Sand & Snow (Sand & Clay #1.5) (9 page)

BOOK: Sand & Snow (Sand & Clay #1.5)
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“I don’t know if I want to tell you now. You should have been there this morning to find out with me.” She giggled, climbing the stairs.

“Oh come on, don’t torture me.” He sped up on the stairs behind her, grabbing her waist and nuzzling his face into her neck just as they reached the top step.

“If you think that is torture, then you have a lot to learn about women.” She pushed him away, laughing as she headed to the deck stairs to take her up to her floor.

“Fine, let’s make it interesting then. Last one back to the bedroom has to spill the beans.” He dared her.

“Really?” Her eyebrows shot up, she was still dying to know where he had been this morning.

“Yep, you in?” He asked as they stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Taking off in a flash, she took the steps two at a time until she reached the first level. Circling around quickly, she made it to the second set of stairs just as she saw Logan reach the first level.

“No fair! I didn’t say go yet!” Logan shouted after her, laughing.

“Life isn’t fair,” she tossed back.

She made it about half the way up the last staircase before Logan caught up with her. Wrapping his arms around her waist as she squealed in protest. He lifted her right off the ground and tossed her over his shoulder so that her legs were dangling in front of him as he reached the final level. He slowed his run to a walk as he headed toward the sliding glass door that led into their bedroom.

“This doesn’t count, Logan. You can’t pick me up, that’s not in the rules!” Caroline whined as he opened the door and walked inside, giving her a gentle smack on her bum as he did so.

“Life isn’t fair, didn’t you teach me that?” He grinned, sliding her down his front until she was on her feet again.

“Using my own words against me? That’s cold.”

“You would know, ice queen.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” She slid his jacket off her shoulders and handed it back to him, but he just took it and tossed it toward an empty chair in the corner.

“I think,” he started as he grabbed the bottom hem of her sweater and pulled it up over her head. She wiggled out of it, helping him as she saw his eyes darken. Her breathing started to become shallow and her voice disappeared somewhere as his hooded eyes seemed to overtake her.

“that you like it.” He finished, pulling his own sweater off to join hers on the floor as she watched him, transfixed. She quickly pulled her shirt up over her head as she stood before him, leaving herself in only a bra and pants as she stepped out of her boots, kicking them aside. He followed suit, watching her intensely the entire time.

“In fact, I think,” he said again, grabbing the waist of her pants and pulling her to him, then lowering his voice as he spoke directly into her ear.

“that you love me.” He completed his thought as he unbuttoned her pants and her hands flew to his waist to do the same. She was overwhelmed with the need for him as his slow words serenaded her and his perfectly sculpted body came more and more into view.

Shimmying out of her pants, she stood before him in just her undergarments as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. He slid his hands under her bottom and lifted her off the ground so that she wrapped her legs around his waist. Having removed his pants already, he was only in boxers as he walked her to the bed and gently laid her down underneath him.

Starting at her neck, he moved down her soft skin, taking care to kiss every sensitive spot as he went. She arched her back beneath him, pushing herself into him with need. Her eyes closed as her breathing picked up speed. Reaching her hip bone, he slid his tongue down along the line of her pelvis leading to her inner thigh but stopped short before reaching her core.

“Logan,” she groaned as she raised her hips to meet him, wanting to quench the heat coursing through her body.

“Tell me, Caroline.” He groaned, his words vibrating against her skin as he nipped her thigh gently.

“Tell you what?” She moaned, writhing beneath him.

“You know what. Tell me your secret.” He growled this time, biting her thigh with a bit more strength, causing her to yelp with the jolt.

“You’re terrible at timing,” she laughed, her face flushed as she pushed herself up on her elbows as she looked down at him.

“We had a bet.” He grinned at her, kissing her again.

“You’re impossible,” she laughed, “I got a job as a Junior Designer for children’s books at a huge publisher.” She beamed, feeling proud as she told him.

“That’s my girl.” He smiled and then proceeded to reward her as her head fell backwards and a deep moan escaped her throat. If this was how he congratulated her, then she planned on making him proud of her as often as possible.





      “I’m absolutely famished.” Logan said, walking into the kitchen later that evening where Caroline was helping his mother cook dinner for all of them.

“Really? I would have thought you ate plenty earlier.” She grinned at him, giving him a devilish look as she teased him.

“You did? I told you to save room for dinner.” His mother said seriously as she turned and looked at him, frowning.

Bursting out laughing, Logan returned Caroline’s knowing look. Caroline grinned and started laughing with him, her face going red in embarrassment at his mother’s remark.

“I’m just kidding, Laura. I’m sure he has worked up quite the appetite.” She winked at him when his mother wasn’t looking.

“Oh good, we’re going to have all your favorites tonight, Logan.” His mother smiled happily and returned to her preparations.

Logan walked around the counter and came up behind Caroline, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. She continued to work even though she let her head tilt to the side for him. They were quickly interrupted when the doorbell rang, chiming throughout the entire house.

“I’ll get it,” Logan offered as his mother smiled at him gratefully.

Caroline didn’t think anything of it as she continued to help Laura with dinner. She assumed it was one of Logan’s old band members coming to join them for dinner. It was a little unusual that they would ring the bell since all she had witnessed was how casual and familiar all of them were with one another, but she shrugged off the thought after a second.

“Mom, can we set two more places for dinner?” Logan asked, walking back into the kitchen.

“Sure, grab the dishes from the top cabinet up there.” Laura pointed without even giving it a second thought. Caroline looked up, surprised that his mother hadn’t even questioned who was joining them.

“Who is it for, Logan?” She asked, too curious to let it go.

“Caroline, look who is here!” Aralia sang as she waltzed into the room with two people in tow behind her.

“Mom? Dad?” Caroline’s mouth fell open slightly as she paused what she was doing and wiped her hands off on a dish towel.

“ Hi honey,” Her mother, Elizabeth, smiled widely at her as Caroline walked around the counter and up to them.

“It’s good to see you both,” Caroline said as she and her mother embraced in an awkwardly stiff hug.

“What are you doing here?” She finished asking as she turned to look at her father who was still quiet, looking morose.

“We got a visit this morning from your fellow.” He cleared his throat and nodded toward Logan, who was standing off to the side with Aralia watching the interaction, but also trying to stay out of it.

“What?” Caroline was confused as she glanced at Logan.

“He made some good points and invited us up here for dinner to see you, since it’s Christmas and all. We haven’t spent a Christmas away from you since you were born.” Her mother chimed in, squeezing her hand and clearly eager to resolve things between everyone.

“You too, Dad?” Caroline looked up at her father, hopefully.

“I loved Turner, don’t get me wrong.” He started, cautioning her as he brought up her ex-boyfriend.

“But, Logan seems to have quite a good head on his shoulders and he really loves you. So, that’s all a father can hope for, right?” He shrugged, trying his best to apologize without actually saying it.

She saw Logan grinning out of the corner of her eye, but didn’t say anything. She stared at her father, playing a silent game of wills as to who would break first. He shuffled his feet uncomfortably, then sighed.

“I’m sorry for everything that I said, Caroline. I’m happy that you are interested in pursuing a career that you enjoy.” He finally said.

Caroline smiled and closed the space between them, throwing her arms around her father’s neck and hugging him.

“Thank you, Daddy. That means so much to me.” She pulled away and looked seriously at him for a moment.

“I’m really sorry for how I handled, or didn’t handle, quitting my job. I know that left you in the lurch and didn’t reflect well on you, so I really am sorry.” Caroline spoke sincerely and her mother smiled at them both.

“Is everybody ready to eat?” Logan’s mother came back into the kitchen after another trip to the dining room, interrupting them. Her father smiled and clapped her on the back, so she knew she was forgiven.

“It smells absolutely amazing, Mrs. Clay! I’m Elizabeth, Caroline’s mother.” The women shook hands and then hugged, getting to know one another.

Mickey walked in with Rock, Charlie, and Dylan, who were all covered in snow and tracking it in on their feet.

“Gross, take your shoes off in the foyer, you’re getting snow everywhere.” Aralia told them.

“Good call, she’s right, boys!” Mickey ushered them all back toward the front of the house where they had just come in.

“Maybe she should have been outside shoveling with us if she knows so much.” Dylan rolled his eyes at her as he walked out. Aralia just ignored him and followed everyone else to the dining room.

“So my parents were why you were late?” Caroline smiled as she and Logan were left alone in the kitchen for a moment.

“Aren’t you glad I didn’t tell you? You would have been worried all day in anticipation.” He kissed her cheek, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her into a bear hug.

“I would not,” she retorted, scrunching her nose up.

“Liar, liar, pants on fire.” He teased, kissing her lips this time and urging them apart with his tongue as his hand cupped the back of her head.

“You might be right about that last part,” she giggled, feeling her body warm up instantly with Logan’s kiss.

“Thank you, Logan.” She said a few moment later, tears almost beginning to well in her eyes as she thought of all he had done for her not only today, but since she met him.

“Anything for you, love. Always for you.”


ღ ~ ღ ~ ღ ~ ღ


“Aralia, you got a minute?” Dylan walked into the living room where she was reading two days after Christmas.

“Sure,” she sighed, putting down her book and trying not to sound irritated. She wasn’t sure why people always thought she was free when they saw her with her nose in a book. Reading was one of her hobbies, that and wine.

But when it came to the book or the chiseled, tattooed, motorcycle riding man standing in front of her, the choice was obvious.

“Can you help me load the amps and instruments into the old van?” He asked.

“You want me to help you with manual labor? Seriously?” She balked, standing up and putting her hands on her hips.

“It’s not that hard, I just can’t do it alone.” He shrugged.

“What about your band mates? Why can’t they help you?”

“Rock and Charlie won’t be able to meet us before McGinny’s tonight and Logan said he had to go pick something up downtown.” He explained as she frowned.

“Fine, I will help. But I expect to get free drinks all night for this then.” She grumbled, walking past him out of the living room.

“Don’t you think if there was anyone else to ask, I would have?” He shot back, catching up to her.

“You’re a real charmer.” She replied sarcastically.

“I charmed you a few days ago,” he grinned, winking at her, full of arrogance.

“That is something I really won’t miss about East Haven.” She rolled her eyes at him.


“Having to see you.” She shot him a narrowed look.

“Well, sucks for you then, because I’m moving to New York City. Logan didn’t tell you?” He chuckled, picking up an amp from the front room and walking toward the door outside.

“That’s a joke, right?” She called after him, but he didn’t respond. She gritted her teeth as she picked up a microphone stand, wanting to bash in his head with it. She was mentally kicking herself for sleeping with someone so egotistical and rude as she walked out after him.

But look at his ass,
she thought.





      “Ladies and gents, it’s been a few years since they have graced our bar, so I’m really excited for you to meet some of our local talent.” The owner spoke into the microphone, introducing Logan and his friends to the crowd that had gathered.

McGinny’s was packed on the Friday right after Christmas, especially since word had gotten out that Logan Clay would be performing. The men were already set up on stage, looking like they had never been apart. Caroline smiled at Logan and blew him a kiss from the bar stool she was sitting on next to Aralia.

“I’m so excited, I’ve never heard all of them play together before.” Caroline eagerly whispered to her friend.

“Well I’m sure at least Logan will do great,” Aralia shrugged.

“Oh please,” Caroline rolled her eyes and laughed, “stop acting like you don’t like Dylan.”

“I don’t!” She protested a bit louder than she meant to, then quickly sipped on her drink.

“Are you forgetting that I caught you guys in bed together?” Caroline countered.

“Sex is nothing, it’s just physical. Even I can’t deny that the pompous asshole is smoking hot.”

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