Sasha's Lion (15 page)

Read Sasha's Lion Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Sasha's Lion
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Sasha kept looking back and forth between them.
. I think you need to go.” Sasha pulled
her hand from
and took her hand from his and
turned to face him fully. “I’m going to go, too. I’m going to go stay at Mum’s house
tonight.” And with that she left him staring after her as she walked away from

What the hell had just happened?


drove her to her mother’s. Sasha didn’t say anything to him the whole drive
home. She was too busy thinking over everything that was said. As she got out
of the car she thanked him for the lift and told him she’d see him at school.
must have seen she wasn’t in the mood to talk about
anything because all he did was nod before he drove away.

Her mum took one look at her and pulled her into a
big hug. Sasha closed her eyes savoring the unconditional love.

“Do you want to talk about it, honey?”

Sasha shook her head and squeezed her mother
tighter. She didn’t want to talk. All she wanted to do was go to her room and
curl up on her bed.

“Okay. If you need me you know where to find me.”

Sasha let go of her mum. “
Mum. I just want to go to my room. I’m tired.”

She walked to her room and lay on her bed looking at
the familiar yellow walls. “Is
right?” she
muttered to herself.

Savron had said he loved her, that she was his
world. But had he said that because she was his mate and he didn’t have a
choice? Or did he say it because he meant it?

Closing her eyes she thought of what he’d been like
since she met him. Savron was pushy, controlling, and always sure of what he
wanted. He’d made time to spend with her, a lot more since they’d had their
tiff the other week. Sasha had known when she moved in that Savron worked
nights and that his work with the creatures helped keep the world safe. His
night club work was what paid the bills, though.

Sasha sighed. She couldn’t be angry with Savron over
not spending time with her, because she had known from the start that he worked
nights. She had school and dancing, and not once had Savron asked her to stop
or miss a dance class so she could spend the night with him. He even got up
every morning and drove her to school even though Mac had offered to pick her
up. Sasha knew most nights he didn’t get home until two or three, and then he
would get up without complaint just so he could spend the drive with her.

She smiled to herself. There had been mornings that
she could tell he was very reluctant to take her to school, that he’d wanted
her to stay home and satisfy his urges. She closed her eyes and thought of the
morning showers and waking up to kisses. Even when she had her period the other
day, he’d been understanding and hadn’t showered with her or bothered her, but
she still got her morning kisses and hugs.

Savron did love her. She’d been living with him,
sleeping nude most of the time, and not once had he pressured her into having
sex with him or making her feel guilty she hadn’t, even when he’d given her
satisfaction but never having a release of his own. Sasha knew there had been
several times he could have taken her virginity as she was gone awash in the
throes of passion, but he hadn’t. Savron had wanted her to be one hundred
percent sure of what she wanted and not regret what he’d done later. She was
lucky. And as for the photo problem that was easily fixed.

Reaching for her bag at the end of the bed, she
pulled it to her and grabbed her phone out setting her clock for nine, giving her
a sleep-in and plenty of time to get what she needed done.

Getting in the covers she snuggled into bed feeling
a lot better. She would have to go talk to
tomorrow and set him straight on a couple of things. Then she would go see


Britney hugged him one last time before she got in
the car with the guy named Clay and drove off. Brandon had left earlier,
arguing with Jess that he would take her home and not Travis.

So now Savron sat in his lounge room staring at the
chip packets, M&M’s, and soft drink cans, telling himself he should get off
the sofa and clean them up. He couldn’t, though. He didn’t want to do or touch
anything. Everything he touched lately he seemed to stuff up.

Sitting alone in his house was not what he had
planned when he came home. Savron had thought he’d come home to Sasha watching
a movie or doing homework, and when she saw him she would stop and be so happy
he’d come home that she’d … throw herself at him? That she’d be so grateful he
came back she’d finally have sex with him? That she’d fall at his feet grateful
she wasn’t alone? Oh shit, he didn’t know.

He thought about what
said and knew there was a ring of truth to all of it. He could cut back on his
nights and only go out for hunts, and on the weekend when it was the busiest go
to the club. He could do the rest of the stuff like inventory and paying
suppliers during the day while Sasha was at school.

Savron should have stayed and celebrated with her.
He should have sat and watched her have fun with her friends, like Brandon had
done. Tomorrow he would go talk to Sasha’s mother. He needed some photos.

Getting up he went to the bathroom, showered, and
got in bed. It didn’t feel right. His arms didn’t know where to lie as they
usually hugged Sasha tight, and his body felt cold without her warmth. He tossed
and turned until he finally gave up sleeping in his human form and changed to
his lion. His lion whined for a while, missing its mate before it went to
sleep, repeating that it would never sleep without its mate again.



Sasha alarm went off, and instead of groaning and
wanting to stay in bed where it was warm she jumped out and grabbed spare
clothes she’d left behind. Besides the bed wasn’t warm and inviting without
Savron to cuddle and sleep on.

Showering, Sasha quickly got dressed and walked to
kitchen to see her mum sitting with Steve eating breakfast.

“Hi, honey. Do you want me to make you some

“No thanks, Mum. I’m going to grab some while I’m

Her mum nodded.

“Is Melody awake? I want to get a disc with the
photos of yesterday on it.”

“She stayed at a friend’s last night. I have the
camera though.” Her mum got up and walked to the family room, and Sasha
Her mum went to the computer
and pulled out a disc, putting it in a case. “You can have the disc. I got the
photographs last night when we came home.”

Sasha took the disc and hugged her mum. “

“That’s all right.” She stroked her hair. “Are you
coming back here, or are you back with Savron?”

Sasha pulled away from her mother and sighed. “I won’t
be staying here again. Last night was a one-off. I got the shits and left.”

“Honey, to make a relationship work you have to
fight for it. Take the good with the bad. You can’t walk away without talking.
Communication is vital. Nothing worth having is easy.”

“I know, Mum,
or well I do now. It wasn’t very mature of me to just leave, but I needed to
figure some things out. Be sure of what I wanted.”

Her mum took a piece of hair that had fallen out of
her messy bun and placed it behind her ears. “Are you sure of what you

“Yes. I’m one hundred percent sure.”

“Well, okay, go and get it.” Sasha pulled her mother
to her for a big bear hug. “I love you, Sasha.”

“I love you, too, Mum. Thanks for being you.”


Sasha sat out the front of
house dreading what she knew had to be done. Taking a deep breath, she got out
of her car and walked to his front door.
mother answered, and Sasha asked to speak to
She declined coming inside and stood outside waiting.

out to meet her with a huge smile on his face. “Hi, Sasha, I wasn’t expecting

Sasha didn’t want to prolong what she had to do. She
felt bad about her behavior as it was. “I came to have a talk with you.”

moaned and sat on the step up to his front door. Sasha sat next to him.

, I want to apologize
for my behavior. I should never have gotten so drunk that you couldn’t take me
home, or I couldn’t get myself home. I should have made myself clear from the
start that we are just friends, nothing else.” Sasha looked
straight in the eyes because she wanted her message clear.

“But we’re good together. We get on so well, and I—”

“I’m sorry,
, if I’ve
given you the impression you have a chance to be with me as more than a friend.
It was wrong of me. I’m with Savron,
. Savron is
the only one for me, and he always will be. I love him.” Sasha ran her fingers
through her hair. “The way I have been behaving is not fair to
, or you. I needed to come today and set you
straight. I would like to stay friends as long as you know I will never be with
you as your girlfriend. I will understand if you don’t want to be friends
I’m so sorry if I’ve misled you
and hurt you. It wasn’t my intention.”

wasn’t looking at her now, but his back was rigid and his fist clenched.
Thanks for telling me. I’ll see you at school.” He
got up and without looking back walked back inside his house.

Sasha stood and walked back to her car, opened her
door and got in. Slumping back in the seat she shut the door and closed her
eyes, composing herself for a moment. Opening her eyes she let out a deep
breath and started the car, hoping the stuff she had to do now would be a lot

Sasha pulled the car out the front of Savron’s
house. She felt emotionally drained after the conversation she’d had with
. He had seemed to take it hard, and she knew they
wouldn’t be close friends ever again. Sasha was disappointed, but she needed to
look to the future, and that future was with
Still, even the shopping she’d done after hadn’t cheered her up. She had gone to
the mall and gotten the photos and frames she wanted. She had also done a
little lingerie shopping.

Getting out of the car now, she opened the passenger
seat and grabbed as many bags as she could, shutting the door with her hip.
Savron’s car sat in front of hers, so she knew he was home.

Placing the bags by her feet while she fumbled for
the right key to let her in the door opened. Savron stood in loose fitting
jeans and a black, fitted top. His hair looked askew like he’d been running his
fingers through it in frustration.

“You back for good or just a visit?”

Sasha winced at his words. She deserved them, but
they still cut her. “For good, if you still want me.”

“What’s in the bags?”

For a moment she didn’t know what he was talking
about, but then he pointed to her feet. She looked down to see the forgotten
bags. “Oh, can I come in and show you?”

He didn’t say anything but moved to the side so she
could get by with her bags. She walked by the clean lounge room to the kitchen
and family room. She sat on the sofa only to pause at the sight of a picture of
her with her mother and sister on the lamp side table. Sasha looked up to see
that Savron had followed her and sat on the sofa opposite her.

pointed the photo.

“This morning I stopped by your mother’s house. She
gave me that and a couple of others. She also said you should be coming to see
me, so I came home to wait.
I see you
went shopping first.”

Sasha nodded. “Um yeah, I had to get a few things.”
She hated the distance between them. She needed to hug and touch him. It looked
like he was going to be stubborn and sit and wait for her. So she got up,
grabbed the bag, and sat next to him reaching for his closest hand and holding
it in hers.

“I’m sorry. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but
can you forgive me? I’ve learnt from them and know the way I acted was wrong. I
shouldn’t have walked out like that last night. I should have stayed and
talked.” She brought his hand to her mouth and kissed his knuckles. “I missed
you. I got out of bed happily this morning because it didn’t hold its usual

She opened
one of the bags and pulled out the big photo she’d had done. It was her
favorite of the photos taken. It was of them kissing. Love shone clear in both
their eyes. “I was thinking we could put it up on the wall as you come into the
house. It would show whoever comes in how much we lo—”

Sasha didn’t finish. Savron moved the bags to the
floor, and his mouth caught hers. He pulled her body onto him so she straddled
him. His hands slid up her shirt, and he moved from her mouth for a moment.

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