rylee adamson 10 - blood of the lost

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Authors: shannon mayer

Tags: #Paranormal Urban Fantasy Romance

BOOK: rylee adamson 10 - blood of the lost
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“Shannon Mayer’s Rylee Adamson paranormal romances keep me glued to the page. Rylee is a kick-ass character who loves with her whole heart and reminds me of my own Rose Gardner—a collector and protector of lost and broken souls. Every new book is better than the last and I always finish her latest book hungry for more.”


-Denise Grover Swank

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author



“The Rylee Adamson Novels are filled with a wonderfully detailed and rich paranormal world with engaging characters, a fast paced plot and lots of action. A must read for urban fantasy lovers.”


-Eve Langlais

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author



“If you love the early Anita Blake novels by Laurel K. Hamilton, you will fall head over heels for The Rylee Adamson Series. Rylee is a complex character with a tough, kick-ass exterior, a sassy temperament and morals which she never deviates from. She's the ultimate heroine. Mayer's books rank right up there with Kim Harrison's, Patricia Brigg's, and Ilona Andrew's. Get ready for a whole new take on Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance and be ready to be glued to the pages!”


-Just My Opinion Book Blog



The end of the Rylee series feels like the end of an Era for me. When I started the first book, I wasn't even a published author yet. I played with the idea for a long time before I truly started down the path of Rylee's story. From first publishing Priceless to ending the series with Blood of the Lost it has been almost three years to the exact day. In that three years I have had many editors, copy editors, proofreaders and beta readers. I've had friends come and go. I've had family members arrive and leave this earth. My life has gone from working full time to writing full time, from being a wife and writer to becoming a mom. Each step in my life in the last three years gave me the focus, and the emotion to write Rylee and truly bring her to life. 


I hope that in reading this final book you take from it what I tried to impart. There is always hope for the future, love IS strong enough to survive the worst things that life throws at us, our friends and loved ones can bring us through our darkest hour if we let them, and when all else fails . . . just say Yuppy Doody and get the job done.




The Rylee Adamson Novels are not written as standalone novels. While each book MAY be read on its own, to get a comprehensive understanding of characters and their interactions, I always advise to read the series in order. As the characters do make repeat appearances, I’ve decided to add in a state-of-the-art feature to refresh your memory when necessary.

In the digital editions of The Rylee Adamson Novels, the reader will come across occasional hyperlinks when a character first appears. Clicking on this underscored text will take the reader to a brief description of the character and how they relate to Rylee, for those interested in getting a reminder of characters and past events. Just hit your back button or click on the name in the character list to return to the spot you were reading.

However, these links are in no way necessary to understanding and enjoying each book on its own or The Rylee Adamson storyline. The ebook format has allowed the opportunity to utilize this state-of-the-art functionality in a way that has been impossible in the print world. I hope this feature enhances your enjoyment of The Rylee Adamson Novels.



“Thus shall one Tracker stand between Orion and the darkness he brings. She shall be our destruction or our salvation. No matter the outcome, her blood will be taken, drained to the last drop.”


-Book of the Psychic’s Prophecies (Green Book)

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