Runaway Renegade (Ultimate Passage Book 4) (5 page)

BOOK: Runaway Renegade (Ultimate Passage Book 4)
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hane considered Ali’s face
, surveying her expressions for signs that she wanted him to leave. Was she upset with him? Disgusted? He hated having to keep who he was a secret from her. He wished he could show her his saural self; wished that she’d keep his secret while still finding him attractive and appealing.

She stifled a yawn, the gesture graceful as she raised her hand to hide it. The T-shirt caressed her curves, hugging her breasts, displaying their shape in a complementary way.

“I should go. You probably need to get and get some rest.”

s much as
Ali wanted him to stay, she knew that his presence was too much of a temptation. She’d lose it and find herself in the middle of a sexual escapade.

She’d turned toward the door, reaching for the handle, when his hand closed over her biceps, a groan emitting from deep within him.

Thane pulled her backward, turning her body to face him. His lips claimed hers, the gentleness of earlier gone, replaced with a ferocity that matched her own need.

Ali’s resolve crumbled immediately. She wrapped her arms around him, her hands winding around his neck, her fingers digging into his hair, holding him in place as his tongue swooped into her mouth, dancing with hers, taking command, not giving her a moment to hesitate. His mouth was hot, demanding, and almost predatory. His lips challenged hers to meet him with an equal measure of need, to deliver all of her passion.

Thane’s hands traveled to her waist. He pulled her to him, holding her body tightly against his. The evidence of his desire, a hard length that pressed against her, consumed her thoughts. Ali wanted to reach down, to touch that part of him, to enjoy him, to please and be pleased.

She pulled back slightly. She was breathless.

“I’m sorry. I was leaving, wasn’t I?” His words were a tortured whisper.

She needed him. Needed the touch. The feeling of being needed. The feeling of being wanted. This was so very different than the feeling of lust that casual strangers could deliver.

Her world was spinning, the spotlight was on them; they were in a tunnel, everything around them passing with a whoosh, and yet she was still in her hallway, still in her apartment, still in Los Angeles, still on Earth.

Ali rose on tiptoes, placed her lips against his, ran her tongue over his lower lip.

“Don’t.” She drew a deep breath in, drawing his exhalation in, holding it captive in her lungs the way she wished she could hold other parts of him captive.

“Stay.” That one word was a whisper.

hane paused
. Her word was so soft. It was a command, and it was a request. It was heaven, and it promised the worst of all discoveries. Giving himself to her meant she would know. The last thing he wanted to do was compel this woman. He made himself a promise that compelling her was not something he was going to do.

He stared at her full lips. If he stayed, he couldn’t guarantee himself that he’d stop before…

Maybe he could bring her pleasure and deny his own. That way she’d not know. That way he could prolong the inevitability of her learning who he was. Her breasts rose, swelling with each breath she took, pushing the fabric up. His cock stirred in his pants, pushing forth, wanting satisfaction. Yes, his own pleasure would be difficult to keep from reaching for.

Ali leaned against him, her fingertips searing the flesh on the back of his neck. She made small swirling patterns that teased his senses.

He lowered his hand from the small of her back, letting it cup her ass, pulling her closer against the hardness that needed to be buried deep within her, pulsing, pushing, and pumping.

He kissed her, his tongue driving deep into her mouth the way he wanted to plunge deep into her body. He tasted her lips and gave her more invitation to taste his. Ali rocked her hips, the pressure of her mound against his length.

“Shalin!” He snarled the Dumarian curse word, unaware they had slipped from his mouth until she paused, stilling her body. Her eyes flew open and looked into his.

He took her mouth once more, his other hand drifting around her waist, and up, over her rib cage, caressing the curve of her breast until he encountered her nipple, a hard nub begging for touch and taste. His thumb teased it through the material, enjoying the way it pebbled under his ministrations.

Ali’s eyes closed once more, fluttering shut, while a small moan escaped her lips.

Thane ripped the fabric of her top down the center, also unsnapping the hook on the front of the lace bra. In that one gesture, he completely parted her clothing, and it opened like a robe. He slipped his hand inside. Pushing the lace of her bra out of the way, he placed his thumb on her nipple.

Ali arched, nipple pressing, getting harder and harder against his thumb. He pinched it between his fingers, rolling it. Her hips pushed forward in response.

He took a step back. One hand still on her breast, he surveyed her nudeness.

Noticing that he’d pulled away, Ali opened her eyes. She glanced down. “My top…” She fingered the shredded fabric.

“I’ll buy you another. I’ll buy you a dozen.” He traced his finger down her nipple, over the curve of her creamy breast, then down the center of her stomach. He placed a hand on her hip, then allowed his gaze to travel to the place he wanted to taste, lick, tease, and please.

A tiny triangle of hair was the perfect accoutrement to her sex. He could smell the essence of her desire. It fueled his lust, making his body course with an electric thirst that only she could quench.

She stood before him, her eyes inviting him to delve into the depths of her garden.

He sat her on an end table, spreading her legs.


li shivered
as Thane ran his fingertips along her bare legs, then moved up, stroking the sensitive skin that led toward her inner thighs.

His eyes were focused on hers the entire time he touched her, as if he were gauging his effect. Surely he could sense the way he made her feel? She braced herself, hands on the level wood surface while she arched her back, pushing her sex closer to him, spreading her legs farther.

The cool air caressed her folds, making her want to feel him giving her the same caress. He ran his tongue along his lips, not knowing what it meant to her, how it looked, how much she wished to have it doing things to her. Ali gripped the table’s edge tightly, trying to maintain control over her aching throb for Thane.

He blew a gust of air over her mound. She gasped. It made her muscles tighten around nothing, making her wish they had something to tighten around. She released the table, grasped his shoulders, squeezing the muscles beneath his shirt and jacket.

Thane wrapped his hands around her ass, pulling her closer to his face and inhaling the scent of her deep into his body. She could feel his shoulders expanding as he held her scent in his lungs.

His tongue darted out, running the length of her folds, following the path of her moisture down, unit he was stopped by the table, then traveling upward, licking and sucking alternately. When he pulled her folds into his mouth and sucked on them before releasing her with a pop, she groaned and threw her head back.

She fought with her wings, fought with the climax, fought to keep from revealing her Asazi self to him. At the same time, she couldn’t stop her hips from rocking into him, trying to draw his tongue deep within her. His tongue entered her channel with a quick thrust, stroking her insides, pumping in and out with a speed that had her gasping.

Legs shaking, fingers trembling as she pulled his head in closer, she bucked when he nipped at her bud, his teeth scraping the tiny bundle of nerves. With his final thrust, she grabbed his head and kept him prisoner while her wings unfurled and her body released its pent-up passion in wave after wave that pulled her under, and into a tidal pool.

It seemed as if it took forever for her to get her wings to close, and the whole time, she kept his head captive between her thighs and her hands tangled in his hair.

Sweat dripped down her forehead, over her forehead. Thane raised his head, stood and planted a kiss on top of her sweaty temple. She could smell the scent of her sex on his face. It fueled her desire further. She could spend an eternity enjoying this man. His eyes glowed with a warmth that penetrated her to the core.

hane wrapped
his arms around her, picked her up, and carried her to the couch. Taking a seat, he arranged her in his lap, carefully, pulling her torn dress around her so she wouldn’t feel ashamed to be nude in front of him.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

Her eyes were closing, a mystical smile on her face.

A thought occurred to him that was so out of character he pushed it away. He wanted her to move into his place with him so he could enjoy her more—daily.

What if Brohm followed me? What if he pays a visit
Was I careful enough?

he cursed inwardly
He hadn’t thought of that complication. He’d get another place, and he wouldn’t tell the Brethren about it. He wouldn’t have children with her. The Brethren didn’t mind if they were sexual with humans or other species, as long as their blood was not diluted and new species created.

He’d figure it out.

Ali sighed in her sleep, a tiny smile making its way across her full lips. Stealing a quick kiss, he pushed her hair away from her forehead and leaned his chin on her head. How did she get to him like this? How could it be that he felt like he’d known her all his life?

He had to know more about her. He wanted to know everything. He wanted to spend every moment with her. It was as if he’d been in darkness and now found light. He’d find a new place and he’d share it with her.

The hell with rules.


li twirled
, checking her reflection in the mirror. She pulled on the dress, adjusting it over her curves. One final touch of gloss.

A knock on the door.

Perfect timing. Had to be Thane. She was way too into him. Except she wasn’t. She enjoyed how into him she was. And how into her he was.

Running to the door she yanked it open.

There he was, leaning against the door, his wide shoulders tapering to a vee, a suit barely hiding the muscles she knew he had. He was taller than most men, black hair shining in the porch light, full lips curved in a smile.

The smile vanished from his face.

She froze. “What’s wrong?”

“You didn’t even stop to see if it was me—or who it was.”

“I knew it had to be you. Of course it did. I wasn’t expecting anyone else.”

Thane shook his head, took her hand. “You have to be more careful.”

He stepped back, let a low whistle out from under his breath. “Stunning. You’re beautiful.”

Ali did a quarter spin so he could admire the dress. The way his eyes drank her in, lingering on her ass, rising to her hips, then breasts as she turned back to face him made her breath catch in her throat. She felt a tingle start between her legs, quickly turning into a current that coursed through her body, leaving her feeling as if she were on a high. Her pulse sped up with desire for him.

Thane tugged on her hand, pulling her closer, one step, two steps. His head dipped, lips swooping down, claiming hers.

The hell with the lip gloss.

Ali wrapped her arms around him, her wrists meeting behind his neck.

She didn’t want to go out, she wanted to stay right here and enjoy this man, by her front door, in her home, in her bed.

A sigh escaped her, sounding more like a moan than a sigh.

“Ditto,” he murmured against her lips. “I want you just as much.”

A grumble interrupted them. She lowered her head, embarrassed.

“Your stomach begs to differ,” Thane said with a laugh. “Didn’t have lunch today?”

“I forgot to. I was so busy getting ready for tonight. The dress, the nails.” Ali held her hands out, the red tips perfectly matching her dress. “See.”

“I see.” His words were uttered, but his eyes weren’t on her crimson fingertips, not at all. They were focused on her lips.

He lowered his head once more, the tip of his tongue touched her lower lip, traced its contour before leaving it and doing the same to her upper lip. Done with its exploration of her lips, his tongue plunged into her mouth, taking hers captive the same way he’d captured her heart. He nibbled and sucked on her tongue. Her breasts swelled, nipples hardening with a need to touch him. It was as if her blood had been replaced by lava, so intense was the heat that spread throughout her body.

When he pulled back, his eyes searing hers with unconcealed desire, she held her breath. If he suggested they get inside and get naked…

What the hell am I thinking?

The second that she climaxed and those damned wings popped out, her human lover would run for the hills.

She put her hands on his chest to steady herself. “Thane.” His name was a tortured whisper on her chest. Tortured with desire and denial.

“Dinner?” His word was equally tormented.

She nodded, unable to say what she wanted to say which was: No, take me inside and fuck me properly.

hane barely controlled himself
. His cock was bursting with a need for her. The fire in her eyes made his desire fiercer. He wanted to take her right now. What would she think? She’d probably think he hadn’t had sex in a long time. He hadn’t. He didn’t want anyone but her. Shalin, he wanted to be naked with this woman.

He cleared his throat, fighting to regain control of his faculties. “Ready?”

Her eyes were dilated with desire, her nostrils flared with each breath, her chest rose and fell, bringing attention to the hard peaks he wanted to draw into his mouth, to lave, lick, suck, and scrape his teeth against.

A tiny sigh, almost imperceptible escaped her parted lips. She nodded.

hane had made
reservations at Dominic’s. He and Ali were right on time. They strolled away from the parking lot, his arm around her waist, heading toward his favorite seafood restaurant. He was excited to show her this place.

“You’ll love it.” He squeezed her closer.

“I’m sure I will.” Her voice was throaty.

He knew she was still as affected as he was, their desire barely kept at bay. How long could it last? Being so close to each other every day almost. How long before the damn burst and they were naked, sweaty, and he was scaring the shit out of her with his big black wings and scaly dark skin.

A shadowy figure caught his eye.
What the hell?
He froze.

“What is it?” Ali’ scoured his face, as if trying to figure out what was wrong.

“I thought I saw something.”
I know I saw something. The question is, what the hell was it?
It moved fast—superhuman fast—way faster than a human would.

Whatever it was, it was gone. Was it a coincidence? A supernatural being—had it followed them? Was it one of Brohm’s? Was it something else? What else could it be?

“What did you think you saw?”

“Nothing, I guess. Let’s go inside.” He forced a smile to his face. “We better feed you before your tummy complains again.”

Ali gave him a look, rose on her toes and planted a kiss on his jaw.

he hostess sat
them at a table near the window with a view of the water and the pier. The moon’s crescent was reflected in the dark water.

The waitress in a black skirt and a high-necked white shirt offered to give them a few moments, asked about drinks. “Wine perhaps?”

Thane raised a brow.

Not a chance, unless you want to see me convert into a winged shimmering fairy-like creature.
Ali shook her head. “No, no. Thank you. Water without ice is fine.” She hadn’t even become accustomed to ice, after all this time on Earth. It wasn’t something she had growing up on Kormia and it felt odd, drinking ice-cold beverages. “You can have a drink. I’ll drive,” she told Thane.

“No. Iced tea’s fine for now.”

li picked at her food
. There wasn’t anything wrong with it. It was excellent, actually. It wasn’t the food. It was Thane. He was fine when they left the apartment, but sometime after they parked the car, he became serious—concerned. Okay, it was more than just Thane. It was her. Them. They couldn’t even have sex. She ground her teeth in frustration.

“You don’t like it?” He frown, his brows dipping, his tan face concerned.

“It’s great.”

“You’re not eating much.”

She managed to get through the rest of her meal, ignoring the thrumming that her body was going through every time she met his eyes. She couldn’t even concentrate on their conversation, so strong was her desire for him.

No sooner did she put the fork down, than the waitress and a busser swarmed on their table.

“Something sweet? A little dessert?” Her eyes lingered on Thane.

Ali frowned. Was she really making a pass at him in front of her?

Thane ignored the waitress. “Ali? Dessert?”

Bonus points for him for not giving the waitress any attention.
“Why not?” Ali gave the waitress a fake smile. “Surprise us.”

“Please bring a couple of lattes, too.” Thane requested.

Ten minutes later, the svelte redhead brought out two plates. Identical. A heavenly concoction of ice cream, whipped cream, mousse, and chocolate.

With a quick turn of her hip and more swaying than was necessary, she was gone.

“Looks good.” Ali dipped the spoon into the dessert and put the chocolate mousse creation in her mouth. She had swallowed the first bite and wrapped her mouth around the spoon with the second one when it hit her.

“Oh, no. This has…”
Scars. The dessert has alcohol in it.
Her skin felt hot, she glanced at her arms in the candlelight’s dimness. They were a tint of pink, and turning a slight orange hue.


The color Asazi turned when angry. And she was angry. The waitress should have warned her this had alcohol in it. Ali had to get away before he she lost full control. She felt her wings tingling beneath the human skin.


“Excuse me. Restroom. Emergency.” She bolted out of her chair and ran to the restroom. Thankfully she’d noted where it was as they were led to the table.

Slapping the door open with her palms, Ali made it into the first available stall without being noticed. She took her mirror out of her purse.

Her face became a blazing orange color. Behind her she could see her wings. She leaned against the door, breathing deeply. What the hell was in there? Odorless? Tasteless?

She bit back a growl of frustration. She shouldn’t be angry at the waitress. She should have asked her if there was alcohol in there.

Should have.

hane stared after Ali
. Who was he to question what a woman deemed was an emergency. One moment she was fine and enjoying the dessert, the next she was gone, in a flash, heading for the restaurant. Did something in it make her sick?

The waitress stopped by. “How’s dessert?”

“Fine.” He frowned. Wondered if he should ask if there were nuts or something in it that would have given Ali an allergic reaction. He didn’t even know what she was allergic to. Not only would he sound ignorant, but he wasn’t even sure if that’s what it was.

“Thanks for asking.” He took a drink of his latte and pushed the dessert away. He’d enjoy it with Ali when she returned.

Fifteen minutes later, the latte was gone and so was Ali.


Pushing his chair back, he glanced out the window.

Then did a double take. Behind a post on the pier. He scrutinized the spot. Yes. There it was.

A set of glowing eyes, in the darkness. Behind the eyes, a menacing face, barely discernible in its shape. A supernatural. The same one from earlier. But not one he recognized.

Why was it following him?

The first thing that came to his mind was Ali. She had been gone too long and now this creature was outside. And he knew that just like him, other creatures could morph into a human shape. Damn it all.

“Check, please,” Thane barked at the waitress, handing her a credit card. “Where’s the restroom?”

She pointed.

He headed toward the restroom door, just as he reached out to shove the door, it opened. He almost fell into Ali.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hi.” Ali’s voice was strained.

“You okay?” He looked up and down her body and face. She seemed fine, a little shook up perhaps, but then again, that could be from his scaring her by being in front of the door.

“Yes. What are you doing? Are you okay?”

“You were gone so long…” He took her hand. “I guess I hoped you were okay.”

“I had a little… reaction… to the dessert.”

“I wondered if that was it.” He glanced behind him to see if the creature had come in. Right. Now he’d lost it. As if the creature would come in, looking like that. It would morph, and he wouldn’t be able to discern that it was a supernatural.

“Ready to go?”

li exhaled
and glanced back at their table. The busser was already clearing it. Guess he was ready to go.

That was close.

It would be a shame to waste the beautiful night and the view of the water. “How about a nice walk on the pier?”

He frowned. “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?”

He paused for so long she almost asked again.

“The help said that the area has had a rash of muggings. How about we go for a drive?”

A drive? She didn’t want to let her disappointment show. How was she supposed to show off her pretty dress and enjoy visiting with him if they were on a drive?

“I know the perfect spot to take you for a walk. It’s much safer than this,” Thane wrapped his hand in her hair, pulling it lightly to tip her face up. “Up the coast a little.”

He kissed her, his mouth warm, the flavor of chocolate and coffee beans were enticing.

t was dawn
. Thane hadn’t seen any other creatures, and he’d driven far enough and fast enough, he hoped, to keep from being followed. Their walk had been much better in an isolated park where no creatures could disguise themselves as humans and get the jump on him. He pulled up to Ali’s apartment and walked her up to her front door.

“Coming in?” The invitation in her voice made his cock jump with hope.

Down, boy.
“I have to get some work done.” He had to find a better place for her to live. Somewhere with security. If she’d let him help. He wondered if there were a group of supernatural beings he could hire on the down low to keep her safe.

A group that wouldn’t reveal themselves to her, but could be completely loyal and trustworthy. First order of business, new place. One where neither of them could be easily followed.

“Maybe I’ll see you at The Other Side tonight?” Her voice was hopeful.

He hadn’t been big on going, not openly. The note in her voice made him feel guilty. “Perhaps.”

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