Russian Mobster's Secret (3 page)

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Susan couldn’t wait to get started.

“Did you put this outfit on for me?” he asked.

Kirill slid one hand down her belly and untied her robe. It fell open, exposing the blue satin of her chemise. He rubbed the soft fabric. His fingers slid across her abdomen and then moved up to her breasts. He cupped each one in turn, casually thumbing her nipples until they were both hard as diamonds.

She squirmed against him. Pressing her legs together, she attempted to ease the aching awareness that had begun to throb in her pussy. She’d never experienced anything like it before. Then he banded one arm around her middle and held her utterly still. She forgot to breathe as she waited eagerly to see what would happen next.


WHEN KIRILL HAD decided to seduce Susan, he had only suspected that she was hiding a sex kitten beneath her sensible smart girl exterior. He hadn’t been prepared for what that would look like when it was unleashed.

Her blue satin chemise outlined her curves perfectly. He could see every dip and contour of her belly, hips, and thighs. Not to mention the full perfection of those breasts! He cupped one now in his hand and felt how responsive she was. Each time he flicked her nipple, he could feel the corresponding shudder throughout her whole body. Sliding his cock into her hot little pussy was going to be the pinnacle of sexual release.

He tugged her robe down her arms and got rid of it. It didn’t matter that he was undressing her in the middle of her kitchen. If he chose to fuck her on the kitchen table, he was betting she would bend over and beg him to do it. And when he turned her so that he could see the fullness of her beauty, he nearly decided that the kitchen table was as far as he was going to get.

“Lift your chemise.” He issued the order just to see what she would do.

Susan’s dark eyes might have held a spark of rebellion, but her fingers did exactly as they were told. She pinched the delicate fabric between thumb and forefinger and raised it to her waist. The action exposed a tiny scrap of satin covering her full mound. He nearly groaned as he wondered if it was a thong.

“Turn around,” he told her. “Show me that pretty ass.”

She did as he asked, twirling slowly and giving him an enticing view. Her full buttocks were taut, and the tiny strip of blue between her cheeks showed that she was indeed wearing a thong. Kirill imagined twisting his thumb in the tiny band and pulling it aside just before he plunged his dick inside her.

He crooked his finger at her. “Come here.”

She dropped her chemise and boldly closed the distance between them.

Kirill wasted no time. He lifted the lingerie over her head and tossed it to the floor. Her nipples were hard, growing even tighter in the cool air of the open kitchen. He could see her fight the urge to cover her chest.

“That’s right,” he soothed. “Show your breasts to me. Cup them and lift them up. Let me see you be proud of them.”

She was hesitant at first, but gained confidence as she put her full chest on display for him. Then her thumbs touched her nipples, and Kirill thought he might spill his seed in his jeans. She was so damn sexy he was having trouble not giving in to his baser urges.

“Show me your bedroom, Susan.” Kirill gentled his tone. “I need to be inside you. You’re so fucking sexy that I’m about to lose it.”

She looked surprised by his comment. Had all her previous lovers been morons? Then she turned and walked down a narrow hallway. Kirill followed, keeping a respectful distance. He didn’t want her to feel crowded. Right now she trusted him, but trust was a fickle thing.

Her bedroom was simple but elegant. He could immediately tell that she had put some thought into the décor. But right now wasn’t the time to try and dissect her character. The physical desire to dominate her was the only thing that mattered.

She stood beside her bed looking uncertain. Yet there was something almost eager in her demeanor. She was enjoying this regardless of whether she wanted to or not, and that was how he wanted it. Her pert breasts were still bare, and her dusky pink nipples were hard and distended. They trembled with each breath she took. He thought of taking them in his mouth one by one, but he was almost beyond the niceties of foreplay.

Kirill pointed to the bed. “Bend over the bed for me, Susan.”

If she was surprised, she hid it well. Instead, she promptly turned around and bent over the side of her bed. The height was perfect. Her round ass was lifted at just the right angle. He could see the thong spreading her cheeks and just covering her pussy. There was a slight shudder when she twisted her fingers in her comforter as though she were anticipating something, but then she seemed to recover her composure.

He let her wait a moment, and then perhaps a moment longer. He wanted the anticipation to build until she was near her breaking point. He unfastened his belt, button, and zipper to expose his cock. His shaft was almost painful to the touch he was so hard. Lowering his pants so that they sat on the tilt of his hips, he moved in close behind Susan. He could feel the heat of her body on his skin.

When he touched the top of her thong underwear, she gave a tiny whimper. He smiled and ran the palm of one hand over one smooth buttock. “Are you ready for me?”


He loved that she didn’t play games. It wasn’t as if she could hide her arousal anyway. The scent of her cream filled the room. He held her thong aside and delved deeply into her cleft. Her moan echoed off the walls, and she arched her back with pleasure.

Kirill pushed two fingers deep inside her pussy. She was so hot and wet he could hardly wait to put his dick inside her. Before he could even think of penetrating her, she climaxed. The powerful contractions seemed to take her by surprise. She gasped and moaned as her body shook with the convulsions of her peak.

“Fuck, Susan,” he groaned. “Look at this pussy. You’re so damn wet I could drown in your juices.”

She shuddered and bucked around his fingers, but Kirill could wait no longer. He fit the head of his cock to her opening and pushed inside her fast and hard. She screamed her enjoyment, and he felt her come again. The woman was like an orgasm factory. The feel of her tight channel was almost too much. The friction bore down upon him like a tidal wave of want. He grabbed her hips and began pounding into her pussy as if there was no tomorrow. He lost control utterly, his balls tightening between his legs as he sped toward his own release with no care for anything else.

Susan flung her head back, the long length of her spine arching as she pushed back against him. She met him stroke for stroke as he thrust harder than he ever had with any other lover before. And when his orgasm took him, he shouted her name over and over until he had spilled every drop of his seed inside her tight little body.


Chapter Four



Susan rolled over in bed the following morning and winced as she sat up. She was sore between her legs as though she’d been attacked by a battering ram. With a giggle she fell back against her pillows. She covered her mouth and tried to find her sense of decorum. She should be sorry that she’d fornicated like an animal in heat the night before. That wasn’t like her at all.

Forcing herself to get out of bed, she went through her morning routine as though it were a regular Saturday. She made coffee, had some toast, and then got her supplies ready for the obligatory weekly cleaning. She had almost settled back into the idea of being her normal self when someone knocked on her front door.

Not someone.

Susan’s friend had a specific pattern of knocks that always let Susan know she had come calling. And maybe Susan should have expected Oksana to stop by. But it didn’t make it any easier to answer the door knowing that Oksana would freak out if she found out whose semen Susan had washed off her legs last night.

“Hey!” Oksana was leaning against the porch post when Susan answered the door. “I wanted to check on you.”

“I’m fine.” Susan gave her friend a warm smile. “Really, but I’m glad you stopped by. Want to come inside?”

“Sure.” Oksana strode in with the trademark hip motion that made men the world over pant like dogs. She headed directly for the kitchen. “Do you have coffee? I’m dying after last night.”

“Of course.” Susan hustled into the kitchen. “Let me grab you a cup. Sit down. You look like you had a long night. Did you meet someone fun?”

Oksana opened her blue eyes wide. “Oh, I don’t want to talk about me. Tell me what happened with you!”

Susan poured herself a cup of coffee as well as one for her friend and carried them to the table. Then she sat for a moment and tried to collect her thoughts. Fortunately, Oksana was absorbed in her coffee for the time being.

“Well?” Oksana eventually prodded.

“Nicolai was a lot of fun. He’s hot. He’s obviously experienced. And I can’t say I expect him to start picking out wedding china or anything.”

Her friend threw her head back and laughed. “No. Nicolai most certainly won’t trouble you with that. Do you think you will see him again?”

“I don’t know.” Susan figured that was a pretty honest answer. “It’s not like I had a chance to get his number or anything. If I see him at the club next time, I think I’d like to dance with him again.”

Oksana snorted. “I don’t know
got into my brother last night!” She reached across the table and laid her hand on Susan’s forearm. “Kirill was completely out of line.” Oksana muttered something in Russian. “I’m so sorry he interrupted your dance. I told him last night to leave you alone. I don’t know what he was thinking.”

“Who knows?” Susan took a swig of her coffee, holding the mug in two hands and savoring the warmth.

“I told him you were too smart to make a mistake with a man like him I almost expected you to punch him right there on the dance floor! It would have been so funny. No?”

“I suppose so.” Susan felt odd talking about Kirill like this. “Kirill is certainly pushy.”

“He thinks women need to be bossed around.” Oksana rolled her eyes. “Although sometimes I think he says these things just to make me mad.”

“That doesn’t seem very nice,” Susan said absently. “And I don’t understand why it matters what crime family someone works for. If anything, I’d rather find someone with no mafia connections at all.”

“Exactly!” Oksana said with a moan. “My stupid brother thinks everyone is in awe of his mafia status, which is nothing, by the way. He’s barely managed to become an Orlov enforcer. I tell him all the time that they’re just toying with him.”

“That’s not what other people say, though.” Susan thought about the rumors she’d heard over the years.

!” Oksana waved her hand. “That’s because of our uncle. People used to say he was a serious mafia man. Some kind of leader or something. I don’t know. It’s stupid! My mother used to say that Kirill only wanted to be like Uncle Ivan. Why my brother thinks he’s going to make a name for himself doing dirty work for stupid men like Yuri Orlov is beyond me.”

“So Kirill does do work for Orlov, though?” Susan wasn’t sure why it mattered. Except she couldn’t stop thinking about how dangerous it was for these guys to be constantly trying to murder each other.

“He says he does.” Oksana waved her hand. Then she suddenly looked at Susan as though something had just occurred to her. “You’re not interested in Kirill, are you?”


“Because I’ll kick your ass.” Oksana frowned. “He’s my brother, but he’s bad news. You need to stay away from him.”

“Duly noted.” Susan wondered if Oksana realized that she hadn’t really agreed to anything one way or the other.


KIRILL OPENED HIS eyes, blinking at the clock and wondering what had woken him up to begin with. Getting up early was a waste of a post-sex high. And the one he’d managed to get from fucking Susan was the best one he’d ever experienced. The woman’s pussy was magic.

He let his eyes drift closed again and realized his brain was now contemplating all the reasons why screwing Susan wasn’t just about physical satisfaction. That was a woman who was bold where others would shrink away. She wasn’t just a receptacle. Even though she didn’t seem to fully know what she wanted, she absolutely seemed capable of determining how to get it. And nobody had ever talked to him the way she had. Her tongue was sharp and her mind was quick. It was really a knockout combination.

Oksana suddenly strolled into his bedroom. “Get your stupid ass out of bed.”

“Who let you in?”

“Your spare key did.” She put her foot on his bed and began to shake it.

He rolled over, giving her his back. “Remind me to have the locks changed.”

“You and I need to talk.”

Now he was awake. It occurred to him that it was possible Susan had felt compelled by some girl code to tell his sister they had fucked. If that was the case, Kirill was in for the lecture of a lifetime. Except this did not feel like Oksana ready to give him hell. More like she was about to lecture him in a preventative fashion.

He sat up. “What do you want now?”

“I want to talk about my friend Susan.” Oksana crossed her arms over her chest and looked belligerent.

He scooted up and rested his shoulders against his headboard.

He made a face. “You want to talk about how her personality is so much better than yours? Then the answer is yes. It is.”

“Ha! No. I want to talk about you keeping your dick in your pants.”

“I thought you told me she was far too smart to get mixed up with a loser like me.” He waved his hand. “Or something along those lines.”

She cursed in Russian. “She is. Except when she’s going through some personal stuff, you know?”

“No. I don’t. But I have a feeling you’re about to enlighten me, so I’ll try not to fall back to sleep.”

“God, you’re an asshole!” she muttered in Russian. Then she switched back to English. “I’m talking about the fact that Susan feels super vulnerable right now because she just got worked over by this asshole she works with.”

“What?” He attempted to look bored, but in reality he was piecing together his observations about Susan’s behavior.

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