Safe With You (20 page)

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Authors: Sophie Lira

BOOK: Safe With You
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“Liv-a-roosky.” He sets his plate on the coffee table and falls into the couch, almost launching me a foot in the air.

“Yes, Cameron?” I giggle, shoving the last of my toast in my mouth.

“We totally need a name. Hashtag, Liveron?” He pats my leg and shifts, facing me fully.

“That sounds like a Transformer.” I laugh, then swipe Kyle’s hoodie off the couch.

“Even better!” He ruffles my hair, pieces shooting up everywhere from static and his giant paw. “Say, when you’re feeling better, I’d really like it if you came out to the gym.”

“Why?” I raise an eyebrow at his request.

“I think it’d be a good idea if you took some real self-defense classes. On the house.” He smiles. I love it that it’s not the same smile he flashes when he wants something because I sure as shit know that look, mainly when he wants to drag Kyle out to drink his face off.

I also feel this huge pull at my heartstrings because he cares about me, too. If it were two months ago, I wouldn’t have even entertained the thought of going. I figured, in all my irrational glory, I was okay. But no one is ever just okay. Cam only wants the best for me and he wants to see me protected. It’s not because of his loyalty to Kyle, but because he’s a good guy.

Even if he did break Braden’s jaw and arm in multiple places.

“That really means a lot to me.” I smile, placing my plate on the table. “I’d really like that. Would it be okay if Natasha came, too?”

He laughs so deep it almost shakes the couch. “Liv, she’s been getting the defense.”

“Oh God, stop!” I burst into laughter, doubling over. I gasp through a breath as my ribs protest, but I don’t care. I make a mental note to grill Natasha because apparently her quitting Cam cold turkey did not go as well as she told me.

Or at all.

I’ll never mention to Cam the things Natasha’s told me about whatever they want to call their relationship. He did get her through that first night better than I ever could have, but he’s definitely not a one-woman kind of guy. Not that Natasha screams monogamy from the rooftops, but I knew from the beginning Cam was way different to her and for her. I just wish they’d both be a little more careful. They’re both accustomed to getting anyone they want and I can see this backfiring real fast.

Brick shithouse or not, I will beat the piss out of him if he hurts her. The sad part is, I know it could realistically happen. She’s mentioned the
Cameron look o’ lust
and how overly friendly he is to anyone with a rack. Well, except for me … I think?

Cam’s phone lights up about an hour later, interrupting our third round of Mario Kart, and he’s still getting Yoshi handed to him on a silver platter. If I’ve mastered anything in life, it’s old-school video games.

“Natasha’s getting out of work early so I need to jet.”
Really, Tash? Overtime my ass.
Pushing to his feet, he holds out his hand. “C’mon dollface, don’t leave me hanging.” Before I can retort, I’m tugged to my feet and crushed into a mass of Brazilian and Greek anatomy. It’s incredible how different two bear hugs—or in Cam’s case, a Jolly Humongous Giant hug—can make me feel.

“I can’t breathe,” I exaggerate, as I’m consumed inside his frame. I can barely return the friendly affection as he picks me a half-foot off the ground. “And my ribs … ”

“Shit, sorry.” He releases his death grip.

Out of nowhere, his kindness gets to me tenfold. Tears of longing stack in my eyes, wishing Tyler would acknowledge my existence and that I could go to him. I’m not sure if we were ever at that point. But I always thought big brothers looked after little sisters. “I never thanked you for the whole Braden thing. Cam, what you did, and then driving all the way out here today … You’ll never know how much that means to me. So, thank you, so much. I’ll never be able to repay you.”

“Anyone would have ripped the scumbag’s body apart.” Smiling, he pulls me into another hug for a minute. “Liv, always remember that you’ll never only be my best friend’s girlfriend. You’re my friend, too.”

“I didn’t expect this from you, honestly.” This is so foreign to me it’s making my head spin.

“I know. Everyone seems to think I’m an asshole, but I’m not. Well, not to the people I really like.” He opens the door and turns around. “Kyle’s on his way back. You okay here for about ten minutes?”

“I’m fine. Go!” I shake my head, closing the door behind him and triple locking it.

I spend the next few minutes cleaning up the dishes and kitchen, putting everything away. I don’t mind playing Suzy Homemaker here because it feels right, even in the short time I’ve been here.

When the door unlocks mere moments later, the air in Kyle’s apartment explodes like it did the first time I was here. Except now, I’m over being the petulant, hurt girl who doesn’t trust anyone. I trust Kyle and I want him.


“Hey.” He sets his keys on the counter as I’m drying my hands. His semi-athletic garb, beanie, and aviators turn me into a smoldering pile of swoon.

I smile and motion him over. Within seconds, we dive into each other with a lust that leaves me breathless before we even really start. He picks me up and my legs lock around his waist. Not hesitating, I pull off my shirt and fling it to the floor. I rock my hips into his and he groans into the crook of my neck as he navigates us into his room.

I love how he doesn’t drop me onto his bed like a caveman. He gently places me on the edge and rips off his T-shirt, abs and muscles displayed everywhere for my devouring eyes to see.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ on a cracker.

As he hovers over me, I untie the drawstring on his pants. My hands rove south and he grabs my wrist gently.

“Are you sure?” he pants, holding my gaze. “Olivia, I mean it. If this is too fast … ”

I shimmy out of my leggings and palm him again through his thin sweatpants. “What do you think?”

“Damn.” Kyle grips me under my legs and moves me further back. He kisses down my neck and kneels on either side of my thighs. I’ve been self-conscious my entire life, but running and yoga have kept me in shape, and by the way Kyle is staring at me, I think he appreciates my efforts.

“What?” I bite my lip and pull my hair out of the messy bun it’s been in all day. The long strands splay around me and cover my shoulders and chest.

“You are so beautiful, I can’t process it sometimes. And this … ” he guides my bra strap down, “is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

Andddd I’m turning red everywhere.

“Thanks.” My voice cracks and my hands fly over my face.

“Don’t hide yourself.” Kyle drops on the bed next to me, nuzzling my neck. I dissolve into the bed as he guides my lacy underwear down my legs. I arch into his hand as he starts working, my moans breaking our kiss.

I twist toward him, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately. My body damn near rides his hand and it’s building quicker than I anticipated. He must feel it because he pulls back and stares me in the face. Hooking up was never like this. I am not like this: this vocal, this wanting.

Within seconds I’m smiling and screaming his name, still staring at him. This isn’t some kind of weird power trip he’s pulling on me. He wants me to trust what he’s doing. I take his face in my hands, never breaking eye contact.

And it’s really fucking hot.

And I trust him.

I really love him, too.

Chapter Eighteen







“Please … ” Olivia begs, her back arching and her eyes squeezed shut.

“What do you want?” I run my fingers over her most sensitive spot. My teeth nip at her earlobe as I press a little harder. “Again?”

She nods, beads of sweat dotting her forehead. Her hand comes around the back of my neck and she kisses me, her tongue twirling with mine. She whimpers into my mouth before pulling away, her breaths deep and moans escaping. Before I can fully enjoy the striptease, she reaches behind her, unclasps her bra, and throws it on the floor.

“Fuck!” She arches her back as I move faster.

“Come on, love. Gimme one more?” I ask low in her ear, getting closer but not kissing her yet. “I’m making up for lost time.”

Her gorgeous green eyes fly open as she pants, my gaze locked on hers. Every inch of her skin feels like cashmere. I fucking love that she’s still staring at me.

“That was incredible.” She stares toward the ceiling as I withdraw my fingers. Her face is flushed and relaxed with the sexiest pink tint.

“Olivia, I’m … ” I gasp as she reaches down to palm me once more.

She kisses me again and my brain is warning me this is going too fast, that she might freak out and stop. I don’t want her to stop. She pulls my dick out of my boxers, my sweats halfway down my legs. I’m so hard, if I don’t get off pretty soon, I feel like I might die. Her hand grips the shaft, sliding up and down as she kisses me. I realize she’s totally naked and it makes me want to fuck her even more.

I know she’s not a fuck for me. She would never be just some fuck. I close my eyes tight as she goes faster, my breaths becoming more urgent. She stops kissing me and before I realize what she’s doing, her hot, slick mouth is sliding over me.

“Holy fuck.” Instinct shoves my hands through her glossy hair, guiding her as she goes slow and so fucking deep. It feels like an eternity, but I know it’s probably only seconds before I’m totally done.

She doesn’t stop, gripping my dick like she doesn’t care. I can’t hold out. I close my eyes tight as she swirls her tongue once more, then I’m gone. I release harder than I expected, the most explosive fucking thing I’ve ever felt, ricocheting through my bones and muscles like the most powerful drug. I can only sit there and stare, piecing together what the hell happened.

She crawls toward me, her back arched and perfect ass up in the air, her wavy hair draped all around her. I can only smile as she pushes me flat and snuggles into my side.

I swallow again, my dick still twitching. “The way … and then … Wow.”

She laughs a little and I glance down, her face more blazing red than I’ve ever seen. “Can I tell you something?”

“Of course.” I breathe deeply through my nose as she swirls her fingers over my abs.

“Do you want to know why Natasha calls me Chip?” Her voice is like a phone-sex operator on overdrive.

“Sure?” This might be the most fucked-up story I’ve ever heard.

“Freshman year I had my impacted wisdom teeth, tonsils, and adenoids taken out in one surgery. She said I looked like Simon from Alvin and the Chipmunks because I had big black glasses and my face was all swollen.” She kisses my neck and I fall into her touch because I think I know what’s coming, literally, after this. Her lips press to my ears and she inhales. “I’ve had no gag reflex since,” she whispers.

I grab her hand because if she gets me any harder, I’m going to want to fuck her senseless. But that’s not how I want her first time with me to be.






All I want is to be with her. This past week has been great, but I want to us to be full circle. We were so close last night, but she stopped. Something triggered a panic attack after I returned the favor of her beautiful efforts, so I spent the night holding her close instead of having rounds of ridiculously hot sex.

On my way back from physical therapy, my phone rings as I pull into the garage under my building. My dad’s number flashes on my dashboard and I know a call from him this early is never a good thing.

“What’s up?” I turn off my car and recline the seat back.

“Things are coming to fruition with Braden, but I’m slammed at the office. I really need Olivia to fill out some forms, in person. Think you guys can come out for a few days?”

I rub my eyes, nausea bobbing in my stomach. There has to be more to it than this. “What’s the real reason you want us to come to Houston?”

“Because we’d like to meet her, Kyle. I don’t think that’s too much to ask since we paid her hospital bill.”

I nearly choke on my water. When I finally stop coughing, I sputter through a deep breath and swallow. “Dad, what the hell? You couldn’t mention that to me? I asked you to look into it, not pay it off.”

“It was a mistake. The balance was less than two grand. No big deal.”

“She hates when people pay for her.” I rub my eyes again.
I need a drink. Or twenty.

“It was anonymous, a birthday gift. It would have cost the firm more to fight it anyway.”

“Dad … ” I groan, gripping the bottom of the steering wheel.

“Kyle, shut up. Say thanks and bring me a few sixes of Abita from the brewery.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever. I’ll see you guys later.” I end the call and rub my temples. How the hell am I supposed to convince her to come meet my parents? He has something else in play, but I don’t know what it is. My brain is mush all the time. It’s not from Olivia giving me stellar head, either.

I drag my feet to the elevator and lean my head against the wall the entire climb. As I walk down the hall to my apartment, the smells of fresh bread, bacon, and various other breakfast foods float through the air. When I unlock the door and get into the kitchen, my heart picks up speed.

Olivia dances around with a pair of headphones on while she cooks, wearing a pair of minuscule yoga shorts, knee-high baseball socks, and my UNC hoodie. Her hair is in a long braid, bouncing down her back.
Have mercy on my poor soul.
I lean against the frame with my arms crossed, waiting for her to realize I’m here.

When she whips her head around, mid-ass shake, she starts, her face bright pink. “Oh my God, how long have you been standing there?” She puts her hand over her heart, taking a deep breath.

“Long enough to get totally turned on.” I pull her into me, kissing her neck. “When were you going to show me that?”

“Well, I would have on my birth—” She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

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