Sands of the Soul (24 page)

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Authors: Voronica Whitney-Robinson

BOOK: Sands of the Soul
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“I am sorry,” she explained at his shocked question, “but this is a place only for women. You can not enter.”


She crossed her arms firmly. It was the first time Tazi had ever seen Fannah take a stand on an issue. She could see that her friend was resolute in her statement.

“Steorf,” Tazi said as she pulled him aside slightly, “I will be safe here with Fannah. If you’re not allowed, then you can not break their customs.”

Steorf shifted his weight from one foot to the other but was as steadfast as Fannah. Tazi tried something else.

She pulled out of her satchel the scrolls she had stolen from Ciredor all those many months before—what felt to Tazi like a lifetime ago—and with a certain amount of gravity, placed the scrolls in Steorf’s hands.

‘ “I’m not exactly sure what Fannah has in mind for us two,” she explained, “but we can’t afford to waste any time. While I am involved in this”— and she motioned to the closed door— “I need you to decipher Ciredor’s writings. I’m certain that what we need to stop him is in those scrolls and that false book of his.”

Steorf tucked the scrolls into a fold of his cloak and stared at Tazi. She could see that he reluctantly agreed with her logic. She took a step closer and leaned up to whisper in his ear.

“There is absolutely no one else I would trust more with this task than you.”

She stepped back to look him firmly in the eye.

“I won’t disappoint you,” he replied.

With a quick look at Fannah and the forbidden chamber, he turned back to their rooms.

“I’m ready,” Tazi told Fannah after Steorf was gone from sight.

“No, you aren’t,” Fannah informed her gently, “but you will be.”

With that enigmatic statement, Fannah opened the door to the chamber and stepped inside. Tazi followed suit.

The chamber was spacious and steamy. The entire floor and walls were covered with tiny tiles that formed incredible


mosaics. Tazi had heard that parts of Calimport were decorated with this form of art, and she had caught glimpses of some of the famed Calishite talent during their first, rapid pass through the city, but nothing compared to this.

The tiles were fine, and Tazi marveled at their number. It must have taken years, a lifetime for this room to be so adorned, she thought.

Almost reverently, she traced her hand along the surprisingly cool tiles and admired the exquisite designs. There were writings—Tazi could only guess at the language—and fantastical creatures done in incredible detail. No windows broke the patterns along the walls, but Tazi did notice several discreet vents placed strategically in the room. Running alongside the walls were benches tiled in the same style and gleaming brass fixtures next to them. The majority of the room was taken up by a large pool of steaming water.

“Please,” Fannah said, motioning to one of the benches.

Fannah sat down herself, and Tazi took her cue from the blind Calishite. When Fannah began to disrobe, carefully folding her clothes in a neat pile beside the decorated bench, Tazi did the same with her leathers. She noticed that beside every bench was a small pail filled with soapy water. She saw Fannah reach for a similar bucket and a piece of cloth. Using the rag, Fannah started to scrub the filth of the past few daysť from her body.

Tazi did the same and noticed that the water had a tangy smell of spice and the ocean. She inhaled deeply of the aroma. Everywhere she scrubbed, Tazi felt her skin tingle, and she was glad to be free of the dust and blood of the Muzad.

After a suitable period of cleansing, Tazi watched as Fannah took a second pail of water and poured the contents over her head, rinsing away the last vestiges of dirt.

While Tazi sluiced off the grime, Fannah moved to stand near a special niche in the wall. She removed a small basket filled with dried herbs and walked deftly over to the edge of the pool.


“Tazi,” she said softly, “it is time for you to enter the sacred waters of Sharess.”

Tazi padded slowly over to the pool and saw that there was a series of steps into the water. She slowly entered, gasping at the intense heat of the water. She could feel her face flush because of the overwhelming warmth, and it was nearly too much for her, but she realized that this was significant to Fannah and forced herself to stand on the bottom of the pool. The water covered her to her shoulders, and the room was shrouded in the tangy steam.

Tazi wasn’t sure if Fannah was speaking or chanting because her melodic voice was so low. She didn’t recognize the language though she believed it to be Alzhedo.

Tazi watched as Fannah started to throw handfuls of the herbs into the water between breaks in her chant. Tazi merely stood in the water and slowly swirled her arms back and forth, finally starting to relax her limbs in the intense heat, waiting for whatever came next. When her basket was empty, Fannah set it back in the niche and entered the water as well.

When she was only a few feet from Tazi, Fannah stared hard at her with her ice-white eyes.

Finally, she said, “You are about to face your greatest evil. If you are to succeed, you must be purified for the coming battle. You must come to understand the various faces you have worn in your life. You must unite all of your selves and become whole if you are to defeat him and emerge triumphant.”

With that, Fannah fell silent.

Tazi wasn’t quiet sure what Fannah expected her to do. She noticed that the steam was growing and Tazi wasn’t even able to see Fannah anymore through the heavy vapors. Tazi knew her friend was within arm’s reach but the entire chamber was clouded by great billows of steam. Sweat started to pour into her eyes, and she blinked at its salty sting. The more she blinked, however, the more Tazi thought that the warm haze was lifting somewhat. She was even able to make out


Fannah’s outline again in the mist. As Fannah’s shape grew sharper, Tazi jerked back in surprise.

The face in the mist was not that of her friend, but her own staring back at her.

It was not entirely a mirror image, it was the face she had worn at the age of six. There was a glint in her younger self’s eye that the older Tazi recognized. It meant she had just pilfered something and was immensely pleased with herself, with her jet black hair in soft curls, tongue peaking out, and heryoungface screwed up with determination. The older Tazi felt like giggling at the sight before her, but she wasn’t sure if the giggles she felt welling within her were because of the vision her younger self presented, or because that was how she had felt at that precise moment in her young life.

“I’m going to make you pay for that, you little rat,” a voice threatened the girl-child.

The older Tazi suddenly found herself standing in the same hallway as the girl and she turned just like her younger self at the sound of the voice. The older Tazi recognized the owner of that voice. It belonged to her older brother, Tamlin, and she could see him storming down the hallway. Obviously, her younger self had done something to aggravate him.

And he surely deserved it, Tazi thought, but he’ll make me pay for it. He always did. >v

Aloud, she shouted, “Run!” to her six-year-old version.

As though the girl-child could hear her, she tore down the hallway. The older Tazi found her heart pounding and a wicked grin spreading across her face.

“That’s not right, Thazienne,” Cale chided her.

Tazi turned to see herself when she was thirteen or fourteen. Teenage Thazienne was bent over a chest with a finer set of lockpicks in her delicate hand than the set she had first owned. Cale was standing beside her in his pantry, scrutinizing her actions carefully.

The older Tazi watched in fascination as Cale reached over and covered her young hand with his long fingers. Tazi


could feel her heart skip a beat as though he was touching her hand now.

“There is a certain finesse to what you are doing,” he told her in his deep voice. “You must trust your feelings.”

Tazi watched as the teenager gazed up at Cale with admiration and the beginnings of something more. Tazi swallowed hard at the scene that was played out in front of her.

“I’ll show her,” Tazi heard herself say.

She turned and found herself in her bedroom in Stormweather Towers. The version in front of her now was from only a few years back. She watched as the young woman stomped around before sitting in front of her dressing table. Tazi pursed her lips together angrily and knew what her other self was about to do.

“You show her,” she egged the younger Tazi on.

The young woman grabbed a pair of shears from her collection of bottles and sundries on the dressing table and stared at herself in the mirror.

“Try to explain your daughter’s latest shenanigans to that circle of hens you call ‘friends,’ Mother,” she spat.

She gathered up a handful of her waist-length hair in one hand and held the shears in the other. In one snip, the tresses fell to the floor. After only a few moments of hacking, the young Thazienne sported the hairstyle Tazi wore ever since, highly unfashionable in the ever fashion-conscious Selgaunt.

“Good work,” she complimented the young Thazienne, and the two women wore the same expression in the mirror.

When Tazi turned away from herself and the dressing table, she watched as a still older version was by the window, dressed entirely in black leathers. Tazi could see down through the window a younger Steorf anxiously waiting for Tazi to join him. He was also suitably dressed for a late night wilding, and Tazi could feel her heartbeat quicken in anticipation of the night’s events. She could see that her younger self felt the same way.


A scream tore through the room. When Tazi turned again, she found herself in the cellar of Ciredor’s tallhouse. Her blood turned to ice. She saw her other self hammered to her knees by Ciredor’s magic. As she watched herself struggle with Ciredor, Tazi ran her hands through her hair, momentarily surprised that it wasn’t waist-length again. When she fought Ciredor then, he had toyed mercilessly with her. One of the things he had done was to restore her hair to its former length. The process had been excruciatingly painful, as Ciredor had meant it to be, and Tazi rubbed her scalp as she watched those horrible moments from two years in the past once again unfold.

Her past self gazed from the view of the young boy Ciredor had disemboweled to feed his dark magic to Steorf manacled to the cellar wall. Tazi’s heart was pounding, and her mouth was devoid of moisture as her other self whispered the word inscribed on the emerald ring that Durlan had given her.

She gasped as Ciredor’s bolt was deflected by the gray shield that had formed around her other self. Tazi, near to tears observing the old battle, realized that she didn’t feel the resolve that she had felt in that moment. As she watched herself pull a small dagger hidden in her boot and expertly strike Ciredor just below his heart with it, she was not able to remember what her other self so obviously possessed* courage.

“No!” Tazi yelled, absolutely terrified.

She hoisted herself out of the sacred pool and stood shivering at its edge. Someone placed a calming hand on her shoulder, and Tazi wheeled around, breathing hard.

Not knowing what to expect, Tazi had to calm her beating heart. It was only Fannah who stood behind her, holding out a large, white towel. Tazi accepted it and wrapped the towel around herself with shaking fingers. Fannah motioned for her to sit on one of the benches and joined her there.

Tazi blotted at her face and tried to control the wild beating other heart, not saying a word.


Fannah smiled at her and said, “It is always shocking to truly see yourself.” She patted Tazi’s hand.

“As long as you encountered these ghosts of yourself bravely,” she continued, “then you will be ready for what lies ahead. Just as a desert is not comprised of only a single grain of sand, you are not merely one facet, but thousands.”

The steam had almost evaporated, and Tazi thought carefully before she answered, “I believe you’re right, Fannah.”

“Rest for a few minutes,” she told Tazi, “and we will go up to Steorf and see what he has uncovered.”

Tazi leaned her head back against the cool tiles and closed Her eyes.

I didn’t remember what it was like to know I possessed the ability to defeat Ciredor, she thought to herself. If I can’t remember what it was like, how can I possibly beat him now?

She absently rubbed her bare finger. I’m not the woman I was, she thought. There was no one in the room who could argue otherwise.



think I’ve got a little more figured out,” Steorf informed Tazi and Fannah.

Tazi nudged her mount with her knees and moved closer to Steorf’s horse.

“Is that why you’ve been so silent these last few hours?” she asked.

“I’ve been trying to conserve energy,” he told her. “And, yes, I’ve been mulling over those writings. I wish we’d had a little more time to go over them in Calimport. It was more conducive to study, and it was more comfortable there.”

He shifted in his saddle, and Tazi smiled at his last remark. The three of them had been in the desert for two days, and comfort was no longer an option. When they had left Malikhan Gate in the Trade Ward and first glimpsed the massive expanse of the Calim

desert, Tazi had been dumbstruck. Calimport had been fantastical enough for her, but in the end, it was still a city.

In the few days she spent there, Tazi began to catch the rhythm of the wards. Commerce was as much a part of life in Calimport as it was in Selgaunt.

The city was easy enough to understand, but she had no words to describe the barren wasteland that stretched before her eyes as she and her friends left the city behind. The Calim desert extended nearly two hundred miles to the north, east, and west of the city.

“How can this desert even exist?” she asked Fannah. “It’s surrounded by the ocean.”

“Many millennia ago, two powerful djinn, Calim and Memnon, battled for control of this area,” Fannah replied. “They were finally bound by elven spells, and their captors felt the damage they did to their personal battleground was nothing compared to what they could have done if left free.”

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