Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7) (23 page)

BOOK: Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7)
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“But I am putting this is down to the sun’s heat for I found her wandering in the desert, heading away from the city.”

“Oh my God.”
I muttered before I could help it as the girl they spoke of started to come into view. Thankfully neither of them took notice of me and Vincent continued to tell his brother how he came to find the girl lost and wandering.

I could barely believe my eyes! 

I couldn’t help it when her name slipped from my lips and this time the brothers both heard it. The next few moments started to play out in slow motion as I tried to take in the sight of both her and Pip in the background shaking her head at me like a mad woman, telling me no. But it was too late for that, not now, not when Ari saw me.

“Keira…is that really you?” I bit my lip to hold back the sob at seeing her this way. She looked as though she had been through Hell and back. Her body was bruised and covered in dirt and sand. She looked utterly exhausted and the second I saw the rope around her hands I couldn’t think of anything else.

“ARI!” I shouted and suddenly found myself struggling to get to her. Draven held onto me and shouted,

“What is the meaning of this?!”

“Let me go!” I shouted back, twisting my body in hopes of breaking free of his hold.

“You know this girl?” Vincent asked but it was Ari who shouted,

“Let go of her! She is my sister, asshole!” This was when I saw Pip smacking her forehead as if this was the very thing she didn’t want to happen.

“Is this true?” Draven asked me and finally I stopped struggling enough to look back at him.

“Please…let me go to her,” I begged him and his eyes grew hard before he asked again,

“Answer me, is what she says true?!” I briefly saw Pip in the background shaking her head but it was too late, the tears in my eyes gave him my answer. I lowered my head and said,

“Yes, it is true.” He watched for a second longer as the tears fell before letting me go. I scrambled off his lap and raced to Ari, taking her in my arms as she collapsed to the floor. She sobbed into my shoulder and I held her head there, letting my own tears land on top of her head as I tried to comfort her.

“It’s alright now…Ssshh, it will be alright.” 
I told her, lifting her face to mine and wiping away the dirty tear tracks down her cheeks.

“I was so scared, Keira, I woke up alone and couldn’t find you! I couldn’t find anyone and then these men came, and he doesn’t know who he is or who I am…why doesn’t he know…?”

“Hush now, we will talk about this later.” I looked back at the thrones and tried to ignore the stern glare Draven gave me and instead looked to Vincent.

“Has she eaten or drank anything?”

“She drank some water but did so too fast and brought it all back up, despite my warnings of such.” I heard Ari growl next to me and I gave her a little shake of my head, telling her,

“Please, you have to trust me here. Count to a hundred and pretend to pass out.”
She gave me a small nod to tell me she understood. I then stood up and faced Vincent before seeing just how far I could push having the pretty face he claimed I had.

“I ask that you entrust her care to me, for she is clearly scared and confused about all that has happened.” Vincent was about to speak when Draven beat him to it.

“So are you telling me that you remember now?” Draven asked clearly irritated by the thought.

“Some of it, my Lord.” I answered softly but from the hard lines of his jaw, I knew that it would take more than a few softly spoken words. I couldn’t understand why he was so angry.

“You sensed it too, brother?”
Vincent muttered, leaning to his brother’s side so they could speak more privately.

“Yes, when she first walked in, but now it has strangely disappeared, as though something is trying to mask that side of her,” Draven replied furiously and I didn’t understand what they were talking about.

“Well I can assure you, it has only just happened, for it may account for why the girl has no knowledge of what I speak.” At Vincent’s odd reply Draven rubbed his beard and looked first to Ari and then to me. This was when Ari reach a hundred. I heard the gasp of onlookers who had gathered around the guards and knew this was my cue. I raced to her and looked up at Draven to try my luck once again,

“Please, My Lord…let me help her.” At first Draven looked as though he was going to deny me but after receiving a small nod from his brother, he gave me a nod in return with the added gesture to continue with his hand.

I was just leaning down so that I could put her arm behind my head when Draven suddenly roared out.

“STOP! Guards, take this girl to my Concubine’s quarters!” I let go of her arm and stood back as one stepped forward to take my place in carrying her. Vincent suddenly had a face like thunder as she was being carried from the room and I half expected him to go racing after her. However, one look from his brother and he remained seated…for the meantime anyway.

“I thank you. I will just go and…” I was about to finish when Draven obviously had other plans for me.

“You will go nowhere!” He thundered the order at me making me wince. I looked back at him like a wounded puppy but in that moment his anger was overtaking any chance of patience or reasoning.


“Yes, my King?” Ranka said, quickly coming to his side.

“See to it the girl is looked after by the same servant who cares fo
Nāzanin.” Okay, so at least it wasn’t so bad seeing as he was entrusting Pip with her care.

“It will be done, My Lord,” she said bowing and giving me a small troubled look before disappearing off into the crowd.

“Come here!” Draven barked an order at me and even Vincent looked sorry for me, giving me a small encouraging smile in the place of his brother’s angry glare. I reluctantly did as I was told and walked back over to his throne.

“I think it is about time you answered some of my questions.” The way he said this filled me with dread, as until I had seen Pip and Ari, I had no clue what to tell him.

“Yes my…”

“My Lord!” I quickly found my sentence was being finished off by another, as a servant came running through the doors and down the hall as fast as he could.

“What is it?!” Draven roared back, obviously not appreciating the interruption.

“Riders my Lord! At the gates.”

“And what of it?” Vincent asked frowning down at the man.

“They say they have seen an army heading this way, coming from the west, my Prince. They believe they recognised the Roman banners.” Hearing this Draven released a low growl that made the poor man scurry back a bit, fearing his King’s wrath.

“Very well, let me see for myself what these riders have to say. I will meet them at the gates… Go!”

“Yes, my Lord.” The man couldn’t seem to get away quick enough.

“I will accompany you…”

“No, stay with her. I will send for you when I know more.” Draven said, in a way that broke no argument for Vincent didn’t even try to insist. Draven walked down the few steps to me and came an inch away from my face when he caressed my cheek before issuing me with a promise,

“Soon we will be alone and then I will get my answers. Even if I have to chain you to my bed and make you beg for mercy to come again by my hand or tongue. For one way or another, you will tell me all I want to know.” Then he sealed this erotic threat by yanking me hard to his chest and finishing it with a kiss that was almost bruising before letting me go.

“Well I think it’s obvious he likes you,” Vincent said on a chuckle as he came to stand next to me as we both watched him leave.

“How can you tell?” I asked sarcastically making him laugh again.

“Well, this is the most passionate I have seen him around a woman, and trust me when I say, it is not from lack of trying from the woman.” This time it was my turn to laugh.

“I bet.”

“Go easy on him, for this is all new to him,” Vincent said nudging my shoulder and I looked at him with surprise.

“What is?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Falling in love,”
he whispered down at me and just before I could say anything else, his name was being called.


“Saphira?” Vincent turned in time to see Sophia running over to him just before she threw herself in his arms. So there was at least one person she loved then. She quickly took note of me and scowled over his shoulder before he placed her back on her feet.

“Why little sister, is it me or are you getting shorter?” At this she playfully punched him on the arm.

“But even prettier…
and stronger so it seems,”
he added rubbing the top of his arm.

“That’s better. So I see you have met our King’s new favourite,” she said curling her lip up at me. Vincent didn’t see what most would have been able to see, which was pure loathing but instead he pulled me closer and said,

“I have indeed and isn’t she utterly charming?”

“Um, charmed I’m sure,” she responded mockingly but again Vincent seemed to miss it.

“I heard brother has gone to the gates, but I am surprised you’re not with him,” Vincent looked longingly at the door and said,

“He wanted me to…”


“Saphira, now be nice,” Vincent said finally getting a hint of her hostility. Unfortunately, this didn’t last long as Sophia plastered on a sweet smile and said,

“Why don’t you go and let me get acquainted with our brother’s new Chosen One. I promise to take care of her.” Vincent’s eyes widened with glee and said,

“That sounds like a good idea and one no doubt our brother would approve of, for he would want you two to form a good friendship.”

“Indeed,” she said looking to me with her fake smile. I, on the other hand, swallowed hard and said,

“Oh that’s okay, I should be getting back to my sister…”

“Nonsense! And besides, you wouldn’t want to upset your lover’s sister now would you?” Sophia hissed, taking me by the arm, digging her nails in and pulling me towards one of the open archways.

“Don’t worry brother, I will take excellent care of her,” Sophia said over her shoulder to Vincent who had no choice but to watch us leave.

I gave her one look and said, 

“You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” I don’t know what was more chilling, her smile or the answer she gave me…


“Let’s have a chat first, shall we?”         























Chapter 58

A Poisonous Reunion




I have to say that those unfortunate times when I thought about death I think the very last thought on my mind was seeing it coming by the hand that had hold of me now. Sophia continued to drag me from sight and I dare say she had been waiting for a moment just like this before making her move.

The second she had pulled me from the great hall, she spun me round to face her and with the hatred I saw in her eyes, I half expected her to just strangle the life out of me right there and then. But instead of snapping my neck like she wanted, she grabbed hold of the long piece of material down my back and used it to wrap around my head and across my neck to conceal my face.

I wished in that moment that I had the strength to do something but my mind was numb. It was stupidly too busy fooling myself into believing that when we reached our destination that she could be reasoned with. And if not, what then I thought, playing devil’s advocate with myself. My only option left would be the truth. I would have no other choice but to tell her who I really was and hope on all that is holy that she believed me, because if she didn’t then more would be lost than just my life.

So I let her drag me to where she had murder in her mind, all the while hoping that there was a shred of the Sophia in there that I knew. Something inside her that I could appeal to and I feared that the only part of that would be her supernatural side, for I think it was clear that her humanity had yet to develop.

“Inside,” she ordered me, once we finally reached an elaborately carved door that looked too feminine to belong to anyone else but Sophia. She pushed me inside after checking that we weren’t followed and I fell forward, only just righting myself in time before I landed on my knees.

I looked up and under different circumstances I would have smiled when seeing Sophia’s room for the first time. It was like a movie set as if any minute now an Arabian princess would walk in the room and start singing about her love for Sinbad. Of course an Arabian princess did walk in the room but I think singing was the last thing on her mind at the moment, that was unless it was a song about happy stabbing.

The room was covered floor to ceiling in expensive fabrics of every colour that hung down in swags. These were then held to the wall with a golden border that had fan shaped shells in the moulding and golden pillars with the same design to match in every corner. Beautiful exotic art work from around the world decorated most of the walls and these were all framed with the same expensive luxury.

Furniture, both carved and handcrafted, was dotted around the place amongst other worldly treasures. Such as a stuffed peacock standing on a plinth and a tiger’s head which hung over a Japanese screen. These I couldn’t help but scrunch my nose at as I didn’t believe in using animals as trophies. To feed a starving family, then yes or to clothe them so they didn’t freeze to death, sure thing. But just for sport… then I say take up a hobby that doesn’t include killing a living creature and let’s make the world a better place…but hey, that was just my opinion.

Other items included scatter pillows in every colour, shape and size all positioned around a low hexagonal table that only stood a foot high. All of its feet were carved in the shape an elephant’s head and this was where she wanted me to sit. I did as I was told as I didn’t think it wise at this juncture to piss her off even more, not if I was going to try and convince her not to kill me.

I sat down amongst the pillows and anyone walking in now would be fooled into believing we were just about to have a friendly chat over some freshly brewed tea and cake…or at least that’s what that plate of soft looking sugary bread looked like because for all I knew it could have had razor blades hidden inside it!

“You know I envy you in a way.” Sophia surprised me when this was the first thing out of her mouth and I couldn’t help but reply with,

“I highly doubt that.” Deciding to cut the ‘time warp’ bullshit here and just be myself.

“You don’t believe me?” she asked almost acting insulted.

“No, why, do you like having everyone trying to kill you?” I responded sarcastically.

“Ah, well that is a misfortune indeed. But alas no, I was referring more to your freedom to love, something my brother unfortunately does not have the privilege of,” she said lifting up her long skirt and gracefully folding her legs, coming to sit down opposite me.

“And you think being sold into a King’s harem as a slave is freedom to choose?” I asked her, trying no doubt in vain to get her to see life through the eyes of a mortal living in the real world.

“Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that didn’t happen to you, that you were in fact rescued from getting raped to death,” she snapped but my come back was even better.

“Yes and imagine my luck when finding myself no better off being sat opposite my death now, because either way, there are people determined to kill me because of that freedom to love you speak of.” Sophia didn’t have much to come back at with this but simply growled at me.

“So I ask you…do you still think I am free?” Sophia tore her gaze from me and looked down at the floor deep in thought. 

“I think you are free enough to make the right choice,” she said and after giving it sometime she finally looked back up at me. 

“And that choice you speak of is walking out of here and leaving your brother.” At this she laughed once and it wasn’t exactly what I would call a joyful sound.

“By the Gods no. I am afraid the time for that has long passed. No, no, my brother is so besotted with you that it would be no use if you ran,” she said waving her hand around as though we were merely discussing the weather. 

“You think he would find me?” I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

“Oh, undoubtedly,” she agreed but this was when her demeanour started to change. Sophia was always so regal looking in this time, holding herself up tall and straight, even given how small she was around her brothers. If anything, seeing the way she had run at Vincent had been a shock but now, with the way her shoulders seemed to slump in defeat, I knew she was at least finding this hard. Or so I liked to think when she released a big sigh.

“It is true that I have never seen him like this or looking so happy. And if circumstances were different then I may have even thanked you for it at one time. But we do not live in a different time…” I had to hold back from muttering ‘no shit’ at this point but thankfully she carried on before I had the chance.

“We live in this one and in this one I find myself the unfortunate task to act on what is best for my people and you my dear, are not what is best for my people.” Wow, way to suck it to me right in the gut, Sophia.

“You don’t hold back do you?” I commented making her laugh, for real this time.

“Not usually, no. I am afraid I don’t have that luxury in my position.”

“Can I ask you a question?” I boldly asked my soon to be murderer.

“I guess I don’t see the harm in it, as we have a few minutes yet,” she said shrugging her shoulders after giving my death a time frame.

“Have you ever been in love?” Now this question certainly threw her off as she seemed to do a double take.

“It would not matter if I had been or not.”

“Oh I beg to differ with you there, for I think it would matter a great deal. If you had ever experienced love, like I doubt you have, then what you are about to do would not come so easy to you.” I said calling her out and by doing so, it obviously made her angry. She banged her fist on the table making the little golden cups shake and the tall silver teapot rattle.

“You think this comes easy to me!?”

“You said it yourself that you have never seen him this way or looking so happy, yet you are still prepared to take that all away from him, just because of what you
you know of the future.” I told her, trying to get through to her before I was forced to tell her the truth in order to save my life.

“I may not know much about love but I know that nothing is without its sacrifice!”

“And you, what would you be willing to sacrifice to achieve the same goal? Would you give up that kind of happiness so easily?” I asked pushing her for an answer.

“I would give up everything for my people!” she snapped, standing up in her outrage.

“Then are you saying that your brother is unworthy to rule his people because of the choices he makes?”

“I did not say that!” she shouted and I knew I had her caught in her own net.

“No, but you will be by killing me and taking away his choice!” I snapped back getting angry myself.

“He is blinded by you! He cannot see the truth of his actions with you standing in his way!” At this I laughed and said, 

“And now you are saying your brother is weak in the shadow of a woman!”

“ARGH!” Sophia had no come back other than to let her rage build and get the better of her.

“You are merely trying to prolong your life and trick me into letting you go.”

“I am not trying to trick you into anything, I am just trying to get you to see sense and to realise that you too have a choice. You can kill me and devastate your brother or you could have faith and see what the future holds, as you may find it not to be as dire as you think.”

“You want to be queen, is that it?!” she said quickly turning my argument back on me and using some deluded quest for power. I jolted back in my own outrage and said,

“I couldn’t care less about becoming queen and sitting on a throne!”

“You lie! Why else would you try and convince me to let you live out your days by my brother’s side. If it was merely to spare your life, you would be trying to convince me to let you go and get as far away from the palace as you could. For that would be the smarter choice, for if all I wanted to do was be rid of you, it would make sense to convince me of such.” This made me furious as she still hadn’t got it!

“What and you think he is the only one who can fall in love!” I shouted back banging my own hand on my side of the table. Now this bit of news did take her back and for a moment she was silent. Had she not thought my love for him would be even the slightest possibility?

I wondered in that moment whether I had finally got through to her but when she shook her head at the floor and said softly, 

“Then you will die a tormented martyr.”

“Better to die a martyr than to live a thousand lifetimes knowing the one I loved was cruelly taken from me by my own flesh and blood!” I shouted back placing both my hands on the little table and leaning forward. Sophia looked back at me utterly enraged and was panting because of it as we continued our showdown. Looking at her now was like looking at Sophia’s evil twin and it was hard to put them together, let alone go as far as saying they were the same damn person!

“By the Gods I should first rip out your tongue for daring to speak to me that way!” I laughed again and said,

“And what, you think someone intended on murdering me in cold blood deserves my respect!? Get a clue! You’re angry because you know what I say is true!” At this she snarled at me and turned away, knowing she had no come back once again. Was I really wearing her down?

“Tell me, for I am curious. How do you think your brother is going to react to the news that you killed me?”

“Ha! You’re a fool if you think I would ever let him find out.” Oh so her plan was finally coming out.

“Oh and you don’t think he will simply put two and two together when he knows you pretty much forced your brother’s hand in letting you bring me here.” At this she huffed and just waved her hand around the air, as she paced the room.

“All he will know was that I was trying to get to know you in an effort to please him.”

“What, even after Ranka tells him that you attempted to have me killed once before, is he really going to believe that you had so much of a change of heart in only one day?!”

“My brother will trust in whatever I tell him to believe.”

“Oh please! You are deluding yourself if you think that is true. He told you himself to stay away from me, and now here we are drinking tea at a knife’s edge!” She snapped her head back to glare at me and said,

“And how do you know that?!” I had to think for a second as I couldn’t exactly tell her the truth.

“He told me himself.”

“You lie!”

“Then how would I know, if it was not he who told me?” I waited a minute for this to sink in before carrying on, 

“He even expressed to me how he didn’t trust you and told me to stay clear of you.” Okay so this was all a bare faced lie but right now, fighting this battle of wills and doing so where the prize for winning was my life, then hell yeah, I was fighting with my own claws!

“I don’t care what the consequences are, for I will not be swayed any longer!” Okay, so this sounded like it was backfiring pretty quickly! I knew now for certain that I wasn’t going to get through to her, that much was obvious. So it was time to play my last and only trump card…
the truth.

“Alright Saphira, have it your way. Time to…”

“NO! I will hear no more of what you have to say!” Sophia shouted and then snapped her fingers. I rolled my eyes to express my frustration but this quickly turned into panic as the long piece of fabric around my neck started to tighten. I instantly made a grab for it and managed to get a few fingers in there before it could strangle me completely.

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