Sarah's Education (13 page)

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Authors: Madeline Moore

BOOK: Sarah's Education
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Nancy lifted the lid. Sarah climbed in and posed as best she could.

‘How’s this?’ she asked, just before Nancy lowered the lid. That didn’t seem right. How was anyone to see her? How were the photographers to snap her? Sarah rapped up on the underside of the lid before she remembered that the car boasted of being soundproof.

She shivered as the first intimations of claustrophobia crept up on her. Silly! She’d read the brochure. The inside release handle had been pictured just about … She fumbled. There! Sarah tugged the lever. The mechanism gave a comforting click. She pushed up. The lid moved, but just a fraction of an inch. Something was holding it down.

Sarah wriggled and squirmed, certainly not panicking, until she managed to get her knees beneath her and her back pressed up against the padding that lined the hard metal. She took a deep breath, and heaved.

The lid flew up. There was a squeal of fear. Sarah stood up and looked down. Nancy was sprawled on the ground beside the stand and suddenly the girl was the centre of attraction. Photographers were running to her, cameras flashing.

And no wonder. Her precipitous descent had parted the delicate tapes that held her bra in place. She was topless.

Nancy started to scowl but it seemed that her being the cameramen’s focus dissolved her anger. She stood with a flourish and posed for the photographers, not even trying to cover her silly little tits up. Signor Fulvio rushed up with one of their wraps and draped it round her before he led Nancy away through the office and to the storage room, screaming at her in rapid-fire Italian.

Luigi Volpone stepped up onto the platform and gave Sarah a hand climbing out of the trunk. ‘She’s not so nice to you,’ he told Sarah. ‘Perhaps Signor Fulvio will send her away, I think.’

‘I hope not. I’m sure she only meant it as a little joke.’

‘Not so little. Are you all right? You need to take a break?’

‘I’ll be fine. We mustn’t leave the Magenta without its cheesecake.’

‘Cheesecake? Please?’

‘Girl. Pin-up girl,’ Sarah explained.

‘I see.’ He grinned. ‘
Ragazza copertina, si?
And you are the most tasty “cheesecake” in the
, no?’

Sarah didn’t know what a ‘
’ was, but he was obviously paying her a compliment, so she smiled and said, ‘Thank you, Signor Volpone.’

‘Luigi, please.’


‘I must get back to work.’

‘Of course.’

Luigi paused before stepping off the platform. ‘A girl like Nancy, she deserve a – how you say?’ He made a bum-swatting motion.

‘A spanking.’

‘Yes, a good

Why was it always Nancy that men thought about spanking? Sarah had a rounder bum, which ought to have been more tempting, right? She returned to her poses feeling flushed. It had to be because she’d been trapped in the trunk for a while.

Although there was no one to relieve her, after half an hour, Sarah felt the need for a trip to the ladies’ room. She asked Luigi’s permission, promised to hurry, and went to fetch her wrap from the storage room. When she tried the door, it was locked.

Signor Fulvio’s voice, kind of strangled, called out, ‘
Tra un minuto!
’ A few seconds later, he sighed and grunted. There were fumbling sounds and the door opened. Signor Fulvio emerged, more florid than before. He pushed past Sarah, avoiding her eyes.

Sarah went in and found Nancy repairing her lipstick. The scent of sex was in the air.

‘I take it that you aren’t being fired,’ Sarah said.

‘Me and Aldo – we have an understanding.’ Nancy grinned. ‘We’ve come to an

Sarah took her robe without commenting but she couldn’t help thinking about the incredible power that the promise, or better, the delivery, of a blow job had over men.

The next day of the exhibition was quieter. There were fewer photographers but more serious business people, keeping Aldo and Luigi busy at their desks. Nancy shirked her duties, leaving the bulk of the work to Sarah. When Aldo took his lunch break in the storage room, Nancy accompanied him.

Luigi looked at Sarah and shrugged. He seemed so nice but it was his boss who was getting all the action. That didn’t seem fair. She went out of her way to flirt with the handsome Italian, who, whenever he wasn’t with a client, went out of his way to help her on and off the revolving stand.

It didn’t hurt to blow him a kiss from time to time, did it?

Sunday, the third day, was disastrous for Sarah. She’d been sure that no one she knew was going to pay $150 to get in but she’d underestimated the power of infatuation. She was demonstrating her ‘dangling backwards over the grille’ pose when a familiar but upside-down face swung into view.

David said, ‘Sarah!’

Shocked, she lost her grip and slithered down onto her back on the platform.

‘How could you!’ he demanded.

Sarah scrambled to her feet. ‘How could I? I’m just modelling.’

‘In that?’

‘There are girls here wearing less.’ She motioned to the Brazilian stand.

‘They aren’t my girl.’

‘You can’t –’ she began, but he grabbed her wrist and tugged.

Luigi appeared at David’s side. ‘Young man, I think you should go away and leave the young lady very much all alone.’

David pulled a fist back but dropped it to his side as the Magenta Security behemoth materialised behind Luigi. Scowling, David backed away.

Sarah felt sick.

Luigi asked her, ‘Your boyfriend?’

‘He thinks he is.’

‘You don’t?’


‘Take a break. I’ll get Nancy to take over for you.’

‘I think she’s busy.’

‘She and Aldo have been in the back room for half of an hour now. They’ll be finished. Aldo, he doesn’t last so long.’

Sarah and Luigi exchanged knowing looks. Angry at David’s presumption of ownership, Sarah said, ‘When do you get your next break, Luigi?’

He smiled. ‘For me, for a lady like you, Sarah, the half-hour in a storage room does not seem enough time or the right place for
un appuntamento tra amanti

‘That’s a shame.’

Luigi’s brow wrinkled in thought. ‘You like our Magenta?’

‘It’s magnificent.’

‘Sexy, no?’


‘We have two here, did you know?’

‘No, I didn’t.’

‘One to show, another in case of accidents.’

‘I see.’

‘The other one is in the storage, here at the exhibition. Would you like to see it?’

‘Very much. When?’

‘After we close, eleven tonight? Not too late for you?’

‘I’ll look forward to it.’

At her next chance, Sarah used her Classique cellphone and told Craig that she wouldn’t be outside to be picked up at ten-thirty, as usual. ‘It’s a matter of client relations,’ she explained.

Craig laughed. ‘Any idea when you’ll be done taking care of “client relations”?’

‘About one in the morning?’

‘I’ll be waiting outside. That’s too late for a girl to be out alone without a car. Don’t worry if you’re a little tardy. I’ll bring a book.’


at ten but there were always lingerers. Nancy and Aldo disappeared into the storage room so Sarah stayed on duty for the benefit of the last few stragglers, even though she wasn’t on the clock. Her clothes were in that back room so she didn’t have much choice. As Luigi had said, Aldo couldn’t last long. He and Nancy were on their way out by ten-thirty. Sarah collected her things and headed for the ladies’ room to freshen up and change into a short jean skirt and a cropped top. She didn’t bother with underwear. What’d be the point?

It was kind of eerie, heading back to the Magenta stand with no one around but cleaners. It occurred to her that she was about to go all the way just for the fun of it, no cash involved, for the very first time. She’d be under no obligation to make it good for the man while ignoring her own needs. And this was a man who’d be flying far away in a matter of days. She’d likely never see him again. That was liberating. She could be completely selfish, make demands even.

She could try her techniques out and it wouldn’t matter a damn if she screwed up.

It also occurred to her that no one had seen her newly bald little pussy, not yet. Luigi would be the first. How would he react?

Luigi had changed as well, into tight blue jeans and a tighter magenta T-shirt. Both suited him. He had the body to carry them off; a body that she was eager to get to know.

They strolled across the vast echoing open space, not touching, just casually chatting, for the benefit of the cleaners. Luigi led her to enormous lift-up doors with a normal door
them. Inside, it was very utilitarian and only lit by exit signs. The spare Magenta was at the far end of a row of shiny new cars.

Sarah said, ‘I’d like its headlights on, please.’

He shrugged, opened the driver’s door and reached in. Covers lifted off the headlights like slowly opening eyes. They glowed into life, on dim. Sarah dropped her skirt to the floor. She took a wide-legged stance in front of the car’s grinning grille, between the headlights, and lay back across the sloping hood.

‘What do you think?’ She pointed down at her hairless mound.

Luigi knelt in front of her as if in awe. ‘
Che bella fighetta! Bellisimo!

Sarah didn’t need to know Italian to understand that he approved. There was a word in Italian that she’d picked up from movies. She told him, ‘

Si, si!
’ His hands spread on the hood to each side of her hips. Luigi leant forwards, tongue extended and flat, to lap Sarah’s smooth skin from halfway up the inside of her left thigh to the crease of her groin – and back halfway down her right thigh.

So, he was going to make her wait for it, was he? That suited Sarah just fine. She stretched her arms up above her head. The movement raised the hem of her abbreviated top up to her nipples. Luigi’s eyes followed and widened. His head lifted and moved from side to side, dragging the point of his tongue along the creases at the tops of Sarah’s thighs.

She lay back and closed her eyes, surrendering to the tantalising sensations. How would it be if, instead of being free to move at will, she were chained – no, not chained, that’d be uncomfortable – maybe secured by soft leather straps, spreadeagled on the hood of this gorgeous car? She’d have to endure his tongue torture for as long as he cared to inflict it. Perhaps, when his tongue tired, one of Luigi’s friends would take over, maybe a dark-haired Sicilian boy or a big red-faced farmer with large horny hands and a thick tongue?

Luigi’s tongue was teasing the lips of her sex apart now. Sarah groaned softly to encourage him.

Perhaps there’d be more than two of them? She visualised a long line of exotic men, each eager to take his turn to taste her. And when they all had, they’d all want to fuck her, wouldn’t they? One after another after another and she’d climax and climax, writhing but helpless to resist until every last one of them was sated and she was limp and numb.

Luigi’s tongue had almost reached her clit and was spiralling in on it. His fingers were working up inside her, hooking up to that lovely spot behind her pubic bone. Hmm! The last time a man had done that, she’d made a lot of wet. Maybe she should warn the darling man? She should, but it seemed that her voice had become disconnected, somehow. Anyway, he was a sophisticated European, so he’d know all about ‘female ejaculation’.

His tongue reached her clit. From the way it felt, his lips were pursed around her clit and he was sucking in and out, fucking his own mouth with it.

The tongue started. The tongue and those probing fingers. Sarah arched. Her thighs strained further apart. Her feet lifted until only her toes touched the floor. Half her weight pressed down on Luigi’s fingers and tongue. The pressure on her clit and pubic bone became almost painful.

‘Yip!’ That was her, wasn’t it? ‘Yip, yip!’ It was a silly little noise, but it was hers, and no man had objected to her making it, yet. ‘Yip!’ Oh yes!

Her climax flowed.

Luigi spluttered, laughed, and covered Sarah’s sex with his mouth. When he was done sucking and Sarah’s flesh was aching, he murmured, ‘
Delizioso! Squisito!

That was a relief!

He stood up. His zipper hissed. Sarah sat up to see what he had for her. The man was magnificent! She was tempted to simply lie back and enjoy but her plan had been to take this chance to experiment. What’s the point of making plans if you don’t carry them out? Before he could continue, she slithered off the hood and told him, ‘Inside the car, please? You take the driver’s side?’

He raised an eyebrow and slowly grinned, saying, without
I don’t understand what you’re up to but I’ll play along with you, with pleasure.

Sarah had never been inside the display car, except its trunk, but she’d read the brochure several times. The ‘new car’ scent was intoxicating. Apart from the dash and the floor, everything seemed to be covered in buttery pale-yellow leather. She flipped on both the map lights, illuminating their laps. The Magenta was a two-seater but with ample room behind the seats. The criss-cross racing-style seat belts were anchored to the floor there. Luigi didn’t resist as she buckled him in with his arms tucked inside the straps. She leant over him to get to his seat’s controls and lowered him backwards until he was horizontal. The belts retracted automatically, so the illusion that he was strapped down and at her mercy was maintained. Sarah lowered her own seat to meet her ‘prisoner of love’ on his level.

His staff, still proudly projecting from his fly, directly in the spotlight, was very tempting but she’d get to it soon enough.

‘You are now my love captive,’ she told him.

Si, si!

Her left hand cradled the back of his neck. Her right tugged his T-shirt up as high as the straps allowed. Sarah lowered her lips to his. Luigi’s mouth surrendered, which said a lot for him. She’d always thought of Italian men as very macho but this one was playing along with her game. Sarah nibbled on his lower lip with teasing little sucks. Her hand slid up under his shirt, across the smoothness of his torso, up to the curly pelt on his chest. As her tongue sampled his mouth, she tweaked one of his nipples. His sighs hinted that he liked that. David had never let her toy with his nipples. The other men she’d had sex with had paid well to be in charge, so somehow she’d never tested their reactions to that particular caress.

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