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Authors: Serena Simpson

Rylan's Heart (19 page)

BOOK: Rylan's Heart
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“Rylan,” she murmured through the kiss before she deepened it sucking on her tongue. She stroked him invading his mouth allowing his flavor to envelop her.

He tasted like an addiction she would never get over. Gently he picked her up and lowered her slowly into the water, never breaking the kiss. Kneeling beside the tub, he traced the column of her neck before moving to nibble at it.

“You’re in my veins, Aviana. Your scent stays with me no matter where I go. I can’t imagine my life without you.”

His tongue caressed the pulse on her throat. She felt it jump as he breathed her in.

“Rylan.” She moved to the end of the tub. The water swished around her giving off another whiff of vanilla and rose scent.

“Join me.” Her voice was sultry a siren with only one thing on her mind. Seducing the man in front of her.

He never took his eyes off her as he stepped into the tub. Carefully, he lowered himself so that he was seated across from her. He spread his legs wide to capture her between them.

“You look like a water nymph.”

She splashed the water at him grinning from ear to ear. “Did you know that nymph’s especially the water variety have the ability to grant wishes.”

“I didn’t know.” He looked at her pondering his next question. “What type of wishes do they grant?”

She looked around the bathroom then lowered her voice. “That’s the secret and we don’t tell everyone. But you, kind sir, look trustworthy so I will bless you will our deepest secret.”

Rylan leaned forward, his eyes on hers as he waited for the answer.

Once again she looked around to make sure they were completely alone before she too leaned forward and lowered her voice.

“The secret must come from the heart and be something you truly desire for a water nymph such as myself to grant it.” She gave him a bright smile before leaning back against the tub.

“I have one such wish. Will you grant it?” he asked her, his eyes changing to a stormy sea blue.

She could see the waves hitting the shore in his eyes but there was no anger there. No, the waves tossed themselves in anticipation.

“You must tell me what you desire and then I will tell you if it comes from your heart.”

“I desire you, in any and every way.”

He stared into her eyes making her lips go dry with the truthfulness in his gaze. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as she tried not to pant in her desire to get closer to him.

“I have thought about your request and it does come from the heart. I will be able to grant it.”

She rose in the tub water streaming down her body as his eyes took in all of her generous curves.


His hand reached up to help her maneuver until she was across his body. Her knees were planted on each side of him as she rubbed her pussy against the length of his cock.

“I want you, Rylan, buried deep inside of me.”

He reached up and kissed the slight indent between her throat and her chest before he kissed down to the gentle swoop of her breast.

“Such beautiful breasts.” He lifted one on the palm of his hand feeling the weight, caressing it with his fingers.

Lifting her up, her nipples sat right above his mouth like a piece of fruit ripe for picking. He sucked one in making a sound of pure delight as he tugged on it.

Aviana felt the action go straight to her pussy making it clench in need. She ran her fingers through his hair, tugging gently on the ends. The sound of approval made her do it again.

Rylan switched nipples, sucking on it before giving it little bites to increase her pleasure.

“Rylan,” his name came out with a hiss as she grabbed his shoulders.

“I need hours with you, Baby. I want to kiss all of you.” His lips moved to the underside of her breast licking and kissing there. “I want to unwrap you slowly and worship your body.”

“Not sure I could live through slow.” Her voice came out warm and husky.

“We should try.” He placed small stinging kisses on her abdomen followed by kisses and licks of his tongue that stroked her fire.

“You’re making me burn.”

“I like the sound of that.”

He pushed himself up until he was sitting on the edge of the tub bracing his shoulders against the wall behind him before he pulled her into his lap. Water streamed off of her making her smile as she wrapped herself around him. Leaning forward a little he licked at her belly button as her body shook and she moved restlessly on his lap.

“What are you going to do?” she asked breathlessly as she looked into his wicked eyes.

“Who me?” He changed their position tightening his hands around her. He placed her on the lip of the tub and pushed her shoulders back against the wall before he sank into the tub on his knees. Lowering his head, he licked the top of her sensitive clit that peeked out at him.

Her body shuddered before he sucked her into his mouth. The feeling of rightness went through her, filled her as her heart opened even wider. Love, a voice whispered through her soul.

His tongue moved and pushed inside of her making her forget what she was thinking to drown in what she was feeling. A low groan came out of his mouth as she twisted on his tongue unable to keep herself still.

“Please, Rylan…I need.”

He leaned back in the tub and drew her closer until she was held firmly in his arms hovering over his cock. “I know what you need. I need it, too.”

He lowered her, teasing her as she came closer to being impaled. She placed her hands on his chest as the first few inches found their way into her warmth.

“Yes,” was hissed as she felt the invasion.

She tried to sink down faster but he held her tight not letting her take more than he was willing to give.

“One day,” she moaned as he withdrew and plunged back in giving her several more inches. “You won’t be in charge, I will. On that day you won’t know what hit you.”

He plunged upward seating himself deeply within her tight pussy.

“I look forward to that day.”

She sealed their deal with a kiss as she lifted off of him and sank back down feeling him deeply with her body. She fell into his mind feeling the joy he felt. His breath sucked in as she pulled up again, the walls of her pussy clinging to his cock in an effort to never let him go. The sensation made him rejoice.

She opened her mind to let him feel how it felt for the ridges of his cock to slide against her. The sheer friction making her crazy with desire. She moved down, tightening her muscles around him as she bathed his mind with her feeling of joy. There was still the thought of how incredible it was that he was in her life mixed with a deep yearning to be with him every day no matter what life brought their way.

His motions increased as he seemed to swell inside of her. The look in his eyes showed her his Matra was right there with her too. Filling her even tighter. The head of his cock rubbed her sensitive spots making her pant as a high keening sound left her lips.

Her eyes closed as she reached for that elusive feeling that was right at the tips of her fingers. She reached and reached until her body convulsed into one giant ball of need. The scream tearing free of her lips felt like it belonged to someone else. The fireworks of color before her eyes enchanted her before her body finally fell silent, settled against the only port in the storm she ever wanted.

She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep against his chest.

Chapter Twenty-four



Aviana opened her eyes as Rylan rose out of the tub with her in his arms.

“You really can’t be carrying me around everywhere, that’s what legs are for.”

“But I love the feel of you in my arms.”

“Well, I do have to concede that point. I love it too. Put me down.” She grabbed a towel and started drying off. “Maybe we should take a shower; I don’t think we got clean. Sorry for falling asleep on you.”

“Let’s call it what it was. My great skills as a lover were too much for you to take and I tired you out.”

“Yes, Dear, that’s exactly what happened.” She gave him a mock punch in the chest before going to her tip toes and kissing him.

“Glad you agree.” He took her hand and they walked out into the bedroom where they finished drying off.

The smile on her face slowly disappeared.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…no something’s wrong. I’m so happy with you Rylan but still a part of me is missing. I want to bring her home I want to share this joy with her.”

Her cheeks flamed red. “Not this joy. You know what I mean. I want her here. Then my life will be complete because I will have both of you.”

He nodded following her lead and reaching for his clothes.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“I’m listening.” She gave a small smile at the thought of Mckayla coming home.

“We have to decide what to do about Mckayla and I don’t think you’re going to like the alternatives.”

“You like them?”

“Not really, but I’ll do what I need to and that is protect her at all cost. Still it won’t make it easy for you.”

“Back up and start from the beginning.”

“We can’t leave Mckayla with Aran and Rena forever which means we need to think about bringing her home. That leaves us with two problems the Urom and Zuhun.”

“Now that we are a family we can leave. Mckayla is young enough to start over elsewhere. We will miss everyone here but if it will keep her safe.”

“The Urom are going to keep looking for her, they will simply track us where ever we take her. Zuhun may track us as well. He is now a very personal enemy and intends to let nothing step in his way of recapturing me and hurting you and Mckayla. At least here we have help.”

She nodded thinking about what he said and wondering which would be the best course of action to protect her daughter.

“So what do you suggest we do?”

“We bring her home. Hear me out before you say anything.”

She settled back against the bed and waited.

“Zuhun is out of commission for now; that gives us a chance to focus on one enemy at a time.”

“I thought you said the Urom were usually peaceful.”

“I don’t care what they are when they targeted my daughter, they became enemies and fair game.” A slow smile lit her face as she waited for him to continue.

“Aviana, I need you to tell me everything you can about Mckayla’s father.”

She sat up in the bed and leaned against the headboard.

“I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately and although years have separated us I can still see him. Remember it was dark, but I remember seeing him around campus. He was tall. Much taller than me. I remember him having to lean down to touch my lips and he did kiss me, said it was necessary. He was tattooed at least that’s what I thought, but the thought never sat well with me when I saw the Urom. He looked like they did as if the design in his skin was genetic.”

“Do you remember anything about the glyphs in his skin?”

“Very little, why?”

“Each glyph identifies which house the Urom belongs too.”

“Sorry, I had other things on my mind at the time. Trying to find out who his parents were wasn’t one of those things.”

Rylan pulled her into his arms. “Sorry, Baby, I know it wasn’t an easy time for you. I simply need whatever information you remember to keep Mckayla safe.”

“I know. I let it all go, still it’s not something I like to dwell on but whatever it takes to keep Kayla safe is what I want to do. I remember that his eyes were different. They were brown but then they turned a light almost translucent green. I’ve seen Kayla’s eyes do that when she’s dealing with a problem.”

“I’ve seen her eyes change color also although she wasn’t born with any glyph’s so I didn’t think she was Urom from the beginning.”

“She has them, you simply can’t see them. They are on her skull but her darker hair and skin hides them. She also has some on her back down her spine.”

“If she had these why were you so sure she was human?”

“I wasn’t, but I figured plausible deniability. As long as I could ignore them or treat them as a skin condition then she could be totally human. Who was I going to take her to in order to ask otherwise?”

He shook his head in understanding.

“Do you have any pictures of them? I think it’s important to find out what line she belongs to. When we know this we can go to the royal family and petition for protection.”

“The royal family?”

“Yes, the Urom have a King and Queen. A family that is ultimately in charge of what’s happening in their kingdom.”

Aviana threw the covers back before getting out of the bed.

“How can they have a kingdom? This is Earth it belongs to us not to some foreign aliens we have never heard of.”

“Have you ever had a prince come to America? He is still sovereign even though he is not on his own soil. Victor is the king of the Arbrin and the Matra even though our planet no longer exists. You don’t have to like it, but that is the way it works. If it didn’t, if every alien on your planet was doing whatever they wanted, it would be like a multitude of gangs gone wild.”

She nodded and went over to a side table and opened the drawer pulling out a small book. Bringing it over to the bed, she flipped it open. There were pictures of Mckayla as a baby lying on her stomach, on her back was a long glyph along her spine.

“Can you really narrow down her parentage by looking at this?”

“I should be able to, but I have to admit hers is unique. I wonder if it’s because she’s half human or because you’re advanced for a human.”

He stared at the picture tracing the design. His mouth curled up as he concentrated trying to make sense out of what he was seeing.

“What about the ones on her scalp do you have a picture of those too?”

She shook her head. “I don’t. I never thought to take one when she was a baby and now she has too much hair for a clear picture.”

He nodded and went back to examining the glyphs on her back.

“Whatever it is, we have to find her lineage and then petition for her protection. Aviana, we have to bring her home.”

“No. She’ll be walking into a dangerous situation.”

BOOK: Rylan's Heart
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