Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) (15 page)

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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She nodded.

“Get some rest now,” the young doctor told her with a kind smile.

Blandon leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. Her eyes were puffy around the outside but sunken on the inside. Her skin was pale and she looked gaunt. But he could see real hope emanating from her and it touched his heart. He placed the pictures on her nightstand and she lay down, still clutching the little blue hat to her chest. He turned the framed photo to face her and she snuggled down in the bed, gazing at it.

“I’ll be back soon,” he promised as he walked slowly toward the door to follow the doctors out.

“Blandon,” she whispered and he turned back to see her staring at him. “Thank you.” He could tell that her words were heartfelt and his own heart burned with pride. He winked at her and nodded before leaving.

* * * *

Melantho felt a warmth inside her which she had not felt in a long time. She laid her throbbing head on the soft pillow and focussed on the photograph of the little baby.
little baby. He had been the only good thing to come out of that awful time, and she had lost him.

Her mind wandered back to the day she had conceived him. It had been her twenty-first birthday. Like all the girls on Refrainia this was the day when they became a Siren and had their first trip over to Destiny Rock. Sapphire had helped her comb her long mousy-brown hair and she had worn her best bikini. Hermandine had shouted at her to sing, which she did, though she didn’t think she was very good at it. The sailors on that big ship had been leaning over the side, shouting and making lewd comments to the girls. Melantho had been shocked by their suggestions and had tried to hide behind her friends. She remembered how her heart had wrenched when she saw the massive wooden hull smash to smithereens on the hidden reef which surrounded Destiny Rock.

The terrified expressions of the sailors as they realized what had happened haunted her, and she remembered gaping eyes staring her way as they were engulfed by the treacherous waves for the last time. She had wanted to run away, screaming, but Hermandine and Solon had been waiting nearby. Hermandine always accompanied new Sirens on their first day. She had said it was for support, but Melantho soon realized she was making sure she did her “duty.”

A young man had been one of the last to crawl out of the freezing water, and he slumped onto the rock panting for breath. Melantho had felt Hermandine’s cruel, beady eyes bore into her and had gone over to the young lad. He appeared to be about the same age as her, and was rather handsome. She had offered him her shawl as he had been shivering and he had given her such a dazzling smile in return.

All around her she had seen her friends stripping the men of their soaking uniforms. The midday sun was warm and she knew they would soon dry off. She helped the young man out of his clothes and he stood up as he recovered his breath. His cock had been long and thin and was weeping as it pointed to her pussy.

They watched the other Sirens with their sailors and Melantho remembered blushing when she realized that she had to have sex with this guy. He seemed rather pleased at the idea, and he began to kiss her softly on the lips. She recalled her relief that he was kind and gentle with her, not like some of the other sailors who mauled and grabbed at the girls.

He had told her that his name was Phoebus and that he thought she was beautiful. She had told him her name and had felt a warm glow inside her as they had kissed. She thought he was very special, and had been surprised by the speed at which her feelings for him had grown. Phoebus had stroked her skin gently and then led her to a corner of the rock away from the others. He had run his fingers through her hair and told her he believed in love at first sight.

Melantho had been shy, but had also been shocked at the burning feeling which rose from inside her, and she had relished the touch of his cool skin, his hard muscles, and his confident fingers against her body. She knew how to make him feel good. It was something they had all been taught during their Siren training, but she hadn’t been prepared for the way it would make her feel. Phoebus had been very gentle with her and had nuzzled into her neck while planting tiny kisses down her throat and then down to her breasts. She remembered the feeling of shock and excitement which had flooded her as he had removed her bikini bra and started to suckle on her breasts, nipping and licking as hot sensations ran straight down to her girly parts.

She had felt herself get very wet, and at one point was worried that she had peed herself. Her concern turned to mortification when she had felt his strong hand slip into her panties and he ran his long fingers through the folds of her soaking pussy. He had chuckled deep in his throat, and she realized he was pleased rather than horrified with her reaction. She had felt stunned when he had yanked off her sodden panties, but he had reassured her that she was beautiful. The warmth which invaded her bones had relaxed her and she had welcomed the feel of his hands on her flushed body. His fingers had been softer than she had expected, and obviously experienced. She remembered him kneeling down to lick her pussy and the exquisite feelings which shot through her body. One of his hands had caressed her breast while the other circled her over-sensitized clit and she felt the passion mount within her. Her legs had started to shake beneath her and her whole body had quivered with excitement. She had grabbed his muscular shoulders in order to keep her balance as swathes of hot emotion flooded her whole body. Her mind had gone to mush and she closed her eyes as she felt herself hurtling toward an intense whirlpool of rapture she had never known before. Suddenly he had pinched her clit and her nipple at the same time and she had seen lights flash in front of her eyes as she soared like a lightning bolt up to heaven. The feeling had been like nothing she had ever encountered in her life and she remembered hearing herself scream in ecstasy.

She hadn’t even come back to earth before he had lain on top of her and poked his slim cock into her drenched pussy. It had hurt a little at first, but she was so turned on it didn’t matter. He had been so kind and gentle with her that she knew he wouldn’t hurt her on purpose. She felt herself start to rise again as his pace quickened and she remembered digging her nails onto his strong shoulders as he toyed with her breast. His dick was rock hard and seemed to reach right up to her womb. He told her he loved her just as he flicked a finger over her clit and he came in her at the same time as she screamed her release. She felt his boiling cum flood her insides, the heat adding the scorching volcano which erupted inside her. She saw the lights all around her again and she felt his soft kisses on her neck. She loved him in that instance and never wanted to let him go. She told him so when they had recovered and he had held her as they lay, panting, on the warm rock. He told her he loved her too, and wanted to stay with her forever.

The feeling of satiation and love didn’t last long. The sound of screeching pierced their reverie and they both sat up in horror when they saw the girls morph into beautiful winged creatures and fly up into the air. Talons replaced their hands and feet, and the sun glinted off their golden feathers. Melantho shuddered as she remembered seeing one of the girls swoop down onto a sleeping sailor and lift him high into the air. She soared over the edge of Destiny Rock and out to sea, where she screamed hysterically as she discarded him into the raging ocean. Melantho recalled her feelings of horror and despair as she saw her other friends do the same.

She had jumped up and run away, back to Refrainia. Hermandine had been standing by the causeway when she arrived, naked and sobbing. She remembered the old lady screaming at her that she hadn’t done her job properly, and ordering her to return to the others. Melantho had protested and Hermandine had slapped her hard across the face.

As she now lay in the hospital bed she could still feel the sting of that first slap and put her hand to her cheek. That slap turned out to be the first of many.

Hermandine had called her a failure and told her she was useless. She told her she was supposed to turn into a winged creature too, and follow the other Sirens’ lead. Neither could understand why Melantho hadn’t morphed, but Hermandine promised her she would pay for it.
And she paid all right!

The old crone had marched her back to Destiny Rock where the rest of the girls had now returned to their usual form and were washing blood from the rocks. Melantho looked around for Phoebus but he had gone. She recalled the ice which surged through her body as she realized that one of the other girls must have killed him. None of the sailors were left. She had picked up her bikini and dressed quickly while Hermandine screeched and yelled at her.

The rest of the girls finished cleaning up and jumped into the cool water to wash before putting their bikinis back on. They had been chatting and laughing as they worked, and afterward they lounged happily on the rocks. Melantho’s mind had been in complete turmoil. The man she loved was dead. The women she thought she knew had turned into strange monsters, killing men and
enjoying themselves
while they did it. She suddenly felt that her whole world was a lie. Her life had been a complete farce. She started to believe what Hermandine was telling her, that she was a failure, a freak, not worthy of being with the rest of the girls. She felt she had let them all down because she hadn’t been able to morph like them and join them in their duties, but at the same time she was secretly glad that she hadn’t. She wouldn’t want to be like them. She couldn’t kill anyone. And one of them had just murdered her beloved Phoebus.

That night Hermandine had ordered her to remove her belongings from her little hut and come and live with her in the attic of the big house. She told her she didn’t fit in with everyone else and so she must stay away from them, and work for her instead.

Tears rolled down Melantho’s face as she remembered the feelings of failure and loss. After that she had retreated into her own little world. A world which hadn’t involved anyone else. She cooked and cleaned for Hermandine. She did her laundry and made her bed. The house had linen and curtains and carpets, all of which needed regular cleaning, and the floors of the kitchen and bathroom had to be scrubbed daily. Hermandine had made her work from the time the sun came up until it was no longer possible to see.

She recalled being sick each time she woke up. Hermandine complained that she heard her and ordered her to stop it, but she couldn’t. It just got worse and she felt so tired and tetchy. Her stomach had begun to swell and her back and legs ached. She had assumed that the fatigue and aching joints were due to all the hard work she was doing, but when a sharp pain in her stomach had her doubled up on the floor of Hermandine’s front room one day, the old woman finally relented and took her to the hospital. Of course, she didn’t take her straight away. She made her wait until the Elders took their regular monthly trip over to Eastland.

When the doctor had told her she was going to have a baby she was stunned. She had no idea what that entailed, as Sirens never got pregnant. Hermandine had been mortified, especially when the doctor told her that he was having Melantho transferred to the Midcounty Maternity Hospital where she would be bedridden until the baby arrived. There were still a couple of months to wait and Hermandine had tried to insist on taking her home to continue her duties until it was due. The doctor had refused to listen to her, saying that the amount of activity Melantho had been doing was detrimental to the health of the baby and herself, and it had to stop.

Melantho had been taken to the Maternity Hospital where she had been surrounded by other women who were having babies. The nurses were very kind to her and had tried to answer all her questions, and even taught her about how to give birth. It had all been very frightening, all the same. Most of the other women had men who visited them regularly. Melantho realized that it was the norm for the father of the baby to either be married to, or at least love, the mother. She was pleased that Phoebus had declared his love for her, even though he had died soon after.

As memories swam through her mind Melantho gazed at the picture of her little Owen. She took the photo from the nightstand and held it close to her chest, along with the blue bonnet. Tears were pouring down her face as she slowly closed her eyes and allowed sleep to take over.

* * * *

Blandon had been pacing the corridor while Dr. Ernaut made telephone calls and Dr. Jay had e-mailed different government offices. The young sailor felt useless and spent his time gazing out of the window and drinking coffee. Eventually Dr. Jay came to find him.

“It’s getting late,” he said. “We’re not going to get any answers today so you need to get to the harbor and go home on
The Refrainian
. I’ve Super-Skyped Rech and they’re about ready to go.”

“But what about Mel?” Blandon frowned.

“She’s sleeping. She needs lots of rest. The good news is that she’s started talking, so we can get the counsellor in again. Owen isn’t expected to be adopted any time soon, but there are several procedures you need to go through to adopt a baby, so it will take time to assess whether it’s appropriate for Mel to have him. It’s not going to happen overnight.” Dr. Jay sighed.

“But she’s his mother for fuck’s sake. The boy needs a home and she needs her baby back. I don’t see the problem!” Blandon thumped the window in frustration.

“It’s not as simple as that. They will want to assess Mel to see if she’s fit to be his mother. At the moment she can hardly look after herself let alone a child. Her mental state will be taken into consideration as well as her ability to physically bring him up. Where will they live? Will they need money? Where will he go to school? It all has to be considered. Now you need to get back and get some rest. I’ll be in touch as soon as we’ve got some news.” Dr. Jay was clearly not happy with the situation, but he knew what he was doing, Blandon was sure of that.

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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