Sacremon (Harmony War Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Sacremon (Harmony War Series Book 1)
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Young said nothing but Yu could see the pained expression on her face.

Yu watched combat shuttles enter and exit Sacremons’ atmosphere, their empty cargo holds telling of a fate all troopers and pilots cursed.

An NR meant that no one on the ground was getting reinforcements until they got rid of the planet’s defenses, or when the commanding General wanted to risk losing a hell of a lot more shuttles.

Yu felt hopelessness fill him.

Young turned to him.

“We’re ordered to dump our troopers and prep for storage. Orders to follow,” Young said.

“Gotcha,” Yu said, his voice hard as he heard the angry vibrations of his pissed off cargo.

As soon as atmosphere was pumped back into the shuttle he knew it would be filled with curses and anger.

Troopers and their Combat Shuttle pilots hated the thought of leaving just one of their own behind.

Yu just hoped that the forces on the ground could pull off a miracle.






Chapter 10

Growing City and Surrounding area

Sacremon Actual, Sacremon


“Hold,” Tyler said, his voice barely a whisper as they took a knee, scanning the forest for threats while Tyler dealt with whatever his issue was.

“Well you gonna come out or leave us out here with our dicks in our hand?” Tyler asked, standing up and holding his rifle in an almost uncaring manner.

A bush rustled and Simmons stood up twenty meters in front of Tyler.

“Nice to see you too, wait where you are, gonna get some medics to check you out for gas and shit,” she said.

Mark found a convenient tree and leaned against it. Jerome pushed the prisoner to the ground, right in front of Simmons as he also took a seat against a tree with his weapon pointed at the prisoner.

Tyler made an annoyed noise and also went and found a tree to sit against.

They didn't have to wait long until the medics got to Simmons who had settled back into her hiding position. They checked all of the troopers and then the prisoner. They put their helmets together and one of them went back behind Simmons.

Mark had time to really look at the planet at that point. Trees that looked like large ferns stretched up into the air, their leaves playing out in a manner similar to palm trees. Rubbery looking vines wrapped around the trees and ran along the ground underneath more fern looking shrubs that rose to about a foot off of the ground. The ferns had purple flowers on them and a kind of moss covered the ground.

It was kind of odd how he could see so far in every direction without red dust everywhere and the green, it kind of hurt his eyes how much light there was.

His lungs had adapted like all of the humans on Earth to deal with the limited oxygen and extra chemicals that were in the dust and air. Breathing in this atmosphere through his rebreather made his body feel alive, as if this was the way it was supposed to be.

The medic returned with a kit. First everyone was sprayed with a hose, then a needle was jabbed into the small injection site at the base of their neck.

Mark grunted when the needle went in. He hated them, but he'd had so many that he was getting used to him.

“One of you take off your helmet,” one of the medics said.

Tyler looked to Mark who took his helmet off first so his brother had a chance if this fucked up.

He coughed at the pollen and crap that seemed to fill his throat. The planet smelt, wet and earthy, not the metallic tang of Earth. He coughed a bunch and his eyes started itching as Medics gathered around him.

“Keep us covered,” Mark said, seeing Jerome and Tyler were looking at him.

This made them look away and check their arcs. Medics were fucking unicorns as afar as troopers were concerned.

Mark wasn't going to get them killed even if he got fucked up. They might be the only people able of putting him back together.

The coughing increased, his nose and eyes watered, he spit out a glob of phlegm. They had put a tap into his neck, now they put an injector up to it, shooting some new kind of chemical into his body with the sound of released pressure.

Mark grabbed one of them to stop himself from keeling over.

“You really like those fucking needles,” he said, using them to stay upright.

“And you like crushing my damned arm!” The other responded, someone passed them the injector and a new vial. Mark got a new injection.

His vision started blurring and fear started overtaking him.

No, I'm not fucking going out like some damned fucking test guinea pig with chemicals hurling through my body!

His other hand grabbed another medic’s armor and he gritted his teeth, his augments fired off as he growled through his teeth, his face scrunched in defiance at the new fire that was racing through his body. Another injection went off and pain lanced through his body, focusing on his face.

He heard yells and noises as the pain drove through his body, his grip increased on the medics. Then the pain faded. He felt his body ramp down, his augments looking to the damage of his body, using the chemicals the medics had given him to sort out his system. His pumps slowed the battle hormones and he stood, releasing his grip on the medics.

“Goddamn remind me to never be on the wrong side of you.” The medic that had been injecting him said, rubbing their arm and giving them self an injection.

“Move your head to the left.” Mark did so and they pulled out the tap that had been inserted with the first injection.

“Don't take this wrong but I hope I never have to go through that again,” Mark said, his body feeling shaky.

“It's a good thing you had those implants, we were able to find out how the pathogen works and it showed us what we need to do to make a cure. We should have it to the other medics shortly. Thanks, you're going to save a lot of lives,” the medic said. His name was Ferguson and he was the one that Mark has his iron grip on.

“You're welcome.” Mark grabbed his helmet and put it back on, sealing it.

“We'll have something ready for the other two in about ten minutes or so,” Ferguson said, the medics grabbed their gear and headed behind Simmons.

“The Sergeant will want to see you all,” Simmons said.

“Yes Corporal,” Mark replied. Jerome took up his place as primary guard, Tyler taking the front and Mark the rear. Simmons tapped Mark on the back in recognition. Mark just nodded, it was the only motion anyone could see while his hands were taken up with his rifle and his visor covered his face.

Tyler led them right to Pullo and Master Corporal Tong. Ferguson stepped up to make his report to them before continuing on.

Tong was a solid built woman that moved with confidence from every step.

Pullo waved the three of them over, a few moments later Feng and Utkin from three section relieved Jerome of his charge, taking the prisoner to a tree, tying him to it and begun questioning them.

“What happened?” Pullo asked, his eyes looking between the three as they approached.

“We went to go and see what that section was up to, looks like they popped their fucking masks and got killed by some kind of poison!” Mark wasn't able to talk in anything but harsh tones.

“Three fighters got down from the trees and cornered Mark. He took them down, killed two, wounded that one.” Tyler used his thumb to point in the direction of the prisoner who was now getting injected with something.

Mark shifted on his knees to relieve the pressure on them, feeling the gun on his back.

He pulled it out.

“They were armed with these,” he said, holding it out to Pullo. Pullo let his gun drop from his hands, unloading the magazine of the gun and clearing it. He looked it over before giving it to Tong.

“Anything else?” He asked.

“There was also a whole bunch of junk on him. I took it in case any of it's useful,” Jerome started pulling things out of his pockets and putting them on the ground. Pullo picked up certain things and looked them over.

“This hardware is pretty good,” Tong said in surly tones as she put the gun next to the things Jerome had laid out.

“Yeah. I'm already due to report to Nerva, I'm going to add you three to the conference call but I don't want you saying a damn thing unless you’re asked or you feel it's vitally important,” Pullo said, pressing on them the need to not fuck this up.

“Yes sergeant!” The three chorused.

He cut the channel going offline for a few moments before the three of them joined onto the channel.

“It looks like they have middle to high-grade weapons systems, re-breathers are also really damned good and they're using gas. The medics have got a solution and they've already tried it out on one of my guys, they're doing some final tinkering and they should have a vaccine for everyone.”

“Understood, how was their coordination, their movements and such? Mark?” Nerva asked making Mark mentally stumble, he hadn't expected to say really anything. The only other time he'd seen Captain Nerva marked the beginning of three-section trying to re-test.

“Umm, well they laid a good trap; they must have been watching the section or lying in wait when they deployed the gas. They came down from the trees so they might have used them to move, or hide in. They didn't sound that coordinated and many of them aren't bloodied, they're hesitant to use their hands to kill. They have little to no armor,” Mark said.


“They're impatient and cocky. They attacked Mark without thinking to look for other attackers,” he answered.


“They're well fed but they don't have our muscle mass, or much ammunition, they each had only a clip or two each,” Jerome surmised.

“That makes sense for an agricultural world. Sergeant Pullo, Tong, any other thoughts?”

“The weapons are rudimentary but high-powered. I'd need a tech to see for sure, but the rounds look to be explosives, not that powerful, but a few hits with this and they'll crack armor, or put a hole in someone if they find cloth,” Pullo's voice was grim. “Thankfully they only have about fifteen rounds per mag so in pitched battle we're going to have a little advantage as long as we have cover. Those machine guns and Anti-space are going to need to be checked out,” Pullo finished off, his helmet looking to Tong.

“It sounds to me like they've been training and making traps across this planet since the rebellion started. If they used gas they're going to be willing to use other means and if they've laid one trap they'll have laid others,” Tong said.

“Good points,” Nerva said, the line going quiet for long enough to make Mark think that he had ended it.

“I'm going to send a section to retrieve the prisoner with you. I'm going to move up your platoons two section and weapons detachment, Sergeant Pullo I'm bumping you to Second lieutenant and I've made Sergeant Drashkov from two section your Warrant. I want you to push up to Growing and see what information you can find out. It will take me a few hours before I can push people to you in support,” Nerva said.

“Understood sir,” Pullo answered.

“Good, nice work Lieutenant.” Nerva clicked off of the channel, Pullo waited a few moments before saying anything.

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