Sackmaster (7 page)

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Authors: Ann Jacobs

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Sackmaster
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She smiled but then her smile faded. “Some
of these shots will be with a male model, Jimmy. Only a few body shots, but the
advertiser will want some, so we’ll both be nude.”

He wanted to scream that he wouldn’t let
her do it. But he had no say in the matter, no claim on her. “Fuck. Who’s the
guy?” Some pretty-boy half his size, with a swimmer’s body and the sort of
intent look that made most women drop their drawers, he bet.

“I don’t know. They’ll probably send
someone down from New York. Unless you’d like to do it.” Her hand gentle, she
rubbed his cheek then leaned up and nuzzled his goatee. “The man has to be
shaved, too. I know because my agent mentioned how hard it was going to be to
get one of the agency boys to give up his hair.”

Jimmy was no model, though he’d experienced
a good many cameras flashing in his face since he’d gone pro. But how hard
could it be to pose for a few photos with Julie? Not hard enough to keep him
from volunteering to do it if his ugly mug would work. “How about you asking
your agent if I’ll do?”

“I can’t think of anything I’d like better.
And unless I miss my guess you’d look awesome without this. Wouldn’t you mind
losing your hair, though?”

He laughed. “I bet I’d get as big a high
out of you shaving me as I intend to get shaving you. And I’d probably like the
feel of your pretty hands on my bald dome. I can imagine the scene we could
have together, after the job’s done.”

“If you’re serious I’ll call Rick—he’s my
agent—first thing in the morning. Or you could have your agent call him. You do
have one, don’t you?”

Yeah, he had an agent. One who’d want his
ten percent of any action he got, even if it wasn’t his usual gig, selling
razor blades and underwear. “If you want me to, I’ll get hold of the guy who
whores me out to advertisers. He’s got some photos he can send out, but the
closest thing to a nude one, I’m wearing some manufacturer’s sissy designer
briefs. Who should I tell him to call?”

“Rick Hecht at the Creighton Agency. If
your guy’s in New York, I’m sure he’ll know the agency if not Rick himself.”

“Okay. Maybe I’ll end up being your guy in
that ad, like I am in person.” Suddenly Jimmy wanted Julie again. All this talk
about nude pictures and shaved heads had him horny as hell even though they’d
gone at it for hours. “Come here now. I’m gonna fuck you ‘til neither of us can
crawl out of bed.”

* * * * *

The next week, because Jimmy told her Coach
Zanardi had asked him to have her keep an eye on his wife while they were away,
Julie caught a ride to the Rebels’ training facility with Susan to tell the guys
goodbye as they boarded a bus bound for summer training camp at a college over
in Valdosta. The team facility surprised her with its sleek, modern lines and
the luxurious dining room where the players had gathered.

“I’m already lonesome and it’s been less
than an hour since they left,” Susan told Julie as they had breakfast later at
Julie’s condo. “I know it’s silly of me, but this will be the first time Colin
and I have been apart since we met last spring.”

“Jimmy told me you were newlyweds.” Julie
liked Susan, though at first she’d been a little disappointed when Colin
brought home a bride. “You know, I had my eye on Colin before he brought you
home, but he never gave me a second glance.”

“I imagine you intimidated him a little,”
Susan said, a smile on her pretty face. “He spent a lot of years in New York
City. Though he doesn’t say much about it, I get the idea he hung out with
glamorous sorts like you. You know he was married for a long time to the
daughter of a man who owned the team he played for. I imagine he was gun-shy of
jumping into another fast-track woman’s clutches after his marriage died once
he quit playing.”

Julie doubted she intimidated anybody, let
alone the highly successful, incredibly hot Colin Zanardi, but it was kind of
Susan to hint that she did. “He obviously was waiting for you. Anyway, when I
had my eye on Colin, I hadn’t met Jimmy.”

“You two make a striking couple. You know,
he’s probably the number-one star on the Rebels team now that they’ll be going
with a rookie quarterback. He asked me who you were, you know, the day before
you two became joined at the hip.” Susan smiled up at Julie, who was about to
fill her cup with coffee. “No thanks, I’ve sworn off for a while.”

Julie inhaled the fragrance wafting in the
air from her own cup. “Do you mind if I do?” Maybe Susan was in a hurry to get

“Not at all. I’d have some myself,
but—doctor’s orders.” The expression on Susan’s face couldn’t be called
anything but ecstatically happy. “Colin and I just found out yesterday we’re
going to have a baby.”

“Congratulations.” As hearing that sort of
news always did, it sent a pang of regret through Julie that she hadn’t
conceived during her marriage. Of course Lloyd had wanted no part of children
and very little to do with her, so her childlessness wasn’t surprising. But
now… She was thirty-five. Too old for motherhood, wasn’t she? But wasn’t Susan
at least her age? Colin was pushing fifty according to his bio on Wikipedia
that she’d looked up a couple years ago when she’d had her eye on him. “You
must be thrilled.”

“We are. But the doctor said I’d have to be
careful because I just turned forty last month.”

“Will this be your first?” Susan could have
grown children somewhere if she’d started out young enough. Not that Julie
couldn’t have had a teenager or two by now.

“Yes. Both Colin and I were married before,
but neither of us had children. This is a wonderful bonus for us now.”

“I imagine. That must have been why Colin
told me before they got on the bus to make sure you take care of yourself while
he’s gone.”

Susan sipped her water then laughed. “I’m
afraid he’s not going to let me lift a finger the whole nine months, or rather
the seven or so it will be before this little one arrives.” She patted her
still-flat tummy self-consciously. “The only place I’m used to being bossed
around is in the bedroom.”

“I understand all about that.” During the
week they’d been together Julie had learned that while Jimmy was all Dom when
it came to their sex life, he was a considerate friend and lover in the other
activities they shared. Though Susan hadn’t mentioned Rebels’ Roost, Jimmy had
said her neighbors enjoyed playing there from time to time. “Jimmy said he’d
take me to Rebels’ Roost when he gets back from training camp.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything unless you
did. But yes, I’m submissive, too. I guess you are since I know Jimmy is a Dom.
I don’t know how much he’s told you, but Rebels’ Roost is not just a dungeon. A
few nights a week it caters to vanilla couples, and on Sundays out of season it
opens up for picnics for team members and their families.”

Julie nodded. “You’re right. I’ve wondered
but never talked to Jimmy about it. Are many professional football players into
BDSM play?”

“I’m the wrong person to ask since I’ve
only known my Master since April. But there are at least half a dozen Rebels
who I’ve seen at Rebels’ Roost on dungeon nights. They all keep it hush-hush,
even Colin. Especially him since he’s supposed to be a role model for the

“Don’t worry that Jimmy will spill
anything. He didn’t say a word to me until he realized I’m not only submissive
but, put it this way, I share a fetish with him that most vanilla people
wouldn’t understand.”

“Omigod.” Susan clamped a hand over her
mouth. “You don’t mean…you couldn’t mean…not that?”

Susan must have seen or heard about Jimmy’s
session with the club submissive—the one he’d told her about. “If it’s what
you’re thinking, you’d be right.” Julie hoped Susan wouldn’t think
she was insane. “The mere idea of having my Master do it to me in a scene is
incredibly arousing.”

“I don’t know why I’m shocked. I get off on
some pretty serious wax play, myself, although I don’t imagine I’ll get any of
that now that I’m pregnant. You’re a model, though. How will you—”

“Have you seen the ads for Emerald
Seduction?” Julie glanced over Susan’s head at the blown-up photo on her living
room wall. “That’s me, and I had to shave my head for the photo session. I wore
wigs in public until my hair grew out enough that it could be styled. Look
behind you.”

“Oh. I’ve seen those ads. I’d never have
guessed.” Susan’s cheeks were bright red as she took in the nude portrait. “You
look stunning.”

“Jimmy thinks so. He says he fell in lust
with the woman in the ad before he ever saw me.” Julie started to tell Susan their
plan to shave her again for another photo session, this time in a scene at
Rebels’ Roost. She decided not to—that the event deserved to be a surprise.

“You’re meant for each other.”

“Yes. Probably not for long. There’s the
age difference though he says it doesn’t matter. And then there’s the fact he
lives and breathes football and I’m a complete amateur about the game.”

“Come on. You can’t be more than a few
years older than Jimmy. Colin’s almost ten years older than I am, and we get
along great. My first Master was over twenty years older, and I was just
eighteen when we married. We were together until he died.”

“Jimmy just turned twenty-seven last week.
I’m thirty-five. Age doesn’t matter nearly as much if the Master is the older
one. My ex was sixteen years older than me, and it wasn’t the age difference
that split us up. I’ll be fifty—old for a woman—when Jimmy will be in his prime
at forty-two.”

Susan shook her head. “I still say it
doesn’t matter.”

“You’re right. It doesn’t matter now. I’ll
be Jimmy’s slave as long as he wants me. I just can’t kid myself that he’ll
keep wanting me when no amount of diet and exercise—not even Botox—can keep my
looks from heading downhill.” The timer went off, and Julie excused herself to
get the pastries she’d been warming out of the oven. “I’ll be right back.”

As if they’d exhausted their store of
confidences, they were quiet while they enjoyed the chocolate croissants. Then
Susan excused herself, claiming it was time for her morning rest. “Don’t count
on you and Jimmy flaming out any time soon. From the look of him, he’s pretty
well committed,” she said as she stepped out into the hallway.

* * * * *

Love. Did Jimmy love her? What she felt for
him certainly felt like love—or was it a raging case of lust for the big lug
that made her feel warm and tingly every time she let her mind dwell on him?
Her mouth watered when she visualized his hard cock, so long and thick and
throbbing with desire. She could hardly wait to feel its broad purplish head
stretching her mouth and her cunt to their limits. Oh, it felt so damn good,
having him inside her, hot flesh to hot flesh.

Before he’d left for training camp, he’d
brought a present, ordering her not to unwrap it until after he left. Curious,
Julie glanced at the box on her makeup table, gleaming in its gold foil
wrapping. Moving it to the bed, she untied the red satin bow, noticing the
distinctive devil ornament she recognized as the logo of her favorite sex toy
shop off River Street. Smiling, she set the bow aside and unwrapped the

No surprises, just a couple of costumes for
them to wear in club scenes, some flavored erotic oils, a gross of condoms, and
imaginatively colored plugs for all her lonely orifices. She laid the toys out
and smiled as she pictured Jimmy making his selections with the two of them in

A cock-shaped gag made of sparkling, red
gel-like rubber with straps to hold it to her head, wouldn’t begin to do
justice, size-wise, to Jimmy. Julie stared open-mouthed at it and imagined a
scene where her young Master would use it to fill one orifice while using one
of the other toys and his own monster penis in the others.

She picked up the big, malleable butt plug,
rubbing her fingers over its substantial length. This was no beginner toy, no
sparkly gel rubber tool not much bigger than Jimmy’s little finger. While a
good bit smaller than his cock, it looked all business with its substantial
length and girth, and the plain pink finish. But it was malleable, not intended
to cause her the pain as a rigid one would. She guessed, since he hadn’t
claimed her anally, that he’d chosen it to let her know he wanted her to ready
her body and mind for the event he had in mind.

Jimmy had good taste in toys. She’d looked
but passed on the molded, vibrating purple dildo with a clit stimulator that
would set the little gold ring she wore there to thrumming rhythmically. The
toy wouldn’t feel as good as Jimmy’s tongue, for sure, but she imagined it
would stave off the worst of her loneliness while he was gone.

As for the costumes, Julie gauged his taste
in club gear as minimalist. No little-girl dresses or slutty-looking stripper
gear for her. No stiletto heels or fishnet stockings that Lloyd—or rather the
Doms he’d wanted to attract—had liked. Looking at a pale-pink, full-body harness,
hooded, with detachable blindfold, gag and restraints for wrists and ankles,
made her smile. He’d obviously chosen the butter-soft deerskin with her comfort
in mind. When she rubbed the hood against her cheek, she enjoyed the
distinctive smell, the baby-soft texture.

She looked over the black leather half-mask
and body harness he’d chosen for himself—not unlike hers in that it consisted
only of a series of leather straps and metal buckles with a built-in leather
cock and ball harness.
He’ll look, omigod, fearsome.
But she wouldn’t be

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