Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father (45 page)

BOOK: Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father
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“I’m done asking you why you do things like this anymore
,” she began. “You say you want me to work there, but your actions show otherwise. Thankfully, I haven’t been fired. Saint, we’ve been down this road before. I told you I wanted to quit on my own accord. You are making shit hard for me. I already had it planned to report Sinclair, Saint! This is unprofessional—you bursting in there like some Neanderthal.”

.” He dragged the ‘a’ out as he spoke so coolly, so calm. “You had no evidence. You walking in there talking about Sinclair is bothering you would have only made you look ridiculous in their eyes and by the time he would’ve gotten done with you, you wouldn’t have a career in media at all, let alone the station. I know what you had planned…” He smirked. “I applaud you for gearing to take action, but you are too late, and it would’ve backfired. The voicemails…he could have even explained his way out of that, called you insubordinate and stated his temper got the best of him. The people you work with don’t give a shit about anything that doesn’t directly affect their pockets. They’d just replace your ass. That’s not the end result we wanted, is it?”

She wanted to smack the smirk off his face. The motherfucker may have been right, but he didn’t even give her a chance.

“I’m not you, okay?” He raised an eyebrow. “I have no one to impress. I don’t have an image to uphold, and that’s been most people’s main issue with me. What you see is what you get.” He inhaled the cigar and casually set it on the ashtray next to him while blowing more rings out the side of his mouth. “Now, I don’t give a shit about reputation. I told you,”—he pointed at her, his eyes narrowed, his tone even—“that the next damn time Sinclair pulled some shit, that was it. When have you ever known me to say that someone had one more time to do something, and I didn’t take action when that person fell short?”

“That’s not the point! This isn’t about

the point, Xenia.” He leaned slightly forward. “For you, how I treat this family, how I treat the people I love, it is predictable. I have written my own rulebook, and I follow that motherfucker to a ‘T’. I called you this morning, baby…” He smiled at her, an all-knowing smile that unraveled her from head to toe.

“I called you to see how your morning was going and to tell you to knock
’em dead. But, this particular morning…”—He  shook his finger at her— “…something wasn’t right with my baby. I asked you about it. I said, ‘What’s wrong, Xenia?’ You told me ‘nothing’, you were just distracted. You were distracted all right…that motherfucka left you two crazy ass voicemails and has been on your case! He is paranoid because once again, Sinclair has done some shady dealings to try and get money, and the chickens have come home to roost! It could never be some shit
done; it is always an outside party. Never mind that though, I really don’t give two fucks about how that man’s brain works and why; all I know is he threatened my woman. I met with him, let him know I was the wrong man to fuck with, Xenia.”

“Saint, you did the—”

He put his finger to his lips, smiled and said, “Shhhh…” in a whisper.

She could not believe what she was seeing and hearing.

“He heeded my warning for a while, but soon he was up to his old tricks again. Then, you and I get into it about him because you are trying to save face,”—he let out a laugh of disgust—“trying to not let him rattle you. You don’t want your ‘Neanderthal’ husband doing anything uncivilized, uncouth. Fuck puttin’ on airs, Xenia!” His jaw tensed and twitched. The man was livid. Her pulse accelerated, and she swallowed, hard.

“You have no idea how serious this shit has gotten!
to do this! The man has a damn bounty on his head. He needed to be removed from you immediately before you got wrapped up in the crossfire! He has a cocaine habit that runs him over $30,000 a damn month!”

She was certain her blood pressure had just soared.

“Yeah, now does
sweeten the reality being served, Mrs. Aknaten?! You’re dealin’ with a loose cannon! He has unpaid bills out the ass! I’m tired of arguing about this mothafucka! Did you know he is getting paid way under what he is worth to be the producer?!” He didn’t wait for her to respond. “Do you know why? He volunteered for this shit and just wanted
! Now he’s fucked himself. The station snatched his ass up when he offered them a deal they couldn’t refuse and being the greedy mothafuckas they are, they did it without doing the proper credential and background checks because Sinclair Grayson is supposedly a great catch! He knew all of this when he proposed it. The man is a damn nut, but he is far from stupid as far as the nature of the people he works with. Now, he is suffering because he was bent on revenge, using you as a catalyst…like your career and our life is some plaything, a damn toy.

He is getting what he deserves and
time,” he pointed at her square in the face, “he is going to
once and for all, he doesn’t want to play ball with me ever a mothafuckin’ ’gin! He is lucky I didn’t wait for his ass after work, and blow his fuckin’ head off! That was for
, Xenia.” He gritted his teeth. “So you wouldn’t have that type of press ’cause I sure as hell don’t give a fuck if he lives to take another damn breath!”

She stood there, frozen. She hadn’t seen Saint this angry in a mighty long time, and it was absolutely frightening.

“You fuck with my woman, my seeds, my family, you’re dead!” He stood from his seat, snatched his cigar and took a long puff before returning it to the ashtray and extinguishing it, grinding it into the container with a snarl on his face.

Much to her surprise, she was speechless
. Saint zoomed past her as if she were a mere piece of furniture. Before leaving the room, he stopped to look her up and down, lustful heat in his eyes. Then, suddenly, he moved and the smoke seemed to follow him, swallowing him whole, leaving only his deep, vibrating voice that echoed out these words:

come with me upstairs, damn it. I have some tension I need to release, and your body is required…”




“Mr. Grayson, there really is no further discussion. We checked the information provided by Dr. Aknaten, and upon our investigation, all of the information presented has been substantiated, minus the sexual harassment charge. You are dismissed of all your duties, effective immediately.”

Sinclair’s ears burned and he thought he’d soon be a victim of cardiac arrest. He clutched his chest, believing he’d fallen inside of a horrible dream at warp speed. He was told in advance that Xenia’s piece of shit husband had come up there trying to ruffle feathers, but he had no idea the man had gone to this extent, to actually provide paperwork
as proof of the accusations—and worse of all, he gave tape recordings of his voicemails and sent even more damning evidence via Fed-Ex. He’d planned to sink his teeth into Saint weeks ago, but then, bigger fish were caught, and he had to fry them before they rotted and left a stench at his feet. It was a vicious cycle. He was stressed out, so he smoked, and he smoked a bit more, but his habit was now out of control and he rued the day he snorted his first line. Things didn’t seem so clear anymore. His business acumen suffered and he felt like he was losing his mind.

’d been a time when everything he touched turned to gold; now business deals were falling through. Promises made were broken—deals and investments that would have made him a billionaire. His hard earned money was discarded like flyers on Hollywood Boulevard, and all he was told was, ‘Better luck next time.’ The threatening phone calls had began…the shit had hit the fan. He knew in his gut that Saint had something to do with it. People who were once thrilled to speak to him suddenly weren’t returning his calls. Xenia all but laughed at him, as if he were some rodeo clown hired to entertain her, and now this! Those damn files!

Sinclair had paid big money to have
them sealed—including all information of past arrests. He had no idea how Saint got his grubby, meddlesome hands on them, but he knew he was going to make that son of a bitch pay. He had nothing to lose at this point. People he had made deals with were calling asking questions and soon, the questions became threats. Before he could finish forming his internal thoughts, the security staff that used to nod to him and greet him with a ‘Hello, boss’, were roughly escorting him back out to his car.

“Your stuff will be boxed up and mailed to you
,” one of them offered before disappearing back inside of the studio. He was treated like some groupie who’d wandered in off the street when just the day before, he was upheld like a king of the damn world.

Sinclair sat in his car and
fumed. He gripped the steering wheel then banged on it, as if it were a vending machine holding the last candy bar in all of kingdom come.

You want to play this game with me, Saint? Threaten me! Get me fired! Fine! It’s my turn. You took my girlfriend, my money, my reputation away, I’
m going to do much worse to you and just when you think it’s over, it will begin all over again!

Sinclair clutched his
cell phone and dialed.

“Yeah. Look, I need you
to get some information for me,” he barked into the phone. “I don’t care! You will get what you want; I’m still good for it. Yes, this is about Saint! Who else would it be about?! You just stay close to the pulse and tell me anything you hear, do you hear me?! Good…now, he dug up some shit on me and used it. I need you to do the same… Get on it.” He hung up the phone and looked aimlessly out his car window.

Everyone has a past, Dr. Aknaten.
I see you found out about mine, and now, you are destroying my life for yet a second time. It’s time you know how it feels. Let’s bring some of your skeletons out the closet, shall we?





The red lights pulsed like engorged, electrified veins. Saint was dressed all in white from head to toe, including his white fedora hat with the matching white and black feather. He traced the brim of his hat with his index finger as he sat lazily in the overstuffed white leather chair.

‘Let Me Love Down’ by Ready For the World pl
ayed as Saint mouthed the words, falling into the moment. The strong Oriental musk incense wafted past Xenia’s gyrating frame while she gripped the long silver pole in the red room…

The evening recreation wasn’t pre-planned. They’d returned home after a wonderful evening and before long, they were kissing and holding each other as they walked up the steps. Like a blurred vision stitched together in lust, Saint briefly recalled punching in the code to their secret in-home getaway
. The door slid open and revealed their treasure trove of naughty and nice. He never got tired of the warm smell of leather, the sparkling collars around her neck and the look in her eyes as he made her body feel things in brand new ways. Since the birth of Isis, the television show, and Saint’s increased workload, red-room lovemaking had been limited, making this a special treat.

just returned from a roaring 1920’s themed party, an invitation from one of the actresses on ‘Days of our Lives’ that had gotten chummy with his wife, the new sensation on the block. They’d had a fun time; he rubbed elbows with some people he’d only seen on television, but more importantly, he couldn’t keep his eyes off his Xenia. She seduced him with the way she moved at the party, dressed in her little black flapper outfit and a faux skinny cigarette dangling in between her fingers. He was a gangster, equipped with his gun and stacks of money collected from the make-believe speakeasy and mafia shakedowns, and she was a sensual dancer wearing a black lace necklace, a short dress with a thousand dancing fringes, and dark red lipstick—the ensemble giving her an alluring, and mysterious aura. When they returned home, Chantel lounged in the living room and the children were sound asleep. He promptly paid the woman and solicited his wife, just as he would have had he truly seen her dancing and moving around like a temptress in a jazz age club, enticing him to the point that he had to have her. He insisted that all she keep on were her red boa and those damn six-inch stilettos. He leaned back watching with appreciation her hips gyrate in time with the beat.

Xenia was definitely caught up in the moment
and he was hypnotized by her quick adaptation. Her short jet black bob wig framed her beautiful face to perfection and gave a more youthful appearance. He slicked his tongue real slow over his bottom lip as she continued her sensual performance, exciting him to the point of no return. The lights were in a frenzy—shades of blood dancing along the glossy curves of her body as the Five Footer Crew rapped, ‘Walk Away.’

There’s so much pain without thought…’

His dick strained against the thin cotton pants, begging to be released from the tight confines
of his underwear. He ran his hand along it, giving a comforting pat as if to say, ‘In due time.’ The woman jumped on the pole, her thighs clenched around the damn thing. Her ass bobbed as she humped the shit out of it, making him jealous of an inanimate object. He leaned in closer and he studied the juicy slit of her pussy. The sight of it—ripe and glistening—launched him straight into the eye of a sexual storm.

“Open your pussy for me…” he said as he shot her a glance
. The music touched their souls, united them over their mutual love of a good tune mixed with sex. Life got no better. Xenia maneuvered her hand down to her crotch, and spread her lower lips open, giving him a full view of the pink entrance he’d soon invade.

, shit…

Oh yeah, that peach was riper than a mothafucka…

She chortled playfully and slapped her ass, making it rock and jiggle.

“I can’t wait to sink my teeth in that son of a bitch!” Saint grinned, enjoying the sweet presentation. She looked at him and
laughed when he dramatically bit his knuckles as if he could take no more.

“Clap your ass for me…”

She swung to the front of the pole, bent over and held her knees. Her ass looked like a butterfly on steroids, causing Saint to lose his complete, natural mind.

, shit. I like that…yeah… You are clapping the fuck out those cheeks! Dayum!” He stretched one leg out, leaned to the right and dug in his pocket—a pimp pose to be envied by many. Pulling out a thick wad of money, he started throwing notes at her, let them float around her like green feathers until they landed at her feet.

A wicked
gleam filled her eyes. She sunk her finger inside her saturated pussy, her eyes fixed on him, seducing him with her gyrations and tantalizing display. Smirking, she slowly removed her finger and slid it into her mouth, sucking the juice clean off.

Mmmmm! I love it. You’re
nasty, baby! You’re givin’ me life!”

She continued to slowly m
eander toward him, her hips gyrating to the beat and before long, he was getting a custom made lap dance. He delighted in the feminine scent of her heated body as he pawed at her fleshy ass, squeezing the globes with both hands until he could take it no more. Xenia yelped as he shoved his face in between her butt cheeks. His breathing harsh and muffled, he flicked his tongue back and forth over her asshole as if it were served to him on a platter. He fastened her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist and locking his wrists together under her navel as he devoured her chocolate star with ruthless abandon.

She screamed and squealed, but he wouldn’t let go, swirling his tongue over, in and around in circular motions. He pressed his fingers deep into the soft flesh of her hips as she grinded against his mouth. Finally, Saint winded down, smiling as his lips still caressed the big behind that he so coveted. He turned her around to look at him.

“Just stand there…” he directed as he unbuttoned his shirt, cast it aside
, and unzipped his pants. He grabbed his swollen cock and pulled it out, all hot and ready for her.

He gripped the base of his exposed dick as she ran her finger up and down her protruding clit. The sight of her playing with herself as he pumped his cock sent him into euphoric tremors. Reaching for her, he wrapped his hand around her lower thigh, possessively bringing her closer as he jerked his cock in slow and hard motions. “Uhhhh…” His head lulled back as he kept up the pace, masturbating in front of her. The mere sight of her fluttering finger on that fleshy, reddened knob made him weak at the knees. Forcing himself to gain control, he unleashed a hungry gaze on her, letting stark need show bright.

She leaned over him, her nipple dangling above his open mouth
. He sighed and writhed about in the chair, jerking his dick with all of his might, his groans echoed and amplified in the confines of the room. He shuddered when she slapped his hand, causing him to cease all action and concentrate solely on the image before him. Gripping his shoulders, she positioned herself over his crotch and slid down that motherfucker like it was the pole she’d just finished molesting.

“Awwwww, baby!” He gripped her tight
and threw his head back in ecstasy, which caused his hat to fall off his head. “Uhhhhh…” The passionate euphoria took him over as she slowly rose and fell upon him, her bouncing ass heating his upper thighs with each pass. His arms around her back, he regained his control and looked dreamily into her eyes. The music continued to sing to their bodies as they followed the beat. Saint thrust up to meet her motions, forcing more of himself inside of her.

“Ahhhh!” she cried out as he pressed her to him, forcing her pussy open just the way he liked it. He looked between their bodies, watch
ed his dick disappear inside of her over and over again. “Mmmmm!” he groaned, sucking his bottom lip. Her soft hands clutched to his shoulders as she rode him with visceral fortitude, faster and faster. Then…it struck him. He slowed to a crawl as the song ended, and Portis Head’s ‘Glory Box’ began.

“Rise up, baby
,” he said throatily. He stood to peruse a caged area filled with an assortment of this and that…

When he returned to her, incense swirled around her ankles and candlelight danced on her bared body. He stripped down
to only his black skinny tie loosely wrapped around his damp neck. Bending her over the chair, he promptly handcuffed her to it, causing her eyes to widen and a whimper to escape her lips. He slid his hand over her pussy; she pressed into his touch while he roused the beast inside of her to come out and play. Her juicy entrance took in two, then three, of his fingers as he played with her, making her cream, shake and relish in his maneuvering.

“You want my dick?”
he asked over the music.

She nodded
and threw him a helpless look over her shoulder.

“Tell me, then.” He slicked his fingers out of her, sucking and licking them slowly as
she stared at him. He tugged at his tie and bent his knees behind her, waiting…

“I want your dick.” Her tone pleaded while she tried to maintain some semblance of control.

“I can’t hear you.” His brows dipped in annoyance. “You know how this works. I need you to scream that shit!” He slapped her ass with his open palm, reddening the cheek.

“I want your dick!”

And without another second wasted, he thrust inside of her, causing them both to moan. He held onto her waist and rocked in and out of her, going crazy as the lights danced all over them.

“Feels so damn good!” He
r pussy took hold of his rod and hugged it tight. “Xenia, your body is so fuckin’ incredible…this ass! Damn!” He spanked it playfully, then continued to drive his cock in and out of her, the bottom of his tie bunching up on her lower back.

“Ahhhh!” she screamed out as he increased his speed.

He could hear his own breaths echoing around him as he grinded deep within her. He gripped her breasts so roughly, the chair threatened to fall over, her body taking the brunt of his lovemaking style as her wrists stayed banded together with shiny steel.

“Oh, Xeeeenia, it feels so good, baby!” He droned. “This fuckin’ pussy…you turn me on so much.”

“Your dick…Ahhh!” He shoved her body back and forth as he forged ahead. It wouldn’t be long… “Your dick feels so good in my pussy, Saint.” The clanking of her handcuffs turned him on even more as he leaned completely over her body, and shoved himself inside of her, over and over.

“Uhhhh! Uhhh!”
He rode her, kissing her roughly on the side of the face and slicked his fingers to her clit, gliding his index over the swollen nub, massaging it while his cock completely took over her pussy.

“Ohhhh yes!” she screamed, arching her back into his chest.
“Oh, don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she begged, her airy voice reverberating in his ears.

“Oh, baby, I won’t…mmmm hmmmm, not until we both cum good
’nd hard,” he promised.

In due time, Xenia shook and shivered, falling to the side
—spent—as Saint continued to make commanding love to her. His dick sank in her juiciness, which sent him closer to the edge. He raced to get his prize.

“Uhhhh! Uhhh! Shit!”
He gritted his teeth as he felt his orgasm looming close ahead. “You’ve done it, now! You’re gonna make me cum! Uhhhh!” He stuck with his rhythm, his ass tight as he engulfed himself completely inside of her and halted…not moving one solitary inch. That made her scream out and grip the chair hard. “Uhhh!” He resumed his thrusts, picking up speed.

cummin’, baby!”

e gripped her neck, bringing her upward, and held her waist with his other hand. He slammed, then stuck, over and over, releasing his warm, creamy gratitude inside her body.

“Ohhhh, Saint!”

“Uhhhhh!” He jerking his body once more deep inside of her and one more shot of velvet escaped.

He released her neck and she looked over her shoulder at him
. Her dark, thick eyeliner gave her a vampish look he found alluring. After a few moments, he felt her shiver. She smiled at him—a bright, warm smile. He grinned in return, wiped his brow with the back of his hand and uncuffed her.

She stood to her feet, the red lights still swirling around her form
, and ran her tongue along the edge of his ear. He bent away at the ticklish sensation, yet held her gently around the waist, close enough for her nipples to tease his chest. He looked down into her eyes, only to fall under the trance he was trying to avoid.

“You want to do it again?” she asked huskily, already knowing what her man desired.

“Yeah…” He fisted and unfisted his palm as he eyed her over and witnessed trails of his semen trickling down her inner thigh. That turned him on so much, his dick sprung once again in action.

He slowly released himself from her touch and walked to the side of the room
to select a softer tune. His back still turned to her, he reached into a large white leather bound box and retrieved a blindfold and harness. Good times were to be had…


BOOK: Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father
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