Samantha Moon: First Eight Novels, Plus One Novella (38 page)

BOOK: Samantha Moon: First Eight Novels, Plus One Novella
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“Look,” said Monica pointing through the windshield excitedly. “Someone’s leaving your house.”

I took my binoculars out and adjusted them on the medium-sized figure. It was Danny, and he was dressed to kill.




Chapter Thirty-four



In his girly Mustang, he exited the driveway, drove briefly towards us, and then hung a left down a side road inside the housing track. I started the van and pulled slowly away from the curb. Like a good girl, Monica checked her seat belt. She was grinning from ear to ear. I’ll admit, P.I. work can be fun.

Twenty seconds later, I made a right onto the same road Danny had made a left onto. As I did so I caught a glimpse of him making a left out of the track, and onto Commonwealth Avenue.

It was just past ten and I wondered who was watching the kids. Until I realized it was, of course, his slutty, ho-bag secretary.

I gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.

You probably don’t want to piss-off a vampire. Just sayin’.

Anyway, I hung a left on Commonwealth, and easily picked up the shape of the Mustang’s taillights about a half mile down the road. One thing about my current condition, my eyesight was eagle-like. And it only got better when I was in my, well, eagle-like form. Or bat-like. Or whatever the hell I transformed into.

While tailing someone, I could hang back farther than most investigators could. Still, it was a fine balance of staying far enough back to not get spotted, but not so far that I hit a red light and lost him altogether. I should probably have rented a car for tonight, but it was too late now.

Live and learn.

Next to me, rocking slightly in her seat, Monica was chewing her nails nervously. From my peripheral vision, her mannerisms and sitting position suggested she was no older than ten years old. About the age of my daughter.

My cell rang.

Shit. I dreaded looking down. Was it Danny? Had he spotted me already? Impossible.

It continued ringing and finally I reached for it in the center console, where it had been charging. I looked at the faceplate. It was Kinglsey.

I unhooked the phone from the charging wire.

Arooo!” I sang, “Werewolves of London....”

Not funny,” he said, his deep voice rumbling through my ear piece. “And please not over the phone.”

Big brother and all that,” I said.

Something like that.”

You sound like you’re in a pissy mood,” I said.

I am.” He paused on the other end. Up ahead, Danny took a right onto Harbor Boulevard. He didn’t use his blinker. I should make a citizen’s arrest. Kingsley went on, “You nearly killed my client the other day.”

I turned onto Harbor as well. I wasn’t sure I heard Kingsley right. “Your client? What do you mean?”

“Ira Lang.”

I nearly dropped the phone. “Excuse me?”

“Ira Lang is my client, Samantha. And he’s been my client for the past few years, since his first arrest. Now he’s in the hospital, with a face full of metal pins and screws and staples.”

I looked over at Monica, who was still peering ahead, rocking slightly. From this angle, I could see where her left eye drooped badly, the result of her husband’s attack with a hammer, the attack which had resulted in Ira’s first arrest.

Kingsley’s words had sucked the oxygen from my lungs. I found myself driving on automatic, vaguely aware that I was still following the Mustang far ahead. Danny was slowing for a red light. There were three cars between us, and he was still a quarter mile down the road.

This is a problem,” I said.

Damn straight, Sam. My client’s going to press charges.”

I’m not worried about that,” I said. “Let’s talk later, Kingsley. This isn’t a good time.”

Swing by my place when you get a chance.”

Okay,” I said, and hung up.

Monica was watching me curiously. She, like most people, was far more psychic than she realized. She had picked up something in my voice, something in my mannerisms. She knew something was wrong.

Hell, yeah, something was wrong. The guy I was seeing—the guy who had touched me more intimately than any man had touched me in a long, long time—had gotten her ex-husband out of jail on a technicality.

Who then went on to bludgeon her father to death.

Sweet Jesus.

Monica was still watching me. I looked over at her and gave her the brightest smile I could muster. It seemed to work. She smiled back at me sweetly, reminding me of a child all over again, a child eager for good news.

I reached out and held her hand; she held mine in return, tightly. I continued following Danny at a distance, and holding Monica’s hand.




Chapter Thirty-five



We were sitting outside a strip club. A filthy, disgusting, vomitous, vile strip club.

We had followed Danny down the 57 Freeway, and then east along the 91 Freeway. He had gotten off in the city of Colton, a tough little area in Riverside County. We were about 60 miles east of Orange County. Here, they did not make reality shows about super-enhanced married women. Here, there was crime and gangs and a sense that something, somewhere had gone very wrong with this city. So wrong that it was beyond hope to fix.

Danny had worked his shiny Mustang along the dark and dirty streets, far removed from our cute little neighborhood, and had ended up at a small strip joint at the far edge of the city.

By the time we had pulled up to the club, Danny was already inside. I circled the packed parking lot, found his car, and then parked as far away from it as I could, all while keeping an eye on the club’s front door.

We parked and cracked our windows. Music thumped through the club’s open door. Two rather large black men stood on either side of the door. In a raised truck about five cars away, I was pretty sure two people were having sex. Already I felt I needed to shower.

Monica had seemingly shrunk in on herself. She pulled her feet up on the passenger seat and wrapped her arms tightly around her knees.

I was, admittedly, confused as hell. I had never known Danny to be the type to go to strip clubs. Of course, I had never known Danny to be a cheater and a liar and royal piece of shit, either, until recently.

I was tempted to look inside the club, but I wasn’t going to bring Monica with me, and I sure as hell wasn’t leaving her alone.

And so we sat, staring at the entrance to the strip club. Amazingly, I still felt a pang of jealousy that Danny would find pleasure in looking at other women. That is, until I reminded myself that he had been sleeping with another woman for the past few months.

I felt sick. I felt disgusted. I felt a massive wave of revulsion.

Monica was rocking now. The thumping music and the trashy cars and the trashy guys were all too much for her. She reminded me of a child sitting in her bedroom and listening to her parents fighting downstairs. Listening and rocking and suffering.

I waited another half hour, watching Monica, watching the door, watching the waves of men coming and going. Danny remained inside.

I was having a hard time believing Danny had come all this way to a strip club. There were clubs a lot closer than this. Not as sleazy, certainly, but a lot closer. So why had Danny driven nearly an hour to go to this shit hole? I didn’t know, but I was going to find out.

I started the car and left.

Monica rocked in her seat nearly the entire way home.




Chapter Thirty-six



I comforted Monica with hugs and hot tea.

When she seemed stable again, I called my ex-partner. He was more than up to the challenge of watching over Monica again. In fact, I suspected he might have been waiting eagerly by his phone, since he had snatched it up on the first ring.

Thirty minutes later, with Monica in good (if not adoring) hands, I made my way over to Kingsley’s massive estate. Franklin the Butler did not seem pleased to see me this late, and I once again followed his slightly off-kilter, loping gait. This time to the kitchen, where I found Kingsley sitting at a round corner table, working on a double-stuffed ham sandwich. Sitting across from him was a glass of red wine. Mine, I assumed, although I rarely drank red wine since it gave me stomach cramps. Too many impurities.

Kingsley thanked the butler, who expressed his love of servitude with words dripping with sarcasm, and disappeared down a side hallway. To where, I had no clue. No doubt a servant’s quarter.

Or perhaps a stone slab with straps and thick cables attached to some sort of medieval antennae on the roof.

Or not.

As I stepped into the kitchen, Kingsley set aside the heavy-looking sandwich and got up and gave me a hug and a light kiss on the lips. The light kiss was my idea. I turned my head, since I wasn’t in much of a kissing mood. Kingsley indicated the chair across from him, and as I sat, I realized the glass wasn’t full of wine, it was full of something else.

It was full of blood.

Saliva burst instantly from under my tongue. I might have even licked my lips.
Might have.

Kingsley was watching me. “You don’t have fangs.”

“What an odd thing to say to a girl,” I said, keeping my eyes on the hemoglobin-filled goblet. Say that three times in a row.

I noticed it the other night, in bed, when we were kissing. Your teeth are normal.”

Gee, thanks.”

But I thought vampires had fangs,” he pushed.

And I thought vampires existed only in teen romance novels.”

He chuckled lightly and let it go. I noticed the blood in the goblet was beginning to congeal a little along the surface, sticking to the inside of the thick glass. It was just blood. Disgusting blood. But it was the only thing I could consume comfortably. It was the only thing that gave me nourishment. And now, over the course of six years, blood had become my comfort food. Hell, it had become my only food, My everything. My stomach was doing back flips.

God, I was such a fucking ghoul.

Drink, honey,” he said. As he spoke, he used some strange German accent. Oh?

Who’s blood is it?” I asked.

Does it matter?” His voice was back to normal.

He was right, of course. I had discovered that the source of the blood mattered not at all. Human, animal, warm, cold. It all had the same effect on me: it nourished me deeply.

I picked up the glass and drank deeply. The blood was warm. It was fresh, too. Something had recently died. Blood has a unique texture and I have grown to both love and loathe it. Good blood, fresh blood, is heavenly. The blood I normally drank, blood provided to me from a local butchery, was filled with all sorts of disgusting “extras”, which I constantly found myself spitting out.


My account with the butchery was more or less a secret account. The butchery was in Chino Hills, and six years ago, I had convinced the owner I was a vet assistant and that I was involved with animal blood research. He hadn’t asked questions, and I hadn’t provided any more info other than that. The blood arrived monthly and I paid the exorbitant bill. Meals on wheels.

With that said, this blood was flawless, minus one or two coagulated lumps. I drank from the goblet steadily, briefly unable to pull away from it. Salty and metallic, it coated the inside of my mouth, filling the spaces between my teeth. I didn’t need to come up for air because I really didn’t breathe.

I drank steadily, greedily, happily.

When the goblet had been half-drained, I forced myself to set it down in front of me, and burped.

“Hungry?” asked Kingsley.

Usually,” I said.

So how often do you eat?” asked Kingsley, and I silently thanked him for not using the word “feed”. The word rubbed me the wrong way. Animals
. Monsters
. Ladies with degrees in criminal justice, who had two wonderful children and a successful private eye firm didn’t
. We drank, even if our food was liquified.

A smoothie from hell.

“I’m hungry every night,” I said, shrugging. “Like most people.”

Most people eat during the day.”

You know what I mean,” I said, picking up the glass again. “Asshole.”

He grinned. “Do you eat every day?”


Why not?”

Because the packets of animal blood disgust me.”

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