Sarah's Education (17 page)

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Authors: Madeline Moore

BOOK: Sarah's Education
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What was she supposed to do with her hands? Veronica should have given her lessons.

Sarah felt her skirt being lifted. Christ, here it comes. Any moment now … A hand smoothed over her bum, which might as well have been bare for all the protection her thong gave her. Maybe the thong had been a mistake. If there’d been some sort of fabric covering her cheeks, it might have helped.

‘Very nice,’ he said.

That was her bottom he was talking about. One cheek was compressed gently. Perhaps he wasn’t actually going to spank her. Perhaps it would be pretend, not for real. He was stroking her skin now, as if he was admiring it, not at all as if he …

Ouch! So much for the ‘pretend’. That really hurt. His palm came down again, on the other cheek, then on the first one again. Now he was caressing her once more. Was that it? Had he finished with …

‘Ow!’ No, he hadn’t finished. Sarah took a deep breath. ‘Ow!’

Was that OK, to yelp like that?

‘Uh, uh, uh!’ She had no choice but to make noises. Her entire bottom was stinging. It had to be crimson by now. She could feel it burning. And some women liked this?

Her legs flailed, or tried to. His right leg was clamping her thighs, making her struggles impotent. His blows came fast, staccato, then slow again. It felt as if he was striking obliquely, clipping her rounded bum cheeks rather than slapping straight down on them.

And she was enduring the abuse. That was something to be proud of, wasn’t it? To be able to take it without … Funny, it didn’t hurt so much any more, no, that wasn’t right, it did hurt, but in a different way. Her bum had to be swollen and glowing and the heat was spreading and … She was wet, between her legs. Sarah realised that her clit was tingling and had been for some time. Her face was wet as well, so she’d been crying without realising it. What did she look like? Oh – the mirror.

She turned her head. His face was intent on what he was doing to her. Her bottom was fiery. It was very sexy, watching him spanking her. It occurred to Sarah that a lot of people would be turned on if they could watch her bottom getting slapped.

And it continued. It should have been unbearable by now but somehow it wasn’t. Out of nowhere, Sarah felt a sudden rush of absolute bliss. Her clit, even though he hadn’t touched it, felt incredibly sensitive. Yes, she was getting off on what he was doing to her. Amazing!

The slaps stopped. Sarah pushed her bum up at him.

‘That’s enough,’ he told her. His voice was hoarse with lust.

Sarah slithered off his thigh to kneel on the floor between his feet. Looking up at him, and in her best Oliver Twist imitation, she asked, ‘Please, sir, may I have some more?’

There was admiration in his coal-black eyes. He said, You little hussy! What a pain-slut you are.’

‘Please? I was – I think I could have – you know.’

‘Climaxed? Do you usually climax from a spanking?’

Sarah shook her head. ‘I was telling you the truth when I told
that I’d never been spanked before. This was my very first time, honest. I do think I could have got there, though, if you’d gone on a little longer.’

He pulled her up to sit her tender bottom on his lap and cuddled her close. ‘I believe you. You’re quite incredible, young lady. I’ve never known a girl take her first spanking so well. You are as brave as you are beautiful.’

Sarah whispered, ‘Thank you,’ against his chest. ‘Are you going to spank me again?’

‘Let me see.’ He flipped her over, belly down, across his knees again, and pulled her skirt up. A hand stroked her bum gently. ‘You’re burning hot, young lady. What is your name, by the way?’


‘Well, Sarah, I pride myself on the care with which I spank, but your cute little derrière is showing some blue through the crimson and pink. It’s a pretty effect. Take a look.’

He stood her with her back to the mirror. Sarah peered over her shoulder. Jesus Christ! Her entire bum, from the backs of her upper thighs up, was mottled with livid bruises.

‘If I spanked you any more right now, you’d be very stiff afterwards. I wouldn’t want that. I like my lovers to be flexible. Still, we have the rest of today and all of tomorrow. When and if your bruises have faded, ask me again and we’ll see.’

Sarah said, ‘Thank you,’ but she could feel that her face was pouting.

‘Are you very horny?’

‘Yes, John.’

‘I like that. I like you, Sarah. We’ll have fun, I promise. Meanwhile, take your thong off.’

‘Yes, sir.’ Sarah reached up under her kilt and pulled her thong down. It tugged from between the lips of her pussy as if reluctant to leave it.

‘And lose the kilt.’

‘Yes, sir.’ She unbuttoned its waistband and let it fall.

‘Did you watch yourself in the mirror when I spanked you?’

She nodded, suddenly shy at being stark naked between her flimsy see-through shirt and her hose.

‘You enjoyed watching yourself?’

‘Yes,’ she admitted.

He hitched himself further back on the bed and patted the duvet between his spread thighs. ‘Sit here, Sarah.’

Sarah sat. His chest was a warm padded wall behind her. She leant into its comforting bulk. He reached over to take hold of her thighs, lifted and spread them, so that they overlapped his. His fingers untied the knot that secured her shirt.

‘Isn’t she lovely?’ he whispered into her ear, smiling into their reflections in the mirror. ‘The picture of depraved innocence.’

‘And he’s handsome.’

‘Thanks, but let’s concentrate on her for now. The poor girl is so horny, it hurts, right?’

Sarah nodded.

‘We can see it in the little slut’s lovely eyes. She looks so young and innocent but, deep down inside, she’s depraved. She’s going to play with her pussy now, Sarah. She knows that we’re watching but that just makes it better for her, doesn’t it?’

‘Yes.’ The Sarah in the mirror spread her sex with two fingers.

John’s lips brushed Sarah’s nape. His breath was hot. ‘Today, she had her first ever spanking and she almost came. What a naughty girl she is.’

Sarah’s reflection worked the index finger of her other hand into the glistening pinkness of her sex.

John cupped Sarah’s breasts, her nipples held between his thumbs and index fingers. ‘She’s ashamed to be watched, that little hussy, but that just makes it better for her. Right?’

Sarah nodded. There was something about this man that made it impossible for her to deny her own depravity.

‘There’s so much she wants to try, that bad girl. She loves sex. She loves to be fucked, but there is so much more that she’s curious about. Tell me, Sarah. Tell me what that wicked little girl would like to try.’

‘I …’ Sarah’s voice left her. There were things, things she hadn’t admitted even to herself.

His right hand left her breast to hold her throat, not tightly, but letting her feel his strength. ‘Tell me about Sarah,’ he insisted. ‘Tell me her deepest and darkest fantasies.’

‘She … She enjoyed that movie – the woman tied up while the man tormented her.’

‘And she’d like that, to be bound and helpless with a man teasing her?’

‘Yes.’ It crossed Sarah’s mind that John had hypnotised her, but she knew he hadn’t. It was just that he had somehow given her permission to reveal her wildest self. He was so much in control of her, more so than even Peter the Masseur had been, and feeling totally subjugated somehow freed her.

What Peter had done to her body, making it his toy, John was now doing to her mind. The thought was simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying.

‘What else?’ he continued. ‘Tell me what she hasn’t done yet, the degrading things, the humiliating ones, the things that something dark and secret inside her craves.’ His thumb and finger were teasing her nipple. Sarah could feel a pulse in her throat, beating against his palm. Part of her wanted to flee; another part wanted to grovel at John’s feet.

The mirror Sarah was fingering her clit. The captive Sarah whispered, ‘I’ve never …’

‘Never what?’

‘Um, Greek?’

‘You’ve never been buggered?’

‘No, never.’

‘Would you like to be?’

How could she answer that? It would hurt, for sure. It would be degrading. Somehow, she croaked, ‘I’m not sure, but …’

‘I understand,’ he whispered. ‘She’s thinking about what it’d feel like. Look at her.’

The girl in the mirror had made a fan of her fingers and was frotting it across her clit frantically. And that was her. And the
of being sodomised was exciting the mirror Sarah into a frenzy.

John released Sarah’s nipple. His hand dropped into her lap, where she was masturbating herself shamelessly. Hooked fingers went up into her, sure and strong, taking her sex as if they had every right to use it anyway they wished, and they pumped while she played with her clit until Sarah yipped and …

A deep convulsion ejected a sudden gush of fluids from her sex.

John chuckled. ‘A squirter, eh? Is that the first time you’ve ejaculated?’

‘No. It’s happened a couple of times before.’

‘There’s a good girl. I want you to be honest with me. Honesty frees you.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Sarah, now we’ve taken the edge off your lust, we’ll take a break. I’m going to order supper from room service. For the next little while, I want you to think about what you’ve confessed to me, and to yourself. If you want to take any of it back, tell me. If you don’t, I’m going to make some of your fantasies come true. I’ll enjoy teaching you. Would you like me to be your sexual tutor?’

‘I think so, sir. But what about …?’ She twisted round in his arms and worked a hand down between their bodies, to where his erection strained against his fly.

‘That’ll wait,’ he said. Anticipation is at least half the pleasure, don’t you agree?’

She nodded.

‘And don’t make me tell you again. Lose the “sir”.’


boxes from Sakura, the hotel’s Japanese restaurant, and a bottle of Mumm. Sarah thought that the Dom Perignon Jack had bought her was better, but the Mumm was still delicious.

Wow! Some of her girlfriends liked Coke; some preferred Pepsi. She, however, had champagne preferences, Dom Perignon over Mumm. How sophisticated was that!

She’d eaten a lot of Thai and Indian food over the years but never Japanese. John warned her about wasabi, thank goodness, just before she got the portion she’d scooped up on her chopsticks to her mouth. The tempura was crunchy-yummy but she wasn’t so sure about the sushi. Perhaps it was an acquired taste.

A good escort makes interesting or witty conversation but all Sarah could think to ask was, ‘Have you known a lot of escorts, John?’ As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them, but he didn’t seem offended.

‘I had a friend who was in your business, once, but you’ll be the first girl I’ve made love to who was paid for it.’

‘A friend who was a professional escort?’

‘Why not? In her case, it was her vocation. It’s an ancient and honest trade. My friend loved sex and was very skilled at it. Isn’t that the best sort of career, getting paid for doing what you’d do for nothing but the pleasure of it?’

‘I guess it is.’

‘Don’t you enjoy your work?’

Sarah thought about that for a moment. Every paid date she’d been on, so far, had been fun. She was honestly able to reply, ‘Yes, I do enjoy this work, very much.’

‘That’s good. If you didn’t, it’d be a hard life, I imagine.’ He dipped a tiger shrimp into pineapple sauce and popped it into his mouth. ‘Why did you ask about my experience with escorts, Sarah?’

‘You seem to know so much about women. I guessed you’d had a lot of experience.’

‘Sarah, I’m close to forty. I’ve never married but I’ve lived with several women, not to mention casual encounters or “friends with benefits”. I adore women. It’d be a sad reflection on me if I hadn’t learnt a thing or two about them.’

‘And you don’t mind teaching me?’

‘Teaching an apt pupil is a distinct pleasure for me, I assure you.’

‘Then tell me what men like.’

He almost spluttered. ‘Surely you know.’

‘I want to know more. From you.’

‘That’s a tough one. There are men who don’t like women at all, as you probably know, and there are some who have extreme tastes. I take it that you’re asking me what most men, average men, like?’


‘About the only universal I can think of, not counting those men with extreme tastes, is enthusiasm. We like women to ask for what they want. Men like women to show that they’re horny and to express it openly; also to show that they enjoy whatever activity they’re engaged in, whether it be giving or taking.’

‘What about faking orgasms?’

‘In your business, I image that’s not unusual.’

‘I’ve never had to, not yet.’

‘That’s wonderful! Either you are that paragon among women, not only hot but easily satisfied, or you’ve been very fortunate with your clients.’

‘Talking dirty is good, right?’ Sarah asked.

‘Usually, but not always. There are men who’d find it offensive. With those, non-verbal communication would be better.’

‘Like screaming when I come and such?’


‘But most men like sexy talk?’

‘Yes, the franker the better.’

Sarah grinned. ‘So, if I told you that I’m really looking forward to wrapping my talented lips around your beautiful big cock, you’d like that?’

‘Both the words and the deed.’

‘Well, I am – looking forward to it.’ Sarah stood up, shrugged out of her shirt-blouse, and rounded the table towards John.

A broad grin took ten years off his age. He said, I’m very attracted to you, Sarah, but let’s wait for just a little while. I flew in early this morning and haven’t had time to freshen up properly. Give me half an hour to shower and shave and then my cock will be at your disposal, I promise, and we’ll continue with Sarah’s education.’

‘I’ll try to be a straight A student, John.’

‘And I’ll be a strict tutor.’

Giving him her coyest look, Sarah asked, ‘An oral exam first, please?’

‘Oral first,’ he agreed.

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