Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7) (27 page)

BOOK: Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7)
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“Good girl, now do as I asked of you.” He let go of my neck and this time I quickly did as he ordered and without hesitation. My heart was pounding but my sexual desire was through the elaborate arched roof! I loved it when he got off by dominating me and I could feel the evidence of it pooling in between my thighs.

“You looked beautiful tonight with just the hint of skin teasing me but there is a reason I wanted you more covered than the others,” he said running his fingers softly down my cleavage making me moan again and bite my lip to stop me from begging for more.

“I have never felt the venomous bite of jealousy before but the thought of your body being seen by any other lustful gaze but mine had me intervening in your outfit choice.”

“Is that why I wore a different colour from the rest?” I couldn’t help myself but I had to ask.

“I am not interested in the others but you, well I wanted to make a statement that you had already been chosen the second you stepped foot into the room. And besides, the colour suits your milky skin and brings out the blue in your eyes.” I couldn’t help but smile to myself when hearing this. But if that was the case and I had already been chosen as he stated then why would he make me dance?

“I know what you are thinking as your eyes give you away. I wanted to see if you would dance for me…” He paused for a moment as he unhooked my jacket at my breasts, letting them burst free into his hands. I leaned back against him, happily pressing them further into his palms.

“But when you brazenly declared to the whole room that your dancing was for my eyes only, well then, how could I refuse such an offer.” This was when I froze under his touch making him laugh behind me.

“Not feeling so brave now, little one?” he said and all I could do was shake my head a little, silently begging him not to ask it of me.

“Lucky for you then that I am quite content having you here against me so that I can freely explore what is mine to play with.” Hearing this I finally took a deep breath after holding one in for so long, which again made him chuckle behind me. I wanted to come back with something sassy and was about to speak when he pinched my nipples hard, shocking me into silence.

“You were saying?” he asked, toying with me. I tested the theory and opened my mouth to respond only to have him do it again and harder this time. A little cry was all I managed to get out and he followed with,

“Good, you are understanding our little game now, for every time you speak without being asked, you will feel the sweet bite of pain, one I know you like for I can smell your sweet musk from here.” I blushed feeling embarrassed by this but soon his hands quickly took away all other feelings other than lust.

He played with my breasts, working them to the point that was maddening and had me begging for more. But the second that word slipped out, he pinched me harder again, and I swear I almost came from it.

“Oh you like that, don’t you?” he asked and when I didn’t reply he did it again, making me cry out.

“I asked you a question, little lamb.” I nodded in response only this wasn’t good enough for him so he squeezed them harder still, this time adding the bite of his thumb nail to press against the sensitive tips. I cried out even louder and arched myself back, shouting,

“Yes! Yes, yes I like it!” This obviously amused him as I felt his laughter once again rumbling against my back.

“I think it’s time to see for myself,” he said letting go of my breasts and putting a stop to his sweet torturing of them. I have to say I was sad that it ended but also intrigued as to what he would do next.

“Lean forward and hand me the box,” he ordered and I automatically pulled my jacket closed.

“Did I say you could hide your body from me?” he asked sternly, giving me a ‘tutting’ sound before grabbing me back roughly to his chest, spinning me around to face him and leaning down so this time his torture could continue with his mouth. He lifted my breast up to his lips before he sucked a hard nipple inside and then had me crying out when he used his teeth against it.

“Oh please, please!” I begged for something I didn’t know or maybe I did know and was too ashamed to ask for. But despite this his biting continued as he worked me up into a frenzy. He would scrape his fang across before using his tongue to sooth the hurt and then lure me into a false sense of security before biting down hard enough to have me calling out again. I don’t know how long it lasted for, but only when he knew I was close to coming did he cruelly stop.

“No, please don’t.”
The moan slipped out with no way of stopping it and I could almost feel him smiling.

“Soon my sweet one, for I promise to let you come shortly but first, let me show you my gift…now do as you were told and this time, without trying to hide yourself from me.” I nodded my compliance, turned and leaned forward feeling slightly embarrassed as the weight of my breasts fell forward into the hands he had waiting there.

“I love the feel of them filling my hands,” he told me making the heat rise to my cheeks even more.

“Don’t stop…continue,” he ordered as I had paused as soon as he started to touch me again. I grabbed the box trying to stop from shaking, unable to prevent the effect he had on me.

“Now open it,” he instructed once I had placed it down on my knees. I did as I was told and gasped at the beautifully erotic and scary sight that lay inside.

“I told you I would get you in chains again,”
he whispered seductively to me. I gulped down the hard lump as I let my fingers circle the stunning gold craftsmanship. In fact, if it hadn’t been for the thick chain connecting them together I would have thought it looked more like two heavy pieces of jewellery than a pair of shackles. My mouth dropped slightly as I took in the sight of the most beautiful pair of thick gold bands sat nestled amongst the blood red silk.

Draven lifted them up for me to see better and I soon realised that the same red silk was used on the insides of them, to act as cushioning.

“I didn’t want to see these delicate wrists bruised again from any rough treatment I had in mind for you.” Hearing this made me swallow hard.  I didn’t respond, not knowing what to say but instead couldn’t help but notice the striking contrast between the two vivid colours of gold and red. It gave them a royal sensuality that soon had me excited to see what they would look like clamped tight against my skin.

I let my finger tip trace the foreign writing across the band that was bordered by twisted vines and small intricate flowers that were also richly encrusted with small sparkling diamonds and larger purple jewels at their centres.

“What does it mean?” I asked, unable to help the way my voice sounded all breathy.

“It means you belong to me and that now…” he paused for a moment so that he could bite down on my ear before whispering the next part of his promise…


“…It’s time to really play.”       















Chapter 62

Chained to my King





Soon after this Draven took me by the hand and walked me into one of the rooms that branched off from the one we had been sat in. I wasn’t surprised to see it was the one with the bed in but I was surprised by how little of the room I’d taken in last time. In fact, it soon started to dawn on me that this wasn’t the same room at all.

I didn’t say anything as it wasn’t the time to ask, that much was obvious with the way Draven led me inside with one hand and held onto the shackles with the other. I only had a brief time to scan the room before he spun me around to face him, momentarily shocking me enough that my mouth slipped open.

“I like that look on you,” he told me as he slipped his thumb inside for me to suck. Then he started walking me backwards until I was up against the wall.

“From the first moment I saw you chained up I knew that I had to see you that way again. I must confess that I have thought of little else than the sight of your body stretched out, naked and helpless in chains, ready to receive the pleasure I will soon force upon you.” I couldn’t help but close my eyes at the thought of the delicious image he conjured up in my mind.

“So let’s see what we can do about making that happen now, shall we?” he said before pulling the jacket the rest of the way from my body and down my arms before discarding it on the floor.  

“That’s much better, now hold out your arms.” I did as I was told without hesitation this time and I couldn’t help but watch him in utter fascination as he ran his finger over the inscription making it unlock.

I uttered smiling and receiving a mischievous grin back as he raised his eyes to mine. Then he placed the first band of gold around one wrist before clamping it shut and then doing the same to the other, pulling on the thick chain slightly to check they were secure. Once he was satisfied his grip on the links tightened as he started to raise up my arms until I had no choice but to lift them to where he wanted them to go.

“Trust me Sweetest one, for I promise to take care of you.” he told me softly as my face must have given away some of my trepidation. I gave him a small nod, giving him the go ahead to carry on. With one arm he banded my waist lifting me up slightly and at the same time he hooked the chain around something I couldn’t see above me. Then he let me down slowly making sure the length was just right so as not to cause me too much discomfort.

Once finished he took a few steps back to admire his handy work, doing so with a hand on his beard, causing my anxiety to hitch up a notch along with my libido.

“Perfection is but one step away,” he said to himself and without any more warning he reached out, grabbing the waist of my trousers and yanking it hard, then he stepped into my body as it swung towards him to take a demanding kiss. The second his lips touched mine I opened my mouth with a feverish desperation to taste him. I couldn’t help but moan against him, pulling at my shackles simply because I wanted more. He heard the noise and pulled back a little to lift a questioning eyebrow at me.

“You want more, little lamb?” he asked in a husky voice, thick with his own lust.

“Yes, with you I always want more.” I told him truthfully causing his eyes to flash purple before he could contain it. Then he crushed his lips back to mine, this time taking our kiss to the next level. His hands entwined in my hair pulling my head back, opening myself up further to him and a small whispered ‘yes’ escaped inside his mouth.

I soon heard the sound of material ripping and when I felt the air hit my naked legs I knew my trousers had been snatched off. I kicked off my little slippers that no longer matched my naked outfit and soon my legs were wrapping around him in an attempt to get him closer. I briefly heard Pip’s warning ringing in my head but my addiction for this man wouldn’t let it sink in far enough to stop this.

“No, come back to me.” I demanded as he tore his lips from mine. But it was only when I saw his eyes glowing purple that I knew why he’d stopped…
I was provoking his Demon to come out and play.

“No, but you will come for me,” he told me as he suddenly dropped to his knees before me. At first my naive mind asked itself what he was doing but then he started to lift up my legs, hooking them over his shoulders making it clear. I think my whole body started to blush as he spread me out for his view. My natural instinct was to close my legs but this was impossible with the way he had firmly situated himself in between my thighs.

“Oh Gods!” I shouted on a cry at the first swipe of his tongue against my clit making him chuckle against my mound. Then he ran a finger along the insides of my folds and passed my opening, dragging the juices to his waiting lips.

“So fucking sweet!” he said on a growl before diving in and making a meal out of me. Suddenly he gripped both my cheeks with his hands and pulled me tight against his mouth as I fought against him, trying to pull away from the intensity of it all. But he wouldn’t let me and instead drove me to screaming as he sucked my clitoris into his mouth and rolled it around with his teeth. I came like a firecracker, bucking against him and filling the room with the sounds of sweet cries of torture and the sound of my chains rattling above me.

“Please, oh God please stop.” I begged as my body started to betray me as the rise of another orgasm started to build.

“One more I think,” he told me looking up and seeing me almost in tears from it all.

“Oh no…no, no, no…yes, yes, YEEESSS!” I screamed changing my tune very quickly as I came again causing my legs to shake and my muscles to twitch against him. It was as if someone was injecting me with a drug and I could feel it seeping into my system causing a beautiful sweet euphoria. 

I dragged the air into my lungs trying in vain to get my breath but this was made harder when he started lapping me up and growling because of it. When he finished he pulled back and rested his forehead on my stomach, looking down as he panted. He must have been trying to control himself before he dared looking back up at me, which sent a twinge of regret in my heart. I just wished for nothing more in that moment than for us to be able to be honest with each other and both reveal our secrets.

But I knew that we had come to a standstill because either way, once we both crossed that line and had sex, we would both discover the truth. Which was why I wasn’t surprised when he stood up, and without a word lifted me up off the hook. Then he placed the chain behind his head so that I had to hold onto his shoulders as he walked us both to the bed.

“Are you alright, my King?” I asked him softly placing a hand on his cheek to get him to look at me.

“You were perfect,” he told me sweetly, but this hadn’t been what I had asked him, so I reminded him of the fact,

“That’s not what I asked.” He didn’t answer me at first and I didn’t think he was going to until he lay us both upon his bed, one this time that was more fitting for a King and not a barbarian ruler. Silks instead of furs and carved wood that raised up until it touched the ceiling and twisted into four sides of an arch.

“I do not want to push you too far.” Or himself I thought silently, knowing in his mind this was what it was.

“I would never be afraid of you,” I told him gently after he positioned us on our sides facing each other, my chains still firmly in place behind his neck as he obviously still wanted to keep me close.

He looked taken aback by my confession and for a moment incredibly touched by it but then the reality of what he would have to tell me must have set in. He frowned, obviously already convincing himself that I would run from him. Of course, when we had first met he knew that I had been seeing Demons since the age of seven, so he never had these fears until now.

“You don’t know of what you speak,” he told me, convincing himself of this.

“I know my own heart, even if others choose not to trust in it.” I told him angrily, letting him know of the insult he caused.

“I trust in what you believe you feel little one, but I also know how possible it is for feelings to change,” he told me running a thumb along my cheek.

“Then the feelings must have been false to begin with for real true love only ever changes when it gets stronger, not weaker,” I told him making him smile.

“Another lesson for me to learn?” he asked, quickly back to teasing me. I laughed and said,

“Only if it sinks in and stays there,” I teased back only half joking. He looked me up and down smiling to himself this time and then as he found my eyes once more said something that was truer than he would ever know…


“Many things can be proven in time, so we shall see.”    










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