Sand & Snow (Sand & Clay #1.5) (6 page)

BOOK: Sand & Snow (Sand & Clay #1.5)
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Logan’s family was the definition of joy and laughter, while hers had been stoic and proper. She had always felt loved, that wasn’t the problem that had her thinking right now. It was the lack of freedom to open up and just be yourself in front of those you love. Everything was about decorum at her home, and when she had chosen not to follow the path set for her, she suddenly wasn’t welcome anymore.

A tear sprang to her eye as she remembered the conversation with her father. Christmas was tomorrow and she was sad that she wouldn’t be able to see them. She looked down at her plate and took another bite of food, hoping no one would notice her teary expression. Glancing up to check, she saw Logan’s mother watching her. Caroline blushed in embarrassment, but Logan’s mother just smiled warmly and gave her a small wink.

She couldn’t help but smile back, feeling better already. Logan’s hand found its way to her knee and gave her a squeeze absentmindedly while he was continuing his discourse with the men at the table. She looked at his perfectly chiseled profile as he smiled and talked animatedly, the stubble from not shaving crossing his cheek and making its way over his chin was something she found absolutely sexy.

She reached over and slid her arm behind his back, resting it on the back of his shoulder that was closest to her. she placed her chin next to her hand, so that she was slightly behind him, but still pressed into his side. Despite missing her family, this is where she wanted to be. Tucked into Logan’s side with his arm over her legs was better than any home she could imagine.

ღ ~ ღ ~ ღ ~ ღ


“I’m excited for your tour, I can’t wait to see where you grew up and all that.” Caroline pulled her hair back into a French braid, looking into the mirror on the dresser in front of her.

“I can’t wait to show you,” Logan smiled at her, pulling a cable knit sweater on since the temperature had dropped quite a bit overnight, making it colder than it already was.        
      “What about your friend? And Aralia?” Caroline asked Logan as she pulled a fluffy sweater on over her head in their room.

“Dylan was going to McGinny’s for a few drinks with Rock and Charlie, I heard Aralia ask to tag along. It’s the only good bar in this small town.” Logan shrugged, pulling on warm winter boots as he sat on the edge of their bed.

“Really? On Christmas Eve?”

“We’re Irish, babe.” He stood up and walked over to her, pulling her to him by grabbing her hips.

“Aralia isn’t.” She bit her lip, becoming distracted by the proximity of his body against hers.

“When Dylan said he was meeting the guys there, she seemed more than eager to tag along.” Logan said, his voice muffled as he breathed into the skin on her neck. His lips trailing down the side from her jaw.

“Oh okay, that definitely sounds like Aralia.” Caroline giggled and wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck, pressing the lower half of her body against him.

A deep growling noise came from somewhere inside Logan’s chest as his hands tightened, wrapping around her. His hands cupped her bottom and lifted her up, seating her on the dresser top right behind her. Moving his mouth up from her neck, he found her lips and kissed her.

No part of it was gentle, it was urgent and intense. Caroline’s body instantly responded in kind, allowing him to take control as she pressed herself further into him. Their lips tangled together eagerly, needing to taste one another. Sliding his hands down her body, Logan grabbed the top of her black, skintight pants beneath her sweater and yanked them down her legs.

Dropping them to the floor, he unbuckled his jeans and Caroline finished the rest by freeing him from his boxers. Pulling her to the edge of the dresser, they were instantly connected and Caroline gasped at the suddenness of it all. Dropping her head into Logan’s neck, she bit down gently on his skin causing him to groan and move faster inside her.

Caroline grinned, they were definitely going to be late for their outing.

And she didn’t mind one bit.





      “Dylan! Where the fuck have you been? We’ve missed you around here!” Rock Slade slid off his barstool at McGinny’s and walked over to Dylan as he entered, one hand extended.

Dylan grinned, grabbing his hand and shaking it, while the two men touched shoulders and patted each other’s back in a familiar embrace.

“Fuck you, Rock. I’ve been around.” He responded to his old band mate.

“The fuck you have, I haven’t seen you in at least a year.”

“Yeah, Dylan, what gives?” Charlie Hudson walked up behind Rock and exchanged the same handshake with Dylan.

Dylan grinned at his old band mates, suddenly feeling nostalgic of the days when the three of them and Logan would light up the stage in this bar on Friday and Saturday nights. Logan was the lead singer, but they all sang backup or had different solos back then.

Dylan was the drummer, Rock played the bass, and Charlie was on the keyboard, but when the scout came through town, he was only interested in Logan. Dylan remembered how angry they had all been at first, jealous of Logan’s success, but friendship had won out in the end and now they were proud to know someone so famous and talented.

“Are you going to introduce me or am I just going to stand here as if I’m your entourage or something?” Aralia quipped from behind him, causing Dylan to turn and look at her, realizing he forgot she was with him.

“Whoa, Dylan! You finally settled down and got yourself a girl!” Charlie chuckled, smacking him on the shoulder.

“And a gorgeous one at that.” Rock offered, raising his brows and looking over the petite, curvy brunette standing in front of them with one hand on her voluptuous hips.

“No way, we are not together.” Dylan quickly interjected.

“Please, I would rather die.” Aralia chimed in at the same time.

Realizing what the other had said, they both stared at each other with narrowed eyes, clearly irritated. Charlie put his hands up in a defensive position and Rock just grinned, his eyes laughing.

“Alright, didn’t mean to stoke the flames.” Charlie said.

“Come on, let’s go sit down and get a drink.” Rock told them, then stepped closer to Aralia, speaking only to her.

“Since my friend here is a blind idiot, how about I buy you a drink, beautiful?” Rock’s voice lowered slightly, a huskiness to it.

Aralia blushed and nodded in agreement, taking his extended hand and following him to the bar.  Dylan watched them, his jaw tight. He didn’t know why it bothered him to see Rock flirting with Aralia, but he was suddenly feeling very agitated. Brushing it off, or at least trying to, he followed the small group to the bar and immediately ordered a tall beer.

“What have you assholes been up to out here?” Dylan chugged down about a third of his beer, looking over at his friends sitting at the bar on the corner perpendicular to where he was sitting.

“Still working over at Summit Memorial, but I do the keyboard here some nights. Do some parties and weddings, stuff like that.” Charlie shrugged.

“Yeah? I couldn’t do security at a hospital, too many whack jobs.” Dylan responded.

“That’s the best part,” Charlie flashed his mischievous, boyish smile at his friend.

“Charlie’s always been able to calm the crazies,” Rock chuckled, his eyes turning back to Aralia who was sitting next to him.

“What about you, Slade?”

“That’s your name? Rock Slade?” Aralia quipped, biting her lip as she leaned in closer to him.

“You like that, baby girl?” Rock ignored Dylan and his voice rumbled as he spoke to her.

“It’s alright.” She grinned, shrugging nonchalantly even though her eyes were saying something entirely more revealing.

“Slade, keep it in your fucking pants. I gotta deliver her back to her friend in one piece, alright?” Dylan smacked his beer glass onto the bar a little harder than he intended, causing it to crack and split in two.

“Dude, relax.” Rock glared at Dylan and Aralia’s jaw fell open.

“Excuse me, Mr. I-Just-Met-You-Yesterday, I can speak for myself.” Aralia retorted, clearly irritated, as the bartender came over and cleaned up the spill and broken glass.

Dylan apologized to the bartender, ignoring Aralia’s response. Luckily, they had known the owner a long time and he didn’t mind much, although it would certainly be on his check.

“If you boys agree not to break anymore glasses, we have an open spot here on Friday night. Don’t know if you’re planning on sticking around the day after Christmas. It’d be nice to hear you guys all together again.” The bartender spoke as he refilled their drinks.

“Well, you guys know I will be here.” Charlie grinned, sipping his whiskey.

“That sounds awesome, will Logan be here?” Rock turned to Dylan.

“I think so, he wants to see you guys, but he is showing his girl around today.” Dylan told them.

“The spot is yours if you want it.” The bartender shrugged and walked off as the men exchanged excited looks.

It had been a long time since the band had played together, close to five years now. Seemed like they were long overdue for a reunion. 


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“I love it, Logan. It’s so beautiful, surprisingly quiet and peaceful too.” Caroline leaned into his side, his arm around her shoulders, as they stood on the beach and looked up at the white, octagonal lighthouse towering before them.

“Most pieces of history are. That’s how they make it through so much and are still standing almost two hundred years later.”

“What do you mean?” Caroline asked.

“Being at peace, truly entirely peaceful? That takes strength and power. If you have the strength to endure the wars within oneself, you will have the strength to endure anything else.” Logan squeezed her tighter, gazing up at the monument.

“Peace is strength.” She repeated, nodding, agreeing with his assessment.

“The original lighthouse is gone, it was made of wood and too far north up there on the shore that ships couldn’t see it. This one is sandstone and built in 1847.” He told her.

“I never took you for a history buff.” She commented as they continued walking towards the park.

“I’m not, I just love beauty.” He shrugged.

“Is there such a thing as a beauty buff?” She laughed.

“I hope not, otherwise they would be trying to steal you from me.” He grinned, winking at her.

“Wow, that was awful. For someone who knows how to write beautifully romantic lyrics, that was just pathetic.” She teased him, poking him playfully in the ribs.

“How about this one, did you sit on a pile of sugar?” Logan smiled down at her.

“What?” Her face twisted in confusion.

“Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.” He reached down and squeezed her butt, causing her to jump and let out a high pitched squeal.       

Caroline ran forward, putting a little distance between the two of them as the entered the grassy park. She glanced back, giggling as he chased her and caught her quickly, lifting her off the ground as his arms encircled her waist. He kissed her cheek as he put her back on her feet, prompting her to immediately turn around and face him.

Her hands on his chest, she leaned up on the tip of her toes to reach his lips. Their kiss was soft and inviting, passionate, but gentle. There was no urgency or intensity, just tranquility. She felt her entire body relax into his as their lips moved together. Smiling into their kiss, she remembered what he had said earlier and she couldn’t agree more at this moment.

The things that bring you peace are the ones that will last forever. 




      “I fucking love s’mores.” Rock stated emphatically as he helped arrange graham crackers onto a tray in the Clay’s kitchen where everyone was gathered around the island counter.

“Language, son.” Mickey walked behind him and smacked him playfully on the back of his head.

“Sorry, Pops!” Rock grinned, winking at Laura who was seated in her wheelchair with a quilt over her lap, placing chocolates on a different tray.

“Leave the boys alone, Mickey. You cuss all the time.” She came to his defense, smiling at the line of men across the island countertop from her, all helping prepare the Christmas Eve Clay tradition.

“These marshmallows look deformed,” Logan chuckled, holding up an oddly shaped example.

Charlie barked out a laugh from where he was stirring hot chocolate mix into a ceramic pitcher of hot milk. Aralia looked up from where she was counting out roasting sticks that she had retrieved from one of the cabinets. Caroline walked up behind Logan and placed her cheek against his muscular back, wrapping her arms around him.

“For you, baby,” Logan turned around and presented Caroline with the deformed marshmallow.

“Gee, you shouldn’t have.” She responded sarcastically, but then allowed him to place it on her tongue. It might have been oddly shaped, but it was still delicious.

“To distract me from this nauseating display of public affection, anyone want to clue me in on why s’mores are a Christmas Eve tradition? I’ve never heard of the two being paired before on purpose.” Aralia piped up, looking over at Mickey and Laura.

“I don’t think it was on purpose, at least not at first,” Mickey scratched his chin and turned to look at Laura, “Honey, do you remember when we first started it?”

“Of course I do, it was the Christmas after my car accident and Logan had just turned six. We had spent so much money over the past six months or so since my accident, medical bills are crazy expensive.” She told them, nibbling a corner off a piece of chocolate that she was holding.

“Anyway, it was Christmas Eve and absolutely freezing outside. Started snowing and everything. Wouldn’t you know that the power company decided that was the right time to turn off our electricity? Yeah we were behind on our payments, but you would think that they would have the decency to wait until after the holidays.” Laura continued and Mickey placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing affectionately.

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