Sarah's Education (2 page)

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Authors: Madeline Moore

BOOK: Sarah's Education
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There were only two doors at the top floor of the hotel. Jack slid his key card into one and ushered everyone inside. It was nothing like Sarah had imagined, but then she’d envisioned a room, not a penthouse suite. A row of windows along the far wall allowed sunlight to bathe the huge central room, which was tastefully decorated and accented by vases of fresh-cut flowers and colourful art that had to be just as real as the flowers.


‘What?’ Bill was looking at her. The other women were getting comfortable on the massive cream leather sectional, but Sarah was rooted to the spot.

‘I’m … I’m overwhelmed by the decadence,’ she said.

Jack laughed. ‘You’re perfect. Come, sit.’ He relieved her of her knapsack. ‘What’s in this thing, bricks?’

‘Books,’ she said.

‘You really take what you do very seriously, don’t you?’

‘Of course.’

Bill dived onto the sofa amidst the three women. Andrea and Me-Me fell on him like vandals, one loosening his tie and nibbling his ear while the other expertly slipped his belt free and off.

Silky tilted her head, her lipstick smeared, a cool look of enquiry in her eyes.

‘Is there something you need?’ Jack asked Sarah, his voice kind.

‘Yes. I’d like to – um – take in the view.’ Sarah felt she could trust him, even if the others seemed odd.

He laughed. ‘You’re a funny one,’ he said, tugging one of her pigtails playfully. ‘Go ahead. Join us when you’re ready.’

Sarah practically skipped to the windows. Toledo was laid out before her like a relief map. There was the university, not that far away after all, and there was the airport. A jumbo jet was just taking off. She watched as it rose steeply, defying logic, tucked up its wheels and disappeared into the stratosphere.

‘Fantastic!’ She tore her gaze away from the window. All five of her companions were making out madly on the sectional, obviously not at all interested in the spectacular view. ‘Oh.’ Once again she was overwhelmed with the decadence of the scene.

Bill was now naked except for his open white dress shirt. Andrea was sliding down between his parted legs with feline grace. Me-Me nibbled at his left nipple and caressed his chest. His eyes were closed and his head was thrown back.

Jack, who Sarah had begun to think of as ‘hers’, was proceeding more slowly. Although Silky had kissed Bill fervently in the elevator, now she was kissing Jack. One of his hands was inside the top of her dress. Silky slipped down the spaghetti straps and tugged the blue satin down so that her large breasts were bared. Jack groaned and buried his face in the valley between them, still toying with one, so that while Sarah watched an espresso-dark nipple stiffened at the centre of an areola like a perfectly round puddle of milk chocolate pudding.

It was shocking. It was sexy. She didn’t know what to do. This view in the suite was even more enticing than the one outside the window. She edged closer, quietly, not wanting to interrupt.

Silky’s hand dropped down to Jack’s lap. The outline of his penis, straining against the crotch of his trousers, made it clear he was turned on.

Everyone was writhing, as if a sex switch had been thrown in the few minutes Sarah had spent watching a plane take flight.

She was used to foreplay. Endless foreplay that led nowhere. Control. Abstinence. Sobriety. This was the opposite of everything she knew.

Her cheeks were hot again, not from anger this time, but from – what? Embarrassment? No. Her private parts were tingling, as if she’d taken another sip of champagne and this time it had travelled, not dispersing throughout her body but flowing directly to her clitoris and nipples. Watching the uninhibited, amorous group at play was an incredible turn-on. The word stuck in her brain. Turn-on, like that sex switch she’d imagined, or any machine that hummed to life the moment you pressed the right button. Her clit begged to be that button. Touch me. Turn me. On.

Jack called to her. ‘C’m’ere baby, come play with us.’

‘I want to,’ she said, ‘really I do, but I’m scared.’

Me-Me clucked disapprovingly. Silky and Andrea ignored Sarah. Silky reached down and popped the buttons of Jack’s fly while Andrea grasped Bill’s hard-on by its thick base and started sucking him off, as cool as you please.

‘Don’t be afraid,’ said Jack, his hips twitching against the squirming hand that Silky had slipped into his fly. ‘We’re not going to hurt you.’

‘I’ve never done anything like this before.’ Sarah edged closer to the leather sectional, closer to him, closer to the door.

Jack laughed. ‘Right! Of course you haven’t.’ He rose, which sent Silky sprawling sideways on the couch. Jack tucked himself in as he came to where Sarah stood. ‘Come with me,’ he said, and took her hand.

The last thing Sarah saw before Jack closed the bedroom door was Silky, scrambling to join Andrea at Bill’s feet.

‘I’m sorry,’ she mumbled. ‘I didn’t mean to break up the party.’

‘No problem. Those girls are a dime a dozen. You’re something special. This is your first time, right?’


‘A sweet virgin who’s never had a drink before, never been fucked. A schoolgirl who needs a man to teach her the joys of sex.’

Sarah nodded.

Jack picked her up and sat her on the bed. He knelt between her legs, so that she was higher than him, and kissed her.

It was nothing like David’s kisses, which were always either tentative or sloppy. This kiss was commanding, its intention clear. She was being taken. She kissed him back, mouth open, tongue flitting, and it went on for some time. When it stopped, they stared at each other with mutually misty eyes.

‘Take off your shirt,’ he said. She did. ‘Your bra, too.’ She did.

‘They’re not as big as Silky’s,’ she apologised.

‘They’re perfect.’ He covered each of her breasts with one of his hands. His fingers widened so that her pale-pink nipples poked between his knuckles. He nibbled one, then the other. A delicious thrill raced through Sarah. Obviously, she was in the hands of a consummate lover. Her nipples stiffened and darkened, so that when he raised his mouth from them it was as if he might’ve been wearing lipstick and had transferred the colour with his kisses.

He stood and stripped off. His penis was erect. It seemed huge.

Sarah’s finger touched the tip, tentatively. He shuddered. She’d done that.

He reached under her kilt and stripped her of her white cotton panties. ‘I should probably eat you,’ he said, ‘to make you good and wet. This being your first time and all.’

‘I’d like that,’ she replied, ‘but I think I’m plenty wet already.’ She touched herself and nodded. ‘Yup,’ she said.

Jack laughed. ‘You kill me, kiddo,’ he said. He stood between her legs so that his cock was wagging right under her nose. ‘Make my cock wet, then,’ he said.

Sarah circled it with her lips. It wasn’t the first time she’d
a penis in her mouth. On a few occasions David had whined so piteously she’d topped off a handjob by sucking him for a few minutes until he spurted in her mouth. This was different, though. For one thing, Jack was in complete control of himself, and the situation. She felt sure he wouldn’t come from a few flicks and twirls of her tongue.

And his cock, which was the right word for it, this thick warm thing that grew even bigger inside her mouth, his cock was much bigger than David’s, and circumcised, so that the head was prominent, making it seem more naked, and so braver, somehow, than David’s.

‘So you’ve given head before?’

She nodded, his cock still in her mouth.

‘That’s nice,’ he said. ‘Do it again.’

She nodded again, kept her tongue moving, her lips soft but tight around him.

He didn’t shove it down her throat as she feared he might. He just stood, making little approving noises, while she tickled and teased him to the very best of her ability.

‘Lie down.’ He withdrew. Pushed her back onto the bed. Slid a condom on. Bent over her. Raised her skirt up to her tummy. Put his cock to her pussy’s tender lips. Plunged.

‘Christ, you’re tight,’ he muttered. He pushed harder and gained another few inches.

Sarah didn’t make a sound. It hurt, more than she’d anticipated. Perhaps there’d be blood after all, even though she’d spent her early summers at a riding camp. She’d hate to make a mess on the fluffy duvet but more than anything she’d hate to interrupt Jack from – ouch.

‘I’m in,’ said Jack. He was bent over her, supporting his weight on his hands. He shook his head, trying to get his floppy dark hair out of his eyes. ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were so tight?’

Sarah brushed his hair back for him. ‘I don’t think it’s so much about me being so tight as you being so big.’

He laughed. ‘You’ve got all the lines, Schoolgirl Sarah.’

Jack pulled back. She’d been so filled by him that she could
his cock tugging at the slick lining of her pussy. He paused at the opening and rocked back and forth, teasing her labia and clit with the head of his cock.

Sarah yipped.

‘What was that?’ Jack grinned at her. He continued the little movements that kept the head just inside her.

‘I don’t know. Please –’ She was mortified by the injured puppy noise she’d made but he was torturing her, admittedly in a most enjoyable way. She just had to get that cock deeper inside. She humped her hips at him, gaining an inch. She yipped again.

‘Baby’s cock-hungry, hmm?’

His words were coarse but she liked it. She nodded, jerked her hips, yipped again. It seemed she might come, given enough time, although she’d never had an orgasm without direct clitoral stimulation before. Sarah didn’t want to wait to find out.

‘May I?’ She wiggled her fingers.

‘Allow me,’ he said. He pressed his thumb to her clit and rotated it in slow circles. At the same time he let her have another few inches, so that he was properly pumping into her once more.

‘Oh my God, that’s so good!’ Sarah’s blue eyes were wide with astonishment. ‘I mean really, really good. Fantastic!’

‘You like?’ He seemed highly amused by her, but in a benevolent way. He’d be laughing with her, not at her, if she were laughing.

But she wasn’t laughing, she was making that strange yipping noise. It embarrassed her half to death but she couldn’t stop, especially not when he was fucking her long and slow, filling a part of her that had never seemed empty before, but clearly had been.

‘You like to fuck?’

She nodded. Her eyes were locked on to his. She wanted to do something, to stroke his back or his balls or something to show she could give as well as take. But he was in charge and he seemed pleased to fuck her like this. To make that odd little
escape her lips again, and again, until she truly was yipping like a wild thing, a horny wild she-beast that needed just a little more … a little more …

On impulse she squeezed her breasts together and up, using her hands as a push-up bra. ‘Fuck me hard, please. I have to come now or I’ll die!’

She saw the surprise in his eyes, the pleasure in his smile, and then he was thrusting, withdrawing, thrusting again, his thumb still steady, moving in tiny circles, and now it was as if only his cock inside her and his thumb on her clit anchored her to the bed as the she-beast inside her unfurled its wings and soared.

Someone was making a lot of noise. Oh! It was her. Sarah yipped as each contraction caught and held her suspended for an obliterating moment, then yipped again as she was released to soar some more.

He was yelling now, and fucking her furiously. For a moment she focused on his face above her, dreamy dark eyes and a fabulous smile. Her orgasm was abating; paroxysms of pleasure had become pleasant tremors. Before she could gather her senses another one began, and she was helplessly yipping and soaring even higher.

More noise. Knocking? Cheering? Flashbulbs popping? Impossible.

Jack collapsed on top of her. His weight pinned her in place. On a bed. In a swanky hotel suite. She wrapped her arms around him and held him. They were both trembling.

She opened her eyes.


Bill and Silky and Andrea and Mimi, which was obviously what ‘Me-Me’ meant, she now realised, were standing naked in the doorway to the room.

Jack withdrew. She knew, for the very first time, how it felt to be achingly empty inside.

‘Can we play, too?’ Bill was grinning. The girls were also smiling, though some smiles seemed forced.

‘Beat it,’ said Jack.

‘We thought maybe someone was being murdered,’ said Silky.

‘I said get out.’

They left, closing the door softly behind them.

Jack collapsed on the bed beside Sarah. ‘Fuck, that was fantastic.’

‘I thought flashbulbs were exploding, like those big boxy cameras the paparazzi used in the olden days.’


‘Yes, but true. Just like in the movies. I saw stars!’

‘I saw a train disappearing into a tunnel.’

‘You did not!’ Sarah hadn’t known him long, but she could already tell he was teasing.

‘No. I saw a gorgeous young woman coming like a house on fire and it made me crazy. Made me come.’

Sarah sat up. ‘I’m grateful,’ she said. ‘You made my first time special.’

‘You’re welcome,’ he said, a wry smile on his lips.

‘Now what?’ Sarah grinned at him.

‘Now we do it again,’ he replied.

It was exactly the answer she’d hoped for but a playful impulse prompted her to roll onto her tummy, as if to deny him. To her shocked surprise, she felt the flat of his open palm come down hard across her bottom. It stung. Was he angry with her? But no, he couldn’t be, because his hands gripped her hips and pulled her up on all fours. Sarah wriggled her bum encouragingly. He whacked her again.

She didn’t know how to respond. Should she at least act offended until she decided if she was? She should probably say or do something before – too late. A third deliberate sharp slap landed and the happy moan that escaped her lips made any pretence at being annoyed impossible.

‘What a bad little schoolgirl you are,’ he told her. His voice was warm with admiration.

‘I know,’ she whispered. ‘Please, Jack, make me badder.’

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