Sackmaster (8 page)

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Authors: Ann Jacobs

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Sackmaster
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Smiling, she put everything but the butt
plug back in the box. It was going to be a long three weeks without her lover.
Her Master.

Chapter Five


Three weeks later Jimmy came back with the
team—tanned and so ripped she wished she dared jump him right there in front of
all his teammates when she waited to greet him. He dared, though, picking her
up and turning around as he claimed her mouth as if he owned her.

He soon would. Julie’s cunt was already
wet, anticipating the ceremony he planned for tomorrow night.

“We’re off this weekend, and Coach Harris
excused me from practice for three days. Guess how I plan to spend every minute
your photographer isn’t shooting pictures?” he asked as he set her down and
practically dragged her to her car.

“Miss me?”

“Oh, yeah. I missed you. Dreamed every
night you were in bed with me, sucking my cock, running your soft little
fingers all over my bone-tired body. Let’s go home so you can get rid of this
for me.” When she looked over at him he was stroking his goatee. “My agent says
this has to go, too. They think it makes me look too old.”

Old? Jimmy was almost eight years younger
than she. Did the advertisers want it to look as if she was making it with a
teenager? “They must want to make me out as a dirty old woman,” she said,
chuckling as she drove back toward downtown Savannah.

She’d done little but imagine the scene
he’d come up with for his shearing. Would it be at the BDSM club he’d told her
about…or maybe in his apartment? Or hers? She already knew he intended to take
her hair at Rebels’ Roost. He’d called her his love when he described the scene
he had in mind.

* * * * *

When he knocked at her door after stashing
his gear in his apartment, she flung it open and rushed into his arms again.

“You got here fast.” It mustn’t have been
more than five minutes since he stepped off the elevator at his floor. She’d
barely had time to get inside and insert the butt plug in her ass as he’d told
her to do. But she was so glad to see him, and she wondered if he could
possibly have missed her as much as she’d missed him.

“Surprised, are you?” Laughing, he scooped
her up in his arms, dipped his head and claimed her mouth without a second’s

She tightened her arms around him. Then she
remembered. “I have my lab results for you in case you want us to do this at
Rebels’ Roost. They came back today.” He’d presented her with his results
before leaving and asked her to get tested, too, so he could take her to there
to play. Her heart beat faster at the prospect of club play, something she’d
enjoyed with her former Master. She had a feeling that with Jimmy, the play
would take on a more thrilling edge.

“Good.” He kissed the tip of her nose then
set her down. “I couldn’t wait any longer to be with my precious slave-to-be. I
figured my stuff could wait ‘til later to get put away. And we’ll wait to go to
the club until your big day tomorrow.” Taking her hand and dragging her along,
he stopped and set down a duffle bag on her bedroom floor.

Then he sat at her vanity table and stared
at his reflection. She managed to avoid laughing out loud at the sight—the
hulking football player dwarfing the small mirrored table and a wrought iron
chair with padded seat that looked too dainty to hold his substantial weight.
“Take off your robe and come be my naked barber. I’ve been thinking ever since
I left how I want to bury my bald head between your pretty legs and eat your
cunt until you beg me to let you come.” Taking her hand, he laid it against his
throbbing, denim-covered cock.

How had he known she’d fantasized about how
he’d look without his long, shaggy hair, goatee and mustache? How incredibly
handsome she imagined he’d be with his face clean-shaven. But she’d never said
a word to him about how much she’d been fantasizing about how his face and head
would feel when they were as smooth as her own would soon be. “Yes, Master.”
Kneeling, she took off his shoes and socks and sucked his big toe into her

He chuckled. “That’s one way I like for you
to greet me.”

She paid homage to his other toes then
smiled up at him as he stood and took off the rest of his clothes. “I want you
naked, too.” He stood while she let her robe slide off her shoulders before
settling back on the chair. “God, but you’re beautiful. I missed you.”

When he ran his fingers through his unruly
hair, she smiled. “It’s been a couple of years since I let somebody shave my
head,” he said, his expression sheepish.

“Why? I think you’ll look good bald. Not
that you don’t turn me on now.”

He grinned. “A lot of chicks seem scared of
a man who shaves his head, particularly one as big as I am. I imagine I, bald,
will intimidate a lot of opponents, too.”

She smiled back at his reflection. “That’s
a good thing, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is. The more scared they are, the
better.” His eyes twinkled as if he was thinking about three-hundred-pound
offensive linemen and opposing quarterbacks quaking in terror when they saw him

“I’ve always liked the look of shaved heads
for men.”

He looked back at her, his gaze on her own
hair that would soon be gone, too. “I figured you did, baby.”

Self-conscious, she ran a finger through
her loose, shoulder-length hair. “Do you want me to get rid of the mustache and
goatee now, too?”

“Yeah. I want to be as bald as you’re gonna
be. Besides, I have to ditch the facial hair before the photo shoot on Monday
and Tuesday. I’ll need a little time to get used to it. Think about how you’ll
feel, being the center of attention at the club tomorrow while I’m taking
this.” He raised his hand, ran his fingers through her hair. “While I shave
you, you’ll be sucking my cock, and if you’re a nice slave I may not cuff your
hands. Maybe I’ll let you use them to play with my balls. I have the feeling
that having a dozen or so club members watching the show will make us both
incredibly hot.”

“Ooh, yes, Master.” When she turned on the
electric clipper her inner muscles contracted, her asshole biting down on the
plug as he found it with one hand and jiggled it.

“I see you found the time to follow my
order. Like I mentioned when we were on the way home, I can hardly wait to
claim that tight hole.” When she laid the clipper at his forehead and mowed a
path back to his crown, he grinned. “Do your worst, just don’t cut me or I may
have to ass-fuck you here and now.”

She laughed. “Promises, promises.” She used
the clipper first then moved to the shower where she shaved him carefully,
first his head and then the mustache and goatee that had partially hidden his
full, sensual lips. Then he had her kneel and shave his neatly trimmed crotch
until it was as smooth as his gleaming scalp. When she was through, she
resisted the urge to suck his tempting erection and blotted away the water with
a thirsty bath sheet. “Back to the vanity now for the final touch.”

“Your wish is my command, baby.” Loving the
way it felt to caress his amazingly soft skin, she massaged some light,
fragrant oil into his scalp and buffed it with a towel until it shone. When she
glanced down at his rock-hard erection she saw a drop of lubrication glistening
in its eye. “May I take care of another little problem you seem to have,
Master?” she asked, angling her head toward his rigid shaft.

“Not until I see how it feels to eat your
hot, wet pussy without the beard and goatee in my way. Come here, let’s go to

He laid her on her back and came down over
her, his huge cock head nudging her mouth while he spread her legs and dived
between them with his shiny, hairless face. “I’m gonna eat you until you scream
for mercy, but you can’t come until I say so.” His hot breath bathed her clit.
“Good, your pussy’s already wet for me.”

When he raked his smooth chin over her slit
it was all she could do to hold back, follow his orders.

His baby-soft scalp felt strange against
her inner thighs, accustomed as she was to feeling his hair tickling her own
smooth flesh. “Ooh,” she said, shifting to give him even more access to her
tingling pussy.

He blew on her, made her shiver as he
pressed his cock down her throat, filled her, made her swallow over and over
against his massive organ. He tweaked the ring in her clit with his tongue then
plunged it in and out of her vagina. She felt so full, so taken, because while
he ate her pussy she felt the plug stretching her ass.

Raising his head, he reached and took out a
vibrating dildo from the bag of toys she’d set on the nightstand beside the
bed. “Your cunt wants this,” he growled as he inserted it and set it into
motion. She felt as though she was going to die, right after she came. But she
dared not give in to her body’s urgent demand for release. Had to wait for his
permission. “I’m going to fuck your ass now. But first I’m gonna gag your
delicious little mouth. I want you to imagine how it would feel to take three
cocks at the same time.”

Julie didn’t have to imagine. Her
ex-husband often had devised club scenes where three other Doms had fucked her
while he’d fucked the ass of one or more of them. She’d wanted it because her
only goal back then had been to please him. Now she wanted just as much—no,
more—to pleasure Jimmy. “I’m yours to do with as you please, Master,” she said,
looking him in the eye then opening her mouth so he could insert the
cock-shaped gag. The straps he buckled tightly around her head bit into her
hair, tugging at it, reminding her of her submission. Making her cunt throb
with wild anticipation.

“Thank you, baby.” He put on a condom then
turned her over, doggie style, and positioned her ass for his penetration. She
felt a whoosh of air when he slid out the plug, then a cold, wet sensation as
he packed lube into her rear. “I’ll go slow. The last thing I want is to hurt
my precious slave.”

The broad, slippery head of his sheathed
cock probed her asshole, stretching her painfully until he pressed beyond the
sphincter muscle and slid a little at a time into her ass.
Not my ass—his
she thought, correcting herself as he seated his cock fully inside her rear
hole. His smooth, heavy balls bounced against her cunt lips as he moved slowly
and carefully.

Pressure built in her belly, spreading
quickly through her nerves. She bit down on the gag while her cunt began to
spasm around the vibrating dildo. It felt…incredible, milking him with her
sphincter muscle until he groaned and tunneled his fingers through the hair at
her nape.

“Oh, yeah. I’ll never leave you again for
this long,” he muttered as his cock jerked inside her. She felt him coming in
long, hard spurts even though he had on a condom, and the sensations set off
another wave of orgasms that took over her body, made her mindless. A long time
later she felt him pull out of her ass and replace the plug. Then he got up,
strode into the bathroom and came back with a wet washcloth and a towel.

“Sleep, baby. We’re gonna need all our
energy tomorrow. Dream about wearing my collar, becoming my very precious

* * * * *

Jimmy drove carefully on the narrow,
two-lane road the following afternoon. Julie sat beside him, her head lowered
as a slave’s should be. She’d acceded to his wishes and taken off her
wisp-of-lace panties that she’d worn under her long wrap skirt, and to his
request that she tie up her hair and put on the wig she’d wear home from the
club later that night.

He loved her obedience. With or without her
hair, with or without the shiny black, shoulder-length wig, she was gorgeous, a
magnet for other men’s frank looks of admiration. Of lust that wasn’t going to
do them any good because she was his. He sort of liked realizing he was the
only guy who knew that her hair would soon be gone, sacrificed tonight for his
sexual pleasure. And her own.

He took off his ball cap and rubbed a hand
over his own freshly shaved head. It felt damn good. He did feel a little
naked, though, without the mustache and goatee he’d worn for a few years, since
his former teammates had unmercifully teased him as a rookie about his baby

Maybe he’d grow his own hair out, at least
the mustache and goatee. He’d have to shave twice a day if he wanted to keep
his chin and neck smooth. But if he had his way, Julie wouldn’t grow her hair
back, at least not for long. It gave him—and her, he was sure—too much of a
sexual thrill to know she was completely naked, totally hairless. But then he
was itching to shave her himself, in scenes like the one he planned for tonight
where he’d shear off her luxuriant black hair and shave her, revealing her
gorgeous, perfect alabaster scalp. To do that, he’d have to let her grow her
hair out between shavings. As much as it turned him on to imagine shaving her
every day while she sucked his cock, he was also looking forward to running his
fingers through the soft, downy growth, gauging whether or not she needed
another shave. Even to having her grow her hair out to where it brushed her
shoulders and then taking it from her and wrapping the silky strands around his

He imagined different scenarios. Her on her
knees sucking his cock while he sectioned her hair and clipped off the strands
one by one. Her bound and gagged and pilloried while he fucked her sopping cunt
and another sub shaved her for his pleasure. Them being shaved together by a
couple of club submissives while…

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