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Shantee’ A. Parks


Copyright © 2015 by Shantee’ A. Parks

Published by Posey Parks Publishing

All rights reserved.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used
fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales are
entirely coincidental.

No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner without writer permission.




I use to love listen to my grandmothers stories. They were
so full of fun, laughter and sometimes heartache. She taught me so many life
lessons that has helped me along the way. In dedication of the memory of
Mildred Tillage.

My Grandma Alice would always tell you how it is and I love
that about her. She taught me so many life lessons. I dedicate this book to
Alice Bennett.

Chapter 1


The alarm goes
off. “Another day,” Samantha murmurs in a half-sleep state. She turns off the
alarm gets up to start her day. She nonchalantly drags to the bathroom yawning
head hung low with her hair a complete mess. The hot shower water gradually
wakes her up. She won’t fully wake up until she has her morning coffee. To
brush her teeth, she wipes the mirror free of fog with her left hand and puts
eye shadow on with the right. Samantha grabs a section of her long hair to
curl. She puts eyeliner around each of her big beautiful brown eyes. Now for
the final touch putting pink lipstick on her full lips. Her caramel brown skin
is flawless with the cutest little button nose and dimples, that makes everyone

Samantha buttons
her purple blazer against her small waist and smooths her black pencil skirt
over her ample bottom. She slips into her black stilettos to make her height of
5’6” appear even taller. Instead of following her normal routine of going to
her favorite coffee shop, she makes her own coffee this morning. She swiftly
grabs her laptop bag that doubles as a purse and heads out the door.

Inside a stretch
black Suburban is Jacob Latters the TV star of “Demons Within.” Jacobs
assistant Shannon rushes into the coffee shop to grab his coffee then off to
the set in Downtown Marietta, Georgia.

Samantha arrives
at her office now wide eyed and bushy tailed. "Good morning people!"
says Samantha.

The party
planning firm she works for is extremely busy this time of year. They focus on
raising money for Celebrity charity organizations during the holiday season.
Samantha is on the rise in her firm or at least she hopes so; this being her
first job out of college.  Four years after graduating she still feels she
isn't where she should be in her career. She needs to wow her bosses to get a
big promotion.

Samantha loves
doing the charities for celebrities but not interacting with them. They are so
full of themselves and never make time to discuss what's important.

Samantha thought
back to an earlier client while she sits reading her email in her office.

Her quest to get
to know him better worked against her because they dated and he turned out to
be a total tool. The Gala however was a real success.  It made her the go
to person for Galas around the holidays.

The celeb she
dated was Geremy Leonard one of the stars on “Rookies Own,” a Police drama.
Geremy finally agreed to come into the office but he stayed on his phone most
of the time.

"I can’t
discuss this in this boring atmosphere lets go grab lunch," said Geremy.
Lunch turned into dinner then a late night cap. The sex was spectacular.

One day Samantha
got a text from Geremy:
I'm busy filming a new movie and I don't have time
to talk to you as much. I will talk to you when I can
. And then a year
later he was getting married, remembered Samantha. Samantha decided from that
moment on she wouldn't do anymore one night stands.

She'd focus on
her career and if a guy wants to get to know the real her, he will do it
without them having sex. Samantha’s problem is she’s very likeable, but just
can’t keep a guy. When Samantha goes on dates she is brutally honest with her
suitors hoping to weed through the man scum but even the good ones are scared.
Samantha decides to stop dating. She doesn’t know if she will ever find Mr.
Right and doesn’t care. Her assistant and friend Nicki Collins enters her

“Good morning
boss how was your weekend?” Nicki asks.

“Fine I just
relaxed and visited with my parents,” says Samantha.

“Why wouldn’t you
go out with us?”

“I just didn’t feel
like meeting some lame guy,” says Samantha.

“I only want to
focus on my career right now.”

Nicki is a
carefree kind of person, never a shortage of men. She has long jet black hair,
slender frame, and stands 5’5”. She's a very pretty girl with slightly slanted
brown eyes.

“So who is the
Gala Celeb this season?” Samantha asks. “No, wait before you tell me the
identity of the celebrity.”

“Understand that
we will work extra hard on this campaign. We are going to make this the biggest
Gala this firm has ever seen all while staying within budget. Nicki we can do
this I’m super pumped," Samantha says. “Ok Nicki lay it on me, give me the
celebrity's name,” she says standing at the dry erase board with marker in

Latters!" says Nicki.

Samantha turns
around. "No!!!!" says Samantha.

wrong?" she asks.

“He’s my favorite
actor on my favorite show he’s so good looking! I dream of him," says
Samantha with dreamy eyes.

Nicki snaps her
fingers in Samantha’s face. “Earth to Samantha!”

“Nicki, I am a
professional and will put those feelings way down he’s just a character on a

probably a douche in real life like all the others," Nicki says.

“You're right,”
says Samantha. “We will make this Gala a success!” says Samantha.

Nicki and
Samantha have been friends since high school. They enjoy working together.
Nicki is always telling Samantha they need to go out on their own and become
the Gala experts to the stars.

Samantha isn't
looking at that dream quite yet. She’s hoping to become partner first then go
out on their own.

“Send the team
into the conference room, so we can discuss our plans,” says Samantha.


Meanwhile while
shooting on location in downtown Atlanta, Jacob and his team are preparing for
one of their normal demon fights with explosions and lots of black smoke
everywhere from doing an exorcism.  Actors Josh Laraby and Jacob Latters
play brothers Sean and Steve Harrison on “Demons Within”. The show has just
entered its 6th season and has an enormous fan base.

When shooting on
location they always have a large crowd watching them on set. The show is
mainly shot in Montreal and California, but they often go on location to shoot
various scenes.

The Director
yells, “Cut!”

Josh and Jacob
grab a bite to eat on set.

Samantha meets
with the team and assigns each person a task to get to know the actors

This time
Samantha decides to hire a tech guy who can find out the last minute scandals.
Her team floods her email with lots of pictures they found. Samantha reaches
out to Jacobs assistant Shannon.

Shannon this is Samantha Posey. I need to sit down with Mr. Latters to discuss
the details for the Gala.”

"I will let
him know but he usually prefers a hands off approach," says Shannon.

"My goal is
to make his charity a lot of money. So please try. Here’s my phone
number," says Samantha.

Later that
evening after they wrapped for the day Jacob watches Josh get in the car with
his fiancé. They look extremely happy. Josh seems happier for the first time.

He thinks about calling
the girl he met on set today but just doesn’t feel like it. He returns to his
hotel room drinking all alone.

Jacob answers the
phone: “Hey Shannon.”

“Samantha Posey
called from Keen and Phillips Party planners about the Gala in December. She
wants to sit down with you to go over the plans. She's here in Atlanta, do you
want me to schedule a meeting?" Shannon asks.

“You know I have
a no hands on approach. Let her handle it. Give her Penelope's number,"
says Jacob.

"I told her you
wouldn’t meet with her," says Shannon. “I will give her your Publicist’s
phone number.”

He takes another
sip of whiskey. "You know me so well. Bye Shannon.”

Jacob hangs up
the phone sitting and looking out the window, thinking maybe he is tired of the
meaningless escapades. He might be ready for a relationship again but it’s been
such a long time. How can he find a woman if he's guarded? Jacob can be moody
and may not want to be bothered with a woman too much.

Jacob never has
to want for company because women literally fall all over him.

He’s 6’2 has
tanned white skin, beautiful green eyes, short brown hair, handsome chiseled
facial features and a muscular slim build. Jacob comes from a family of wealth
and prestige and doesn’t have to work but chooses to. He ultimately feels that
all women want is his money.


Samantha gets the
text from Jacob’s assistant with the phone number to Jacob’s Publicist. She
knows he is just like the rest stuck up and no time for the working people. She
still decides to make this the best event she ever planned. She will utilize
all resources including new Tech consultant David Dalson. Samantha sends his
Publicist a text to set up a conference call. She also asks her to email her
anything they can use to make this a great Gala.

Penelope, Jacob’s
Publicist sent her his dates of when he’s visiting sick children and decides to
go herself to see him in action. The Gala is on December 15th so they have two
months to get everything done.

Jacob has 10
charity events to cover in just two months not to mention other events he has
scheduled in December. Jacob loves this time of year because it is a time for
him to give back and not think about his loneliness.

Jacob visits the
children’s hospital in Atlanta. He sits down and interacts naturally with the
kids. Samantha stays back so he doesn’t see her following him.

Penelope knows
that Samantha’s photographers will be there taking pictures. Jacob is dressed
in a Vampire Cape and is wearing fangs over his teeth. He makes sure every
child gets a gift.

Samantha is
wearing a gold long sleeve blouse which brings out her brown eyes and a black
pencil skirt which always accentuates her butt and black pumps. Her long brown
hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she has on gold lipstick.

Samantha smiles
as she sees how personal he is with each child. She thought
at least he’s
not too good to meet with the kids.

One of the
nurses, Cindy, comes over standing next to Samantha.

“Isn't he so good
with the kids?” asks Cindy.

Samantha smiles
and replies “Yeah looks that way.”

"I’m going
to see if I can get a date with him. Wish me luck," says

Cindy introduces
herself to Jacob. He catches a glimpse of Samantha and their eyes lock for a
moment. Samantha smiles and Jacob smiles back.

He looks back at
Cindy. “Nice to meet you,” says Jacob.

The nurse is very
pretty, tall, with blue eyes and blonde hair. He goes on with his conversation
with the nurse about the kids. When he stands up he notices Samantha has

Samantha thought
it would be best not to interact with him, since he didn’t want to meet her.
She will meet him at the Gala. Samantha goes back to the office to organize
pictures for the venue. She has to fly out a few more times to get more


The next time she
sees Jacob, they are at Children’s Hospital of New Jersey.

She arrives early
to discuss where her photographers need to set up and what kind of pictures she

She has all the
times to the events but wants to cross check with the hospital coordinator about
years prior. Jacob arrives on time for the event.

There is a table
set up for him to do crafts with the kids today. Samantha is impressed that he
seems to always be on time.

Jacob enjoys
spending time with the kids. He would love to have a big family one day, but
feels that may never happen.

Today Samantha is
wearing her hair down and flowy, black eyeliner to bring out her eyes and
neutral lipstick. Her blouse is beige with a bow tied on the side of her neck.
The navy Midi skirt hugs her butt and stops at her knees finishes with beige
pumps. Samantha emails her computer tech David to see if he has the information
she is waiting to receive from him.  She decides to run down for a cup of
coffee while waiting for a response. Jacob spots her again while he is talking
to some doctors and notices she is leaving. He remembers thinking how beautiful
she is.

"Can you
please excuse me," Jacob asks.

He steps into the
hall turns the corner just in time to see her get on the elevator. He walks towards
the elevator. She never looks up from her phone. He misses the elevator. He
takes the next one down.

When he gets down
to the lobby he thinks he saw her turn the corner, so he tries walking faster
without looking suspicious. He enters the café and there she is standing at the
pie case. He goes to the other side of the case across from her.

he says. She jumps because he startles her.

“You scared the
mess out of me!” she says.

"I'm sorry I
wasn’t trying to scare you. Are you ok?" he asks.

“Yes I'm fine. I
just wasn’t expecting you in this setting.”

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