RulingPassion (12 page)

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Authors: Katherine Kingston

BOOK: RulingPassion
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His arms tightened again, drawing her against his body. For
a moment the only sound she heard was the noise of his harsh breaths as he
fought something that seemed to interfere with the flow of air. “My lady,” he
said, “Rosalind, I deeply regret what happened to you—at Sir William’s hands
and at my own.” He turned her face up to meet his eyes. “Had I known this
earlier, I would have rescinded my request concerning the laundry. Can you
believe that?”

She looked into his eyes again, saw the sincerity and the
concern. “Aye, Jeoffrey. I know it.”

“I will not ask it of you again. And for pity’s sake,” he
shook her gently, “next time, explain, if you cannot meet a request I make of
you. I will try to understand and I will not force you to actions you feel you
cannot manage. Pray, promise me you will do so.”

She reached up to trace around his lips, marveling again at
how the man filled her heart with emotion until she didn’t know how to contain
it. “Aye, my lord,” she said.

He smiled, warmth and care igniting sparks in his gray eyes.
It touched her all the way down to her soul when he looked at her with so much
tenderness and love.

His hands stroked down her body to her derriere, where he
rubbed carefully, kneading some of the ache and lingering burn from them. Like
tinder catching flame, the soreness in her bottom and her spirit turned to heat
and longing. Their mouths met and clung to each other, searching fiercely,
tongues twining. She worked her hands under his shirt to stroke his chest.

After a few minutes, he disengaged his mouth and carefully
turned her onto her back. He watched her face for signs that the pain would be
too much, but was satisfied when he saw it wasn’t so. He leaned over her and
put his lips to her breast, licking the delicate curves, tracing a circle
around the tip, and finally closing over the nipple and sucking gently. He
switched to the other one after thoroughly tonguing the one. Alternating sides,
he swirled, tongued and nipped until she was frantic with longing. When he
scraped each tip carefully between his teeth, she screamed and dug her fingers
into his hair, letting the silk of it run over her hands, pulling his head down
and pinning it against her breast.

He didn’t let her hold him there long. Giving her a sly, wicked
grin, he slid his mouth down her chest and along her belly. He stopped briefly
at her belly button where he poked his tongue in and teased it, then he moved
lower, stroking along her abdomen until he reached the joining of her legs.

Using his hands, he pushed her thighs apart. His head dipped
down again and this time his tongue slid along the sensitive flesh of her slit,
sending shocking waves of pleasure through her body, making her moan and pant.

With tender fingers, he parted the outer lips that guarded
her innermost secrets. He stared for a moment at the delicate folds there, then
ducked his head again and licked at the most sensitive spot on her body. She
shrieked in shock and delight as a spear of purest pleasure lanced through her.

He continued to stroke until she was panting, shaking with a
building tension. She buried her fingers in his hair again, but her hands
fisted there, holding his head to her. He changed motions of his mouth,
beginning to suck her harder and even nipping lightly. Her body tightened like
a lute string pulled to its greatest length, then suddenly, it broke, exploded,
and her world shattered as waves of ecstasy crested over and drowned her.

He drew back and shifted, holding her while she spasmed
repeatedly until her exhausted body could do no more.

When the spasms finally wore themselves out, she turned to
him. “My lord, I have never…never known anything like that. It was quite…astonishing.
But now—I want you inside me.”

From the enormous lump stretching his breeches, she knew he
wanted to be there as much as she wanted him. She nearly tore the clothes from
his body in her haste to have him bare for her. He wasted no time and moved
over her, found his goal, plunged deep into her body. She welcomed his
throbbing cock inside her. It stirred the longing again, building a different,
deeper kind of tension. He began slowly, however, even when she tried to nudge
him along. He plunged and withdrew at his own rhythm, starting so deliberately
she nearly screamed with frustration of it. He gradually moved more quickly,
stroking harder, until he could no longer contain himself and rocked against
her in urgent need. As he approached his climax, she tightened with him, and
when he spurted within her, her newly aroused need exploded as well, in another
series of bone-jarring spasms.

As they lay together afterwards, spent bodies cuddled close,
he said, “Rosalind, my one and only love. You need not be ever perfect for me.
I will love you through any faults or wrongs you commit. I love you for your
spirit and your honor, your loveliness, your humor, your concern for me and my
people, for all the many good things you are and you do.” He chuckled lightly.
“And for the way you stir my manhood, in truth. No matter how dark and grim
things might seem at a time, never doubt that.”

“ I will try to remember, my lord.”

“Jeoffrey,” he corrected. “And Rosalind? I hope you can do
the same for me. I am far from perfect myself, and there will be mistakes. I
hope you can love me through those as well.”

“Always, my dear. Whatever the future holds for us, I will
love you always.”

He sighed deeply and wrapped his arms around her, holding
her like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. She hoped it was

As the time for the guests to arrive drew near, the affairs
of the manor grew into activity so frenzied, it sometimes appeared not far
removed from complete chaos. But Rosalind knew better. Each person had his or
her job and did it as efficiently as possible. She watched carefully, giving
subtle direction or lending assistance as needed. When two of the housemaids
became ill for a day, Rosalind helped with the cleaning and scrubbing herself.

When Elspeth had to decide how to distribute basins and
ewers and chamber pots, she consulted Rosalind for advice. The two women
together assessed what they had and how best to dispose of them. An unexpected
understanding arose between them as they found they had similar thoughts on
many issues and approached problems the same way.

She checked with the ladies in the textiles room. Lord
Jeoffrey’s new clothes progressed well. One of the younger women had a
remarkable talent for decorative embroidery. The border she’d created for the
gambeson was both cleverly designed and beautifully executed. They were nearly
ready for Jeoffrey himself to come for a final fitting. Rosalind promised to
get him there.

The women were noticeably more friendly now than on previous
occasions and even went so far as to smile, share jests, and speculate about
the coming guests. Two of the young ladies were unmarried, and the others
teased them about seeking possible mates in the throng.

Though none mentioned it, Rosalind strongly suspected
Jeoffrey would be using the occasion to attempt to arrange a suitable marriage
for her as well. The thought made her want to run away and hide herself out of
view until it was over and the danger that she might be handed over to another
man past.

One of the greatest surprises of her life came two days
before the first of the guests had indicated they’d be arriving. She was in
Lord Jeoffrey’s office, working on the final list of guests and seating
arrangements for mealtimes. A knock at the door preceded the entrance of all
the upper staff: Ranulf, Elspeth, Brenna, Ferris, and Maressa. The group
stopped and waited awkwardly for Ferris to step forward and speak.

“My lord?” he asked. “We’ve been consulting among
ourselves,” he said, indicating the gathered group. “We have a request to bring
to you.”


“You may not appreciate it, my lord.” Ferris warned.

Jeoffrey’s mouth crooked in a wry smile. “I’d guessed from
your reluctance to meet my eyes such might be the case.”

“Aye.” Ferris coughed gently and began again. “We have
consulted and we wish to respectfully put our request before you.”

“Proceed,” Jeoffrey invited him.

Ferris looked dubiously toward Rosalind then faced Lord
Jeoffrey again. “We would like to suggest that Lady Rosalind move from your

Chapter Thirteen


Rosalind could barely contain her astonishment, but she let
Jeoffrey answer.

“I do not believe our living arrangements are your concern.”

Ferris drew a deep breath. “We believe they are, my lord,
and we hope you will listen to our reasons.”

Jeoffrey rolled his eyes. His wry grin deepened, showing the
wickedly attractive groove in his cheek. “You know very well I will listen. You
shall ensure my life is unbearable until I do so. Proceed. And I hope your
reasons are good ones.”

“I hope my lord will agree they are,” Ferris answered with
little change of inflection. “We have discussed this at some length and we are
in agreement. With the coming assemblage of our neighbors and allies, it is
most important that you, my lord, be perceived as a host above reproach. Much
depends on the outcome of this assembly. Many of those coming will know the
Lady Rosalind and will be curious about her position here. We believe it will
serve best if the lady be seen to be an honored guest in your household, one
who is treated with utmost dignity and respect. Lady Rosalind must move to a
solar of her own. We have a room in mind. ‘Tis gracious and comfortable enough
for a lady, yet somewhat too small to be suitable for any of our guests and is
far enough away from your quarters to be above suspicion. In addition, we’d
like to suggest you allow her to function as your hostess for the occasion. We
are confident she can carry the role with grace.”

“I trust you are not implying I have ever treated Lady
Rosalind with anything other than the respect she deserves.”

Ferris coughed gently. “Of course not, my lord. We are
talking about how the situation will be seen by others outside our household,
not what we know to be the truth. We have already spoken with our respective
staffs to ensure there will be no gossip or loose talk while our guests are in

“I see,” Jeoffrey said. He folded his hands into a tent on
the table, weaving his fingers together, and supported his chin on them while
he considered their request. His gray eyes darkened in thought. The gathered
servants began to look at each other and a couple shifted nervously.

Jeoffrey lifted his head and gave a long sigh. “Perhaps you
are right.” He looked at Rosalind with resignation and apology. “It
be better for Lady Rosalind to have a private solar well away from mine. Are
you agreeable, my lady?”

She wanted to protest, but she knew the servants were right
about how her position would be perceived and the possibly negative effects it
might have on Jeoffrey’s ability to bring their guests to a consensus for
action. “Aye, my lord. But in the matter of acting the hostess, I do foresee a
few difficulties.”

“Such as?”

“Perhaps most important, I have not the wardrobe for such a
role. I have only the garments you have provided, and while they have been more
than adequate for my functions heretofore, they are by no means appropriate for
the role of hostess to this assemblage.”

Madame Maressa spoke up then. “We have considered that, too,
my lady. While ‘tis a pity we do not have the time and fabric to make more
suitable things, there is a trunk of clothes that belonged to our late lady, my
lord’s mother. She was not so different in size from you and she had some grand
gowns. With my lord’s permission, we can make over some of her things to fit

“It appears you have this well planned out,” Lord Jeoffrey

Ferris coughed again. “We have discussed it at some length.”

“Obviously. Have you any other suggestions for ordering my
life to better suit your purposes?”

“I believe the rest can be safely left in your hands, my
lord,” Ferris said.

“Very well,” Jeoffrey conceded. “Move her to… Where are you
suggesting Lady Rosalind take up residence?”

“There is a small room in the south tower, my lord. ‘Tis
small but comfortable. We had thought to use it for Sir Andrew Connington, but
he travels with a servant he wants to keep close, and it would not be

“And ‘tis as far away from my quarters as you can get and
still be within these walls,” Jeoffrey commented.

Ferris’ expression did not change, though most of the others

“Aye, it is, my lord. The better to avert loose talk.”

“Indeed.” He stood up. “You have had your way. Go, now, and
get back to your own work and leave me to do mine.”

“Aye, my lord. And thank you for listening to us.”

Jeoffrey feigned surprise. “I had a choice?”

For the first time Ferris looked disconcerted. “My lord is
always the final authority in such things.”

Jeoffrey shook his head and made a vain attempt to look
stern. “As long as I do as you wish.”

“Good day, my lord.” Ferris turned to leave and the others
followed him out.

Rosalind stood also and addressed Elspeth. “I will consult
with you shortly concerning moving my things.”

The housekeeper nodded and left with the others.

When they had departed and the door was shut behind them,
Jeoffrey came to her and embraced her. “This is not what I would have wished.
But perhaps it is for the best. ‘Tis selfish of me to want to keep you with me
at all times.”

“‘Tis not my desire either. But perhaps ‘tis better we begin
to get used to being apart. We will have to part in truth soon enough anyway.”

“Aye. But not yet. For now, you are still mine. No one said
I cannot come visit you in the dead of night when everyone should be fast

“As long as you are very discreet about it, my lord.”

Jeoffrey laughed heartily. “Discreet? There will likely be a
crowd going stealthily from one room to another.”

“Perhaps so,” she admitted. “Oh. I hope I have not put the
wrong people too close together.”

“Worry not about it. Who wishes to see whom will change from
day to day in any case. Save that I will always be making my way to your side.”

She wrapped her arms around him and pressed into his body.
She sank into the feel of his strong arms holding her, the rhythmic beat of his
heart, the strength of the shoulder her face rested on, the soft, silky slide
of his loose hair against her cheek, the smell of leather, horses, soap and
something just basically masculine about him. She’d never imagined feeling such
possessive desire for another person and wondered how she’d ever be able to
adjust to a life that didn’t include him.

He sat in the one chair in the room and drew her onto his
lap. After releasing the tapes holding her clothes on, he pulled them off her
shoulders and let them drop to puddle around her waist. His fingers sought her
breasts. He caressed gently, circling the tips often. He watched her face as he
touched, reading her delight and excitement.

He worked his hands down her body, leaving trails of warm,
tingling skin as he went. He pushed the fabric further down her body to have
access to her belly and then below. Finally he moved her enough to pull all the
clothing off and toss it aside.

His mouth and hands began a slow, sensuous assault on her
body that built the heat to flaming point and beyond. Then he stood with her in
his arms and carried her to the bed. Instead of laying her on her back, he
rolled her over until she was face down.

He ran his hands down her back in a light massage that
stirred every inch of skin into life and awareness. Then he moved down and
stroked her buttocks, slapped them lightly and brushed along the crack. His
finger probed in the various openings until she moaned softly and reached for

She rubbed along his thighs and up to his balls. She tugged
at the edges of his hose, pulling open the lacings until they slid down his
legs, and ran her fingers along the hard shaft until he drew a sharp breath and
his hand stilled momentarily.

He climbed up on the bed beside her and lifted her without
turning her until she was on her hands and knees. Before she understood what he
was about, he crouched over her and began to enter her from behind.

The different angle brought a new feeling in her belly, a
strange sort of filling that still satisfied. While he supported his weight on
one arm, with the other he reached under and around her until he was able to
cup her breast and tease the tip. His balls slapped softly against her slit
each time he pushed into her. The combination of sweet torments sent her over
the edge into spasms of ecstasy. He spilled his seed shortly thereafter,
shuddering and panting.

They collapsed together and ended up on their sides, facing
each other, limbs entwined. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close
against him while he whispered in her ear.

“You constantly amaze me. I know not how I shall sleep
without you here. You bring me a peace and contentment I have never known.”

“I will find sleeping alone difficult as well,” she

She hated to let anything steal these last few precious
hours of togetherness from them, but eventually she succumbed to drowsiness.

The next day, the last before the first of their guests were
due to arrive, Elspeth and Glennys helped her move her few things into her new
quarters. The room was small, but comfortably furnished. A low fire crackled
merrily in the fireplace to take the chill off the area, and fresh linens had
been supplied. Rosalind could not say for certain, but she suspected the velvet
drapes with their silk tassels and the linen bed hangings edged in lace were
newly installed. A settee upholstered in velvet matching the drapes and a
cherry-wood wardrobe and dresser made it a solar fit for a grander lady than
she. The window had a lovely view over the gardens at the side of the manor,
with a river in the distance.

Still, for all the beauty of the decorations and richness of
the furnishings, it felt empty to her. In just the few short weeks she’d been
here, she’d grown used to Jeoffrey’s company and the way he seemed to fill a
room just by entering it.

She had little time to brood on it, however. There was much
to do, ascertaining all quarters were ready and everyone’s specific
requirements would be met, helping with last-minute cleaning and working out
the details of meals for the following days. Plus she had to drag Jeoffrey down
to the sewing area to try the fit of the new garments, and then remain herself
to try on the clothes the ladies had altered for her. As they’d guessed, little
actually needed to be done other than a tuck here and there.

She expected to fall asleep quickly that night, but instead
she rolled and turned. Lying in the grand bed, which was large enough to
accommodate two, the loneliness almost overwhelmed her. For a long time she
remained awake, restless and unable to get comfortable, but then she dozed off.
She thought at first it was a dream when she heard the soft knock at her door
in the small hours of the morning, but then it creaked open and Jeoffrey, in a
robe and bare feet, came tiptoeing in to join her. She couldn’t stifle her
giggles as he climbed into her bed, though the feel of his cold flesh did cause
her to flinch away for a moment.

“You are naughty, my lord,” she told him, between kisses.
“If the servants find you creeping about like this where you do not belong,
they may demand you be punished.”

“I shall not accept it,” he said. “I am still lord here and
the decision on who belongs where is mine. I agreed with them that appearances
dictated you move to these quarters. I never said I would confine myself to my
own for the nights.”

She started to answer but he touched her where she most
loved it and the intense pleasure stole her voice and any will to protest.

They lay, bodies twined together, in the afterglow enjoying
the peace of fulfillment. She rejoiced in just having him close, touching him,
being enclosed in his arms and held next to his warm body. She knew their time
was brief, and all too soon, he reluctantly kissed her goodbye and returned to
his own quarters.

After he’d left, she speculated for a while about the
convocation that would begin arriving the next day and the implications it
might have for their future.

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