Running the Numbers (26 page)

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Authors: Roxanne Smith

BOOK: Running the Numbers
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Her elation lasted until Wes came up behind Amanda and slid a hand around her waist.

Sadie stared at it, not able to make sense of what her eyes were telling her brain.

Wes followed her gaze and smirked. “Weird, right? You think you know someone, work alongside them for years, and one day you look up and realize you’ve never really seen them before.”

Amanda turned her head and smiled at him.

Sadie tried to reign in her skyrocketing brows and ground-scraping jaw. “Th-that’s great.” A boyfriend swap. Fantastic. Maybe Blake could show up and make it a real party. “I guess I’ll, uh, go then.” She hooked a thumb toward the driveway and took a step back. “Kennedy’s waiting in the car.”

Wes stepped over the threshold and spoke to Amanda over his shoulder. “I’ll walk Sadie to the curb.”

“Okay. See you, Sadie. Thank you for coming by. It means a lot that you want to repair our friendship, despite everything.”

“Of course.” Sadie smiled. A weak thing, but she did her best. “See you around.”

Amanda waved her fingers and closed the door, leaving Sadie and Wes alone on the small front porch.

He peered at her from under dark lashes. His eyebrows had grown in a little. Actually, they needed a good plucking, but she wouldn’t be the one to tell him. He was Amanda’s problem now. “Why do you seem so surprised to see us together?”

“I guess the two of you never occurred to me.” She narrowed her eyes, recalling a small moment. “Although, you sort of did once but in a tongue-in-cheek way I never put much stock into. It does make a profound sort of sense. Is this a recent development?”

“Are you asking if I got with Amanda behind Blake’s back?”

She’d been thinking more along the lines of the missing money. Had Amanda and Wes been working together all this time? “I guess I’d be curious to know if that was the case,” she said instead. Blake seemed to have the embezzlement handled. Sadie wouldn’t stick her nose into it again. Besides, it wasn’t as though Wes would spill all his secrets if Sadie said please.

For the first time in a very long time, Wes’s smile came close to the genuine article. His real smile; not the nasty, sneering one, or the cocky one, or the one he wore when he was silently judging her and wanted her to know it.

She peered at him. “I haven’t seen that smile in ages.”

He toed an imaginary spot on the concrete that was as smooth and flawless as the rest of Amanda’s dwelling. Sheepishly, he met Sadie’s gaze. “I offered to help her pack since we’re both making the move down to Alpine. We were stacking dishes into a box and something between us clicked into place.” He shook his head. “Unlike anything that’s ever happened to me. It was like I’d never noticed her before.” One eyebrow rose sardonically. “I was too busy staring at you.”

Sadie hooked her thumb into the loops of her holey jeans and chewed her lip. Was it possible to find a touch of closure right here and now? Walk away from Wes with a garbled chapter of her life closed at a satisfactory end?

“Wes… Tell me, why were you so keen to get back with me? I’m not trying to poke or prod or make this uncomfortable, but it seems we’re on the cusp of an understanding.”

He took a moment, studying the ground beyond the porch. “I guess if I want a clean attempt with Amanda, I should break free from the old crap weighing me down.” He inhaled and looked at Sadie. “I do blame you.”

It was like a slap to the face. Sadie reeled emotionally and physically, taking a step back from Wes and his penetrating gaze. She hadn’t imagined he still had the power to hurt her, but her heart seemed to crack open in her chest. “How could you think I’d hurt my own baby to escape you?”

“I don’t want to blame you.” In his face, an apology dawned like an old wound reopened. “I wanted another chance with you, because I was certain I’d eventually let go of those old feelings if we were together again. If
healed, I’d heal. And if you still loved me, I couldn’t possibly keep blaming you. I’m sorry, Sadie. I wish I didn’t feel like this. It’s hard to love someone you feel deep in your heart has betrayed you.”

Sadie’s breath caught on her explanation. “I lost the same thing you did. And I carried the guilt like an anchor around my neck for a long time.”

He nodded, looking miserable. “I know. I made it easy, shoveling all the blame your way. But I can’t help how I feel, Sadie. I still can’t escape the idea that you were happy to have an excuse to end our relationship.”

“Well, that sucks. I don’t know if this counts much for closure, but thank you for being honest with me, at least.”

“Have a nice life, Sadie.”

She turned her back. She didn’t know or care if he waved or watched her go. Shakily, she trudged through the freshly falling snow and climbed back into the Subaru’s passenger seat.

Kennedy leaned over and gripped her knee. “Are you all right?”

Sadie blinked. Her eyes were dry and stinging. “Closure isn’t the magically cleansing event I always imagined. More like cauterizing a wound with whiskey and fire.”

Kennedy patted her leg and checked over her shoulder for traffic. “You have to get a grip on reality, my friend. No one ever said all endings were happy. In fact, most of them suck righteously.”

Sadie nodded and was surprised to find the sentiment a soothing one. “Yeah, I guess you’re probably right.”

“You know what else I’m right about?”

Sadie grinned. She didn’t even have to guess. “Breakfast burritos are served till ten. Yeah, I know. I was stalling for time.”

* * * *

Sadie’s personal dealings with Iris Avery were few and far between. There’d been her hiring interview, which had gone smoothly. Later, there had been an inquiry into a missing file, which Sadie had been called upon to answer for. They’d found it, quite accidently moved to the wrong client’s portfolio, and Sadie faced no permanent action on her record for the slip up.

This meeting was something else entirely.

She understood from the get-go she’d be doing more listening than talking. Her presence seemed to be more of a formality than a necessity, and she’d have given anything to bow out. If for nothing else, to escape Duncan’s disappointed glances and Mrs. Avery’s open, searching regard, which she made no effort to hide or soften.

This is how lab rats feel.

Sadie’s throat was dry, but she didn’t want to call attention to herself by moving to get a small paper cup from the dispenser not three feet away from her chair. They were all seated at the big oval table in the upstairs conference room. Sadie settled in for the long haul, her back straight, hands folded demurely on top of the table.

Blake stood and spoke cordially to Mrs. Avery with an easy smile. “You’ll forgive me if I address my personal concerns before getting down to the business at hand.”

Where in the hell did this guy get his confidence? Then Sadie recalled he’d
Mrs. Avery not long ago. Once a partner, always a partner.

He straightened his tie. “I apologize if I’ve offended you in my dealings with Amanda. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel the relationship was working out.”

Mrs. Avery rolled her shoulders and managed to appear bored. “Amanda may have struggled with your decision at first, but you’ll be pleased to hear she’s moved on.” It didn’t take an expert on body language to tell how unhappy the news made Mrs. Avery. She must already know of Amanda’s new relationship with Wes. She didn’t appear to like it one bit. She sat forward and glared at Blake. “I’ll go out on a limb and assume you’d like to continue your blasé disregard for company policy in the interest of pursuing a romantic relationship with Ms. Felix. Is this correct?”

Sadie’s internal organs cartwheeled. She almost came to her feet to protest. What about
permission? What the hell did a bunch of suits think they were doing, deciding her fate?

Then again, if she
want to travel that particular path, it would certainly help to not have to hide it from coworkers and bosses.

Blake’s only sign of nerves was the quick glance he cast at her, which managed to say plenty in lieu of words.
Trust me.
He smiled at Mrs. Avery. “We’re not asking permission.”

Sadie’s mouth fell open at the same time as Duncan’s. They glanced nervously at one another, but neither dared interrupt as Blake continued.

“I’m afraid I’d take it rather personally if you objected. Surely, you’re aware of the many breaches of policy within the Jackson branch. Wes Black and Reba Garcia were involved for quite some time recently, as were Wes and Sadie at one point, a fact which you knew upon his hire. I assume you’re already making the same allowances at the Alpine office, given how Amanda and Wes show no signs of keeping their new acquaintance quietly under wraps.” He stopped and laughed quietly. “Wes’s name just keeps popping up, doesn’t it? The company’s ladies’ man.”

Sadie’s cheeks warmed. She wanted to smack Blake. She also wanted to hug him, kiss him, and take him somewhere, like the backseat of her pickup. She couldn’t believe he’d go to bat for her. For them.

Blake seemed to have run out of things to say. He unbuttoned his blazer and sat next to Sadie, an amused grin alight on his face, eyes dancing with silent laughter.

It was a long time before anything happened. Water gurgled in the dispenser in the corner. Heated air whispered through the floor vents. Duncan’s shoes scraped softly against the carpet as he shifted uncomfortably. Sadie noticed how he blended into the deep brown walls with his russet-colored dress shirt and beige tie.

Mrs. Avery had reclined into her chair to nibble on her pen.

As for Blake, he didn’t appear to be waiting. He’d given Sadie’s knee a single, encouraging squeeze before reclining in much the same manner as Mrs. Avery, not flinching or bowing from her scrutiny.

Sadie felt like the only person aware of the tension in the room.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Mrs. Avery sighed and tapped her pen against the table. “Well, Blake, you’ve certainly given me much to consider. I’ve made up my mind, but it wouldn’t be prudent of me to continue without asking if you’re sure.”

Sadie looked from one to the other. Sure? What did Blake need to be sure of? Of
What kind of question was that?

Spurred by the scent of an insult flying right over head, Sadie spoke up for the first time. “I’m sorry I have to ask, but can someone fill me in on why this is such a weighty decision? I’m starting to take offense over here.”

Mrs. Avery raised her eyebrows at Blake. “By all means, do the math for her.”

It was a rude joke to make about an accountant, but Sadie made allowances. At this point, she just wanted an explanation.

He turned to Sadie, his smile gone. “Conflict of interest. I’m the audit director. The gatekeeper for every account held by this office—and for every accountant who manages them. In order for us to be involved personally, I’ll have to resign.”

Sadie’s mouth fell open at the same time she berated herself for not figuring it out sooner. She’d been so wrapped up in herself, in what she might have to sacrifice, she’d given little thought to what Blake might be willing to give up. “You can’t quit your job to date me. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I don’t even know why we’re having this conversation. Isn’t there a thief running willy-nilly around Avery & Thorp as we speak? Priorities, people.”

Amusement and unspoken words swam in Blake’s gaze. “I’m not asking for your permission any more than I’m asking for Mrs. Avery’s.”

Sadie looked away. She’d get lost in there one day.

Mrs. Avery didn’t appear overly amused by Blake’s blunt speech. “It comes down to the matter of what to do with you, Mr. Cobb. Do I let you walk away from the firm, thus ridding myself of the problem altogether?”

“You could,” Blake agreed, swinging his gaze to look at her. “But you won’t want to once I hand you your embezzler, along with a map to your missing money.”

With a resigned sigh, Mrs. Avery admitted defeat, leaving Sadie stunned by how masterfully Blake had negotiated the meeting. “Welcome to Avery & Thorp, Mr. Cobb,” she said, with a wry glare. “I hope you enjoy your new role here as senior accountant. As for our replacement audit director, I’m tasking you with bringing Kennedy Hale up to speed. You claim she’s ripe for the job. I expect you to help her prove it.”

Sadie covered her mouth with her hands and stared at Blake like she’d never seen him before. Who
this guy? “Does Kennedy know?”

Blake’s smile couldn’t contain his pride, though there was evidence he was trying to fight it. “Not yet. You can tell her if you like.”

“No, of course not.” Sadie grabbed his arm, wanting to squeeze him. “You tell her. You’re the one who deserves to be standing next to her when she unleashes her ungodly squeal of happiness. It’s going to hurt. Your ears will bleed, and your skin will shrivel, but that’s the price for helping some people.”

Duncan broke in, exasperated. “Can you two at least wait until the meeting’s over to start mooning at one another?”

“Sorry.” Sadie straightened immediately, not daring to even peek at Mrs. Avery.

Duncan bowed his head. “Now, Blake, I think you’ve danced around it long enough. You asked me for time on Wednesday afternoon, and I gave you forty-eight hours. Time’s up. We need a name, and we need proof.”

Blake’s hand slid into the briefcase at his feet and resurfaced gripping an aquamarine file folder. “It’s all here.” He pushed it across the table.

A heavy silence followed as Mrs. Avery went through each page of the file, handing them to Duncan for further scrutiny afterward.

Duncan shook his head at the third page and pinned Blake with a desperate look that caught Sadie off guard. “I can’t believe it.”

Blake shrugged. “I can. Call me jaded.”

Duncan cast a pained glance at Sadie that troubled her. It couldn’t be Wes, after all, or Blake wouldn’t have let Mrs. Avery transfer him. It couldn’t be Catalina, could it? Although, if Sadie had to
it was anyone, who would blame her, really. After all, she’d still love to see herself behind Duncan’s desk. But she had to be honest with herself. It was someone close to her, or Duncan wouldn’t be giving her such a pitiful look as he slid a page toward her.

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