will be seeing her often.

Even though Jesse didn’t communicate with her family often when she lived in Indiana, McCoy had people in place keeping her under surveillance twenty-four hours a day. Unfortunately, Chet Boston snuck in under our radar. His curricula vitae and other background checks came back spotless.

When we noticed something was going down, we couldn’t put a plan in place fast enough before Chet got his claws in her and her money. It was as if he had someone helping him. I wish I could have done something to stop her from having to go through what she did, but McCoy said it would work out eventually. Now it’s time for her to grow up.

I’m glad that Laney was there for her. I know Jesse tries to put up a strong front, but that asshole did a number on her. I read the financial reports McCoy had put together on Jesse’s state of affairs. Chet left her responsible for everything and made her look like she was a spoiled rich bitch. He will pay for what he has done. Not today, but he will. I’ll make sure of it if McCoy doesn’t.

Her ex-husband has his hands in some not-so-legal dealings that I am sure Jess isn’t aware he’s involved in. I’m glad he decided to leave her, though, and not pull her down further into the black hole I’m sure his life has turned into. So far, I’ve been unable to pinpoint who he is working for, but I will find out and take them down because I will do everything in my power to protect Jesse from here on out.

Today is the first day Jesse is in the office, and McCoy made sure that I am the contact on everything to do with her. I know about the contract he made her sign in order to move up in the company. I think it’s harsh, with all she’s been through, but he wants to make sure his oldest child is strong, strong enough to take over his company, strong enough to use her mind and not her body to advance. He knows she’s lost right now; however, she’s a McCoy and will soon realize that her place in the company is where every McCoy should be, at the top.

McCoy has this plan to make Jesse work for the CEO position, but she doesn’t know that the position is her graduation present. School was part of the contract. He wants to make sure that she has matured and is serious about taking over the company. So, in addition to the contract, he devised a plan to see if she would put goals on hold again to please her desires. I am part of this plan, along with a few members of my alpha security team, and we are the only ones who know about McCoy’s plan.

The details of the plan are leaving me conflicted because I dislike being dishonest with people, especially when someone can get hurt. I have a feeling I’ll be the someone getting hurt, that I’ll be walking away with a broken heart, but I love working for Pearse McCoy. Although this plan gives me the chance to get close to Jesse, to act on the crush-like feelings I have for her, I think it’s unfair to mess with her emotions. I don’t want her to end up hating me.

This plan is what Mr. McCoy wants, so that is what he will get. He will make sure all of his children are successful, even if they don’t know how much he has their back, even when it seems like he’s pushing them away.









Chapter Two





I’ve been working for my father for six months. Now my office is on the forty-ninth floor. Since my father isn’t in his office as much, he thought it would be better if I were down a floor so I can assist the head of security, Aedan Asshole Hughes, if his assistant is ever indisposed. Also, I’ve been getting some strange emails. Though I told my father they are probably from an unhappy investor, he still wants them checked out by security.

I’m still at my grandmother’s house. Well, it’s my house now. Moving in with her when I came back was my father’s idea, and I’m glad I went along with it. She passed away shortly after I moved back. She took good care of me, but I didn’t realize I was getting her house when she departed.

I guess my father knew because he made sure I was at the reading of the will. My brother and sister didn’t want the house, so there wasn’t a fight with them, and my father is an only child, so there weren’t any uncles or aunts to fight over the house either.

The downside of owning the house is that I’m responsible for all the bills. I make enough to cover everything, and my grandma gave me some money before she passed away, so I’m not too pressed for money. She said she thought my father was being a little harsh with me, so she put some money away for me in the safe in the house. I won’t say I’m the favorite grandchild, but yeah, I’m sure I am.

Sometimes, coming home to a quiet house is bothersome. I get strange feelings occasionally that someone might be following me, especially after I’ve been out sinning, but I think it’s my overactive imagination. Perhaps I should get a dog or some kind of pet so I’m not alone when I’m here, although a pet is a lot of responsibility and I’m not always home at a decent hour.

After my grandma passed away, I stepped it up with my clubbing and sexual explorations. I love sex, but I don’t do the relationship part. Sex in the bathroom of a club? Been there and done that several times. Finger fucked on a packed dance floor? Tricky, but it’s been accomplished a few times. Giving head in the hallway outside of the bathroom? This girl doesn’t mind getting on her knees. As long as the guy knows he isn’t coming home with me, it’s all good with me as long as he wraps it up.

Tonight starts my weekend of fun at the clubs. I try to make myself look nothing like Jesse McCoy and that of my alter ego I call Ana Gray—brunette wig and all. Real unique, I know, but the guys at the clubs don’t get that the name is a reference to the main character of
Fifty Shades of Grey.

I need to get some money out of the safe before I get ready to go clubbing, so I head down the stairs to the safe, which is in the office. I pick up an envelope that I think is full of money, but it’s not. Instead, it’s a letter from grandma to me. After grabbing a couple hundred dollars out of the safe, I shut it. I take the letter to the kitchen, get a bottle of water, and sit down to read it.


My Dearest Jesse Rae,

I’m sure that you’re reading this because you’re in need of money. Money to go out and do what you think I don’t know you’re doing when you go out. But this old woman knows a thing or two about needing to go out and enjoy life. I understand sometimes you need to be carefree, but living the fast and wild life you’re living isn’t you. You aren’t acting like the woman your mother wanted you to be or the woman I know you truly are.

Please be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt like you have been before. Use the money wisely and on something that makes you truly happy.

I love you,



I can’t hold back the tears or the emotions that I’ve held in for so long. I completely break down, screaming and cussing out Chet for making me like this. Why couldn’t he love me? I know I’m not that hard to live with. I tried my best to make him happy. Why couldn’t he have been honest with me? I feel like a complete failure.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and read over my grams’s letter again. Maybe I do need to take her advice. She was always my rock after Mom went to heaven.

I’m going to take this money to the mall; I need some clothes to make me feel better about myself instead of using a guy or his cock to make me feel better.

I am going straight to Victoria’s Secret. New lipstick and panties always make me feel better.






Ruffling Jesse’s feathers is one of my favorite things to do. I love seeing her all flustered. I was standing right there when McCoy dropped the news that she has to assist me, and the expression on her face made me chuckle to myself. He said he needed to boost up her motivation. Since I’m able to get under her skin, maybe she will become as vibrant as she used to be.

I still haven’t figured out why Jesse doesn’t seem to care about me. Maybe it’s because I treat her like I do every other employee and not give her special treatment because she’s a McCoy?

I decided to take over Jesse’s private security detail last minute this weekend because plans with my sister and her family were canceled, and I’m interested in seeing if she does anything different from what the reports I’ve received states. I’ve kept the details of her private life to a minimum with McCoy if it doesn’t have the possibility of coming back to bite her.

I know that McCoy wouldn’t want the attention on the company or Jesse. The girl is smart, but sometimes I’m not sure she thinks things through. She likes to act before she thinks. I know she was raised knowing how powerful her family’s company is, but I don’t think she realizes all the people out there that would do anything to knock Pearse McCoy out of the investment world and international corporations.

What matters most is protecting her and checking out the people she’s with so she doesn’t go home with anyone we can’t check out, but she seems like a here and now kind of woman. We haven’t seen her take anyone back to her place. Jesse is the one night stand type of person, according to the reports, and I wish she would find someone that would make her happy, someone who would offer her stability.

I guess her being this way will be an advantage for me since McCoy wants to put his plan into motion soon. The plan involves me trying to crack Jesse’s resolve not to break the contract. In a way, I’m nervous because I will have to come on to her. McCoy doesn’t know I have feelings for his daughter. I don’t want this to go too far, but I really want to be the man she goes home with at night. I wish I could fix her, but I can’t, not right now. Work first.

Jesse’s garage door opens and she slowly backs her car out. When she heads down the road, I quickly slouch down in the seat of my SUV. My daydreaming almost got me noticed.

When she’s several cars ahead of me, I start following her. I hope she goes somewhere where I can get something better to eat since I didn’t prepare very well for a night of surveillance.

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