Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) (21 page)

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“Nothing. It’s just you’re health. I’ve checked your records and you’re not up to the journey today, that’s all,” Dr. Jay explained.

Melantho felt her breathing come in tiny rasps and she felt like crying again. “But you can’t. I need to see Owen. He needs me!” Her voice was verging on a scream as she began to get hysterical.

“You can see him tomorrow if you’re stronger,” Dr. Jay assured her as he helped her back into bed.

“He’ll be fine for one day,” Ademia said with a smile. “The staff love him to bits. You know they’ll take real good care of him.”

“But—but someone else might take him!” she wailed as the tears flooded her red face.

“They won’t. Things don’t work that quickly, you know that,” Dr. Jay said with a weak smile.

Blandon came into the room just then and frowned at the commotion.

“Blandon, he says I can’t go,” she blurted out to her fiancé.

He walked over to the bed and held her head over the bedcover. “I know, love, you’re simply not up to it today. Hopefully it’s just a blip and you’ll be better tomorrow,” he said softly.

“Will you go? And Ademia? Don’t let anyone else take him,” she pleaded as tears continued to roll down her flushed cheeks.

Blandon looked up at Dr. Jay.

“All right,” Dr. Jay agreed. “They can go in your place as long as you promise to rest up for the rest of the day and eat all your meals.”

At that point Melantho would have agreed to anything, so she nodded frantically and they kissed her before leaving the room.

She reached over for the trinket box on the nightstand and took out the tiny blue bonnet which she held to her chest as she snuggled down in the bed. She felt sick and dizzy and so miserable she didn’t think she would ever stop crying.

* * * *

By the time the others arrived back from East County Melantho was sat up in bed eating her dinner. She picked at the creamed potatoes and prodded at the sausages. She couldn’t taste any of it, as her throat seemed full of bile, but she remembered her promise to eat it so she tried her best.

“Owen sent you this!” Ademia burst in with a picture in her hand.

Melantho felt her heart lift a little as she stared at it. It was a big smiley face with a letter
underneath. He had used his favorite red crayon.

“It’s you,” Ademia told her with a giggle. “He drew it especially.”

Tears flooded Melantho’s eyes yet again and she held the picture to her. She knew she would treasure it forever. “How is he?” she whispered.

“Great. He did the picture for you and then we played a board game with one of the carers.” Ademia’s eyes shone as she recounted their afternoon. It seemed that Owen had had a wonderful time and was really tired by the time they left him to get his supper.

“Argi reckons he’ll be going to bed as soon as he’s eaten tonight. He’s shattered.” Blandon chuckled.

Melantho felt a lurch inside her heart and envied her friends for being able to spend time with her little boy. The nurse came to take her tray and frowned at her pathetic efforts. Melantho felt sick and wondered if she would have to stay behind again tomorrow. The thought made her feel even lower.

“Were the other couple there today?” she asked when Dr. Jay poked his head around the door to announce that he was going to get his supper if the others wanted to join him.

“I don’t think so. Argi certainly didn’t mention it, though she was sorry you couldn’t make it today,” he said with a smile.

As they all left her to go to the canteen she suddenly felt very alone and left out.
He’s my son, not theirs. It’s not fair that they can all see him and I can’t. That other couple have no rights to even meet him—he’s mine!

Her heart ached as she took the photograph of the tiny baby from her nightstand.
I can’t lose him again.

Slowly she climbed out of bed and opened the door. It was quiet in the corridor as the patients had finished their meal and the staff was taking staggered breaks. Her head was swimming as the bright lights assaulted her eyes and she held onto the doorframe for a minute to steady herself. She made her way down the corridor to Dr. Ernaut’s office and knocked on the door quietly. He seemed surprised to see her and got up to help her into the chair opposite his desk.

“I’ve made a decision,” she told him meekly, “and I need your help.”

“I’ll do whatever I can,” he promised.

“Poseidon has said that I can’t take Owen home with me.”

He nodded. “I heard.”

“The way I see it I can either have Owen and not go home or not have him but return to Refrainia.” Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke. “Dr. Ernaut, I can’t leave him again. I’m going to keep him and stay on Eastland.”

The elderly man rose from his chair and came to sit on the edge of his desk in front of her, studying her intently. “Are you sure?”

She nodded as tears trickled down her flushed face. “I need him and he needs me. Will you tell Argi that I will sign whatever papers I need to? Will you help me keep my baby?”

He smiled kindly at her. “Let’s get you back to bed and then I’ll call Argi,” he said, hopping off the desk.

“What are you doing out of bed?” Dr. Jay met them in the corridor.

“She came to see me,” Dr. Ernaut replied with a smile. “If you’ll wait in my office, Dr. Jasun, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Dr. Jay frowned. “Of course, doctor. Ademia and Blandon will be up in a minute.”

Melantho felt a feeling of dread overcome her at the thought of having to explain to them that she wouldn’t be returning to the island. She knew Blandon loved living on Refrainia and wasn’t really sure whether he would want to stay with her on the mainland. Guilt engulfed her as she realized she had made her decision without even consulting him. They were planning to get married and therefore should be making plans together.
Will he make me choose between him and Owen? Have I already made that decision?

She bit her lip as Blandon’s smiling face appeared around the door. Dr. Ernaut helped her into bed and then ushered Ademia out with him.

“What’s wrong?” Blandon frowned, studying her expression.

Melantho took a deep breath before explaining her decision to him. She fidgeted with her hands as she waited for his response.

After what felt like forever he covered her shaking hands with his. “OK. We’ll have to make arrangements,” he said decisively.

She stared up at him. He took her breath away. “Really? You’re staying with us?”

“Of course. We’re getting married aren’t we?” His soft lips covered hers and he kissed her long and tenderly.

“I love you,” she whispered.

She watched him search her face. “I love you too. But you look tired. Get some sleep and I’ll see what I can find out,” he told her. He planted another chaste kiss on her lips before tucking the covers around her.

* * * *

“It won’t work,” Dr. Jay told Blandon as he walked into Dr. Ernaut’s office. “She can’t stay. She hates it. She needs to get back to the island.”

“But she can’t leave Owen,” Ademia protested.

Dr. Ernaut was sat at his desk frowning at some notes in front of him.

“Have you rung the orphanage?” Blandon asked the elderly doctor as he sat down next to Ademia.

“It’ll all come down to her medical file,” Dr. Jay interjected.

“The orphanage is happy for Mel to have Owen as long as she can look after him. The doctors don’t think she can,” Ademia explained through gritted teeth.

“But you saw her. She’s miserable without him. It’s making her ill!” Blandon turned to Dr. Jay who was pacing the floor to the side of the desk. “Besides, I’ll be helping her to look after him.”

“She needs to get to the island. Being here is making her miserable, too,” Dr. Jay replied. “She’s never been away from Refrainia for this long. She needs the relaxed lifestyle and the sunshine. She should be with her friends in the place she knows.”

“She should also be with her baby,” Dr. Ernaut stated patiently.

“Do you think I don’t know that?” Dr. Jay snapped.

“That’s settled then,” Blandon said firmly as he stood up. “Dr. Ernaut, can you make the arrangements for us to pick up Owen as soon as Argi can organize it? And Dr. Jay will you find out when the ship’s next coming over from the island, so we can get a ride back with them? I’ll go and tell Mel the good news. We’re taking Owen home.”

Chapter 13

“Poseidon will go mad!” Melantho groaned as she sat on
The Refrainian
clutching her struggling toddler a few days later.

“You leave him to us,” Rechavia chuckled as he sat next to her on the bench. He put his strong arms up and Melantho passed over her little boy, who chuckled happily. He was dressed in a warm tracksuit and had a large orange buoyancy aid strapped to him. It swamped him, but it was the only way Melantho would allow him above deck.

Owen’s podgy fingers clung to Rechavia’s neck as he watched the waves over the large sailor’s shoulder. He soon settled in the arms of the muscular man, and babbled away, pointing to the sea. The wind blew his hair off his face and his sweet little cheeks turned bright pink in the chill of the morning.

“You look better.” Blandon smiled as he took the seat on the other side of his fiancée. Her health had improved tremendously in the past couple of days and she had regained her appetite. The hospital had discharged her with a clean bill of health and she had even hugged Dr. Ernaut when she thanked him for all his help as she left.

Ademia arrived with a tray of hot tea and fresh muffins which they had fetched from the café before setting off that morning. “Aitan got this for Owen,” she told Melantho as she held up a weird-looking cookie.

“It’s a gingerbread man,” Aitan called over from his position at the wheel.

“He’ll love that,” Blandon enthused. “Can I give it to him now?”

Owen had already heard his name and looked around to see what they were talking about. Immediately his shock of dark hair flew across his face. He chuckled cutely as he rubbed his little hands over his eyes.

Melantho smiled as her son took the cookie with wonder in his eyes. Blandon was going to be such a great dad. All of the sailors had taken to the cheerful little boy, and their endless patience with him warmed her heart. She watched as Owen crunched down hard on the gingerbread, and he grinned broadly as he held it up to show her where he had bitten into its head. She nodded and he offered her a bite. Not wanting to disappoint him she broke off a little piece and tasted it. She had never had anything like it before, and wasn’t sure whether she liked the warm, tingling sensation it gave her mouth, but she smiled, seeing that he obviously enjoyed it.

The journey home to Refrainia was filled with fun and laughter. Owen eventually fell asleep in Rechavia’s powerful arms, and Melantho stroked his little hand while she chatted happily to Ademia.

“Sapphire’s moved in with Delmer and Marinos,” Farris informed them, “so you’ll have the hut to yourselves when you get back.”

Melantho frowned, concerned that she had pushed her housemate out.

“You must be joking! They were only too happy to all live together. She’s spent so much time over in their hut lately, not wanting to be on her own with you away, it made perfect sense. And they’ve moved your stuff into Mel’s already.” Farris sniggered to Blandon. “Looks like we’ve started a trend.”

“She asked me loads of questions about living in a ménage.” Ademia grinned.

“Let’s hope they’re as happy as we are,” Dr. Jay said, giving their girl a hug.

“Impossible.” Ademia laughed.

It looked as though every one of the islanders was waiting to greet them on the harbor when they finally moored at Refrainia. Owen awoke to the sound of cheers and his little face lit up at the sight of all the people. He stared around in wonder at the beach and the island, reminding Melantho that this was all very foreign to him. She stroked his cheek, and Blandon took him from Rechavia to carry him off the ship.

Melantho was met with hugs and kisses from everyone. She felt like crying as she stared around at her home and all her friends. When she had left the island she thought she would never return. She hadn’t ever imagined that she would be here now with her son and her fiancé.

She watched as they all fussed and cooed over little Owen, whose little chuckle filled her ears. Blandon had stood him on the sand and removed his life jacket and he made friends with everyone right away.

“I hope you didn’t mind me moving out,” Sapphire told her, a little apologetically. “I really wanted to spend more time with the guys and we guessed Blandon would be moving in with you.”

“Of course not,” Melantho assured her, giving her a massive hug. “I hope you’re really happy together, I honestly do.”

Sapphire beamed.

“Time to get you some rest,” Dr. Jay reminded Melantho after a short while. She had been far too excited to sleep on the ship, and all the fuss made her feel quite tired, although she was deliriously happy.

“What a shame—I was hoping she was coming back with us,” Farris moaned playfully, “I’ve been gasping for a decent cup of tea for weeks!”

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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