Russian Mobster's Secret

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Secret
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Table of Contents

Russian Mobster’s Secret

By: Bella Rose

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2016 Bella Rose


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Chapter One



Susan threw up her hands and shook her booty to the raging beat of the techno music pounding the walls of the club. Tonight was her birthday, and for once she felt sexy. Between her brand new hot pink mini dress and her flashy gold heeled sandals, she looked every bit as hot as she felt.

“Look at you!” Her friend Oksana had to lean in close to be heard over the noise. “You’re working it tonight, baby!”

“Hell yeah I am!” Susan shouted.

She put her back next to Oksana’s, and the two of them shimmied down and back up in a way that garnered every ounce of male attention within a twenty foot radius. Of course, Oksana was gorgeous. And she had a sexy Russian accent that always turned guys on. But tonight, Susan didn’t care. She was going to find some handsome guy and have a good time if it killed her.

Oksana nudged Susan and pointed to a man dancing sensually a few feet away. The guy’s shirt was unbuttoned, and his loose jeans couldn’t hide his gorgeous butt. Oksana gave her a tiny shove. “He’s totally into you. You should go get him.”

“You think?” Susan wasn’t convinced.

Oksana made a tiny noise of frustration. “Ugh! You own this tonight. Just go!”

“Fine. I will!”

Susan sashayed across the dance floor, sidestepping other couples until she reached the stranger. She crooked her finger, feeling like a character in a movie. He smiled and moved toward her.

“Want to dance?” she asked.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he put his hands on her waist and spun her around until her back was flush with his front. He ground against her, urging her to move with him. Susan closed her eyes and gyrated with the music. She lifted her hands and danced as though nobody was watching. It was exhilarating, and she never wanted it to stop.

Her impromptu date slid his hands up her torso until his fingers were just brushing the sides of her breasts. She felt excited, but also a little apprehensive. This wasn’t usually the way she got to know a guy before she let him touch her. Still, it was exciting. Blood rushed through her veins, and she lifted her arms and linked them behind his neck to stretch her shorter body full length against him.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

His voice had the twinge of a Russian accent, which wasn’t surprising since Oksana almost exclusively went to Russian owned clubs. Susan wondered if she should give him a fake name, and then decided she wanted to be real tonight. “I’m Susan.”

“I’m Nicolai.”

She turned in his embrace, putting her arms back around his neck and standing on her tiptoes. “Hello, Nicolai.”

His slow, sexy smile gave her butterflies. Then he lowered his mouth to hers and placed a slow and languorous kiss on her lips. She tasted the strangeness of him, sampling the spicy flavor of some kind of liquor mixed with the musky scent of a dominant male. She had only just begun to adjust when he slipped his tongue between her lips.

The contact was shocking, only because it felt so strange. He dominated her senses. His hands roved her backside, pulling her up against him so that she could feel the erection between them. It was startling and a little naughty, but Susan wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.

She pulled away from the kiss. She didn’t want to seem like some nervous virgin, but she needed some space just the same.

He wasn’t having any of that. He cupped her face in his hand and used his thumb to pull down on her chin. Her mouth opened, and he took her lips in a bruising kiss that left her gasping for air.

It was exciting, but also frightening. She made a tiny noise in the back of her throat. He seemed to take that as encouragement because he lifted her off the floor and cupped her backside in his hands. The position forced her to wrap her legs around his waist for security’s sake. It felt almost indecent, and yet she could not make herself protest.

She felt wild and wanton in that moment. Nicolai was kissing her and rocking his hips against hers. Each stroke pushed the hard ridge of his cock up against her vulnerable crotch. She was spread against him. The folds of her sex were growing wet as the friction created a pleasurable burn. There was a sense of eroticism in the fact that Nicolai was a near stranger. She wanted this anonymous sense of sexy. She wanted to feel brave.

Nicolai made a rough noise in his throat and moved through the crowd of dancers, still carrying her. Susan had never been a spectacle before. She was sensible and boring. Excitement sent a thrill racing up her spine. The other club goers made way for them, staring and in some cases cheering them on.

A support pillar appeared before them, and Susan realized Nicolai’s goal. He put her back up against the solid granite and began moving in earnest between her legs. He ground his erection so firmly against her sex that she couldn’t decide if it was pleasure or pain that made her gasp. She wasn’t even sure if it mattered or not.

His kisses became almost harsh. He bit her lower lip, and she tasted blood. A primal instinct caused her to bite him back. He only laughed. Then he delved beneath the flimsy material of her skirt and found her bare thighs. His fingers wrapped around her flesh until he could stroke the fabric stretched across her pussy. Was she actually going to let this man finger fuck her in front of an entire club full of people?

Apprehension trumped arousal, and Susan grabbed Nicolai’s hand and pulled it out from beneath her dress. She laced her fingers with his and continued to kiss him. Wrapping her legs more firmly around his waist, she let him know without words that this was as far as they were going tonight.


KIRILL HAD NEVER wanted to rip out a man’s spine more than he did Nicolai’s at that very moment. The man had his tongue halfway down Susan’s throat,
he was practically fucking her up against a pillar on the edge of the dance floor. Not that Kirill would have been opposed to Susan having sex in public, as long as he was the other party involved. Susan was Oksana’s straight laced little friend with the killer curves. Nobody else was supposed to know how hot she was. She was Kirill’s secret fantasy.

“Kirill!” His date was apparently trying to get his attention. “You’re not even paying attention.”

Her whine was grating on his nerves. He couldn’t even remember what her name was. They’d only met a few minutes ago when she had been moving her hips in such a sexy way as to get his attention. He had ground up against her, and the two of them had begun the dance. It was much the same as any other night at the club for Kirill. Or it had been, until Susan had showed up with Oksana.

“What are you staring at?” His dance partner wanted to know.

He didn’t bother to hide his interest. “A woman.”

“Then why don’t you go rut all over
?” The whiner turned on her heel and flounced off through the crowd.

He didn’t particularly care. Women were much the same in his book. They all had a list of wants and needs, but rarely seemed comfortable enough in their own skin to acknowledge either one. A few erotic suggestions, and most of the time they dropped their inhibitions and showed him exactly how sexy they could be. He had his fun, then they both went their separate ways.

“What are you staring at, imbecile?” Oksana asked in Russian.

Kirill glared at his younger sister. “Your friend Susan. Why would you bring her to a place like this?”

“She goes to clubs with me all the time. I can’t imagine what that would have to do with

“She’s better than Nicolai.” Kirill curled his lip. “He’s a member of the Pasternak family. The man is nothing but a wannabe enforcer.”

“And you?” She raised a brow. “You’re an Orlov. Or can we even call your association real? Sometimes I think you have nothing but pretend mafia ties.”

“You know better,” he grumbled. “And why are you bothering me anyway? I thought you couldn’t stand the sight of me.”

“I can’t. But the way you’re staring at my friend tells me you need to be warned off.”

“Would she feel the same way?” He was blustering. In truth, he had no notion of how Susan would feel about his interference.

Oksana laughed. “Go find out for yourself then. Play the fool and see how far you get.”

He shouldered his way past his leggy sister toward the pillar where Nicolai was kissing Susan as though he wanted to suck her face off. Kirill grabbed Nicolai by the shoulder and spun him around.

The move dislodged Nicolai’s hold on Susan’s legs and threw him off balance. He went twirling away from Susan, and she began to fall. Kirill reached out easily and plucked her from Nicolai’s embrace. She gave a little squeak of surprise and automatically wrapped her arms around Kirill’s neck to steady herself.

Kirill nearly groaned at the wonderful sensation of having Susan’s voluptuous curves pressed against his body. She was warm and soft, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her himself. Unfortunately, her stormy expression didn’t suggest she would be amenable to that.

“What are you doing?” she snapped.

Kirill curled his lip at Nicolai. “I’m shooing away the vermin.”

“What?” She looked from Kirill to Nicolai. “What are you talking about?”

Nicolai puffed up, coming toward Kirill with his fists clenched. “He’s talking about the fact that I am a full member Pasternak and he’s nothing more than a wannabe Orlov.”

“Wait,” Susan said irritably. “Are we talking about mafia families right now? Because I don’t give a shit what your mafia ties involve. As far as I’m concerned, I’m done with both of you.” She turned on her heel. “Idiots!”

Kirill watched Susan stalk back toward Oksana. Good. At least if she was going home, she wouldn’t be likely to wind up fucking some asshole like Nicolai.

“What is your problem?” Nicolai was apparently not over being interrupted.

Kirill gave him an arrogant little wave. “That woman is taken.”

“By whom?” Nicolai snorted and looked down his nose at Kirill, no minor thing when Nicolai was the shorter man by at least an inch.

Kirill got right in his face. “By anyone other than a bastard Pasternak,” Kirill spat in Russian.

“What?” Nicolai looked around, and three more Pasternaks seemed to materialize out of the crowd to stand at his back. “You don’t even have the protection of a family association.”

Kirill shrugged. “Perhaps I don’t need it.”

From the corner of his eye, he could see Oksana and Susan talking. Susan threw up her hands, pointing angrily at him before stalking off in the direction of the exit. Kirill was abruptly done with his confrontation with the Pasternaks. He wanted to get out of there and find a way to ask his sister if Susan was going home. So in the interest of ending things quickly, he hauled back and punched Nicolai square in the nose.

The brawl that ensued was quick and rather one sided. Nicolai went down almost instantly, not even coming back up. He simply lay in the middle of the dance floor with his hand to his nose, whining like a child.

A second man grabbed Kirill. He quickly spun out of the grip and tripped the guy hard before throwing him down. The third man opted out of the confrontation. He backed away with his hands spread as though he were attempting to surrender. Kirill gave a hard nod and then walked away in the direction that Susan had gone.


Chapter Two



Susan shoved her way through to the club’s front entrance. Outside, she shouldered her way past dozens of men and women waiting to get in. Only an hour ago she had been just like them. Her evening had only been about to begin. She had been full of excitement and optimism for what it might bring. Then one asshole with an alpha male complex had ruined everything.


She didn’t turn around to see who was calling after her. She was afraid she already knew. It wouldn’t have been like Kirill to just let her walk away without putting his two cents in. But at this point, she really didn’t care to hear anything he had to say.

“Susan, don’t you walk away from me!”

Unable to remain silent, she whirled on her heel to face the big stubborn bastard she had known for years and hated for nearly as long. “What do you want? Don’t you think you’ve interfered enough for one night?”

“I did you a favor.”

Oh! The sheer arrogance of him was enough to make her head spin. With his big broad build and swarthy dark complexion, he looked every inch the criminal that he was. His hair was indecently long, brushing his shoulders. And his eyes gleamed in the dim light of the streetlamp overhead. With the tattoo covering his neck, he looked as dangerous as he did domineering.

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