Sasha's Lion

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Sasha's Lion
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Copyright© 2013 Hazel Gower



ISBN: 978-1-77130-544-0


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs









WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of
this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.







To my amazing husband, thanks for putting up with
I love you more each and every day.

huge shout out to my best friend, Jess Buffett, who lets me bounce ideas off
her and always tells it to me straight.

A big thank you to my awesome editor,
I really
appreciate your help and advice.





Sin City
Shifters, 1


Hazel Gower


Copyright © 2013




Chapter One


Sasha was dragged through Britney’s front door.
She’d been friends with Britney since the
first day she’d started school in America, and this was the first time she’d
been to her house. Sasha usually hung out with her drama friends. But Britney
was hard to resist, your typical cheerleader, bubbly and popular.

When Sasha started school in September, she hadn’t
known what to expect. Sure, she’d seen movies and shows, but she didn’t really
trust what she saw. Sasha had seen firsthand that the movies were right. Her
first day had been a shock. Sasha had been worried because it was her last year
of school, and that she wouldn’t fit in as everyone would already have their
own little cliques.

She and her mum had also debated if she should go to
a public or private school. In the end they had chosen private hoping that with
a uniform she might not feel so out of place. Sasha hadn’t expected the
acceptance and popularity she’d gotten. She’d had lots of friends in Australia,
but nothing like the instant popularity she’d received here.

Britney had been one of the first to girls to
, and then the others had followed.
Sasha had never had so many people to talk to or fight to sit with her. She’d
thought it would wear off, but after months passed and she was still center of
attention, she stopped her worrying and just stayed to true to herself.

She had three friends she’d met through drama, whom
she’d almost instantly become best friends with:
Jess, and Travis. But Britney was determined to become a closer friend to her.

This was the first time Sasha had been to Britney’s
Britney had invited her many
times, but Sasha had wanted to settle in and
know everyone, to get a feel for who really liked her and she liked back.

“Don’t worry about the noise. My brothers are home
for the weekend.
Tyler is a senior in
college, and Carl is a freshman. Savron and Brandon work with my Dad managing
the nightclubs. Tyler will be graduating this summer, and he’ll join them.”
Britney pulled Sasha toward the stairs at the end of the hall.

Nodding, unsure of what to say, she followed Britney
up the stairs to her room, passing quickly by a lounge room filled with men
yelling at the TV and wrestling one another. From her quick peek all four of
Britney’s brothers were huge muscular men, with thick mops of blond hair and
cover model looks.

Britney was stunning, but her brothers were drool-worthy.
Maybe moving to America for her last year in school wasn’t so bad.

Sasha followed Britney into her room only to pause
at the threshold. There were bright pink walls, while photos of popular bands,
pompoms, and photos of her friends were scattered around the room. A queen size
four-poster princess bed sat in the middle of the room against the back wall. Sasha
walked in to see a walk-in wardrobe that lead into a white and cream bathroom.

spoiled much?
Sasha thought.

“Do your brothers all live with you?”

“Tyler and Carl do, but Savron and Brandon have
their own place. I don’t know why, when they’re here ninety percent of the
time.” Britney cocked her head to the side.
“Although the
pride does stick together.”

do you mean by pride?”

“Argh … it’s what I call my family. I’m Britney
Pride.” She smiled and walked to her closet taking off her uniform. “I hear in
Australia you wear a uniform to school even if you don’t go to a private

Sasha grinned and looked at the uniform she wore. It
was blue and grey with a white cotton shirt and a jacket that matched the
skirt. Sasha had a shapely body, and no matter what she did it stayed that way.
She’d modified the skirt she’d been given to fit her better, made it a lot
shorter, and once she’d added some black tights, cute Mary Jane shoes, and left
her long black hair out, she was ready for her school. She’d fit right in, and
soon Britney had introduced herself and so had the rest of the school.

“Yes. My uniform at home isn’t much different from
this one. It’s a red and orange pleated skirt with a white top.”

“Cool, so not much of a change. Sit on the bed. Get
comfy.” Britney walked to the bathroom and yelled, “I still can’t get over you
moving in the last year of your schooling.”

Sasha sat on the bed moving the pillows around and
dumped her backpack next to her. “Trust me, I wanted to stay. I was ready to
live with my father. The thing that stopped me, though, was I knew my mother
would never go without me. This is the first real relationship she’s had since
my dad left over ten years ago. I’m also not planning on doing anything huge
when I finish school.
I want to be a
childcare worker, and maybe go for my teaching grades in dancing so I can teach
Latin and ballroom, and those things can be put on hold for a while.
Australia has an awesome TAFE and university
system, for all ages.”

“That’s good that you cared enough for your mother
to come,” Britney said as she came out in blue tracksuit pants and a white

“If I really don’t like it here I turn eighteen in a
week and a half.”

A squeal resonated around the room.
“Oh my God!
P-A-R-T-Y Time.”

As Britney finished squealing, four guys come
barging into the room, only to almost slam into one another as they stopped
when they saw no danger to their sister. Sasha knew she shouldn’t laugh, but
the fierce look on the four brothers as they burst in ready to defend their
sister was classic. She giggled as they turned glares on her, which only made
her laugh harder.

Britney stared at her open-mouthed, then at her
brothers. Sasha studied her brothers and noticed they were a lot bigger than she
remembered seeing downstairs. The one she thought was the oldest studied her,
and his eyes penetrated her to her core. Sasha would swear they flashed bright
yellow. She blinked and stopped laughing, and unease seeped into her.

“Um, I … I think I’ll go. I, ah, have a class to get
ready to go to tonight.” Sasha slowly got of the bed never taking her eyes from
the predator’s gaze in front of her. She grabbed her backpack and carefully
moved around the men and backed out of the room. “Mum will be wondering where I
am anyway. Well, I’ll … see you at school tomorrow.”

Once out of sight from the eerie yellow eyes she ran
down the stairs and straight out the door.


Savron watched the girl scurry away, and his lion
demanded he go after her, take her, and claim her. She was theirs.

He straightened at that notion and glanced at his
brothers to see them watching him and the girl. Savron turned to his sister and
narrowed his eyes. “What the hell did you scream like that for with a human in
the house? We thought she’d done something to you.”

This time it was his sister who giggled. “Seriously,
guys, she’s human. What could she do to me, a lion shifter, who is at least ten
times stronger than she is? You need to stop worrying over me. Mom and Dad both
knew Sasha was coming over here, and they are both cool about it.”
Britney cocked her head to the side. “I have
a couple of human friends, and none of them have made you react like that.”

. His
lion repeated the name over and over. Something was wrong with him. His lion
wanted a human for mate, and not only that, she was still a girl. He groaned. He’d
turned twenty-eight a couple of months ago. He was too old for anyone his
sister’s age. Fuck, he needed to get out. Head to inner Vegas and kill some
vampires and get laid, maybe not even in that order.

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