Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary (16 page)

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Closing her eyes, she relaxed in the tub wishing that Alexander were there with her. Sudden noises in the bedroom had her opening her eyes as a winded Alexander came rushing into the bathroom carrying a full ice bucket and two glasses. Grabbing a stool, he set everything down before holding up a finger indicating he would be right back. Nodding her head, Alanna sat back against the tub, pretending to ignore him as she heard him rustling around in the bedroom. Wondering what was going on, she was about to check on him when she felt him return. Keeping her eyes closed, she could hear him fussing with the bottle and was about to remind him that she couldn’t drink when she realized she didn’t hear a cork pop.

Opening her eyes, she watched her naked husband pour sparkling apple cider into two Champagne glasses.

“You know, you can still drink,” she told him, as she sat up to take the glasses he handed to her. Shifting forward in the tub, she made room for him as he slid in behind her with a satisfied sigh.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back against his chest and took one of the glasses from her.

“It would have been too much to carry,” he informed her. “Besides, I like this sparkling juice.” Kissing the side of her head, he held his glass up. “To my wife and the mother of my children.”

Before they clinked their glasses, Alanna paused, puzzled. “Children? As far as I know, we’re currently only having one.”

“Roman,” he said simply, as Alanna choked back a sob.

“He did ask if he could call you, daddy. I never heard your answer.”

“Yes, of course. That is, if you don’t mind.” Suddenly, Alexander’s assured voice wavered, as he waited for her to answer.

Smiling, Alanna felt tears welling as she nodded her head, “That would make me very happy.” Clinking their glasses, she sipped at the sweet drink.

They sat there briefly in silence before Alexander spoke up. “What are you thinking about?”

“Just wondering how I could be so lucky to have such a wonderful husband,” she confessed as she nuzzled his neck before kissing his cheek.

Taking her glass, he set both of them on the stool before reaching in front of her to stroke her baby bump.

“Oh, Alanna, I am the one who is lucky to have found you. To become the stepfather to a wonderful little boy and another coming so soon. You have given me something I didn’t realize I needed, a family.”

Alanna rubbed his arms, as he stroked her. “Well, to be fair, I was the one who sent you my resume,” she teased.

“Dah,” he agreed. “Unbeknownst to her, my sister makes for an excellent matchmaker.” Laughing, she agreed with him.

Alanna quickly sobered when Alexander’s hands began to roam. Pushing against his chest with her back, she nestled her head on his shoulder, as she began stroking his legs. Spreading her legs, she pressed them against his knees as he stroked the inside of thighs. She moaned when he massaged his palm into her mound, which sent zings of pleasure straight to her clit. His other hand worked its way up her body as he massaged one breast.

“Pleasure yourself, wife,” he whispered into her ear as she found herself rubbing along her increasingly sensitive mons while he massaged both her breasts, tugging lightly at her nipples as they tightened painfully.

She moaned, as her fingers found her clit and tapped on it as he continued to massage and stroke her breasts. Sliding two fingers inside, she began to pump in and out, as he increased the pressure.

“I love how much more sensitive you’ve become since you’ve been pregnant.”

Alanna couldn’t respond and found herself nodding, as she arched her back pressing her breasts against his hands as he continued to play with them. Digging her heels into the tub, she lifted her hips, giving herself more access as she wantonly ground against her own fingers.

Alexander’s positive murmurs of encouragement drove her on and she began to spiral higher and higher. With a cry, she felt pleasure roll through her just as he tightened his grip on her nipples. The sudden sharp pain released her orgasm as she landed back in the tub with a thump and a splash of water.

Sagging heavily against him, he tipped her head and kissed her before helping her to sit and then stand. Pulling the plug to release the drain, he helped her step out of the tub and lovingly dried her off before draping a towel around his waist. Taking her hand, they walked back into the bedroom and Alanna stopped short; staring around at the candlelit room.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Stepping into the room, Alanna looked around at the bedroom, which looked different in the candle light. Smiling at her husband, she thought her face might crack with all the smiles at the thought of being married to Alexander who had come to mean so much to her in such a short time. Drawing her to the center of the room, he stepped back from her as he wiggled his hips, causing the towel to drop.

She giggled at his antics but quickly sobered when she caught sight of his erection, his pre-cum glistening in the candle light. Reaching for the towel, she had firmly tucked around her, he pulled it free and let it drop, as he looked at her.

Dropping to his knees, he placed his hand possessively on her belly, as he looked up at her. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met,” he told her, his voice sounding reverent, as he pressed a kiss to her belly.

His hair tickled her skin and she gasped in surprise, suddenly feeling weak in the knees. Her hand dropped heavily to his shoulder and any plans he had quickly shifted as he rose swiftly, scooped her up and carried her to the bed.

Laying her down on the bed, he smiled at her as he joined her. Stretching out next to her, he rested his head on one arm. With his free hand, he lovingly cupped the side of her face before tracing her lips with his thumb. Alanna opened her mouth, nipping at his thumb before sucking on the tip. She smiled at how such a small act could have such a big effect on her husband as his erection bounced against her thigh in response.

Pulling his thumb out of her mouth with a pop, Alanna’s giggle shifted to a moan as his hand continued to explore her body setting a leisurely pace that soon had her rubbing her legs together in response. He paused as she shifted. Waiting patiently for her to settle before he continued tracing his fingers around her breasts, which he had been so right in noticing how much more reactive they were since she became pregnant.

She sucked in her breath when he rubbed his finger along her areolas before rubbing his thumb on each nipple until they hardened, elongating at the same time. Dipping his head down, he blew out a warm breath causing her to open her legs wider as she clutched at the sheets.

Cupping her breast, he massaged it before sticking his tongue out to lick around first one and then the other nipple. Alanna panted heavily as her body came alive under his touch and begged for his attention. She cried out his name when he finally sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. The intensity of it had fluid pooling between her legs, as he seemed to growl with satisfaction.

Continuing his explorations, he worked his way down her body, everywhere he touched, her body tingled in pleasure until she found herself trembling in response to his touch. Sliding his hand over her hip, he cupped her mound before blowing another hot breath across it; the sensation on her wet folds had her arching her back in response, as she whimpered.

Sliding his finger inside, he rubbed up and down along the inside of her folds before settling his thumb on her clit. Pressing on it, he rubbed back and forth across it as Alanna’s eyes fluttered closed. Afraid to move lest he stop, she reminded herself to breathe as her body shifted from fine tremors to full quivers with each focused attention he paid to a body part.

Reminding herself to breathe, again, she gasped loudly as she opened her eyes when he finally placed his mouth on her now swollen and tight nub. When she tried to lift her hips to press against his face, he pinned her down with his arm, forcing her to relax while he pleasured her.

Moaning continuously now, she cried out when he sucked her clit against the roof of his mouth, the force of her orgasm causing her arch and bow nearly throwing Alexander off the bed.

With a growl, he shifted to his knees between her legs. Grabbing her ankles, he lifted her legs to his shoulders, kissing both her knees before sliding his hands under her hips and raising her up. Before she could lift her head to watch, he buried himself deep inside her. She was so wet that his thrust sent his pelvis smacking against her as they both groaned in pleasure.

“I want you closer,” he practically growled out, his voice thick with arousal.

Pushing her legs to either side of him, he reached for her arms, pulling her up so she was straddling his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders, she kissed him with all the intensity and pleasure she was feeling. Their tongues danced together pushing in and out, as they thrust their hips back and forth each thrust more intense than the last.

Moaning, he wrapped his arms tightly around her, not breaking the kiss, as he began to move faster. Digging her heels into the mattress, she responded in kind, as she felt her body spiral out of control as she was overwhelmed with pleasure.

Crying out his name, she clamped down tight onto his cock as he fought to maintain control, but her muscles spasming around him proved to be too much, and his thrusts became erratic as his orgasm shook him and she milked him dry.

He held her like that, his head resting on her shoulder and she his. She didn’t realize that she had been stroking his back until she became aware that he was doing the same to her. Taking a shuddering breath, she lifted her head to smile at him, as he pressed his forehead to hers and kissed her lightly.

Shifting, he gently pulled himself from her body and they both slid down onto the mattress. Lying on their sides facing each other, he lifted her leg over his hip, cradling her close to him as he brushed her hair off her face.

Kissing her lightly on her face, he confessed, “I really like this wanton sex goddess that you’ve turned into. I must say, you being pregnant has been fantastic and I can’t wait until we have more children.”

Laughing, Alanna blushed. “I…um…uh…let’s see how the first works out before we start talking about more,” she finally managed to say, as he chuckled.

“Yes, my sex goddess,” he answered earnestly, causing her to roll over so he wouldn’t see her face. Laughing, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against his chest. Kissing her neck, he nestled against her as they both fell asleep.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Alanna woke to the sound of toddler giggles. Opening her eyes, she found Roman staring at her with a silly grin on his face.

“Daddy and Aunty Melia are making breakfast,” he announced, as she blinked at him sleepily.

Tucking the blanket around her, she sat up as Roman climbed on the bed with her.

“Is that so? Are you sure they aren’t having someone else make it for us?”

Shaking his head, “No, mommy. They’re the ones in the kitchen. Aunty Lyssa said to come get you to watch. She said they are arguing like children.” And with that, Roman giggled before bouncing off the bed and running for the door. Stopping, he turned to look at her, “Are you coming?”

Laughing, “Yes, baby boy, I’m on my way.”

“You know, when my baby brother comes, you won’t be able to call me baby boy, anymore,” he scolded her.

Looking at him, “How do you know it isn’t a little sister?”

Standing up straight, he threw his shoulders back, “I just know. Now hurry!” And with that, he was running down the stairs shouting, “I told her to hurry!”

Smiling to herself, Alanna reached for her robe that Alexander had left at the foot of the bed and slipped it on. Standing up, she stretched, enjoying the little aches and pains she felt from last night’s lovemaking. She couldn’t believe she was married now. All this still felt like some sort of dream.

Walking into the bathroom, she pulled herself together quickly taking care of her needs and stopping to rinse her mouth and run a brush through her unruly hair. She shouldn’t have gotten it wet last night and not brushed it out, she told herself as she winced at the tangles.

Deeming herself, good enough, she headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen to find Alexander and Amelia with fluffs of flour on each other, as they argued in Russian while Alyssa and Roman roared with laughter.

Grabbing a mug, Alanna poured herself a cup of coffee before joining her sister and son, who had yet to stop laughing.

“What is going on?” she asked as her sister hugged her.

Wiping at her eyes, Alyssa replied, “I’m not entirely sure at this point. It started with them arguing over who would make breakfast for everyone. When I suggested they work together, it just got worse. Suddenly, food is flying.”

At that moment, Alanna’s stomach growled painfully as she clutched at her stomach. “Ooof. Is anything made?”

Nodding her head, Alyssa pointed to the warming tray. “Plenty. We’ve just been having too much fun watching to eat.”

“Oh, well, that’s going to have to change,” she declared as she walked to the cabinets and began opening and closing them until she found the plates. Pulling out a stack, she set them on the counter and opened the warming tray. Grabbing a piece of bacon, she folded it in half and popped it into her mouth, closing her eyes as she chewed. When she realized that the arguing had stopped, she opened her eyes to see everyone staring at her.

“What?” she asked as she began helping herself to scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes. “I’m hungry.” Taking her plate and her coffee mug, she headed to the dining room as Alyssa sang out that the game was called due to the hungry, pregnant woman.

As everyone settled down to eat, Alanna watched as Alexander helped Roman choose what he wanted to eat before sitting down between Alexander and Amelia, who both fussed over him while he ate his breakfast.

Her sister leaned toward her as she watched them. “How does it feel to be married with a new family?” she asked as she snatched a piece of bacon off her plate.

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