Rust Bucket (40 page)

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Authors: Atk. Butterfly

BOOK: Rust Bucket
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      - provided that such use does not cause physical harm to another individual, business, or government.
      - provided that such use does not prevent the ordinary conduct of other individuals, business, and government.
16. All individuals have the right to seek redress against any government, business, or other individual.
      - the individual shall have the right to seek civil suit to recover just compensation or their work, products, property, and reputation along with punitive awards in either case.
      - a jury may be demanded in such civil cases where the value exceeds one percent of the individual's yearly income or affect's the individual's reputation and ability to earn such income.
17. The press shall have the freedom to gather and distribute news without intervention by individuals, businesses, and government:
      - provided the press does not disrupt the lawful activities of others nor otherwise violate the law or rights of individuals, businesses, and religions.
      - members of the press shall not be subject to arrest without such arrest being announced to the public by warrant followed by public trial.
      - the press shall not be subject to any form of censorship unless such censorship is to protect the interests of the government against powers seeking its violent overthrow.
      - the press shall be issued a license upon simple application for the sole purpose of identification to the public and not for the purpose of restricting viewpoints, such license being capable of revocation only for criminal behavior determined by conviction by proper trial.
      - the press may be required to pool its resources when availing itself of its right to access aboard government warships or on government installations, such pooling to be by lottery and not by the decision of any warship or installation commander.
      - the press may be required to remove only such classified information from its reporting which would be detrimental to the preservation of the government by powers seeking its violent overthrow and not to suppress opinion or opposition.
18. Any rights or powers not listed nor specified in the Constitution as belonging to the government belong to the individual and may not be taken by the government at any level without a free election by the people by which they vote by overwhelming majority to give such rights or powers to the government:
      - the rights enumerated in this document cannot be voted away, waived, or modified by the individual or government.
      - any political entity desiring membership in the Union of Planets must ascribe to these rights in their entirety.


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